Implement Popup Menu

i am not adept at programming in asp. I was trying to display a popup menu as the mouse hovers around the main menu. i have been trying but i am not getting anywhere.

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IE Implement Cookies

I'm trying to debug a problem that some users of our ASP app see that
goes away when they clear their cookies.

I've gotten a copy of their cookie for our app and have renamed it
from Join Bytes! to Join Bytes!. However, when I
navigate to testsite, I see it create a Join Bytes!. What are
the rules as far as what gets written to the C:Documents and Settings
%Username%Cookies?In theory I would think that if the problem is with information stored
in a cookie and I save another user's cookie on my machine, and change
the filename to match my user name I should be able to reproduce it,
but it doesn't seem to be working.

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Implement Combo Box

Is there a way to implement a combo box, like in access in ASP? Or is there another way to have the same result. I want to make a page where people can choose an item in a list, but add one if it isn't in the list.

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How Do I Implement A Call Back URL

How do i go about implementing a call back URL on an ASP page ?

ie when i post a querystring to another site, e.g. a provider for my sms or domain name search, how do i implement a call back URL ?

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Implement "select

In ASP page, there is a "SELECT ALL" button, when user click it, it will
select all checkboxes. I am not sure should I use client-side code to do
that? the following is my approach but it didnt work.

<script language="JavaScript">
function selectAllCheckBox()
{ //alert(document.addzone.c1.value);
document.addzone.c1.value = "on";

<P><input type="checkbox" name="c1">
<P><input type="button" onclick="selectAllCheckBox()">

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What Do I Need To Do To Implement A Global.asa File?

where does the file need to be?(root directory of server? main directory of my application?)

I don't need to include the global.asa file in my asp pages to reference the application variables, right?

can I use application variables without using a global.asa file?

when using a global.asa file, do I need to restart the server(or IIS) every time I make changes to it, or does the application automaticaly reset once a change has been made to it?

at the mo I have a global.asa file that looks like this.

<script language="vbscript" runat="server">
Sub Application_OnStart
End Sub

Sub Session_OnStart
End Sub

Sub Session_OnEnd
End Sub

and then I have this line in the asp page to display the number of visitors...



I get nothing...!

what am I missing?

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Implement POST BACK In ASP

I need idea about maintaining data in a form after refreshing the same page. I know POST BACK in ASP.NET.

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Implement Binary Tree Nodes

I need to find the total number of nodes in a binary tree structure, Also need the the leftside and right side separately.

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Can I Implement Session Without Global.asa File In My Root Directory....

Can I implement session without global.asa file in my root directory....and is there any good site for sessions tutorial.

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Pop Out Menu / Sub- Menu In Frame

does frame support pop out menu? Thanks....

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Asp Form Menu With Sub Menu

Can any one help with code for form menu in which sub menu appear on selecting the main menu. This is one field of an access database to be submitted by user.. Now I have code only for selecting from main menu. Code:

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Popup Help

Most of the popup companies that pay you per hit only count it as one per ip adress.
How can i make a system that checks that it has shown the popup to a person...and then goes to the next one?

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Value PopUp

Quote: Response.write "<a href=verify.asp?Address=" & Add & "&city=" & City & "&state=" & State & "&zip=" & Zip & " target=_new>VerifyAddress</a>"

If Add is "101 ABC STREET " , in popup , Add passes is only 101 and not complete one.

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Popup To A New Popup

my present asp page opens a popup to display the complete data, but my requirement is to create a login to show only some data in the same popup. my choice was to redirect from the popup that shows all data to a new popup which shows some data (having the first popup not opening at all, clearly to redirect)

Any help how to redirect from popup to popup..?

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how do i implement this.I have an event calendar and events are already added into the database.Let's just say that today that is an event.How do I show a popup aying "today's events blah blah blah".This should be shown whenever someone comes into my somehow acts as a reminder.Any ideas?I havent start doing the codes but just wish to get an idea of what to do.

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i am having problem in popups.i have an asp page from where a popup opens on clicking a link. the value of a variable is passed from the main page to the popup thru querystring. there are 3 text boxes on the popup one of which shows the value of the said variable. the user has to enter data in the remaining 2 boxes.

what i want is, if the user enters invalid data in those 2 boxes, there should be an alert. on clicking ok the user should be able to see the popup with the value of the variable from the main asp page in the 1st box and 2 textboxes with null values in which he/she has to enter the data the moment what i am getting is, the popup disappears on clicking the ok of the alert.

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Popup Box

I have the calendar on my sites startpage. A user can click on a link on the calendar to get a popup box displaying the course details and in the popup is a link to apply for the course.

instead of opening a new window I want the startpage to change to the application form. I have tried all the href tags; _blank, _parent, _main and they dont work.

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Need Image Popup

<a href="javascript:popImg('images/nba<%=("pImg2")%>');"><img src="images/nba<%=getProducts("pImg")%>" border="0"></center></tr>

pImg is a small version of the image in a database. I want to click it and have it popup a properly sized large image (pImg2). I thought the code above would work.

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Popup Close

I made a popup for uploading some files.My popup looks like this:

function openpopup(){
var popurl="upload_tst.asp","","width=400,height=400,")

<a href="javascript:self.close()">close </a>



My problem is that I cannot close the popup.

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Generate Popup Box

I have a form which contains drop down box with several available selections. Based on the users selection, I would like to have a popup box appear upon the form submission that gives them some additional information about their dropdown box selection. Is this possible?If so, how do I go about doing something like this?

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Return A Value From An ASP Popup

I want to create a pop up asp page something like:


and when the user closes the popup can I return a value. So sudo code would be like

int temp = popUp('myasp.asp;,.............. /* Temp is the value returned by myasp.asp
set some textfield to have value temp.

Is this possible?

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NT Popup Login Box

I have a web page that's calling the server variable LOGON_USER to retrieve
the userid of the person accessing it. The web has anonymous access
disabled, and Integrated Windows Authentication enabled. My userid is a
member of a security group that has access to the page. When I access this
page on my web server, it displays my userid without popping up the NT login
box. However, when I copy it to my production web server, the NT login box
pops up. I am certain my userid has access to the web on the production
server. In addition, if I don't enter anything on the login box and click
OK, it allows me into the page, and displays my userid. So, how do I
prevent the login box from popping up. If I enable Anonymous Access on the
web, LOGON_USER doesn't return anything, probably because the page is being
accessed with the IUSR_machinename account. My goal is to get the userid of
the person accessing the page -- provided they have security access to it --
without making them login.

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Popup Parent

i have an aspx page. on that page there is a link that open a new popup page. Popup page contain some text fields. user fills that fields and press OK. By clicking OK I append the textbox values in the DataTable, which is already saved in the session
My Problem is that when that popup windows closes by clicking Ok i want to show that new information in datagrid on the parent page(which opened the popup page[]). i have info in the session, but problem is that when i bind datagrid by using the session Datatable on the parent page.

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Password Popup

In my asp I need to make a popup that is like a windows password change, a space for old password, new and new again.

I don't really know how to make a popup that does anything other than display text. I would also need to know how to retrieve the data off of the popup for the actual change of the password. Code:

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Popup Windows From Pop Ups

On one of my pages I have a link to a popup. This popup has a link. When the user clicks this link my popup closes and another Popup is displayed. In this second Popup I want to redirect the user to a different page in my application when the popup closes. Is this possible as another popup opened this second popup so I cannot use 'window.opener'.

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Popup Blocker

I Am Working With A Asp Project Where Maximum Pages Have Popups.But Maximum Users Use Popup Blockers In Their Systems.Best Way To Code .Is There Any Code To Unblock Popups.
Can We Disable Control Key Or Any Possible Way.

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Get Value From Popup Window

I have a website which has a popup window (this only opens when the user chooses to open it). In the popup window I have a <select> control which lists a selection of "classes". Each class has a description and a class_id (stored in the value attribute of each option). The user will then select a class from the drop-down list.

What I want to do is have a control in the parent browser window which can store the class_id and the description that the user has selected in the popup window.

what control I should use in the parent window and more importantly how I get the value from the popup window (this must be client side code as the user will have entered other values into the form in the parent browser window)?

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Calendar Popup

I am a student working on a calendar popup, but I want to change it a little bit and don't know how. This is probably a very easy fix, but here's what I want to do. I want to have the calendar popup with an associated textbox, but i also want to display the calendar on my page with the current month and the previous month.

That way, if someone wants a month further back they can use the popup, but if they just need the current or previous month, they can just click on the calendar on the page. Can that be done?

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Popup Window

I am facing a problem in asp pages. I am requesting some values from a page and moving to another page from the second page.

i m opening an popup window and for refreshing econd page from that Popup. i m using code.window.opener.location.href='second window name') in doing this I am losing the values of the first form. which i have to insert in the dbase in the Third page

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Values From A Popup

This is for an Intranet application before I go any further. I have a form which requires calendar dates, cities etc. to be input. This is not a problem, but when a user clicks to input a date etc., the calendar opens in a popup window over the main window. The values are all selected from a recordset based on a SQL DB.

When a user clicks on a date (or other DB drawn value) in a popup window, how can I carry this value over to the main window and insert it in the relevant form field?

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Popup Message Box

How do I make a MsgBox with just the OK button? I have tried but it says,
Permission denied: 'MsgBox' And it is getting annoying.

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Show Popup

how to show popup windows (html format) and the size is depending on the size of image?

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Linking To A Popup

... linking to a pop-up window but sending an ID to the asp page

<A HREF='javascript popUp("confirm.asp?ID=' & rs("Doc_Num") & '")'>Edit</A>

Something like that but with confirm.asp accepting an ID associated with Doc_Num

This works fine for a fixed ID but not when associated with a recordset.

I'm sure its a quotation mark here or there but im hitting a brick wall!!

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