Including ASp Page From Java Script

i have a client which want to put a counter(ASP file) on his home page but the problem is his all site is static so he wants to have "index.htm" page and also counter on it.

i want to know can i include or call the asp page from java script or any other way to call it on html page?

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Including Inverted Commas To Specify Page Elements While Page Is In ASP

I am having a problem with a site that I am developing - my aim is for it to validate as XHTML Strict however, I am running into a couple of problems validating it; in my Response.Write ASP script, I am not including " 's to define page element tags as they keep throwing up errors in the page. Code:

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Including A Page From Another Server?

How would I go about displaying a plain text page that is located on a
website that is not my own? For example... my site is and has a news article at and i want to
"include" this file on a page located on my site (

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Including A None Asp File In A .asp Page ?

I wanna just include a .php in a .asp page,I mean,I use PHP Code:




to include and execute the etn.php in test.php file, but now I need only to include etn.php in .asp file in a linux server. Is there any hint , or coding , or server side codes ?

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Including Portions Of A Page

Is there a way to include a part of an ASP file? Like if I want preformatted text, but don't want to have separate include files for the title, subtitle, and body text? Or including specific variables from a separate page?

I know there are various workarounds for something like this, but I figured I'd ask if for nothing more than an insight into the language (I just started with ASP recently).

The reason I ask is that I want the page to be editable later without risking changing the stylesheets. Since the people who will be doing the updates are not web designers, I want to make the process as risk-free as possible.

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Including Php Script Into Asp Page

is it possible to include php script into .asp page ?

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Calling A Java Class In An ASP 3.0 Page

I'd like to know whether it's possible to call Java classes compiled with the latest Sun JDK from an ASP page? All the documentation I've been able to find on the net has referred to the ancient MS JVM and SDK, and I don't seem to be able to get any of the examples to work, so I'd like some idea of whether or not what I'm trying to accomplish is, in fact, workable.

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Including A File In ASP

I am trying to include a file in an ASP page. But the problem is that the file is in a different folder. When i put the file in the same folder then it works fine. Is there any way to include a file from different folder. For Example I am using a file for database connection and including it in each ASP page as follows--
<!--#include file="Connection.asp"-->
So i have to put this file in each folder of my web application. But i want to keep it only at one place.
I have also done it with ../ and /(root) but both the methods are not working. These methods work properly on localhost but not on the hosted website

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Including HTML Like In PHP

So far I have not been able to import a HTML-page in ASP like I can with PHP. In php you may import a page, and just get the output of the file (not the entire HTML-code, wtih tags like <body> <title and such). Is it possible to do this with ASP?

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Including A Header

I have the following file structure:


I would like to have header.asp to be usable from all directories. Header.asp will have images and URLs. When I try to #include the file in test.asp, it works fine. However, if I #include it in testpage.asp, the images in header do not work - testpage.asp thinks the images are in subDir, when they are in the images directory. I have tried a variety of combinations of MapPath, Server.Execute, but I have not gotten the image to appear correctly. What is the correct syntax for what I am trying to accomplish?

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Including A Library

I am trying to use the example located here:

If I have vbscript v5.0 do i still need to include a library inorder to create a new FileUploader object?

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Including Another Site

I'm after some coding that will allow me to include another url (website) on my page.
What I basically want to do is keep my header and footer and use the information off their site so that when they update it mine will be too. I have their permission to do this.

What include statement would I use.

I know I can do it with frames but I would perfer to use a simple include statement.

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Including Asp Codes

I have included all the db scripts in asp above the <head> tag and <html> opener tag.When i submit a page, to add a record that record just get doubled and i dont know why that is happening.It dont happen always but now and then. The problem is not with cliking the submit button twice. So all i want to know is if it may be a problem with including the asp codes above the html tag or not?

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Including Files

In ASP, is there a way to use a page to mask the identity of another page? So that say I had a page named google.asp, and I wanted to include all of what is actually on, is there a function similar to the the include option that allows you to mimic a page, rather than include a file?

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Including Files In ASP

I am trying to include several files in an ASP script. I have a common file that does the database handling, and that common file will include common functions and classes used throught the script. Although I've checked each of the files for errors, none seem to have any, but when I call a class included from another file, I get this:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01FA)
Class not defined: 'ASPTemplate'
/test/test.asp, line 7

Any ideas?

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Including One Vbs File Into Other

how can we include one vbs file into other vbs file?

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Ignorant newbie here who got thrust into a programming role I'm unqualified for. Please use small words. I have to create a java program that interacts with a remote server. Code used in remote server is ASP.NET.

I need to do the following:

1.) Send data from Java program to remote server
2.) Read input data from Java program using ASP.NET
3.) Query SQL dbase on remote server using ASP.NET
4.) Send dbase results to Java program from remote server

I'm pretty sure how to do #3, and I think I can do #4. I'm pretty clueless about the first two steps.

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Including .txt File In If-Then Statement

How would I go about including a .txt file in an If-Then statement? Basically what I want is to have a certain file included depending on what the value of Request.QueryString("type") is equal to. Any ideas?

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Including A Variable Within A Hyperlink

I am having trouble trying to get a line of my script to work. I want to include the variable "name" in a hyperlink. The line of code I am working with is below:

Response.Write ("<a href=""band_news.asp?ID=" & rsCTD("ID") & """> Read more about & rsCTD("name") & </a>")

This code is throwing up errors every since I tried to add the variable for the output of the hyperlink.

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Including Menu In Certain Directories

I'm including a template on all pages in a site. In the template I have a menu. What I'd like is to have a different menu displayed if I'm in a different directory. Something along the lines of:

If path is /mainsite Then
Regular Menu
If path is /admin Then
Admin Menu

Just not sure about how to go about getting there. My first thought was to use the PATH_INFO server variable, but that returns the page name too. Any suggestions?

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Including A File From Another Site...

Am trying to include a txt file from another site...This is the code I am using:

<table width="540" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" align="center" bordercolor="#DCDCDC" style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse">
<tr class="text" align="center">
        <td width="250">
        <td width="250">Type</td>
        <td width="40">Info</td>
<!--#include virtual="" -->         

The contents of the txt file are all arranged with appropriate html so am hoping the output will be displayed appropriately on this ASP page.

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Including PERL Files Within ASP

Does anyone know if its possible to include perl files in my CGI-BIN folder within an asp page?

I've written a forum program in perl (which is all run through the same file /cgi-bin/ and I would like to include it within an ASP page.

Is it possible? If so how? Just using the Include Virtual string? By the way I'm on UNIX with ChilliASP installed.

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Including Files In An Output

why doesnt including files in an output work? or is there just a different way to do it, the below did nothing at all? Code:

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Including Login Name In Order

My page to place orders is password protected.What ASP script can I use to have the login name of person placing an order pass to database, something like the date which currently I pass using a hidden field <%=date%>.

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String Including Space

I have a combo box bulit by taking in values from database. some of the values have spaces in between them

<select name="place">
<option value="Presidents Office">President's Office</option>

So when i use this code to read

Its only returns me President's

HOw can make it include whole string including spaces..?

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Using Java Class From ASP

I would like to know how to using java class file inside ASP page

I have placed the class file to C:WINNTjava rustlib
also, I have compiled it to 1.1 version

but it always prompt
error '800401e5'
No object for moniker

How can I solve this problems?

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Java Aplet

i am writing a asp pages and i am using some frontpage. my problem is
that i put a java aplet (chart) show the student how many correct,
not correct and not attempted answers in the chart. all what i get in
the page is the results in written but the applet (chart) have red X and
its not showing

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Java And Vb Scripts

is it possible for an asp to contain both javascript and vbscript as i want to use the contents of one of the variables in vb script to be used into the javascript.

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Java Script And ASP

I have a java script

function enableServerList()
{document.getElementById("ddlServers").disabled=false }
function disableServerList()
{document.getElementById("ddlServers").disabled=true }

This greys out a drop down list as expected. The problem is, when I
click on the "get Report" button, I need a way to say in asp code:

if the drop down list ddlServers is disabled then bla

The apparent problem is that when java disables it, the ddl properties
page still holds on to an enabled=true property.

I need to be able to write a code(on the asp code page) to get the
status of enabled true or false for a Drop Down List that java script
has "disabled"

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I want to run a query with a list "demonstrator" addresses and make them markers on a google map.

currently i have it so it maps point a,b,c for a unique identifier. but it's only one record , i need help duplicating all the java scripting so if i have a list of demonstrators i don't have to list them one by one. Code:

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Mac And Java Script?

I have an asp page with java script that calls a clicked event on
some radio buttons. It works as expected except for Mac users. They are
using a variety of browsers and claim to have java enabled, but when they
click on the radio buttons nothing happens. Is there something special that
needs to be considered when coding for Mac users (as if dealing with
multiple browsers is not enough)...

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Using Java Viewer

I have a web app that is coded in ASP and I use Crystal 8.5 to launch the report in a windows 2000 server.When a user launches the report it would crash the system stating 'would you like to report to Microsoft' the reason this error comes up is because the user has crystal report installed on their PC, and if you don't have Crystal installed locally then the report works.To resolve this problem I think I would need to use the Java Viewer instead.

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JAVA Class

I have written a JAVA have compiled with -target 1.1 arguement and I just can instant it twice time.I can instant it at the first time and second time.When I try to instant it anymore,it prompt me "The remote procedure call failed and did not execute." message.What does it mean?

After,I need restart my web server.My java is used to create new socket and connect to other server.I am using getObject("java:classNameHere") method

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