Import The Textarea Data Into Database

I have searched a lot at GOOGLE, but i can't found the way to import data from a form textarea into database. Actually my web page would like to allow the user to export their phone book from excel file or outlook phone book, then import into my database.

I was thinking to provide a textarea for the user to COPY and PASTE their address book from the text file and then my web page will read line by line to store the data into the database.

Example data:
abc,, 999999999
bcd,, 888888888

i can't find any solution that can read line by line, because normally when the we parse the data from the form textarea. All the text will become string that without the <br>.

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How To Import The Textarea Data Into Database

I have searched a lot at GOOGLE, but i can't found the way to import data from a form textarea into database.

Actually my web page would like to allow the user to export their phone book from excel file or outlook phone book, then import into my database.

I was thinking to provide a textarea for the user to COPY and PASTE their address book from the text file and then my web page will read line by line to store the data into the database. Code:

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Import Data From Excel File To Mdb Database Using Asp

I have excel file,from which the all data to store the .mdb database. Any one give an idea.

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Import Data From Cvs

nowdays im facing a real problem at work
i had finish my project but the remainig is only the import
can any body show me how i can import data from cvs file and store it in sql server 2000
i hope i get the answer as soon as posible

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Interface For Import Data

i have a website and i use do import data , but with diffrent types(*.xls,*.xml...)
how can i concept a inteface to read all this files
i now my question is not clear but iit's freindly to answer me

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Import Data Via Csv Feed

I need to find a way to import a csv file into a sql database via classic asp or if easy .net to update a table. Every time this is imported i would like to overwrite the existing data in the database.

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Import Data From Adsi

I want to be able to import data from active directory using an asp page. The problem is that i don't want to provide any username or login, i want the system to identify the logged user.

the script is runing fine if i provide the username and the password in the script but when i delete them i receive this error messahe : Providererror '80040e37' - Table does not exist Code:

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Import Txt Data In Table

I have a txt file and i would want to import many data fron txt and put in a table fo access...

For example
txt_var1 in table prova filed filed_var1
txt_var2 in table prova filed filed_var2

assuming my txt file is named test.txt and my mdb prova.mdb and table tabella1

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Textarea <- Data

With input text we have value=<%=rs("xpto")%>

Doesn’t have value attribute like input text has. So how can I put data from db there?

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Textarea No Data

I have a html form that imports data from an access database. Now the problem is when I try to import the data into a <textarea>. The data does not appear in the textarea. If I change ity to an input box then the data shows. Is there anything special that needs to be done to enable the data to be visible.

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Data In A Textarea Box

I am trying to get a form that uses aspmail to work. The form works, submits, sends, does all that it is supposed to EXCEPT: that when the user is returned to the form page after being shown a required field message; All the fields the user had filled in are still filled in, except for the textarea field which is now blank.

As this field is there for potential customers to request detailed information about what they are interested in, it would no doubt be very frustrating to have to keep filling this info back in. Is there any way I can force the textarea field to hold on to its data?

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Aligning Data In A Textarea

I have few textarea on a asp page. When I edit this page, some how data in a textarea is align centre. So when submit this form to the database, it create spaces in frontof the text.

I have align="left" at every stages of the tag.
ie <table align="left"><tr align="left"> <td align="left"><textarea style:text-align:left;>

<textarea name="scorebrief" style="width:750px; height:70px; text-align:left;">

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Display Data In Textarea

I am trying to display some data in the text area from the database.

I want the data to be displayed in this format in the text area:

Name ph1 ph2 address details

But i am not able to display data in text area.any ideas or examples??

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Textarea Against Database (Access)

I have a problem with textareas that I use to send and get information from databases. Everytime I send information to the database (adds a record or update it) the textarea gets more spaces / tabs both in front of the text I have written and behind.

This is not an issue when I am viewing the text in a web browser because the spaces doesn't show. But when I transfer the text to an RTF document the spaces show and the text is comming out wrong.

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Saving Code In A Database Via Use Of A Textarea Form

i have built an interface for template making. i am using a simple form with a text area and submit button to save the code, i want to show in a template page, into the database.
I also use the same textare to view any code saved to the database for a specific page.

THE PROBLEM - i have to save a

the minute i paste it into the textarea it saves it fine but shows it wrong as if once it reads the </textarea> in my saved code the main page 'closes' the main textarea . i.e. the rest of my saved code is shown as part of the page - and its not pretty!

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Display VbCrLf's From Textarea To Textarea

how to dispaly text from a text area on a page as page copy (using the replace function)

How do I display this text inside another textarea, holding formatting? All variations of 'what I thought would work' do not.

I am using the following function:

Function DisplayMemo(theText)
DisplayMemo = ""
on error resume next
DisplayMemo = CStr(theText)
if (len(DisplayMemo) > 0) Then
DisplayMemo = Replace(DisplayMemo, vbCrLf, "<br>", 1, -1, 1)
end if
End Function

calling it like:

<textarea cols=119 name=ownSubmitted rows=7>" & DisplayMemo(getInfo(0)) & "</textarea>

NOTE: getInfo(0) is a variable holding my value. Yes the value is there. It is showing the text I want, however the <br>'s are rendered inside the text area?

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Textarea Inside Of Textarea

I am writing a small database utility to catalog all of my favorite ASM/JS/VBS functions and scripts on an asp page. Everything is going smoothly except for one thing that I can't quite seem to think my way around.

I am using a <textarea> to display the code but some of my scripts have <textarea> tags in them and when the </textarea> tag is entered, it closes my <textarea> and the rest of the code ends up outside of the textarea.

Example: (the code after the middle </textarea> show up outside of the textarea box)


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How Do I Export Data Fom Local Database To Server Database?

I'm current working on a project which need to upload local data to
live server database.

Meanings that, i'm current having a server in my local mechine. I need
upload data from local database to live database which host at oversea
company. But i really have no idea how to do this in asp.

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CSV Import

I have scoured the web for everything related to CSV imports in ASP. I have everything working, but one issue remains.

My web application accepts a file upload of a Tab Delimited text file, parses through it to create a Comma Delimited file, creates that file on the server, and then goes to the CSV import page.

The CSV import page accesses the Comma Delimited file through ODBC text driver, and I generate SQL insert statements from each record. The problem is, one field is a "room number" field which generally contains numbers, but several entries also contain letters, an entry might be "A121" or "AUD" or "254", etc.

I'm guessing that ASP or the ODBC text driver "guesses" the datatype of the field, because whenever it hits a record with letters in the "room number" field, it uses the last numeric value for that field from any previous record. If there are multiple records with letters in this field, it will continually show the most recent numeric entry from that field, even if it was 5 or 10 records ago!

I am accessing these values using recordset("fieldname"), and all other fields display correctly, except recordset("roomnumber") when there are letters and numbers in the entry.

I've opened the CSV directly on the server and the fields are all fine, in the "room numbers" field, the entries which are all numbers are right-aligned, while entries with numbers and letters are left-aligned, but I assume that's just the way Excel displays them.

I am aware that adding quotation marks around this field would solve the problem, but there is no way I can have the data format changed. I might try to add quotations while creating the CSV file on the server, but this is such a strange problem that I'd like to figure it out anyways.

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Import Txt

I still have problem to import the text file delimited by tabs or commas into the database.

I refer to for the connection, ODBC doesn't work and OLD DB works only for csv files. Any idea? Does anybody has workable samples?

"Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt;
*.csv)};Dbq=c: xtFilesFolder;Extensions=asc,csv, tab,txt;"

"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c: xtFilesFolder;Extended

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Import RTF Content

how to import the rtf format content to word file.

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Import Objects In Asp?

I have a problem with including an object in my asp page. I�ve translated an algoritm I found that was written in javascript and it needs a method, floor(), from System.Math to work.

in javascript you can just write Math.floor(x+1) but it seems asp doesn�t automatically include that Math object. It�s a little weird since the method Round() can be used withour any includes of any kind and thats a part of the Math object!

So... How do I do to access this floor() method?

I tried to write:

<%Imports System.Math %>

but it doesn�t seem to do the trick.

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Import Pages

I have a main page called you.asp .In this asp page there is a question What is your gender ? followed with 2 Radio buttons Female and Male.When I select the option Female I want to import QESTF.asp to the main page which is you.asp and when I select the option Male , it should import QESTM.asp to the main page. QESTF.asp and QESTM.asp has only a greeting message. How can I do it ?

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Import Of Variable In Asp

I have created a user lists from a database (UserProfiles.mdb) using asp. There is the possibility to click on the different usernames in the list to go to a page with more information about the user:

the link to this page is: <a href="test_bis.asp?userid=<%=userid(j)%>"><%=un(j)%>">

when you click, it works, e.g. http://localhost/Test/DataQuality/U...s.asp?userid=15

My problem is that I need the variable userid to create the new page. I made a test to see if this variable was "imported" in the new page and thus with: Response.Write userid, but I do obtain a blank!! Code:

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Import From Csv - Remove Commas

I'm importing data from a csv file but have the following problem.

It see any comma in a specific column as the end of the current column and move the rest of the values into the next column I.E Data from column 4 display as data from column 5.

I do know that it's comma delimited but would like to know if there's no way that I can distinguish between the commas in a column and the commas that indicate a new column.

Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5
Value Value Value Val,ue Value

How do they do it in excel?

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Import Excel Using ASP And MS Access

i have used this code for importing Excel files to the database but always get this error: >> Syntax error in FROM Clause: Code:

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Import Calendar Information

I planning to create a calendar function which bind to the Microsoft Exchange Server. I need to know how can I retrieve the Calendar information like appointment, meeting and etc from the exchange server by using the ASP

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Import To CSV... And Load Into Variables

My Goal I want to load from a CSV File into variables so I can use the values in a procedure I've developed. But I'm stuck on how to access values from a csv file. If everything were to be in a Database everything would be just easier but sometimes you don't have the options of having a database.

Now what I'm wanting to do is load the output into asp variables so i can use them in a procedure I've created. Code:

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Import A Generic Unit In ASP.

How can I import a generic unit (such as system,, in an asp page ? Where should I put the above code ?

Need sample code, please for ASP pages, and for ASP .net pages (aspx).

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Import Excel File

I' m trying to import an Excel file in a SQLServer db. If I specify the spreadsheet name it works correctly. Now I'd like to import the spreadsheet without specify its name. Is there a way to retrieve the spreadsheet names of my Excel file in ASP?

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Import From External Source

My company recently hired a third party to handle phone orders during off hours. The third party wants to be able to update our database through their own interface. We are running SQL Server 2000 on Windows 2000 Server with ASP.NET 1.1. The number one thing that come to mind is security for credit cards. Perhaps some kind of web service, xml, etc.? Does anyone have any suggestions on the best way to handle this?

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Trying To Import An Excel Spreadsheet

I am trying to import an excel spread sheet, my first step is to be able to see the spreadsheet on the webpage, Code:

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Import Image Into MsWord Document

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<img src="C:Inetpubwwwroot estaspwordaspword6855.jpg">test<br>
<img src="http://localhost/test/aspword/aspword6855.jpg">test<br>
Response.ContentType = "application/msword";
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition:", "attachment; filename=test.doc");

I'm trying to generate msword document with image however, it's seems doesn't successful.

My word documment with undefined images.

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