Limiting Users To How Many Session They Can Run

Can anyone please tell me if i can limit the amount session any given user can open at any one time?

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Global.asa - How To Configure For Users Session Out

I need to set a session time out for this website that was created by someone else using ePower. How can I configure the global.asa page to set a time out session for the users or do I have to set this in IIS? Code:

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ASP Session/Cookies, Help To Protect Page From Non Users

ASP Session/Cookies, Help to Protect Page from Non users I am a beginner and very urgently need some help

I have created a asp page, that takes in a username and password and validates it as follows and then if true continues to the pages requested.


'Read in the password for the user from the database
If (((Request.Form("txtUser")) = rsCheckUser("User_pass")) and (rsCheckUser("User_lev") = 1) ) Then
'If rsCheckUser("User_level") = 1 Then

'If the password is correct then set the session variable to True
Session("blnIsUserGood") = "True"

'Redirect to the authorised user page and send the users name
Response.Redirect"user_self_update_form.asp?ID=" & rsCheckUser("ID") & ""

'Close Objects before redirecting
Set adoCon = Nothing
Set strCon = Nothing
Set rsCheckUser = Nothing

End If

Now this code takes you to page :Response.Redirect"user_self_update_form.asp?ID=" & rsCheckUser("ID") & ""
Which is something like /project/user_self_update_form.asp?ID=1

Since after the login you do to this, you are allowed to see this page.

But The page user_self_update_form.asp?ID= can also be access if you just put the link on the browser. Lets say i log in as ID 2, and just change the ID to 3 on the address bar in the browser, i will log into someone elses page.

How to i block this from random access and only the SPECIFIC USER?

Code for user_self_update_form.asp (the protected page unless you are logged it):
The Session = False part just does not work here, so if you get this link of someone, you can just get it, and you are not redirected.

'If the session variable is False or does not exsist then redirect the user to the unauthorised user page
If Session("blnIsUserGood") = False or IsNull(Session("blnIsUserGood")) = True then
'Redirect to unathorised user page
End If

'Dimension variables
Dim adoCon 'Holds the Database Connection Object
Dim rsGuestbook 'Holds the recordset for the record to be updated
Dim strSQL 'Holds the SQL query for the database
Dim lngRecordNo 'Holds the record number to be updated
'Read in the record number to be updated
lngRecordNo = CLng(Request.QueryString("ID"))

and all the other protected into here:

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Logging Users :: Transactions My Users Perform

I want to be able to log in a database any transactions my users perform. For example logging in, requesting a page, downloading a resource, logging out etc.

What is the most practical way to code this? I was thinking of trying to use an include file which would have a function to add a log in the database for each page on the site or when a particular action is performed.

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Limiting Duplicates

I am required to prevent duplicate can i do this?? my database is MS Access and am using ASP.

Have been scratching my head fo quite some time now........cant figure out the logic.

I understand i cant limit it from the database....if possible i'd like to know how to handle the error that it would give with a page with message

or how can i compare the entry from the database before i post it

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Limiting Database

I have a database with about two thousand records, and I would like to only display about 50 per page. How would I go about doing this?
I have a hunch it has something to do with the <% Do While not objRS.EOF %> code?

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Limiting Size

How does one limit the amount of characters being entered into a <textarea>. I know we I can maxlength="50" an <input>, but what about a textarea?

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Getrows, Paging And Limiting

I'm using getrows to speed up data access time, i wonder though if there is a better way. Each recordset returns up to or more than 500 records, this is still quite an overhead for the server when there are lots of people on the site.

Rather than reading all 500 records into the array and then paging the results is it possible to create the recordset with just 25 entries?

ie if you are on page 1 then only the first 25 records are retrieved from the database, page 2 - records 25 - 49 are retrieved etc

or will this slow things down?

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Limiting Number Range

when a form is submitted which takes it to a process page, i have 2 seperate fields called hour and min to insert into a database field, basically what i want to do is run a check on the hour field to make sure it doesnt go higher then 23 if it does, return an error, also with the min field to not go above 59

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Limiting Data Access

I have 40 different users. Each user manages a subset of the total database. Currently I have a pull-down menu to let the user select their subset and then manage the data within it. I'd like to use their login info to pre-select the subset so that they have access only to their assigned areas. How do I "send" the subset name from one asp page to another? the db is "2004" the table is "Students" .

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Limiting Characters Returned

I am looking for a simple way to limit the amount of letters/Characters returned so that it does not throw off my pages styling. Basically I have the following: Code:

Dim SomeVariable

If that SomeVariable has 300 characters in it it will create a very large table that it displays in so, what I want to do is limit it to say 25 or 50 Characters and simply put like .... after it. Any Ideas?

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Limiting Number Of Records

I have built and app where people can add records to a database the problem is while the next page is loading some people are impatient and click refresh adding another same record with slightly different time stamp.

Is there anyway to limit the number of records insterted to my SQL database from my asp pages to one.

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Limiting Number Of Form Submissions?

I'm using the script below to limit a visitor at my site to only be able to post a form 5 times. I believe the reason I've received more e-mails is because the visitor closes their browser then opens a new one and they can post two times each time they do this.

count = Request("count")
if count = "" Then
count = 0
count = count + 1
End If

If count < 5 Then
<a name="step5"></a><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
This form has been submitted 5 times. Please contact me for more information.

Can somebody show me how I can do this so it will only work twice within a 24 hour period even if the visitor closes their browser and opens a new one? I would think cookies be the answer to this but what happens if the visitor has cookies turned off? If this would be a good solution can somebody please help me out? I'm not familiar with cookies.

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Limiting User Abilities By Group

I'm developing a page in which different users have different rights within the site. I don't even know where to start with this one because searching for anything to do with "website", "user", "rights", "permissions" or anything along those lines gives me nothing but server file permissions.

What I'm trying to do is allow anybody with a username and password to sign in, then based on their security permissions they will be able to use certain functions of the website. I want all this to be modular though...

I don't want a million IF's in my asp code. What I'm looking for is to have a list of groups, each having a checklist of functions they can perform. Assign a user to a group, and they can do those tasks.

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Limiting Number Of Columns Displayed

When displaying data from a database, how can I limit how many columns are displayed on the page?

I am trying to build an image gallery, and I want it to be 5 images across by x number of rows. I know how to make each image it's own column, or it's own row, but I don't know how to limit how many columns are displayed per row.

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Limiting The Size Of Uploaded File

I am able to upload files to my server using free asp upload
software. But i have another requirement now.

#1) I need to let
the user upload files upto 5MB only. Not more.
I need to limit the size of the file.
This is how i am using the file upload.

#2) I have a txtbox and button on my main form. The name of
the button is Upload and when i click on upload button i get
another asp form which has Code:

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Limiting User Size Upload

I need to develop an asp application wich allow users to upload files, but I need to limit every user folder with 10MB.How can I do that?not pure asp solution? each user must be a IIS/FTP user that will control that?

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Limiting Results From An Access Query

I'm attempting to limit a query which is being ordered by a date field to 10 records. The date field contains duplicate values, which are sorted from most recent, back.
However their suggestion of sorting by a secondary field is not providing acceptable results (it returns all the rows in the database). Does anyone have any suggestions of another way around this?

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Limiting The Amount Of Characters Returned

I am looking to return the first 50 characters from a database field. Does anyone know if there is a SQL function that returns a defined amount of characters from a database field?

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How Many Users Per Pub?

I have 3 tables

members, pubs, favepubs

favepubs contains

favepubID, UserID (from members), PubID (from Pubs)

I'd like to join all 3 and maybe count the users?!

basically i want to show in my list of pubs how many users like that pub


The Red Lion (4 members - click for more details)
The Royal Oak (2 members - Click for more details)


The Red Lion (Jarv, Test, Admin, Shelly)

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No Of Users

I'm hosting a couple of ASP applications on my server. How can I tell the number of users currently logged on, and can I get any details about them ?

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See The Users Logged In

How do we have a track of users who have logged in? I want to have a table of record with usernames and the status(logged in or logged out).

Whenever the user logs in, the status shud indicate he is logged in and when he logs out the status shud change accordingly. Does anybody know how to do this???

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Multiple Users

I am using asp codes to connect to my access database. But i have a query in mind. Will my database still work if more than 1 user is logon to edit the database records?

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Users Are Prompted

is this a permissions issue that happened at the server side
When I go to one of the .asp pages it brings up the "malicious code" prompt,asking whether I should open or save the file.
How do I make it so it just executes the file?

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Users Dbo. And Viss.

My database tables uses two users, namely dbo. and viss.
so in sql server 2005, every table has the following name structure:


In source code, sql queries are used without adding usernames. Like,

UPDATE customers

Now I get sql erros as 'invalid tablename members' to solve this I add username to query, like dbo.members. That would solve the problem, but is there an easier way to solve this? Because I'm working with a complicated application and it has allot of files, adjusting each query is an option but any other solution? Code:

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Message All Users

I have a database that is setup with a messages table... I have been asked to modify the following script to do the following...

Message ALL Users or Message All Admins or Message Individual Users (with the option to select multiple users - such as 2 or 3) or Message Individual Admins...

The Database is designed with a User table and each user is assigned a "Type" such as "admin" or "user" - can anyone look at the following and give me an idea how to implement this function?

It needs to be setup where the admins and users are seperated so its ok to have two Options boxes that display a users section and a admin section..

Here is the code:

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Authenticating Users

I have an intranet which all staff have access to. All staff can log in to the intranet to amend their own personal info. Currently staff have seperate passwords for logging on to their machines (ie ACL on network server) and logging on to the intranet.

Is it possible to have someone automatically logged in to the intranet based on their windows username and password for the domain?

Just wondering if anyone else has tried this. I think I saw this as an option in ASP.NET but my intranet is built using ASP.

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Currently Logged Users

I want to create a page in ASP language which gives me information about
currently logged users. I thought to do it by this way: when somebody
will log in to page, there will be a value of this user id stored in the
table among the other fields in the form which are filling in. After
clicking on the button "Log off" the value of the user id will be
deleted from the MS SQL Server 2000 database. I would do it, but I don`t
know how to solve the problem when somebody will close the Internet
Explorer window by clicking "x". Then the procedure of deleting a value
of user id will not call, and this value will be still stored in the
database, so I will not have actual state of currently logged users.Maybe there is another possiblity to do it?

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IIS Too Many Users Connected

I attempt to acceed to ASP files. I use IIS. In Netscape the error Too Many Users Connected HTTP 403.9 (defined in IIS).

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Detect Mac IE Users

Does any one know how to detect if a user is using IE on a Mac so i can route them to another page.I have tried the following:Code:

strUA = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")

But how do i parse this info to determine whether they are a MAC IE user ?

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Creating AD Users Through ASP?

is this possible? AD being active directory...

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Active Users

I need to display information a list of Active users on a web site.I can do the count using the global.asa but need to display individual information about each "active user" without writing it all to a database and then pulling it out again.Info I need :

IP Address - Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_HOST")
The page they are on - Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
the page they were on - Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")

Can I write this stuff into sessions and call them all out?

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Authenticating Users

I need to authenticate users to enter in a NTLM-protected virtual directory,but I can't pop up a NT-login dialogue box - I can only do a web-based username/password form (my client is a "usability" firm!). After searchingand searching, I finally found up with this solution to use ADSI to authenticate users transparently:

I tried the script and I am able to authenticate that the user exists with the correct password, but when I redirect the user to the virtual directory,the popup box is still popping up! I think what is happening is that I am not actually passing the username/password to the NT server.

Is anybody familiar with using ADSI for NT log in's?Am I on the righttrack?And if so, how do I actually do this so that the NT login boxdoesn't pop up?

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