Include A Line In .HTML File

is it possible to include a line of asp in a .html file?

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How To *include* A File In An Html Page?

i have many *.html* pages with the same header. i wanted to make one *header* file and put a link to that file in all html pages. So if i ever need to make changes in the header, i will need to edit only 1 file rather than all pages.

for *.asp* pages this code works fine:-

<!-- #include file="" -->

but the same **include** does not work for *.html* pages. i guess there is some other way to put a link!

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Include Header File With Extention .html In Asp

I want to make a web page in which I would include first header from header.html(it works fine),then sql connection subs from sql.asp,then variables from config.asp and so on.

when I write include for those asp files it doesn't seem to read them (no variables can be read)and when i try using server.execute,it shows me their content like in normal html files.I've tried to find a solution, but either I haven't looked long enough or it's not available.

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Read Txt File Line By Line

I have an encrypted .txt file created by asp. Its formatted with lines etc. Title followed by description underneath. I need to read this into ASP now, and parse it line by line. On each line read, run the function to unencrpt and add line to a new file.

Its the line by line Im having trouble with. If i do the full textstream no formatting takes place coz im adding the fulltextstream all in one addline call. How can I loop through lines ?

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Line Breaks In HTML Code

How is it you should format your ASP code to that when viewing the resulting
HTML text from the browsers "view code" it looks nice with line breaks?

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Inserts HTML Line Breaks

If i'am writing a post in a "textarea" and i use the ENTER (newline) on my keyboard it comes as a line break <br> in my post on the forum.PHP uses "nl2br", but what is the ASP solution for this?

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Inserts HTML Line Breaks

I have some text in my database with paragraphs in it.When I display that info from the database on my website using asp, it shows with out the paragraphs.Is there a function that will Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string?

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HTML Table In Excel With Line Feed In Cell

I an using ASP to read a database table and generate an HTML table
which is save via FSO with a file extension of .xls which opens up
in MS-Excel. I am inserting several lines of text into a cell and would
like to force a line break between them.

I recorded an MS-Excel macro so see how Alt-Enter was captured
which turned out to be Chr(10) which is the same as vbLf (right?)

I tried inserting that in character in the text but it didn't show up as
a line break in MS-Excel.

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CDONT And HTML Email Line Wrap Problem

I send HTML formatted emails with links and images in them generated by my asp driven website. Occasionally the image will not appear and the link will not work. By looking at the email at the receive end, (right click/properties/details/message source, this is what I sent: .....

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Getting HTML Source From Web Pages To Include In My ASP Scripts

I am running an ASP script which I require to get the source html from
some URL so I can pick out bits of this and include the data in my
webpage. So it should have a function something like this:

Function GetHTMLSource(String URL)

which retuns the source for example as a string or an array of strings

I'm not sure how to tackle getting the html source. I've tried setting
up an Internet Explorer object and also using the
createDocumentFromUrl function which have worked in VB but I can't get
to work in ASP

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How To Include The Variable In The "select" Line..

first I typed this:


then I typed this:

sqlstring = "select column1 from table where column2 like '%p%'"

it find nothing. anyway, if I replace the "p" in the second line to what it was equal, it does find what I need.

moreover, when I print "p" I get the right string.

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How To Include Html Files In ASP (similar To Index.php?page=contact)

I'm building a site which runs on 4 templates, each a different colour. I would like to pull in different content into each template using ASP.NET, similar to the php version of index.php?page=content.

I've not programmed in ASP before so am hoping someone can either supply me with a script or point me in the right direction.

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Current Line In An ASP File

ASPError object gives the current line where error occurred. Is there a way to find out the line where Err.Number became non-zero due to a Server.CreateObject(...) failure?

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Include More Than 1 Include File

I want to be to call my menu from another file onto my page so that i dont have to add it to every page of my website. The problem is when i try to add it using the include method it says that only one include file is allowed on an ASP. The other include file is my connection string so i cant really take that out of the page because then nothing else will work!

How can i get the menu page included as well as the connecting string?

Have added the code below, i have highlighted the 2 include files that i want to use in blue, i have also left the div tag in for where i currently have the menu which is what i want to take out and have ther include file there instead, if that makes sense. Basically the bit in red i want to be able to remove from all of my pages and add the blue file above the red code in instead, but i dont know how!!!!! Code:

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Vbscript Include File In Jscript File

I have an asp page written entirely in jscript with a vbscript used as an include file which one variable on the page must access.

When the page runs, I run into jscript complilation errors when it tries to access the include file (since it is written in vbscript), and I can't figure out how to get the two to work together. How do you get both scripting languages to work on the same page?

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Using FSO To Replace A Line In A Text File

I have a text file named "enterintro.bat". The contents of the file are:

start /w C:skAppActivate.vbs "F4 Event and Entity"
start /w Sleep.vbs 2
start /w C:skSendKeys.vbs "BEC201_IPA{TAB}IPA_SS{ENTER}^S"

What I'm trying to do is to be able to swap out the "BEC201_IPA" and "IPA SS" with different variables. The format of the text file should never change except for swapping out these values. I've used the OpenTextFile method before, but only to append lines to a file, and never to replace an existing line, and I'm not sure how to do it. The best I've come up with so far is this: Code:

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Writing In File Add Extra Line

I am writing one line and for a reason I ignore it adds a line which is screwing up a few things.

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
dim sLine sArchivo="switch.txt"
path = Server.MapPath("../Flash")
sFile = path & "" & sArchivo

if fso.FileExists(sFile) then
end if
Set a = fso.CreateTextFile(sFile, True)
if request("radiobutton") = 1 then
sLine = "&ver=si"
sLine = "&ver=no"
end if

a.WriteLine (sLine)

sRedirect="admin_NoticiasListado.asp?sRadio=" & request("radiobutton")

How come does the extra line come ? I seems I have done already a fews times and it never ocurred before.

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Delete Line From Text File

if I had a form using the input textboxes using username and password. how do I use the .asp language to remove the line from a .txt using the following format:


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Delete A Line In Text File Or From An Array

I have an Access DB with newsletter preferences in it. What I am trying to do is select small groups to send a custom newsletter out to. So my localhost criteria web page goes to the Access DB and pulls the email addresses that match my current criteria. I then write that list out to a file (newsletterlist.txt). Maybe that is my problem, but I wanted to do that so if my machine crashed while processing, I would know where to recover it. I had looked at arrays and dictionaries but dictionaries aren't good from what I found for hundreds of entries and arrays I can't keep track of..argh.

Anyways, I then wanted to loop through the file (newsletter.txt) find the next email address, with it I can query back to the DB and get preferences and assemble the email and out the custom newsletter goes.

I've seen where MS says deleting a line using the FileSystemObject is not possible, though wanted to see if anyone has found a work around.

Performance isn't that much of an issue for me, as I figured I'd set the thing to running and go to dinner! So anyone have suggestions - even if it means taking the text info to an array, somehow delete one of the addresses and then put it back to a file...anything that can one by one delete the addresses so I know that it all has worked as there would be no email addresses left in the file.

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How To Stop It Read The Datas In The Next Line In .csv File

i wrote this code to read the datas from excel(.csv file). but it read all the datas as 1 line. i don't undestand there any function that i can use to stop it read the datas in the next line?? can anyone help me?? thanks a lot.

Do While Not TextStream.AtEndOfStream
line = TextStream.readline

if line <> "" then
arr_User(i) = trim(line)
splitline = split(arr_User(i), ",")

for j=0 to 5
response.Write splitline(j) &"nbsp;nbsp;"

i = i + 1
redim preserve arr_User(i)

end if

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Deleting Specific Line From Text File FOUND!

After looking all over the place and finding codes in vb and in php I even had asked several people on other boards but none of them knew how to do it I say the best way to learn this .asp .aspx junk is to DO IT yourself although Ive scripted in the past with the mIRC client which is why I know programming and html but if anyone is looking for the code this is how its done Code:

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Read Text File By Line And Values Separated By Tabs

I have a log file from my email software program. Each entry is on a line and the values are seperated by tabs. How can I read through this text file such that I insert its contents into a database? Thanks. Tom

Here is one entry from that file:

11/30/06 00:00:21SMTP-IN25AA24076F2041D7B35E97EE7748D06C.MAI65284.244.91.208EHLOEHLO []250-home [], this server offers 4 extensions11922

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Include File In Another Included File

At my site I have designed a framework with tabs as below:

+----+ +------+ +-------+
| MC | | Cars | | Boats |
+ +-------------------------

then, into tabs_1.asp I include another page


--------+ +--------------
| New | | Used | | Crasched |
+-----+ +------+ +----------+

Works fine so far... Here comes the problem...

The file tabs_1_2.asp has an included page (data.asp) witch doesnt appear...

When I look at the sourcecode from the webbrowser it seems to have been included but nothing is visible.

Is it inpossible to make several includes in the way I described?

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Include Xml (w/ Xsl) In A Asp File?

I'm wondering if there's any way to include a XML file (with a XSL) in a ASP file? I've tried this <!--#include file="publications.xml"--> but the XML-code is included before it is formated according to the XSL and ends up being unformated.

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Include File With Asp

how would i get something like this to work...

<!-- #include file="<%=Request.GetString("view")%>.txt" -->

i know wat i want and all but i can't figure out how to make it work.

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Include File

I want to include files, a header and a footer to my asp page. The files i want to include its on another server, i can reach it with a www-url. Can i use the www-url to include the file to asp page?

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Include A CGI File

How can I include a .cgi file in an .ASP file?
I've tried #include, Server.Transfer, and Server.Execute (yes, I know the last two are
only for ASP, but I tried it anyway).
If I have to, I guess I'll use ASPHTTP to do an http call to the file but first I wanted
to see if there was a more elegant way to do it
Is there an efficient way to include the output of a .cgi file in an ASP file?

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Include File

Is there any way of having an include file as a string, eg:

<!--#include file="<%=strURL%>"-->

This doesn't seem to work, I get an error:

The include file '<%=strURL%>' was not found

Is my syntax wrong or isn't this possible?

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Include File

If rsResult.fields(3).value = "" Then
Response.Write "No File Available</td>"
<!-- #include file="Response.Write rsResult.fields(3).value" -->
End If

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Include Iis Or Asp File

I do almost exclusively ASP on IIS, so I'm stupid when it comes to dealing with flat HTML on Linux/Apache.I have a static site on a Linux box where I want to do an include on an ASP file on an IIS box, and can't make it work.

I've tried <!--#include virtual=""-->
and <!--#include virtual=""-->

The ".txt" extension try was in case it's true what I heard that IIS won't let a remote server execute an ASP in an include file.

Also tried <!--#include file=...", even though I know from experience that Apache requires "virtual," not "file."

And also tried <!--#exec cgi=...".

NOT drawing any errors: the generated output just repeats the "<!--#include..." line instead of outputting results from the ASP file.

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Include File

I want to execute another asp file at the end of my asp file.. How will I do that ?

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Include File

I use include files a lot in ASP, but I was wondering if these files aren't actually part of ASP at all and you can use them in other web-based files.

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Add Include File

how can i add include file that isnt in my directory i need to add a file called:

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