Inner Joins Between Dbs

I am using access dbs and want to do an inner join on tables in two different dbs how do I do it?

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Two Inner Joins

i m getting error when run this query..can we form such query?

strSQL = "SELECT distinct y.company_id,y.company_name,z.location_id,z.locati on FROM appointment_detail AS x INNER JOIN company AS y ON x.company_id = y.company_id AND appointment_detail AS x INNER JOIN location_table AS Z ON x.location_id=z.location_id ORDER BY y.company_name,z.location"

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression ''.

/sd/jobsearchasp2.asp, line 18

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Recordsets And Joins

I have some problems with my recordset in asp (ado). Due to some JOINS in my SQL statement i need to get the data with both, the tables name and the fields name.

My SQL String is this one:

SELECT * FROM tblObjekt INNER JOIN tblRegion ON tblObjekt.fk_Region=tblRegion.Id INNER JOIN tblOrt ON tblObjekt.fk_Ort=tblOrt.Id WHERE ObjektNr='6009056841' AND fk_Region='1'

But when I try this

rsData(1, 0).Fields.Item("tblObjekt.Id").Value

it just doesn't work.

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ASP & Access Outer Joins

I am trying to work on a little application that will look into three tables,
(tblTasks - taskID, taskTitle)
(tblObjectives - objID, taskID, objTitle)
(tblResults - userID, objID, objResult)

Display a drop down list of tasks from tblTasks, when a user selects a task, it will display objectives (with checkboxes against each objective) from tblObjectives for that task.

User can then tick the objectives that have been completed and submit form which will update tblResults. will need help with both ASP and Access. I can email code and table structure offline.

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Creating A Recordset That Joins 3 Tables

I would like to create a recordset which joins 3 tables using the column 'productid' as the key column throughout. I want all the columns from all three tables with a where clause that says category = beau and subcategory = mirror. I have tried numerous things but I get one error message after another. Code:

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