Identity Of Controls

i have a webpage which has 3 forms and each of the form has a about 20 controls. now what i want is to have these controls displayed in a mixed manner on the screen. moreover the ACTION pages of all the three forms are different. so is there anyway in which we can specify that TO WHICH FORM do they belong

my page is something like this

FORM1 starts
FORM2 starts

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I know in SQL Server that you can increment a field by one with Identity, but have read where if 2 or more people submit information at the same time this number may be duplicated. Is there a way to keep from having an incremental number duplicated if 2 or more people submit information at the same time?

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' Insert a new record into the table
lsSQL = "INSERT INTO tMembers (MemberName) VALUES ('Manohar');" &_

I want to collect one more value from the newly created recordset. It's a replication ID field. Can i add one more item to the values being collected or should i just use another recordset and retrieve data i'm after.

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Returning Identity.

I tried the following:

Set RS=CN.Execute("INSERT into tableX yada yadayada ; SELECT

Using Profiler, I see the statement go through.
But ASP gives me an error saying RS is not an object.
"Operation is not allowed when the object is closed."

In these lines
if not RS.EOF then
end if

If I run the same query in QueryAnalyzer, I do get a return value.

Am I missing something?

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ASP+M$SQL: @@identity Problem

I m writing a very typical ASP script which insert a record into one table with an identity column and then get the id generated and insert into another table.

Table_1 columns:

Table_2 columns:

But in with the ASP script below, I can't get the id_1 back. Code:

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Retrieving @@Identity ID In Sql

i'm trying to retrieve the @@Identity ID in sql so i can insert it into my other tables. the following code works in access, but not sure how it would retrieve it in sql. Code:

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Capturing Identity

I have made a asp page that accepts some data from user and stores it in MS Access database. Now I want to identify the user who filled the form and store this information in database. About the enviornment.

the server has Windows 2000 server installed. Clients have Windows XP. Server also has Exchange 2003 installed and every client has Outlook Express installed. Every user has to login to his account inorder to use a machine. A given user can login on any machine.

How can i find the identity of the user who submitted the form? Is it possible to find out the current logged in user given the IP address of the machine? If yes, how and will there be any chances of error due to delay in replication?

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Identity Impersonate

Is it possible to use <identity impersonate> in ASP?(not

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@@Identity Not Returning Data??

I have some asp that should be inserting a shopper into my SQL Server DB. Code:

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Getting New Identity Of A Record Just Added

I have a web page that adds records to multiple tables. I want to be able to get the new identity of a new record that was just added to the table. If for some reason, it didn't add, I want an error message to show up.

Here's the code in stored procedure for getting the new product id after the record was added. Code:

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Old ASP Windows User Identity

Is there a way in ASP (3.0, not .NET) for me to determine who the current windows users is (i.e. the user who was authenticated and who is "running" this IIS session)?

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Retrieve A Record Identity From A Mysql

is there any way I retrieve record identity from data that i just insert in...

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Empty @@identity (sql Server 2000)

Am having a bit of trouble with the @@identity field - I probably just have that friday feeling and am missing off something obvious, but the below code brings back am empty identity value ("sid" appears empty). I've definitely set up an identity field in the tblSurvey:

set rsAdd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") "tblSurvey", conn, 3 , 3
rsAdd("title") = title
rsAdd("intro") = intro
rsAdd("enddate") = enddate

Set rsIdentity = Conn.Execute("SELECT @@IDENTITY AS sid")
sid = rsIdentity("sid")

....any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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Identify Login User Identity

I am doing a webpage which allows different users from various departments to do a search/print information of people within their own department. I have a login page for user to key in the correct password and id before they enter the system. However, in order for the restriction to take place, I will have to ensure that the system recognises the person that is logged into the system.

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Configured Identity Incorrect Error

we have just migrated to a new server both with database and web server-
migrating all web projects and all databases.then we decided to rename the
new server.we tried running all web projects on the new server but it doesnt
work causing error "configured identity incorrect, check username and
password" in a certain line in the code.

i have searched for possile solutions like synchronizing identity account in
the 3 locations where this account is stored but it seems it doesnt work.
Earlier i was able to fix scheduled jobs in the database not working caused
by renaming the new server which is also the name of the database server.But
problems in the web files itself (asp) are giving me headache particularly in
code lines with "createobject."

Whats seems to be the particular problem?Can anyone point me to the right
resources to fix this prob?

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Cannot Insert Explicit Value For Identity Column In Table 'cwm_Report_Request_Form'

I am trying to retrieve a record identity from a SQL Server auto-incremented field on insert statement.

Here is the error I am getting can anyone please help me

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'cwm_Report_Request_Form' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.

/cwm/Admin/reportrequest.asp, line 66

here is my code:

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Controls In ASP

How will create no.of check boxes as per user requirement in ASP. How will we keep the names to the check boxes.

<% for i=1 to n %>
<input type="checkbox" name=? >

How we use the naming convention in the place of? How can we check the condition by using above naming convention

if( checkbox.checked =true) then
<< body of the condition>>
end if

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I have a Base class that is inherited by Form.aspx them Form.aspx loads 2 controls Menu.ascx that never changes and a body control that is selected dynamically at runtime. On each of the body controls I have a Function for validating the page Val() .

What I need to do is when an image button is clicked on the Menu.ascx I need to Fire off Val() in the Body control. Is this possible? I have tried setting a session var. but I have to load menu.ascx after the body control for the page or the body control does not function properly?

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FormView Controls

FormView & DetailsView are great controls in the new version of ASP.Net, but
I am finding it tricky to display more than the record that either control is
bound to at the time. For these controls to be useful in any mode other than
read-only, we need the ability to populate controls like drop downs that hold
associated data, which in the DB represents foreign key related data. In
order to do this, do I create a template field that has a seperate control
that binds to a different data source pulling back the "lookup" data?

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HTML Controls

I have a list of radio buttons that is populated from the database.
The value of this radio button from the DB is SalesRanking
If one selects the radio button (Sales Ranking) then I want to display 2 select boxes.
Is this possible?

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Access Asp Controls

I have the following problem: I have an asp-page which contains a loginview
with two templates (loggedin- and anonymoustemplate). How can I access a
textbox inside the the loggedintemplate from the code behind c# module?

I tried: (TextBox)Page.FindControl("TextBox1") but that will result in a
null pointer.
I also tried:
(TextBox)Page.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder1.LoginView1.TextBox1") with the
same result.

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Registering Controls

I am using the object command in asp page to download and register my controls on the client machine. But when a upload the file and run the page on client machine its shows means the permission to download the controls but it didn't download it on client machine as a result i am not able to use any of the control function from page. what to do.
I am using this object tag to download

height = "10"
width = "20"
border = 2>
Am i missing anything

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Add Controls In Asp Page

How do I add controls in an asp page at runtime ? Does anyone have a sample piece of code? or sample? or link?

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On Focus With Web Controls


<input type="txtLast" name="txtLast" size="20" style="background:#000000; color:#FFFFFF">

I want to change this color when someone selects this control. I know in visual basic the set.focus function works. how do I apply this to this control.

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Disable A Controls

I am just learning asp and I have a question. Is it possible to disable a control that is on one page from another?

For example, I have a control on "Control.asp" and I want to disable it from "Sample.asp"? Is that posible? If it is, how is it done?

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Create New Controls

On my form I have 3 dorp down controls. Two of them have main information on them. Then on the third control I have only 3 values. "<blank>, AND, OR". If the end user selects AND, OR then Create a new line with 3 more drop down controls beneath the other 3. Where can I find out how to do this?

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HtmlEncode For All Controls

If I want to encode all inputs from user, can I apply this encoding for all "Input" fields on my site in a single action. Something like Input.HtmlEncodeAll() or HtmlEncodeAllInputs() etc.

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Custom Controls

I have code for remove button.How to make it a common control so that it will be handy to use.

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Hiding Controls In Asp

I want to hide the form control on clicking the submit button on the same form.Tell me the solution.And also facing the problem while using the date time pickers in frontpage.

Actually by using asp value of date selected is being fethched in variable but on clicking the submit button again the datepicker shows the date before selecting the date.

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Video Controls

We have a need to be able to edit videos uploaded to us. Need to be able to resize them, resample,convert to various formats, etract images, overlay images, etc.

I've seen a few controls that do this, but wanted to know if anyone had any feedback on any of them. If you've used any of the ones on the market, please give your feedback on ease of use and stability.

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Login Controls Help?

I am trying to set up the security for my website... and understand that ASP.NET comes with a Membership Administration tool which is great, does it all for you! however, it stores all the user data (i.e. username password etc) in a default database.

What i would like to do is to GET the user information from this database once a new user is created and store it in my own database - hopefully i will only need the username and password... as then i can link my own user table to my employee table using a user id field? does this make sense???

Basically, i need to know HOW to get this information from the database that ASP.NET automatically creates and add this info into my own User Table.

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Dinamically Creating Controls

I'm creating controls dinamically in ASP.NET using VB. The problem is that i
don't know how to catch the event of each button that i've create (the
buttons are created dinamically).

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Dynamic Allocation Of Web Controls

Suppose I have a form with only a button on it. Each time I click on the
button, I want an other new button control to be added on the form, of
course with some functionalities.

This is a simple example to make my question clear. I need to learn how to
make dynamic changes on my form.

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