Know Any Freeware Zip Code Distance Program?

Any recommendations for a freeware zip code distance program? I need the client to be able to select all clients living within a certain distance of his or her zip.

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Asp Zip Code Distance Search

I have a site and i have a text box for someone to type in a zip code. i nee dto know how to program, or locate a database, where the results will display my business location(s) by zipcode and display the total distance between the zip code entered by the visitor to the site, and my locations.

like Midas has on their site ( where you type in a zip code and it returns the store locations and how far away they are from you.

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Distance Search

I am working on a search which is used to search for something in cities of US.I want to add an option of "include nearby cities".When the user checks this it should bring up the cities near to that also.

so if the users enters city " LOS ANGELS " and state " California".It should bring up some results in california as well as cities near to californai.

Also i have another requirement in this search which is distance search.User will search for something with the option of with 5 or 10 or 15 or 25 etc., miles , so the same above results should occur.

My database contains two fields longitude and latitude.But i do not understand how to use this " include nearby cities" and for distance search.

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Distance Calculator

I want to use something like's ActiveX Component on a website so that a visitor can enter a startpoint and destination and I can calculate the distance by road between those 2 points.

This is for a website I'm writing for a mate of mine who owns a Courier firm. He wants to be able to provide online quotes to potential customers. I'm going to be using Brinkster as the webhost so I won't be able to install any Server-side DLL's, etc. Is there anything available to do this?

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Distance Between Two Zip Codes

I am trying to find a software that can find distance between two ZIP codes. I think most of them do it by having the longtitude and latidute of each ZIP, and substract. But this gives the air distance. Where can I find software that find the ground distance (like in Mapquest).

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Find Out Distance Calculator?

I am looking for a way create a distance calculator from city to city, zip to zip, so on so forth. I know this has been done many times. Does anyone have this around by any chance. Also does anyone know of a place I can get the db or text file I need for this? I know there are some floating about but haven't came across a decent one yet.

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Distance Betweeen 2 Zip Codes

anyone knows what the formula is for finding a distance betweeen 2 zip codes?

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Distance From Two Tables To Insert In One

I am using this code to produce a distance from two LONg, LAT from two different tables. Can any one help me write the code so that it can pull from the correct tables and then insert into one field in on table. Code:

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Find Distance Between US Cities Using Zipcodes

I have a database having, US zipcodes, longitude and latitude. What I want to do is LIST THOSE ZIPCODES which are at a distance of given miles from a particular zip code.

For Exmaple: I want to find the zip codes which are at a distance of 15 miles from zipcode 10001 (NYC).

I have the script that uses Zipcodes, latitudes and longitudes of two cities and caculate the distance. But it calculates distance.

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Long Distance ODBC Connections

Is it possible to have some sort of hyperlink or long distance odbc connection so that I can get pages on my server here to draw from a database that is at a different location? How would this be done?

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*Efficiently* Calculate Distance Between Two Zip Codes

Alright, in regards to my previous post of finding a DB that has all of the latitude/longitudes in a DB, I need to now filter through those based on search criteria. The search criteria available includes: Code:

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a000d' Type Mismatch 'Distance' Problem

I have the following code that I am trying to use to calculate distance. However I keep getting a Type Mismatch error on line 50 which is in bold. Code:

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Run Program

I am trying to run a program with a command line switch from vbscript.This is the code im trying:Code:

ReturnCode = WshShell.Run("C:Program FilesNorton AntiVirusNAVW32.exe c:", 1, True)

I guess Im just after the formatting like where to put the quotes.

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Getting Name From Program.asp

I talked to my instructor and he was not sure but lets say I have URL - I know about Request.QueryString("name") for have URL and you get bob as the info past - but what if it is only ?andthename and do not use name=bob like in have URL and what I want is name = Request.QueryString("first entry") that is bob. That is all you get - how does that work - I have seen it before on pages but not sure they are asp - I think php can do it and I know it can be done with cgi.

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Upload Program

Currently I'm developing upload program using vbscripts. I want to log all the upload actvity to the DB.

So I insert form and other input field in the upload form. My problem is, my upload program cannot accept Request.Form tag. But the upload activity success but I still cannot achive my target to log the upload activity in DB. Any solution to avoid this happened? Is there any input tag other than request.form? Pls guys really need your help in this.

Here the error code :

Request object, ASP 0206 (0x80004005)
Cannot call BinaryRead after using Request.Form collection.

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Asp Forum Program

if its using access for db its even better.recommend a free one.

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Chat Program In ASP

I would like a free Live Support script for my site...writtent in ASP. I found some, but they refresh the page to update the contents...I would like it to use a better, more-efficient way. Some features that would be nice, but not needed would be visitor monitoring and operator initiated chats, and the ability to push the user to pages. If there is any such script...could someone please tell me where I can find it?

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Accounting Program

I am looking for an "Accounting Program" (even perhaps a CashBook) written in asp. There is gnuCash written in PHP -is there any equivalent in ASP ? I have searched most of the opensource webs, and cant see anything along these lines - does one exist

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Calling A Dll In Asp Program

I have a vb program which initiates a powerpoint when run (with a click of a button). i made a dll for that program by opening the .vbproj in a textdoc and changing some values. I was wondering can we call this dll from an asp program so that the power point gets initiated from asp.

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Call Another Program

With .asp,how do I call another program?I would like to have my .asp script make a call to a PERL script, wait for the PERL script to finish, and then continue with what is/isn't returned from PERL.

I know in PERL this is simply done: system(theASPprog.asp). No fork is created, so the PERL prog waits for the .asp to finish.How do I do this with ASP?

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Classified Ad Program

simple, easy to implement Classified Ads program I could add to my Web? I can use Access pretty well but don't know much about ASP yet.

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Run Program On Web Server

how to run a program on our webserver after a file has been uploaded? This is all server based. We have a requirement that an end user uploads a file to our web server. after the file has been uploaded the next line of code needs to call a program installed on the webserver that runs a remote command on our AS/400.

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End Task Program

I need an end task program in VB6.0 (the source code). I have searched inside out and can't find just 1 regular end task program that works on my system. Is it because I am running on XP and they only work on ME and younger systems?

Anyways I need an XP, source, compatible version of the software. I am writing an interesting program, which once complete will tell you what its for (dont worry this one is totally legal ). It should list and then allow users to click END/close. I think its done through an API.

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Call A Dos Program

I was wondering if its possible to call a program thru' asp pages. If yes, then how? For eg. I want to call abc.exe how can I do so? What if abc.exe is standalone program?

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ASP Program Recommendations

I have tried two so far, ASP Runner and Iron Speed. Iron Speed has so many more features than ASP Runner, however, seems setup for use with SQL. I am simply using Access Databases, and not SQL. Does anyone have any recommendations on ASP Code Generating programs like ASP Runner, that do not require you to be using SQL Server and has more features?

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Run Program On Server

I need to run a program on the Web Server from an ASP page. The program requires two arguments. What is the solution for this. I am not very experienced with this.

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How To Sent An Email From VBScript Program Under ASP/PWS?

I am learning ASP/VBScript using PWS under Win98SE. To send an email I need CDO object. In a book I am reading (very old one) it says that there are no CDO objects for PWS. Is there a Microsoft solution to sent an email in PWS?

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Reeading .XML File In ASP Program

The XML file I am reading in my ASP program doesn't appear to have carriage returns. For example:

The XML file looks like this:


but when I read it it looks like this:


I am opening the file with OpenTextFile.

I am trying to parse the file in my code so I really want it to look like this:


Can anyone offer suggestions.

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Program To Edit .adb File

I've taken on a website, which seems to use an '.adb' as it's database source. It connects to this using the microsoft Access driver, as it would an Access database.
I've Googled, and can't seem to find out how to open the .adb file and edit it.

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Calling A Program From A Link

My web application with to have a chat room or instant messaging features.
But doing that is not worth as there are a lot of instant messaging software
out there such as MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and ICQ.

So I plan to make a link in the page, so that when click on the link, the
appropriate messenger software will be executed.

Eg: click on the link "MSN", then it will call out the MSN Messenger

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CreateTextFile Halts Program

I got the following code from various ASP help sites:

dim filesys, filetxt, getname, path
Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set filetxt = filesys.CreateTextFile("c:somefile.txt")

The third line causes the program to halt. I am on localhost. (I tried it without "c: too.) What is the problem?

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Wscript.Shell Run Program

I am trying to use the Run method of WScript.Shell to run a program that creates image files on the server. When I run the program through the command line it creates a text file and a bmp file which is what it is supposed to do.

If I run it from an asp page it doesnt do anything, it also doesnt give me any error messages. I can run the same vbscript code in a standalone vbs file on the server and it works right. Code:

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About Date And Automatic Run Program...

my problem is i want to retrieve/get the date 3 day early using asp code, for example this date 12/10/2004 and i want to know 3 day early from that date which is 9/10/2004, do u guys have any idea....

and i more question which is how to make a page automatically run a program when the time or date is set, after the time/date has expire then a program is run, i have no idea also.

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