I-frame And Dynamic Data Via Database

I am having some problems with setting this up. Included in my main index.asp page is an iframe like below:

<iframe src="iframes/iframe.asp" width="425" height="225" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto"></iframe>

Basically I want the text in the iframe to change depending on the pid value. (pageID), I have all this set-up previously in my functions page. Except the only way I can see any action is by running the iframe directly and passing the querystring like iframe/iframe.asp?pid=4 and this works fine, but in my main window index.asp it does not change.

I have an idea that when i type index.asp?pid=3 its trying to get the querystringbased on the index.asp not the iframe.asp, so does anyone know how I connect these two up so that my content will change in the iframe held within the index.asp page.

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Inserting Dynamic Text Box Data Into A Database

Does anyone know how I can insert daynamic text box data into a SQL Server database? I have text boxes that are being generated dynamically and I want each of those values inserted into the database that hold the results. I'm not sure how to write my loop statement.

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How Reload Left Frame When A Form Is Submited On The Righ Frame?

I got a asp page that has right and left site frame. I got a form in the right side frame and i want it reload the left frame when the it got submited .The left side frame displays that content of newly sumitted form.I be happy if some one help reload this left page when a form got submitted in right side frame with out using any auto refresh.

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Update Frame From Another Frame Using ASP?

Is it possible to update one frame from another with ASP code? If so, how do I write the code?

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Dynamic Meta Data?

I have a page where a user can edit the meta tags for the page which are
then written dynamically at the time of the page being redendered.

I was wondering today whether this actually works or not? ie, if a search
engine (google or whatever) is trawling a site, does it only read html
pages? What happens when it encounters an .asp? Surely it wouldn't execute
it and therefore be able to read the meta data correctly?

Any info on this would be appreciated, if my current way of doing it is not
appropriate I will need to invest some time into changing it.

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How To Redirect From 3 Frame Page To Single Page Frame?

I built some Web site that includes 3 frames page. After a user
sign-off I want to redirect him/her to a single frame page. When I use
Response.Redirect command, I am getting the redirected page as a frame
and I still see 2 other frames.

How to get rid of other frames and display only a single frame?

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Passing Dynamic Data From Listbox

I've created a page that has a dropdown listbox with values derived from a recordset. That is working fine. What I want to do is take a value selected from the dropdown listbox and pass it to another page that is pulling a report based on the parameter I'm selecting in the dropdown listbox.

I'm able to do this with a textbox being used to accept the parameter, but I want the client to select from a list of actual values, which will then "filter" their report.

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CDONTS !! Dynamic Data In Email

I am trying to generate an email from the webpage using code below, which
works fine. However I want to be able to include some dyanmic data how do I
go about it ?can anybody point me in the direction of some sample code ?

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">

Dim myMail
Set myMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")

HTML = HTML & "<html>"
HTML = HTML & "<head>"
HTML = HTML & "<meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"""
HTML = HTML & "content=""text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"">"
HTML = HTML & "<meta name=""GENERATOR"""
HTML = HTML & " content=""Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0"">"
HTML = HTML & "<title>HTMLMail</title>"
HTML = HTML & "</head>"
HTML = HTML & "<body bgcolor=""FFFFFF"">"
HTML = HTML & "<IMG SRC=""http://www.microsoft.com/library/"
HTML = HTML & "images/gifs/homepage/microsoft.gif"" BORDER=0 "
HTML = HTML & "WIDTH=167 HEIGHT=36 ALT=""Microsoft Corporation"">"
HTML = HTML & "<p><font size =""3"" face=""Arial""><strong>"
HTML = HTML & "Microsoft Exchange CDONTS Example</strong></p>"
HTML = HTML & "<p><font size =""2"" face=""Tahoma"">"
HTML = HTML & "CDO for NTS allows an easy way to send mail.<br>"
HTML = HTML & "This example shows how the content can be "
HTML = HTML & "an HTML page<br>"
HTML = HTML & "which allows you to send rich text and"
HTML = HTML & "inline graphics.</p>"
HTML = HTML & "</body>"
HTML = HTML & "</html>"

myMail.Subject="Sample CDONTS HTML Message"
set mymail=nothing
Response.Write "Message Sent"

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Data From String To Dynamic Array

Ok, given a string such as this -


Each three digit number in the string represents a unique ID of a file in a database. Following each ID are six digits, all seperated by a "_" . Each file will ALWAYS have six subsequent integers, such as above ID "234" has "_0_8_22_2_0_3_" following it.

What I am trying to figure out is given a string of any length of this specific pattern, how to decarle a multi dimensional array that would hold each ID and its corresponding digits.

To clarify a little further, this is from a shopping cart for a photographer. Each "ID" represents an image, each of the six corresponding numbers for each ID represents a qty for an image print size, ie., 4 4x6's, 5 5x7s, 0 8x10s, 1 16x20, 23 20x30's, 48 wallets. Oh, and the image ID's are not necessarily always going to be 3 digits, they could be of any lenght integer...

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Dynamic Data Insertion For Cart

I have a Dynamic product page that displays the items using "DO UNTIL rs.EOF" and I have assigned form input type to be hidden(for some) for information that I would like to retrieve. On the product page I have a "Add to Cart" button which points to my "addCart.asp".

addCart.asp is where I would insert the items into a Table called "cartItems" in the Database when the user clicks on the "Add to Cart" button.

My "addCart.asp" now generates a "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement." which I think is caused by my inability to filter for the values from the product page and insert it into the "cartItems" table. Code:

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Can You Use Dynamic Data In A Request Form

I am am trying to write some code to perform a INSERT in SQL table using
a loop. What would be great is a way of dynamically entering in data in a
requaest.form ie the final code should look something like:

if Request.Form("type1") = "1" then

where the 1 in "type1" is dynamic so the code would look something like

Request.Form("type" & Rs.("fld_type_id") & ") = "1" then

But not sure how to form this or whether it would work, anyone have any

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Dynamic Data When Hover In Popup

i want to have a bubble pop up on hover but in that bubble have data from a database populate it. has anyone else done this , if so how? Also i would like to try to stick to vb/asp/html if possible.

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Web Dynamic Data Tree Software

I am looking for a software that can generate a tree of data. For example, I am trying to track real estate relationships like a lessor, tenant, general contractor, and subcontractors. I would like a visual representation of this relationship based on the values in my database showing the hierarchy much like a site map or family tree. Can anyone recommend how I could do this or suggest a software?

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Sending Dynamic Input Data Through Email

I have sent form data through email using .asp before but I have never done it when you are using a form that has createelements involved. I have a form w/ 3 inputs, two text inputs and one select combo box. if i click an add user button it will appear with another row of 2 text boxes and a combo box, and you can repeat up to as many as you need. I am trying to figure out how to mail all of those values to someone. Is there an easy way. Below I will attach the code that I use to name the fields when they are generated maybe it will help....

<SCRIPT language="javascript">
counter = 1

function addRow(id){
var tbody = document.getElementById(id).getElementsByTagName("TBODY")[0];
var row = document.createElement("TR");

var td2 = document.createElement("TD");
var input2 = document.createElement("INPUT");

var td3 = document.createElement("TD");
var input3 = document.createElement("INPUT");

var td4 = document.createElement("TD");
var input4 = document.createElement("select");
input4.name = "Role"+counter;
input4.id = "Role"+counter;
option = document.createElement("OPTION");
option.value ="Admin";
option.text = "Admin";
option = document.createElement("OPTION");
option.value ="Read";
option.text = "Read";
option = document.createElement("OPTION");
option.value ="Read/Write";
option.text = "Read/Write";





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Showing Only Part Of Data In Dynamic Field

I have an asp page that shows dynamic data from the db, I only want to show
the first 3 letters / digits from the db on the ASP page.

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Error In Dynamic Sql: Data Type Mismatch In Criteria

I am trying to test a sql statement in Access which gives me
the error as stated in the heading.

The sql statement is built as a part of asp login verification,
where the userid and password are input in login screen.
The password in the database is a number field.

I am writing the dynamic sql statement as follows below. I believe
I am going wrong in the password section of the code:

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Dynamic Checkbox With Database

i have list of items as a list.Now user can select any item in that list. Now what i do is create checkboxes to enable user to check the item which has to be selected.

1. Checkboxes are dynamic.

2. I create checkboxes with one name assign value = Itemcode value so that when form is submitted i can get the itemcode value as a comma seperated list and which would be easy for me to put it in a database query.

3. the part i have problem is i have to display those checkboxes ticked back to user , ie after form submit i have to make the checkbox which are previously checked, to be in checked state.


assume this is an arrray i am getting from form element.what is the easiest and efficient method so that i can make those checkbox checked again.

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Dynamic Drop Down To Database

I have this code which works fine except the information in the second box is not submitted to the database. Code:

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Update Dynamic Asp Forms To Sql Database

I have created a form dynamically which displays questions and a selection of possible answers. These questions can come in many forms ie radio buttons, select box etc this is controlled by the entry in the database. My problem is how to update the database with the results entered. I am confused as they all have the same name for question and selection and there can be up to 10 questions. Code:

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Dynamic Display Of Database Records

I am rewriting from scratch some code done by previous programmer on a glossary for our website. I have a database with three fields, ID, Term, Definition and a table called glossary. I need to be able to display everything to the *same* ASP page.

I have already successfully created the db connection and the records display according to the SQL statement, i.e. where Term like 'a%'.

What I would like to do is to display each letter of the alphabet dynamically from the Term field as a hyperlink that will display the terms beginning with that letter, i.e.

A B C D .... Z

The terms would be displayed as hyperlinks and when clicked will display that term and the definition. If A were clicked: Code:

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How Do I Export Data Fom Local Database To Server Database?

I'm current working on a project which need to upload local data to
live server database.

Meanings that, i'm current having a server in my local mechine. I need
upload data from local database to live database which host at oversea
company. But i really have no idea how to do this in asp.

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Dynamic File Upload W/ Access Database

I have two forms, the first of which has a dropdown with which the user specifes how many banner ads he wishes to upload for a client. So say he enters the client info and wants to upload 5 banners. The form passes to another page which uses a loop to output form fields. Each form field name is something like name="msg<%= count%>" or name="url<%=count%>".

In the 3rd-Party script I am using I then have this script ....

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Dynamic Table Genrated From Satatic Database

I have a dynamic table, with a column named "player" in this column is NBA player names - generated from a statistic database.

I am hoping to be able to create a link on the players name that will direct the webuser to a profile page like the following: Code:

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Building Dynamic Strings From Database Values

We use an ASP application in which we send out emails using cdo for various

At present the email text is hard coded into the code. for example

strMessage = "Dear " & rs("firstname")
strMessage = strMessage & "Your request has been approved with reference id
" & rs("id")

This causes an administration overhead as everytime the text of the message
needs to be changed we need to alter the code to incorporate text or
database values.

What we want is to store the message text into a table so it can be altered
by the application administrators through GUI by adding the text through
freetext entry and field names though a dropdown. Code:

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Dynamic Link Breaks When Database Gets Too Large

I have an asp page that returns a table from my database. Only about 6 columns from the table are shown on this page. I have the ID column set up as a dynamic link to a 'details' page, so a user can view the rest of the record data.

My database has been growing rapidly, and now when the page is run i get the error "page cannot be displayed".

I believe this is due to how large my database table is because if i delete records the page works fine, as it did when the system was first running. Right now there are 4600 rows in the database and will be growing.

How do I fix this problem, I cannot get rid of any records.

Oh yea, and if i delete the line of code that contains the link, the page works fine and shows the entire table.

Here is the code for the link:
<A HREF="details.asp?<%= "JOB_NO=" & rsResults.Fields.Item("JOB_NO").Value %>"><%=(rsResults.Fields.Item("JOB_NO").Value)%></A>

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Create Dynamic Hyperlink From Database Field

I would like to create a page of hyperlinks that are constructed from the contents of a database field. When the user clicks the link they are taken to a page that will display all fields from that particular record.

I already have the page structures in place. There are two pages, one with the links and the other to display the record. Code:

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How To Get Data From 1 Database To Another

I have a master table called ad_dump. ad_dump is an Active Directory dump of 20,000 users across the domain. I capture user's logon to filter ad_dump on department so only user's department personnel show.

This ad_dump will supply data for many databases. Therefore, each application requires a user to "choose" which personnel belongs into a local application(personnel). Personnel choice is the ad_dump of personnel of logged on user's department. The user selects choices by checkbox and submits.

How can I collect the form's hidden values and have them inserted into another database? I assume I can use the form collection object but I cannot seem to figure it out. Code:

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Last Row Of Data From Database

How to get the last row of data from database which is integer value by using ASP?

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Data Updated Into The Database Twice?

I am using a ASP page(User_Account.asp) to create username and password & updating the info into the database through another ASP page(User_Account_Upload.asp).

The problem I am facing is that, at random instances the data gets duplicated. I tried to check if the user Id exixts in the database before updating. After implementing this logic, whenever I create a new user, if the ASP page tries to store the username for the 2nd time, it generates an error message that the user_id exists and doesn't update the database. However, this error message is displayed on the screen even though the user_id was created for the 1st time ....

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Display Data From Database

I want to display a system maintenance notification on my webpage using a splash screen. I got the code for splash screen from Dynamic Drive and added it on my web page. Now here is my problem. I have created a table in my SQL database with these two fields, Flag and Description. I am trying to connect this splash screen to this table.

This is because-if the flag is set to 1 the splash screen will pop up and display the data in the description field on the splash screen and if it is set 0 the screen will not pop-up at all. Two things I am having trouble with-

1. Displaying the data on the splash screen. I made the connection to my db but can't get it to display it on my splash screen.

2. How to make the splash screen pop-up only if the Flag field is set to 1.

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Pulling Data From A Database

Here's my scenario: I send an email to my customers which contains an embedded URL with a recordnumber within it. What I want to do is create a variable for the recordnumber, write a select statement against my database using the variable as the argument for the WHERE clause, and display the results of the SELECT (its always a single value) within an HTML page.

Here are snippets of the code. The recordnumber is represented by strCallID and the resultset that I'm trying to display is strATG (shown near the bottom of the HTML)
All the connection string stuff has already been taken care of, so that's not included in this code:

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Data From ASP Web To Access Database

I'm using Dreamweaver MX with ASP VBScript and using a MS Access Database. For about the longest time now, I've been trying to make a Mailing List form online and when you submit the data, [data] goes into the Access Database.

The Form is obviously working fine, although sometimes I do get errors, I'm mainly trying to get this data skullduggery working. Is that even possible (with ASP even)? I have to use ASP and I can't use SQL (because I would), but I think my n00b self has tried everything I could think of. Code:

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To Put Image Instead Of Data From Database

i wanna check one cell value from database and then if cell value is 0 than put this image in the dynamic table, if it's 1 than put other image to dynamic table, and so on Code:

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