Inserting Into Table With Foreign Keys (asp)

I'm trying to insert into a table with foreign keys. The statement works in query analyzer but not when I do it in asp to insert the data from a form. Code:

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Insert Problem With Primary And Foreign Keys

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Sybase][ODBC Driver]Integrity constraint violation: no primary key value for foreign key 'MemberCode' in table 'PersonMember'
/admin/Member_New-Sybase.asp, line 39

What i am doing is first i have added a record to my persons table the next step is i need to add this person id to the PersonMember table with a new MemberCode and then finally add more information to a membership table. Code:

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Copying From Table 1 Inserting In Table 2

I have the following code but this is inserting manually. I want to make a query from table 1 and automatically enter the records into table 2. What needs to be modified? Code:

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Inserting Into A Table

I'm having problems inserting into a table in an oracle database. I am reading in variables from a ASP form and trying to enter these into the database. however only numbers will insert, even though I can print out the string variables on the ASP page. IF I inclose a string value in the insert statement it works ok so there is nothing wrong with my SQL code. Code:

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Inserting A Zero In A Table

I am right now calculating distance between 2 zip codes and storing them in a table along with extra information like a persons name and address and stuff like that.

For some reason for distance "0" ..doesnt get inserted in my table..? What do i need to do in my code so that "0" distance + information gets in the table since i need that info to be displayed later for people to make calls to those people with 0 distances.

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Inserting In Table

my database is access and i'm trying to insert data from a form into the table's fields in the same order they are written in the form without explicitly having to mention the fields' names.

e.g. (this is the prototype of what i want to do)

for x=1 to request.form.count()-1
insert into table1(fields(x)) values (request.form.item(x))
execute the sql

does anyone have an idea of the right syntax for this?

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Inserting Table

I'm trying to insert a table to format a list of options on a dynamic page using VBscript.
The page currently displays the links in a list when the user chooses one from the drop
down menu. I would like the links to be in three columns, rather than the default
vertical list.

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Inserting Values Into A Table

i have really only been exposed to getting data from aSQL database and displaying it.I want to include a page in my application (like a form in Access i guess)with various text boxes and drop-downs + tick boxes.Then i want to click a submit button that inserts the data (providing is valid) into a SQL Server table.

I have had a search in google but nothing seems to explain this in its most
basic terms (errorchecking and inserting).Could anyone give me an example of this or some background about this functionality.

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Inserting Data Into A Database Table

i am trying to use the 'Insert into' sql query to insert data in an asp file but having some errors...this is the eror i got from the browser..

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0401)
Expected end of statement
/AddConfirm.asp, line 46, column 36
sql="INSERT INTO tblMembers VALUES("8"," & DateJoined & "",""& Title& "",""& LastName& "",""&FirstName& "",""& DOB & "",""& AddressUnit&"""

this is the code i have in my asp file....


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Updating/inserting >> Linking Table

If I am attempting to add multiple products to an existing Customer-Products
linking table do I do this via an Insert or Update?

The first time I enter a customer in the database I would obviously do an
INSERT into the Customer-products linking table.

But, the second time I wish to ADD new products as well as possibly
overwrite existing ones......

I am getting twisted what the correct approach is?

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Inserting/Updating Database From HTML Table

if it is possible to insert and update records in a database from the data that is in an HTML table? I have a program that converts data to an HTML table and would like to be able to insert/update records to the database on the webserver.

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Inserting Table To Format Dynamic List

I have an .asp page that contains a drop down menu, that when a selection is made, reformats the page to one of 22 different .asp pages. When clicked, the drop-down disappears and the options from it are formatted as a list on the left hand side of the page.

I need to format this so the list is in 3 columns, with the secection bold. I think I need about 4 if..then statements, but I've never done this's the specific code, the code for the drop-down is first, then the code for the "quick link" list: Code:

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ASP Script Inserting To SQL Table With Image Column Type

Would someone be able to explain the sql image field to me. I was reading about it a little but dont really understand.

I would like to have word documents that can be indexed and searched and i heard the image field with an accompanying char field with the file extension would be the trick. how would i actually get binary files into the image field?

I wanted to write an asp script so users could enter .doc that they could query. I understand basic asp sql inserts.

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Foreign Characters

I have an ASP page. In there, I retirieve some data (Korean characters for testing purpose) from the database and I tried to display it. If I set the session.codepage = 949, the foreign characters dodn't display correctly. If I set session.codepage = 1252, which is English (US), the foreign characters display fine in a combo box.

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Foreign Key Values

In SQL Server 2000, I have for examples 3 tables, sales, stock and purchase. both sales and purchase has stock# as foreign key.

When record is deleted from a stock table, first I want to make sure this stock doesnot exists in Sale, Purchase or anyother table in may have in future.

I would like to know what kind of constraints or restriction I can add on the database side and also how to catch the error from the ASP code.

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Format Foreign Currency

Is there an easy way to change Currency formatting from USD to EUR (use comma as decimals delimiter instead of period)? I'm using Windows 2000 Server/IIS 5.0 in English. I'm serving both USD and EUR dynamically from the same source codes. I'd like to change Currency formatting automatically when a person chooses EUR.

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Streaming Foreign Characters

I was wondering if anyone could help me with the following problem. I have a page set up to display various foreign language characters using:

<%@ Language=VBScript CodePage=65001%>
Response.charset = "utf-8"

The web page displays everything fine. However when I stream the page to MS word using Response.ContentType="application/msword", the foreign language characters are replaced by garbage. Interestingly, when I cut and paste directly from the original web page to Word, the characters are displayed correctly.

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Email - CDONTS - Foreign Characters

I have a script that send emails using CDONTS. There are users that have keyboards that support Spanish characters. I am able to render the chars correctly in the body using HTML substitutions, however, the subject line comes out bad. Is there a good way to handle this situation?

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Display All Fields From Two Tables Except Foreign Key

i have two tables:

TokenID (pk)

TokenID (pfk)

I want to display all fields from both tables ..
but TokenID should come once as it a foreign key in Rating table..
what would be the resultant query

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Shortcut Keys

I am designing Admin pages for my web site.I am using HTML frames, VBscript, Javascript, ASP , Microsoft Access as database etc.

I want when any Administrator put focus on any perticular frame and press some shortcut keys (like CTRL+A) then in the same frame one link called 'Admin' should be visible and active which then drive Administrator in Admin area to make necessary changes.For the rest user this Admin section would not be visible at all.

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Primary Keys

Does anyone know how I can open up an entry in a microsoft access database table using its primary key through asp?

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Trapping F1, F2, F3, F4, Etc. Keys

Is there a way to trap F1, F2, F3, F4 etc. keys on ASP and have our own
codes to do whatever necessary for each of those keys ?

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Ascertain Primary Keys

Is it possible to ascertain which fields are the primary keys from an Access table just using asp? If so how?

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Secure Session Keys

I would like to implement user authentication and session management for my
applications. I've been using solution 1 (below) for most of my
applications in the past since the target audience is mostly intranet based.

Now that I'm creating a more global application, I want to use a method that
does not require cookies, yet maintain a farily high level of security and
fault tolerance.

Is there a better way to handle this problem? What method does the big
Internet shopping companies use?


A user is authenticated and is given a session key. The session key is
passed to the user in an HTML page and returned to the server using a query
string. The user then copies the URL and gives it to his friend to see.
Since the URL now contains the session key, how does the server distinguish
between the authenticated user and his friend?

Solution 1:

Use an ASP session variable to store the session key between page requests.
This solution requires that the client have session cookies enabled. If the
session is not encrypted (i.e. SSL), the ASP session id is still passed via.
clear text, and is vulnerable.

Solution 2:

Use a session key that identifies the location (IP address) of the user. If
the submitted session key doesn't match the user's location, then the
session key is invalid. The session key can be passed as part of the URL
and does not require cookies. This method is vulnerable to IP spoofing, and
breaks if the user is behind a NAT server, or web caching server that masks
the true IP address.

Solution 3:

Have the session key returned to the server via an HTTP POST request. This
method does not require cookies, but is clear text and vulnerable if the
session is not encrypted. The session key is lost if the user navigates to
a page manually issuing an HTTP GET request.

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Randomize Array Keys

I want to do something that should be simple, it is in php, but i can't seem to find any array functions in asp to do this. I have an array with x number of items (the x may change, could be 10/50/etc.) that will start with 1 and end with x.

For example (excuse my poor syntax):
myArray[0] = 1
myArray[1] = 2
myArray[2] = 3
myArray[3] = 4

What I want is to call a function and randomize the array as a new array, so for example:
randArray[0] = 3
randArray[1] = 1
randArray[2] = 4
randArray[3] = 2

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Get Remote Registry Keys

Is it possible to get a key from the registry if a remote machine?We have three print servers (tin) serving an ERP application for different areas of the business.Currently someone has to logon and check to see if the servers are still running each morning.

However while they are running they increment a key in the registry once every second each time they poll. If I can get ASP to read this value, I should be able to setup a
webpage to monitor the situation.I've found RegObj.dll on the Microsoft site, but this
doesn't seem to work in ASP.

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Creating Primary Keys

creating a script that will create a primary key base on the date today and a number ( ex. 1124204-1, 112404-2) with the last number increasing by one. the script should automatically increase the number if the key has already been used.

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Accessing Keys In The AppSection Of Web.Config

I am trying to store some information (like application paths) in the web.config file of my ASP C# project. To that end I did the following: Code:

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Remove/Delete Keys From Cookie

I'm using cookies to maintain a shopping cart. I can find plenty of tutorials and articles on deleting a cookie, but only deleteing a single key within a cookie is harder to find...

Surely there is a more efficient way to remove a cart item from my cookie than setting it equal to "", isn't there?

I mean, technically the cookie will still hold the text cartitem1 = "", right? Which takes up unnecessary space...

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Function Keys To Post A Form

I have disabled the function keys (F1-F12). I would like each funtion key to submit a form. I'm not quite sure how to tell each function key to submit (post) for me.

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How To Transfer Records From One Table Of A Database To Another Table In Another Data

I have aproblem to transfer a data from table x to table y based on id. Its mean when 2 table have same id all data table x must move to table y. I don't know which command need to use is it insert into or update?

Dim conn
Dim rs

Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
conn.ConnectionString = "DSN=prmm;UID=administrator;pwd=sa"


MYSQL = "SELECT * FROM table_x where paymentdate between '" & tarikh1 & "' and '" & tarikh2 & "'" MYSQL,conn ....

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How To Open A Recordset For A Table Has Space In The Table NAME?

I am trying to display the content of a Table called

'Order Detail' directly from the database (e.g., Northwind.mdb). I have the following commands:

Set tableSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

tableSet.Open table_name, DB_name, adOpenForwardOnly, _
adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable

where, table_name = ''Order Detail" Or
table_name = 'Order Detail' Or different variations.

I always get error on the second command with the following message:
Syntax error in query. Incomplete query clause

which I believe because of space in the Table Name. How can I resolve this issue? (working with file or table name with space)?

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Table Inside A Table Update To DB

I have a table with many txt boxes which i have inside a form with a submit button to an update page which adds all the details to a db. The problem is i have a another table inside the first e.g. table 2. i want to be able to update table2 by clicking a second submit button that would update it. Is it possible to have a form within a form or how can i do it??

Also i need to update the entire table in one go. For exampple if i have 3 records in table2 i want to be able to update them all by clicking the one update button. Code:

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