Insert From Posted Parameters

The following code doesn't throw an error so is it even executed? I cannot see how it isn't all the parameters in the INSERT statement are posted from the previous page. This is my confirm details page...

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How Do I Run A Script Only Once When POSTed Twice?

Some of you have followed with me through this whole thing...I'm so close to done...

I'm using PayPal IPN to POST transaction data to my script which inserts the data into my database.

Everything is working just fine now, except for one small thing.

The PayPal IPN POSTs the data to the response page 2 times. I wasn't able to get an answer as to why this is, however, what it causes is for my script to insert the information into my database twice. Code:

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How To Use Posted Values

i have used post method to send my form values to the
same page so in that page (same page) a script will work
to show something on the document but not.I have a problem
when i try to assign the posted value i cant proceed to a
variable.The posted value could not assigned to my

What can i do to send my values to the same page and
assign the values to my variables which are on the same

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Posted Data

I want to return all data from a posted form.ok i know i could use request.form("nameoffield")but is there a way to retrieve all posted data in one string without specifing any names?

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Posted Data

How do i get all the posted data. Suppose i have a form page (myform.html) and i am SENDING data to form.asp, how do i retrieve all data that was sent by post and by get?

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Posted Data

we have an ASP to receive soap messages as follows:

Set doc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")

if Len(doc.xml) = 0 then
exit sub
end if

The problem occured by moving from W2K / IIS 5 to W2K3 / IIS6: When posting a soap message larger then about 500 KB, Len(doc.xml) returns 0. So we are not able to transfer larger Soap messages. The same code works for W2K / IIS 5 even with sizes over 6MB. The doc.load() function returns rather quickly without any errror.

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POST Variables Not Being Posted

I have a very simple form, username and password, which uses the post method. The asp page resides in the root www directory. when I submit the form, the variables are not posted, I cannot pull any info with request.form. However, if I move this script to a lower directory (/www/test for example) the form works perfectly fine.

Anyone experiece this problem? Anyone have any ideas? I am stumped and my head is sore from beating it on my desk for the past hour.

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HTML <form> Value Does Not Get Posted

Basically, everything is written in ASP. Firstly, a user fills in an
online (ASP) form, and then submits it to another ASP page (e.g.
Send.asp). Now Send.asp retrieves all the form data and sends another
HTML form via an e-mail. I then receive and open the HTML email(s). Now
everything is going fine up until this point.

When I hit the submit button from the e-mail, it posts all the form
data to another ASP page.

Now this is when things start to get a little weird.

Half the time when I submit the form via Outlook 2003 message, the
other ASP page would load will all the form data intact. Every other
time, the other ASP page would load will NO form data at all; just
blank text boxes, textarea, checkboxes, etc ...

I've done a few experiment of my own in the hope of finding some
answer. So far, I've only seen this happen to Outlook 2003 and not 2000
(we have a mixed between those 2 versions).

Also, it only happens to users in the same state as where the IIS
server is located. For example, the server is located in state A, so
any users with Outlook 2003 in State A will experience this problem
half the time. Other users in State B, C, D, etc ... using Outlook 2003
does not experienc this problem. Because the link is a lot slower for
our interstate users, I'm starting to think that maybe network speed
has a part in this behaviour.

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Getting Hold Of POSTED Data

You may or may not be aware of $data = <STDIN>; in Perl which basically takes all the data posted from a HTML form and puts it in to one string variable so that you can manipulate it. What's the equivalent/how would you do this in ASP?

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Rewriting Posted Content

The scenario is that posted data from World Pay is to be used to construct one of two pages depending on the content of one of the posted variables. Could someone help with passing on posted data to another page. I have in mind loop which reads the posted data and reconstucts it to pass on using a redirect with a querystring - if such a thing is possible. Or is there an easier way?

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Posting Only The Last 2, 3, Or 5 Records Posted

This may seem like a stupid query, I need to know how to list just the last 3 - 10 records posted im my database, also about creating multiple pages with only 15 items per page.

I figured it has something to do with record counting but am battling to get my head around this. Some of my lists are getting too long. and I want to create an index page with a few teasers. a news item or two, a new client or two etc.

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How The Password Is Posted From The Client To IIS?

how the password is posted from the client to IIS? is encripted? or ... plain-text...? could it easily be decripted or viewed ?

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Retrieving Body Of A HTTP Message Being Posted To A Listening Asp Page

I have an ASP page that sits and listens for responses sent to it by a third party. The third party simply sends a plain text delimited response in the body of the http message.

Eg: Account=2,User=92663,Pass=OK,Action=5

What I can't figure out on my listening page, is how to capture the body of the message being posted to it, so that i can then manipulate the delimited string, and split it up into the variables for later use.

How do i get access to the body of the http page? I thought perhaps using WinHTTP, but it looks like it only works when your page goes looking for a web page, and not when a page is being submitted to it, like in this case.

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How To Prevent Duplicate Values When Using BULK INSERT To Insert CSV To SQL Server?

How to prevent duplicate values when using BULK INSERT to insert CSV to SQL Server? Code:

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No Value Given For Parameters

I have a simple website linking to an access database. The script works fine on my local machine. And it works fine on my regular host. However, I have uploaded the website to a Windows account with GoDaddy and here is my problem.

I am receiving the following error:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e10'
No value given for one or more required parameters.
/home.asp, line 10

- the WEIRD thing is that if you hit refresh enough times, the page loads fine. Then, at random (it appears), the error resurfaces. No coding changes at all. Code:

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I've been coding since mainframes had 4MB of core memory (yes kiddies, that 4MB), I've never coded a classic ASP page, only ASP.NET.
I've noticed many problems in this forum seem to stem from building SQL commands by concatenating strings and could be avoided by using parameter substitution, a totally common concept in ASP.NET. So, is that just something that can't be done in classic ASP?

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URL Parameters

My problem is: I've created an ASP/MS Access app with Dreamweaver. I have an admin page to edit/delete records. When I edit or delete a record, it works the first time and redirects me back to the main page.

When I click on another record it adds the URL parameter to the end of the previous URL parameter and I get an error. Is there a simple piece of code to check the URL for the same parameter so that it will not just add it to the end.

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URL Parameters

I am calling an ASP page from JavaScript using<URL>?<few parameters>) parameters can be in Japanese so I am using encodeURI to encode it. In the ASP files I am using Response.Charset="UTF-8" and still when I check the URL with Request.QueryString it looks OK,however when I call Request("<parameter name>") I get the parameter value not in UTF8 format but in ISO-8859-1, does anyone familiar with
this? Is it a known bug with the Request object? Is there a way to force it to deal with the data as UTF-8?

Currently the only solution I have is to taker the value from QueryString and parse the whole URL by myself.

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Too Few Parameters

I am using the following code in asp to select some data from an access db. recSel is defined and set further up my webpage, as is rsUpdate User. I cannot work out how to get past this error message

Too few parameters. Expected 1.
Can anyone see the problem?

strSQL = "SELECT tblUserDetails.UserRecId, tblUserDetails.UserName, " _
& "tblUserDetails.UserPw, tblUserDetails.UserEmailAddress, " _
& "tblUserDetails.UserFirstName, tblUserDetails.UserSurname, " _
& "tblUserDetails.UserPhoneNo, tblUserDetails.UserCompany " _
& "FROM tblUserDetails" _
& " WHERE tblUserDetails.UserName =" & recSel

rsUpdateUser.Open strSQL, adoCon, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

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Too Few Parameters

I've had this error before but it was for a different type of command. Does anyone know what this means in relation to the highlighted code or what I might need to do to work on fixing it? Code:

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I am trying to send the results of a form to a couple of email addresses, but it is not working. I am required to use a XSL file for this.

I usually don't have problems with sending the results of a form to email addresses because I don't use a XSL file or a complicated function. The XSL file is fine. It is the ASP page that has the problem. Can someone please help me with this? Code:

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How Do I Pass Parameters Through The URL?

I have a simple form with a textbox, a combobox and a submit button. I want to also be able to pass the "values" of the textbox and the combobox in the URL. How do I do that? DO I need to set that up in the function? I know this must be simple becuase I can not find any information on how to do it.

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Required Parameters

I am getting the error "No value given for one or more required parameters" with this basic script.

I have checked the fields are spelt correctly and have capitals in the right place. I have also checked with response.write to see the results it produces and it all looks correct. Code:

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No Value Given For One Or More Required Parameters.

I am recieving this error "No value given for one or more required parameters. "

I have a page that passes a link to URL then the details page is supposed to pull up the passed parameter's data. Code:

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Required Parameters Have No Value?

I keep getting this error, specific to a file called validations.asp:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e10'

No value given for one or more required parameters.

/ebusiness0405asp/greg/asp/project/validations.asp, line 14

I really don't understand what the required parameters are in this case and why they have no value. Code:

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Send Parameters

I must send to the page below(MailBee.asp) the two parameters UserName and Password.
The page MailBee.asp is a different page, the code below is from the page where I have done the form(login.asp), so MailBee.asp is the page where I must do the authentication.That's why I must send to this page the two parameters, but I don't know how can I do this with the method action.Code:

<form action="MailBee.asp" method="post" id="form1" name="form1">

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No Value Given For One Or More Required Parameters.

I have created an update data base page with the help of tutorial. While submitting the data I am getting following error:

Error Type:

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E10)
No value given for one or more required parameters.
/update.asp, line 41

My code:

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Passing Parameters

I have a problem with input parameter which has Decimal DataType. Stored procedure (SQL 2000) works but it rounds all
values off, i.e 5.555 input becomes 6 and 1.3 input becomes 1.
In table QTY has data type decimal(5) - precision(8) scale(3).
Please, suggest what's wrong with this:

newqty = Request.Form("quantity")
cmd.Parameters.Append(cmd.CreateParameter("qty", adDecimal, adParamInput, 5, newqty))
cmd.Parameters("qty").Precision = 8
cmd.Parameters("qty").NumericScale = 3

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Passing Parameters

I'm building my asp page using a table. Part of building that table includes:
Response.Write("<td>" & rsi.fields(3).value & "</td>")
Response.Write("<td><input type=button value=""Remove"" name=RemoveButton onclick=""RemoveAgent();""></td></tr>")

My problem is that my table has multiple records each line has a Remove button at the end. I need to pass rsi.fields(0).value to the RemoveAgent routine when the button is pressed.
I thought that my onclick event would become........onclick=""RemoveAgent(rsi.fields(0).value) ;.......
but I receive a syntax error. Thinking about it it's a bit more complex than that in any case because at the point of clicking the button, I am not sitting on the correct record within the recordset since I am sitting at the eof after creating the table

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Change Parameters

my management has now decided that wants the crystal report that I have developed to be available with 5 different options. The only thing really changing is the where clause of my sql statement that Crystal Reports uses in the expert wizard to create the report. All of the fields remain the same. Is there way to set parameters for sql statement that would changed "where" clause in displaying crystal report in crystalreportviewer to (where xfield=parameter1, x2field=parameter2, etc.)

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Transfer Parameters

i just realized that II5 is not with me i am running PWS on can i use response.redirect so that i can transfer parameters like a variable or a value?

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Required Parameters

When I execute the code below, I get:

"Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E10)
No value given for one or more required parameters." error message in
the first line.

Rs.Open "SELECT * From Unvanlar WHERE Unvan = " & kayit8, Con, 3,3
If rs.EOF Then
Con.Execute ("INSERT INTO Unvanlar (Unvan) VALUES
End If

The variable is string and the field in access table is text. I'm sure
that field names in the code and table are correct as well.
What can I do to solve that?

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Path Parameters

The '..' characters are not allowed in the Path parameter for the MapPath method.
/Connections/connportal.asp, line 30

This is line 30
MM_connDUportal_STRING = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("..\_privateportal.mdb")

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