Logging In Session

how would the site know that that specific user has logged in?i know that once the user registers, the username and the password gets stored in a database and once the user logs in, the password and the usrname gets searched against the password and the username in the database.what if i want the users details to be outputed such as address and name once they log in?

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Logging A Session End Time To Sql Table

I have a web app that doesn't utilize a specific logout screen (even if it existed, the clients would probably just "x" out of the app anyway).

I would like to track users' sessions, and I can insert into a user_log table as part of the login process, but how do I capture when a user ends their session? Can I update a sql table somehow in a global.asa file - using "onSessionEnd"?

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Logging Downloads

I need to log how many times one spesific file is downloaded from my
website. First I thought this could be done simply by routing via a script
that count number of downloads, and then redirect to the spesific file. But
this soultion will not work when a user right click on the file/link and
choose "save target as...". How can I solute this?

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Logging Out W/o Going Back In

I'm trying to make a logout link to where once someone logs out, not only will they be sent to another page, but they will not be able to go back into their account by pressing the back button, but by logging back in.

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Logging Users Log

i would like to automitically log when a user signs in, presumably using a seperate Access database. Can anyone point to to a simple way of accomplishing this?

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Logging IP Address

I would like to log the IP Address of users browsing my page. Hoewever, using the "REMOTE_USER" from the Request.Servervariables only logs the proxy that all users who access the page willl have to through.

Is there any way how I can log the actual IP address of the user? I thought of Cookies or something like that, but i really do not have any clue. Or tell me if its not possible so I can stop working on it.

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Custom 404 And Logging

I'm developing an application that uses a custom 404 page to deliver all of my site's content. However, doing things this way renders IIS's regular log files pretty much useless.

Are there any established "best practices" for creating your own logging system? I know that others use this technique and I'm hoping someone has some ideas they can pass along. For example, do you log every single page request or do you just log totals per day, week, or month? How do you deal with the increasing volumes of data? Do you collect referrer data, etc.?

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Update Logging

I've got a number of ASP scripts updating a particular SQL Server table. However, this table is being updated incorrectly by one of the 10 scripts. Is there a way to log all updates so I can troubleshoot the problem?

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ASP Error Logging

I have experienced some ASP errors in my web application and I'm unable to reproduce those errors because IIS is configured in a way that does not send any debugging messages to the user (and I cannot change it). Only standard string "An error occured on the web server when processing the url..." is sent.

So Is there any way to log such situations to the eventlog, a file, database or any other storage? OR Is there any way to allow me to send only piece on debugging information to the user. In other words: I'd like to send error code that would be understandable only by me?

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Logging In System

I have a page where a user enters his or her login details after registering. After clicking login it takes them through an asp page which verifies that they are a valid user. However I have come across a problem Code:

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Logging Off From A Website

I am amazed at how much help I have had in creating my first asp based
website from this forum. There are obviously a significant number of real
experts who are happy to take the time to help us novices. My site which now
does what it aims to would not be working without this assistance and I am
extremely grateful. Code:

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Logging Read Receipts

How can I log read receipts?

Is it possible to insert or grab an existing message ID (from the header
etc), log it into my DB, than once the read receipt is sent from the clients
machine, pull it off my pop server, parse it and than log that it was read?

Any suggestions?

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Logging Access Attempts

I have an asp application that allows users to access certain documents based on their ID and security level. This works fine, but I want to be able to log access attempts so that any potential abuser can be given proper warnings, etc. Basically, if I'm Attorney A then I should be able to access info on Case X, but Attorney B should not be able to, and any of his attempts to access Case X should be logged somehow.

I found the following script online that should capture the IP address of the offending machine, but when I test it I only get errors: Code:

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Logging Off Inactive Users

On my site when people log in it changes a field in my database from 0 to 1 the website reads in all users marked as 1 as online.

When the users log off it marks them back to 0 and they are marked as offline unfortunately most people never log off. Whats the easiest way to log them off automatically? I have included some of my code below: This shows the members online: Code:

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Logging In Pull More Info

this is a continuation of my little login page I am setting up.
the login pages authenticates the user using Active Directory.
I also have a Database locally in MSSQL that has the users ref number (primary key, incrementing) first name, last name, and user id (same user id as ldap/AD etc)
what I want to do is when the user logs in the page will call the Database and grab the full name as well as the ref number. Later in the page if the user submits a form to add data to another database I want it to populate a column in a table using the ref number. that should be rather easy once I actually have that ref number.so how would I tell the page to go to my database and grab his ref number (as well as his name to be able to display Welcome first Lastname instead of userid?

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Logging Off Windows 2000 From IIS

I will be traveling and I will need to show someone a
secure folder in an IIS website and I will be on a public
computer. When we are done, I will need to be able to log
off so no one else using that computer will find
their way into that part of the website. The security is
Windows authentitication using Clear Text.

Can ASP log me off. If so I will need to code this before
I leave. Can anyone point me to where I can get some
examples of code to do this ?

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Call Logging Scrpt

Has anyone seen any ASP code that will use and Access database for users to log into and Document calls they recive inbound and make outbound

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Logging User Visit

I am building an ASP application, in this application, one of the functions is that I have to know exactly how long a user has used a certain page of the application. so I need a way to long the time a user enters a page and when he leaves again.

when the user closes the browser, no time for leaving isrecorded.Is there a way to run a web service that can read cookies of all the users and write them to a database? Or am I looking too far for the solution.I'd like a clean solution, not with popups, or opening other windows in order to run extra asp code.

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Logging In To View Information

What is the easiest way to set up an area on my site where I can allow people to register and login to view information? I know this shouldn't be too hard, but I've never had to mess with it before. I have a mySQL database at my disposal.

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Search Query Logging

how I should log search queries, perhaps adding the queries to a text file. I want a way to be ble to log srch queries on my site search.

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Logging Off By OnUnload Caused By Refreshing

I have a application online using ASP in which users log in and log out. However, a lot of users simply close the window, bypassing my log-out script. I have tried using the Javascript onUnload function with success, but refreshing the screen also triggers this at the wrong time

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Dynamic Online Logging Form

Basically i want to pull a record from a table and based on a few records build a input form.

The idea: I want to be able to design a online logging form, using 4 fields in the table inc_label, inc_group, inc_required and inc_type.

Inc_Label is the name of the item.
Inc_Group is the name of the Group.
Inc_Requried is if the item is required.
Inc_Type is the item type.


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Type Mismatch: 'CDbl' When Logging In

I have login page that fails the login on the validate page and gives me the Type mismatch: 'CDbl' error.What I find funny is that I didn't notice that was happening until I assigned one User a longer password (xxxxxxxxx2004) but if I login in with password for another user and they have been using this (xxxxxx2004) then everything is fine.

I can't see the code to be the problem or can it. Password field is a varchar (200).

Would somebody have a suggestion,because earlier in the day I was able to create a smaller lenght wise password for this case and it worked if I do that now it fails as if I have incorrect userName or password.

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Logging Errors With ASP 404 Error Pages

When I had just setup my web site with IIS 5.0 the error
log contained the 3 things I needed for my site stats

The page that had that not been found (i.e.
site.com/nofile.html), the error number (404) and the
referrer (where the person came from to get to the bad
page); Now when I try to use my custom 404 page it only
logs the error number. How can I setup my page to log the
referrer and bad file page?

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Retrieving Logging User Name Problem

I have a simple code as followed-

You are <%=Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER")%>

I got only a "You are" WITHOUT the user name.

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Logging In To Exchange Server From ASP Script

Im trying to create an application that when sent an email, retrieves the email, and uses its content to create an MS Outlook/Exchange task request.

I have everything else in place, but when I try to connect to CDO's MAPI interface, I get [Collaboration Data Objects - [MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED(80040111)]] error messages.
I've tried numerous examples from books and the internet to no avail.

Could anyone shed some light as to why this is so? I've also exhaustively searched the archives on this site for examples and used some of them but I keep getting the same errors. Code:

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Logging Date, Time And Write To File

I want to make a log file in which only a date and time are written, when a certain page is visited.

Most scripts and tutorials explain only about how to read a file, and how to write a file.. not on how to write a line at the end of a file(or beginning). I tried the following, but this does not work: Code:

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Who Block Download File If Not User Logging?

I using ASP Windows 2003, i need in my web site, block files to download. if a user is logged, when download a file the direction of file save in URL, example:


and any user get this file written this direction in URL, i like to block file or folder if the user is not logged.

The logging use session, and MySQL ...

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Logging Users :: Transactions My Users Perform

I want to be able to log in a database any transactions my users perform. For example logging in, requesting a page, downloading a resource, logging out etc.

What is the most practical way to code this? I was thinking of trying to use an include file which would have a function to add a log in the database for each page on the site or when a particular action is performed.

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How To Find The Session Expired Or Not Without Using Any Session Varaibles

how to find the session expired or not without using any session varaibles?

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Accessing ASP Session From ASP.NET Via Session Cookie

I have a site that I'm trying to migrate to ASP.NET from ASP, and the
foremost stumbling block I'm hitting is session state between the ASP
and ASP.NET applications. In order to access this information, I'm
doing a HttpWebRequest from the ASP.NET side into an .asp page,
passing the session name on the get in order to request it from the
ASP side and write it back to the response stream, giving ASP.NET
access to it. Of course I change sessions each time I make the call
from the ASP.NET side.

Soooooo, I'm thinking to myself, "Self, shouldn't you be able to fake
out the server by getting the session cookie from the initial usage of
the asp, pass that data to the ASP.NET, and use that to send a request
back the ASP side under the appropriate session?"

From a real high level, I enter the site via a .asp page. This page
in turn calls .aspx page from within a frame ......

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Tracking Session Variables From Outside The Session

I want to create an administration page which lists all the current users who are on the site at the moment.

I know coldfusion has this feature built in using the SessionTracker class... does ASP have something similar? If not... is there any way I can just iterate through all the session files on the server...?

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Session.session Not Maintained

I have a site developed using ASP, but each page I enter has a different session id when accessing the site using the domain name of the site. When accessing the site from my network and using the internal IP address, it is OK. Any ideas?

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