If The Client Doesnot Support Cookies

i am using cookies and iam confused what will happen if the client browser disables the cookies....

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Browser Compatibility In ASP Doesnot Support By Netscafe And Mozilla

i want some points, that is browser compatibility in ASP doesnot support by netscafe and mozilla.

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Browser Not Support Cookies?

If application deals with browsers that do not support cookies, then what I will have to use other methods to pass information from one page to another in your application in the ASP.

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How Can We Know Whether Client Supports Cookies Or Not?

how can we know whether client supports cookies or not?

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Writing Client-Side Cookies Is ASP

There are TONS of examples in how to do this. Thats all well and good. That would work for most people and thats great. What I need is the ability to write Client-Side cookies. I have yet to find someone who knows how to do this. Can someone impress me and show me code that writes Client-Side cookies?

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File Doesnot Gets Downloaded

I prompt the user to enter a path where he wants to download a particular file but when the user enters the path on which to download the files, the file gets downloaded on the computer on which asp pages are created not on the users computer. So how to download the file on the machine on which the user runs the site.

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Creating Cookies In Global.asa Session_OnStart But Cannot Read Cookies On Subsequent Pages.

In my Session_OnStart in Global.asa, I am setting some cookies. One
of them, I set as follows:

dim UserID
UserID = Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER")
Response.Cookies("User")("ID") = UCASE(UserID)

When I immediately log the cookie value retrieved from
Request.Cookies("User")("ID") into the Windows Event Log, I get the
correct value. However, when I try to retrieve the cookie on the home
page of my application using the same code,

Request.Cookies("User")("ID"), it either cannot find the cookie or
cannot read the value. I am retrieving the cookie before all HTML
headers are written. It is my first statement on the page after
Option Explicit. I have even compared the session IDs. The SessionID
created in the Session_OnStart is the same value as the SessionID on
the home page.

I have read that the Session_OnStart only has access to the
Application, Session and Request objects. It does not explicitly say
that it does not have access to the Response object. Also, I was even
able to use Response.Write's in Global.asa to print out the values
although it looked like it had also stopped the session after I did
so. Cookies are definitely enabled on my machine. I have even tried
setting the session cookie's expiration to be persistent for a few
days to see if it was perhaps expiring before I was able to read it
but this did not work either.

Is there something preventing cookies to be created in Global.asa in
the Session_OnStart sub? Is the Response object not available???
Please let me know if anyone else has had this problem or solution.

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Enable Permanent Cookies But Disable Session Cookies

Is it possible for a user to enable permanent cookies but disable session cookies.....this seems like a contradition yet this is what I appear to be
reading in online articles?

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Creating Cookies File And Stored In Cookies Folder

I m creating a cookies in my application and it work properly but i can't see the cookies where it will sotred i checked the cookies folder but i didn't find that I want to create a cookies file as the other web site create and store where other cookies will stored in Cookies folder or Temprory Internet files folder eg:1. arvind@google.co[1].txt this stored in cookies folder 2. arvind@msn[2].txt ....

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Asp Support

Does anyone know when MS is going to phase out suppport
for ASP (not asp.NET, but classical ASP) in their
operating systems/web servers? For example, they have
already stopped mainstream support for the main tool used
to build ASP pages (Visual Interdev). It is very much
possible that in the days to come , they come up with a
version of IIS which does not support classical ASP.
Does anyone know when that is supposed to happen?

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ASP Support SSL

Can ASP support SSL ?Any tools is required ?Or any things has to be installed on server side ??

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XML DOM Support

I've been trying to write a an RSS feed program in ASP, but I cant find any decent or much reference to a good asp/dom/xml example. I want to be able to read AND write XML to a file system on a server. Does DOM support exists for ASP. I want to have full control over the XML like you can in PHP for example saying Node node = root.childNodes()

and then saying somthign like "for each node get child nodes" and attributes and what ever else I can get. The things I found so far are very limited. Does anyone know of anything like this. I've spent all yesterday and today looking and I still havent made much progress.

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Support ASP Files

How do I enable my server to support ASP files?Am I even posting in the right thread?
I am running windows server 2003.
Could I enable this server to support ASP files?

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How Do I See If My Server Has ASP Support

Like IIS installed on it. Its not my server, so i dont know all about it or exactly what the company is, but i can upload whatever i want onto it. Im a complete beginner, so can anybody give me some sample code to test if it supports asp?

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Customer Support

I have been using ALS for a while, and I want to be able to create my own version, But the only issue I have is being able to track users realtime, ie get what page they are on, how long they have been online, and being able to contact them by throwing a pop-up.

ALS does it but i've tried scoping the coding, but can't find anything.

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Support Updating

Error Type:
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0CB3)
Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation of the provider, or of the selected locktype.
If checkAttemping = FALSE Then
objRst("Ended")= FALSE 'reset old attempT

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Support For OWA On Exchange 5.5

I would like to start using Outlook Web Access on my IIS 5.0 server. It has PHP and MySql on there along with their ISAPI filters. Everything works great. It has the ASP support taken off and I would like to re-add this support back to the server.Where is the ISAPI filter located at on the Server?

I am hoping that this would be the only reason that OWA will not work.

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Multilingual Support

In my ASP page I set the charset to UTF-8

But all the javascript functions included thourgh a .js file does not work. This happens only on IE6.0.28 and works fine on IE5 and IE6.0.26 also. If anyone of you guys have worked on mulitlingual support if u could mail me your ASP page,which uses a charset mail to me.

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Apache Support ASP. Net

Is it possible to configure Apache to work with ASP.Net? If so, how do i do it?otherwise, do i have to use IIS for ASP?

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Object Does Not Support

I have the following code:

<Script LANGUAGE=vbscript RUNAT=Server>

for i =0 to document.form1.elements.count-1

response.write "test"



When it gets to the line for i=0.... the error message pops up stating that Object does not support this Property or Method.

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Make Support ASP

I have Windows 2000 Server. Running IIS 5. I created a ASP file that connects to a database and when i go to view it, It either says that there is a error in the code on like 106.

Which is only an "End If" command, Or it will say that this page needs to be posted on a web server that supports ASP. Well.. I have indexing service running, And I know for a fact that the code in the page is correct because it works on other 2000 server.

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MultiLingual Support

I need to support my web pages both in english and spanish. Is this possible in ASP. Can u please point to some places(websites)/articles which will show that. Or if you have any code Or any leads into it that would be great.

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Please observe the pages below:


Response.Redirect "session2.asp"


Response.Write Session("test")

Those pages does not output any thing if I use IE and If I access the pages
from machines running Windows 2000 Server, XP or Windows NT Server. Opera
outputs as per session variables name.

IIS server is running Windows 2000 server. I've checked the cookie settings
which was set to accept cookies.

I tried IE 5.0, IE 5.5 and IE 6.0

What could be the fix?

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Does Bamboo SMTP Support BCC?

I'd like to bcc someone using Bamboo. I've tried setting smtp.BCC, but it doesn't work - gives an internal server error. Does Bamboo in fact support bcc?

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My Live Support Script

IT also has almost all of the features I want. It uses a microsoft access 2000 database (I use the following code to connect to the database:

DSNtemp="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; "
DSNtemp=dsntemp & "DBQ=" & server.mappath("SOMEPLACE")
sqlstmt = "Select * From TABLENAME"
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open sqlstmt, DSNtemp, 3, 3
Do until rs.EOF or rs.EOF)

The code works fine, I would just like to add a thing and it would tell what page the user(s) are/is at and then I can request a chat with them and a box would pop up asking them if they would like to chat. My oly problem is how would I keep track of the visitors on my site, and how would I know when they left the site?

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Support Multiple Languages

how ASP (not ASP.Net) to do the following things:
1) Get real-time information from other web site such as tracking via
2) Real-time credit card charging via a payment gateway such as WorldPay;
3) How to support multiple languages.

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Ticket Support System

i want to build a ticket support system for my company, so when a client has a technical question, they can email a support address and get assigned a ticket number. then my colleague will get the email and respond when he can. my question/s is:

a) is there any existing system i can use (free if possible. i would rather use an existing system as i have limited time!)

b) how can i write some code that acts when an email address is sent. ie: user sends email, the server receives it and executes some code (sends an email back with assigned ticket number and adds record to db).

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Support Asp Debug In Vs 2005?

Is it possible to change the web.config or machine.config file to allow access to an .asp page? I'm new to .Net 2.0.

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Recordset Does Not Support Property

I connect to a Access DB and when trying to display the data from the DB, I get the followig error:

Object doesn't support this property or method: 'Fields'

The recordset does not support this property.

The script that I use is attached along with this thread.

Does anybody know what is wrong, is there a simpler approach to
display Access data on a Web Page?

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SQL Db Doesnt Support The Cookie

I wrote the code for Members of Register. and i use cookie in this code, My database is SQL server. SQL server dosent support the cookies in my codes i dont know why this cause but my codes are working without any cause .

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Brinkster Not Support Session

Can I use browser-based cookies? Once user close the browser, the cookies has no use/expired.How can I do this, if the above is possible? I need this to build a login systems.

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Working on a new project and need IE to pass the LDAPUPN instead of NTLM. Anyone know of a way for to make this happen? Anyone know if this will change in IE in the near future? With the big push to go LDAP you would think this is an option.

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CDO (W2k) Doesn't Support Sender's Name

CDO (W2k) doesn't support sender's name ? I know this works:

Set objMail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
objMail.To = Trim(strToEmail)
objMail.Sender = Trim(strFromEmail)

But isn't there any support in CDO for the NAME of the Sender ??? Like:

objMail.SenderName = "Mike Jensen"

Because I would not only like to show the emailaddress in the mail I'm sending but also my name .

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