List Documents In A Html Table

I currently have a set of documents in a directory that i need to list in a html table. Is there any way to generate the table with the documents listed instead of having to update the table manually everytime a new document is added to the list.

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Rendering HTML Documents As Images

I'd like to take a HTML document as input (preferably a HTTP URL to a HTML / PHP document), render the page as a web browser would, and display the output as a graphic - kinda similar to what the <object> tag can do in HTML (i.e. within the Windows Explorer Web View, you could "Preview" HTML documents like a graphic etc.)

It doesnt matter too much whether the rendering needs to be done in or - although I'd prefer!! To be honest, the only method I can think of for doing this is to open the page in an IE window using, take a sceenshot and resize! But as the request could be run as and when,

I think that it'd add a large workload to the server if it has to launch a (reasonably large) .exe every time!! Plus that method would also rely on no other windows appearing on top of the preview window before the screenshot is taken!!

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Copy Part Of HTML Table To Another HTML Page

I have a table having 3 columns. There is a checkbox for each line. I
need to get those lines whose checkboxes are checked, and show those
lines to another webpage. Is there any way to do that? My concern is
that all information in the table are in <tb></tb> pairs without any
name tag. Any idea?

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Drop Down List From Db Table

I already know how to create a drop down list that reads from a database. However, how can i make a drop down list that reads from a table but it automatically selects a specific row instead of the first row?

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Drop-down List And Table

I have drop-down list with product categories and next to it I've got a table with list of products. I've managed to make them to read the data from the data base. In drop-down list i have names of 6 categories and in the table i have names of all my products I've got in the data Base, but i couldn't make the table showing only those products depending on which category name has been selected in the drop-down list.

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Input Data In The Table List

I use while-loop the show the table content in web page. e.g (bookingno,
booking date,customer no)

However, the client need me insert one column (confirmdate ) and allow the
user input and update the date .

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Looping Thorough A Table To Get Code List

Assume there is a table called Item:

and fields Itemcode Customercode

now a customer may have one or many items(itemcode)

Now the issues are, Customercode can be zero or a code value.

NOw i want to put a do while loop to get all the records as comma seperated format

select * from Itemtable where customercode=customervalue
Do while not Rs.eof
TempItemcodest=TempItemcodest & "," & rs.fields("Itemcode")

TempItemcodest=TempItemcodest & "0"

so i am adding a zero at the begging and end to have the commas seperated properly.

is there any better way to do this?

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Generate List Of Table Names

Anyone have any advice on getting a recordset of all tablenames in a database? I have an access database that I am constantly adding tables to.

I want to have code that will lookup all tables and populate a selectbox with the tablenames so that I can click to look at each table individually.

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Complete An Access Table Through A Select List

I would like to know if it is possible to fill in an access table through a select list inside an APS 3 web page. If yes, how ?

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Creating A Best Sellers List From My Orders Table

I'm creating an online shop which has an area showing the top ten best selling products. I'd like to generate the list of the best selling products from my OrdersDetail table (which is table showing listing purchases made on the site), ordered by the most popular at the top and the least popular at the bottom.

I thought if I could use the SQL DISTINCT command this would create a list of products without duplicates, then if I could COUNT them I'd generate a list of the most popular products in the OrdersDetails table. This nearly works but the list won't ORDER BY the COUNT column (I get an error). This is my code so far:

SELECT DISTINCT ProductDescription, COUNT(ProductDescription) AS bestSellers
FROM OrdersDetail
GROUP BY ProductDescription

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Comma Delimited List & Lookup Table

I have a sql server 2000 table with a comma delimited list of ids. there is a seperate lookup table with a desc for each id.

I need for this data to be retuned in the same order in which the data was entered into the database. right now it is returning ordered by the id from the lutable.

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Group Emails To Email List In Table

I would like to send the same email to every email address that I have in a table.Only complication is that some records have an email address and some don't (some people dont have email addresses.

I had a go and made an array and used the len(email)>0 idea, so that if no email address, skip sending and email. Guess just after some standard code, nothing fancy. The site is on a commercial server running win 2000 .

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Inserting Table To Format Dynamic List

I have an .asp page that contains a drop down menu, that when a selection is made, reformats the page to one of 22 different .asp pages. When clicked, the drop-down disappears and the options from it are formatted as a list on the left hand side of the page.

I need to format this so the list is in 3 columns, with the secection bold. I think I need about 4 if..then statements, but I've never done this's the specific code, the code for the drop-down is first, then the code for the "quick link" list: Code:

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Html Table

Can someone explain to me or give me an example of how I would insert a row into an html table.

I will explain more so you understand what I am talking about.

I'm a newbie working on a dynamic website using asp.

I want to insert records dynamically. There is a command button insert when this is selected I would like a row added to my html table so the administrator can add his records.

The records will also be automatically updated to the original mysql table.

How would I add this row to my html table when the insert button is selected

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Recordset/HTML Table

On the first ASP page I have a form (checkbox) with 20+ different categories. After the user clicks on a few of them, they all have to be transfered on the second ASP page in HTML table. My problem:

If user selects only three categories, they should represent themselves in three differenst columns in my html table(something like Column-Name). If he selects 4, - four differesnt columns in the same table, etc.

So the table has to be 'dynamic'. It should have the same number of categories that the user selected on the first page. Could it be done? After that I should populate every category from a recordset and I know now how to do that.

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Exporting HTML Table

I am planning to export data from SQL that generates HTML table. Instead of selecting the table and then copy then paste to word, I need a script(JS or VB) that will automatically export or open the Query to word.

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Edit An HTML Table

I have a dynamic html table. I want to write the code to edit rows in the table. Right now I can't change anything in the table. How do I make the rows so they can be selected and changed.

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Display Txt Into Html Table

i want to convert my txt file into a html table for display . But i dun want it to go through db .

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Printing A Html Table

We have a report in html Table form. When he gives print, say the table would take 5 papers to print, he wants the table headers in all pages. Is this possible? I calculated a A4 paper would be of 1090 pixels.

I thought if I could find the height of one table row, then I could do the paging easily. Could it be possible to find the height of a table row.

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Edit HTML Table With Asp

I have tried to edit table in html page with asp, but I havent succeeded in it. The pupose was to check with "if" function that does the variable fit into certain number array. For example:

if data1 < 100 then
"change the colour in a certain cell in a HTML table
end if

Is it possible to change with asp the properties in a html table? The purpose was to change the colour in a certain cell if the condition in the if function does not match. And if it is possible.. how I can point to a certain cell and change the colour in it.

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Create Html Table From Rs

how do i create a td for each field in my rs, with out labeling them. this is what i have, not sure if i'm heading in the right direction or not.


<%Do while not rs.eof%>
<%= rs ('insert rs name'<<<<???)%>

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Exporting HTML Table To Excel?

Is this possible? I am planning to export data from SQL that generates HTML
table. Instead of selecting the table and then copy then paste to excel, is
ther a script(JS or VB) that will automatically export or open the Query to

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ASP Auto Updating An HTML Table

I need to create a webpage with an HTML table that keeps track of certain data. I have created the table and hardcoded all the nonchanging cells.

The problem is the data I need to update the table with is FTP'd to a webshare in a .txt format. I need to take this file, parse it and update the table every morning at 745.

I have found ways to do it if the webpage receives a hit, but I still need it to do it on weekends and holidays when we are not in the office, because this file will be overwritten with the new data file the next day.

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Generate An HTML Table From A Database

I am using ASP to generate an HTML table from a database. I use FSO to output a file with an XLS extension then open it. I can set the column width and row height; I can set the font family, size, and weight. I know I can include formulas in a "cell".

What else can I do when I generate the table that will take effect when the file is opened in Excel? I'd like to do things like autofit and sorting. The client does allow Office Automation on the server so I can't write to Excel directly.

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Export Html Table To Text File

How do I export an HTML table to a text file? tab delimited, comma delimited... just another note, I create the table using ASP.

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Inserting/Updating Database From HTML Table

if it is possible to insert and update records in a database from the data that is in an HTML table? I have a program that converts data to an HTML table and would like to be able to insert/update records to the database on the webserver.

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HTML Table In Excel With Line Feed In Cell

I an using ASP to read a database table and generate an HTML table
which is save via FSO with a file extension of .xls which opens up
in MS-Excel. I am inserting several lines of text into a cell and would
like to force a line break between them.

I recorded an MS-Excel macro so see how Alt-Enter was captured
which turned out to be Chr(10) which is the same as vbLf (right?)

I tried inserting that in character in the text but it didn't show up as
a line break in MS-Excel.

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Make "freeze Panes" On Html Table

i try to freeze the head row of the html table (like in excel) scrol only the rest of the table! how to do it?

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Asp And Word Documents

I have created a word template containing logos. I want to be able to open the document and dynamically add data to it and save the file as something else. the problem is when I use the streamobject method it does not work! I can only add data if the file is a notepad (unicode file). Is there any way to do this? I can't find any ttutorials on the web.

Also I know how to write word documents using html and I cant use this method because when I open the document the image will not display. Is there a way to keep the image contained within the document?

If I can get either of the methods above to work that it would have solved my problem!

Or if anyone knows of other ways to creating a word document using logo's and dyanmic data then please let us know.

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Word Documents

I have a HTML page with field data on, I would like to know if in ASP i am to pick up that field data and send it to a Word document, the application this data comes from is hosted in an IIS box and uses an ISAPI filter to parse the data from SQL tables to that GUI for the user. This function is need for an individual page at a time, & unfortunately I'm still quite new to ASP so I'm not sure if this is possible.

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Upload Documents

I have a documentation management system written with ASP.This is a simple system.I want to upload necessary documents and create folders when necessary delete folders etc.When uploading documents I should select both the uploaded file & also the target location.Because I have many many folders and subfolders.

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Delete Documents

If there a way using ASP to delete files from a folder on the server if the file doesnt exist in the database.

I have heard of something called FSO (File System Object) but not sure how to use it - does anyone know of an ASP method or how to mate ASP and FSO?

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Secure Documents

I have a client who needs to be able to upload confidential documents (.doc and PDF) to a "hidden" area within their website so other members of their organization can later view them at their convenience. This area would be restricted by logins and passwords, but it also needs to be secure enough that no outsiders could gain access to these documents if they tried.

I've read on here about placing files in a directory outside of the root directory and then reading them back with a script but I'm wondering if there are other options that would be even more secure than this. Maybe with using some sort of file encryption or something else used in conjunction with files outside the root. I would be open to any 3rd party commercial software if someone has had good experience with it. Does anyone have suggestions to offer?

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