Installing And Running PHP

Does anybody have an experience of installing and running PHP alongside with ASP on wk2/IIS5 ?

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Installing ASP And SQL

I've recently developed a niche price comparison site and one of the merchants that I spider wants me to write a script that runs on their server and connects to their database to dump out all active products.

This has the advantage of saving their bandwidth and allowing me to update my site daily instead of every few days.

Trouble is that they use ASP and I use PHP/MySQL. I've done a bit of digging around it looks like XP Pro will allow me to install ASP but I'm not sure about my database options.

If I use Access as my backend here, will the settings be easy to transfer across to SQL server ?

Anyone know of any simple tutorials to install and configure ASP and a suitable database backend ?

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Installing IIS

I'm having a issue with one box where it will not serve any ASP pages,even when i browse them from the IIS manager directly.Is there something I should look at to 'enable' serving asp pages?

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Installing Asp In IIS 6.0

For some reason I can't make asp scripts work in IIS 6.0. No error returns, scripts are just not being processed. That is, when I create test.htm with the following code:


I see an empty page in internet explorer and the complete code in the source of the page.
I allowed active server pages in the Web Service Extensions and restarted IIS, but still asp won't work.

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Installing IIS

I am confusing to use IIS and Win OS. I learn that Win 2000 goes with IIS 5, how about Win XP? Also, the ways to configure (i.e., installing IIS, virtual directory, ODBC...) are changed from the previous version to the newer version. Can you please show me how to configure these stuff on Win XP. I have tried those books that are old now and still not able to get it through.

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Installing IIS 5.1 On WinXP

I want to install IIS 5.1 on my WindowsXP machine. I do not have my WinXP CD. Does anyone know where I can download the necessary software to complete this installation?
Also, I would like to update a webpage that is built with either asp or (I did not make this webpage, and am new to both asp and .net) Is there a simple way to find out which was used to create this website?

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Installing A Web Application

How can I set up an install package to offer the SA to choose the install folder? I am using VS to create a MSI install file.

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Error While Installing

Error while instantiating this component in ASP page.

Dim oDms
oDms = Server.CreateObject("DmsMod.Document3")
Set oDms = Nothing

The dll is registered using regsvr32. I think it is registered correctly because, I can use this dll perfectly in a VB6 application by adding to the references.
IUSR_MyMachineName and IWAM_MyMachineName also have Read & Execute
permission on the System32 folder (System32 folder is housing the dll).

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Installing Apache::asp

I have installed apache on my computer to test php scripts. What do I now need to do to also run asp scripts? Do I have to install apache::asp or can I load a module that runs with my current apache?

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Installing ASP/IIS On Win XP Question

I have been developing in PHP for some time now on Win XP Pro but wish to get into ASP and then onto ASP.NET. Couple of quick questions to ask if thats ok.

1) Should I jump over ASP and straight into ASP.NET or should I learn the middle ground as well for compatibility with scripts out there?

2) How do I installed IIS/ASP on Win XP Pro without it clashing with Apache/PHP/MySQL. I know you use the XP CD and install IIS but I thought that would take control of localhost and block access to apache. Can you disable IIS when your not using it ?

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Installing Upload Files

I'm trying to install code written by Lewis Morton to upload files (in particular jpgs) on my web hosting account. Has anyone attempted to do this with Morton's code?
What I have now, I can do an upload, with no error messages, but no file is stored. I'm getting the file name, and Server.Mappath is creating the path, but nothing is being stored.

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Error Installing MSDE

As i try to install MSDE (Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine), i get this error message :

"A strong SA password is required for security reasons.

Please use SAPWD switch to suply the same. Setup will now exit"

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Installing Visual Studio .Net In My XP-Pro OS

I am interested in installing Visual Studio .Net in my XP-Pro OS. I tried once before and it hosed my IIS installation and could not even run it until I removed VS.NET and re-installing IIS.

Is there anything I need to install in my OS before trying again. I am pretty sure that it has all the OS updates.

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Installing IE7 Breaks ASP Code

I have used this type of VBSCRIPT code on an ASP page for several years to launch a program on a server from an ASP page:

Dim sh
set sh = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sh.Run("any-program.exe", 0 , TRUE)

The code breaks when I installed Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) on a Windows 2003 Server. The error is "permission denied". The error goes away when I uninstall IE7. Have you run into this problem? Do you have a solution that is better than uninstalling IE7?

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Trouble Installing (testing Asp)

anyways, after i installed IIS (i'm running XP SP2) everything seemed to go good, until i tested ASP, i get a 500 error / page cannot be displayed.

but this is the real error
-2147467259 (0x80004005)

i have no idea what this means, and i did a bit of a search on google on this, but i didn't find anything helpful - so i ran a search for asp forums and this came up - so here i am.

in case you want to know, my web server is running (i CAN see html files via the localhost url) but asp just won't go (i'm trying to view the default asp file) and i have no idea what's wrong (i DID restart my PC, and all services that might be related to anything internet are turned ON)

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Installing Web Data Admin

I've just installed web data Administrator and did everything instructed from the book, but when I opened the browser and typed http://localhost/SqlWebAdmin I get a web page but no input fields or place to type in the password. I'm running xp pro, IIS is running, MSDE is also running and I have SqlWebAdmin folder in the C:Inetpubwwwroot folder.

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Installing Devices Updates 4.0

I'm trying to install the Devices Update 4.0 but it failes every time with the error
"Application has generated an exception that could not be handled." Does anybody has any idea where I could find what's going wrong, or who I have to contact for support on Devices Update at Microsoft? As Devices Update is a free download.

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Installing IIS Server On Windows Xp Professional

I have a computer where I installed windows xp professional. However, during installation, I did not choose the IIS server component. Now, I need to install the IIS Server.

At the moment, I am not carrying the windows xp CD. Is there any IIS server download for xp available in the web so that I can get a local web server up and running real quick?

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Installing Jpg Upload Code In Server?

I plan to allow users to upload jpegs using the <input type="file">
I understand one needs to install an ASP componenet on the server to handle the upload.

I have an installation executable from CBUupload that is freeware, which apparently can do the job. Also there are a number of options I can purchase. Has anyone any experience with installing these components on a host site?

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ASP Won,t Work After Installing Microsoft Terminal Servcies

I've got a Windows 2000 server SP4 running IIS 5.0 I've just installed Microsoft Terminal Services v5.0 in administrator mode and now IIS won't process ASP pages (terminal services works OK).

When Terminal Servcies are uninstalled ASP pages work fine again. The following are the errors that are occuring when Terminal Servceis is installed. Code:

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Installing SUS(Software Update Services) - Page Not Found

Microsoft has a service called SUS that allows operating
system files to be updated from a dedicated server
instead of from Windows Update(Microsoft). SUS is a web
app based on .asp. I went ahead and installed SUS on a
Windows 2000 server that already had IIS 5.0 on it.

After the installation of SUS I tried to browse to the
home page,ie: http://localhost/SusAdmin, and got the
error "page not found".

I was able to browse normal html files in the same SUS
virtual directory in IIS and see them with no problem.
Something is wrong with .asp on IIS or with the setup of

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Asp Not Running

I've installed iis6.0 on win2003. All static content with
ssi etc rendered fine on the browser, but gives a 500
internal server error if i try access any asp page. The
log file says:

ASP_0134|Invalid_ProgID_attribute 80 -
(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.2;+.NET+CLR+1. 1.4322)
500 0 0

All the dll files are in place and I have enabled asp
scripting. Can anybody give me a clue as to where am I
going wrong?

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Running ASP On A CD-ROM

I'm cobbling together an e-commerce site with thousands of items (spares, accessories etc) and want to distribute it as a catalog on CD. I don't fancy rewriting it to HTML. Is there any way to run the ASP and database on a CD-ROM. I've tried Dynamic-CD but it won't do the job and there is little or no help on their web site.

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Running A VB Exe From ASP

I am trying to run a simple VB exe from the asp. I am using the following code

Set oWSH= Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") "%COMSPEC% /C est est.exe",3, False

The exe is seen in the task manager. But it is not running. When I use this same command in the command window, it works fine. Can some please help me. It is for Intranet development. I am trying to run the exe in the server only.

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ADO Running Under IIS

I have a new W2K3 box running IIS.Is there anything I have to install in order to use ADO?when I perform the following

Set Connection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Connection.Open "mydsn"

I get the error

Provider error '80004005'
Unspecified error

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IIS 5.1 Is Running

I had a windows xp professional and I install the windows component so that I can use the IIS 5.1 to test an ASP file. I went to start and click the run button and then type mmc. As soon as the mmc window opens I click the console but there is an error saying that there is nothing into it.

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Running ASP.NET

I need to open solution files whose source location files have moved. I am creating new virtual directories on the fly (using vbscript) as part of a automated build process that are configured to point to my new source directory. The build is following because I get the following error

<b>Unable to open Web project 'Abc'. The file path 'c:dev...' does not correspond to the URL 'http://localhost/Abc'. The two need to map to the same server location. HTTP Error 404: Object Not Found.</b

I am getting around this in the build process by removing the <b>GlobalSection(ProjectConfiguration)</b> section from the *.sln file

Is there a proper way to avoid this error occuring

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Running In Apache

is thier any way to run ASP files in apache just like php????? if yes how?

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Running Frontpg.exe

Is there a way to open FrontPage automatically on a user's computer using a
web page?I wan't the user to be able to click a link or a button and have FrontPage
open to a specific URL. The FP permissions should take over from there.
I'm looking for the same kind of execution that you get when you type

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Running Asp Code

I am very new to asp programing, so this may seem a silly question but here goes.
I am creating a page that will generate random lotter numbers. I have created the actual code to generate the numbers and have added the code to the top of the page. the problem is the code runs when the page loads and I want it to run only on the click of a button.
I read various starter tutorials and none seem to mention how to asign code to the click of a button.

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Running A ASP File

I know there have been posts about this issue before, but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. I'm not well versed in ASP, but in PHP there is a function called exec. This launches a process. I can call a PHP script from the command line and have it run in the background i.e.


exec(php myscript.php &);


is there a way to do the same thing with ASP? I want to run an ASP script in the background

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Error Running ASP In IIS

I am trying to run an ASP page in IIS 6.0 and I keep getting one of
two errors:

-2147467259 (0x80004005)
The remote procedure call failed and did not execute.

I have Win XP. It's been running fine for a long time and then
yesterday, for no apparent reason, I get this. I've tried the links
to asp.faq that I've seen others post and nothing works.

As a test, I created a simple ASP page with just '<%
Response.Write("Hello") %>' in it and still the error occurs so it's
not a scripting or database problem. DotNet seems to run fine and I
can run HTML pages, I also have Apache and can run PHP scripts with no
problem ... everything except classic ASP.

Any ideas? This is driving me crazy and I need IIS running because I
am falling behind in my work. As I mentioned, I've been running ASP
scripts on this machine for years and have never seen this problem.

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IIS Is Not Running 1.1 Version

I have Xp prof, IIs 5.1, .NET2003 on my machine.

I had the error "Visual has detected that the
specified web server is not runnning ASP.Net version 1.1.
Yow will be unable to run ASP.Net web applications or
services." in .NET 2003.

I fixed it by running the IIS mappings for ASP.NET,
aspnet_regiis -r. But I figured that my IIS had some issue
and I had to register the dll for IIS.

After doing that my .net is throwing the same
error, "Visual has detected that the specified
web server is not runnning ASP.Net version 1.1. Yow will
be unable to run ASP.Net web applications or services."

I ran the aspnet_regiis -r again it is overwriting the
1.1 .net framework scripts but the error in .Net is not

I know my webserver is running Ok because I can develop
ASP pages using Visual Interdev and my default website is
running fine.

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