Make A Countdown To The Year

I need to make a countdown to the year 2004. I want it to have days, seconds, minutes, hours, etc.

The only problem is that my server is 3 hours faster than my time, and I need to adjust it in the script somehow, and also please give me the script for the actual countdown.

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I want to show a countdown clock in my page. While login, the sytem date and time as input. I want to show the using time. Is any logic?

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Countdown Function

I originally had this in javascript. A countdown that would start at say, 200 and then when it got to 0 it would start over. But who ever visits that page will start at 200 and if they close the browser and go back to the page it starts at 200.

i want to create a countdown similar to the home shopping 80 widgets left,79,78,77.... and keeps going no matter who opens page revisits, whatever. Is this an ASP function? Or can this be done at all?

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Countdown Timer

I'm creating a countdown timer to a dynamic date, it reads a date from a db and then counts down to that date. I need to know once the date has been reached how i then display a message stating that the users member ship is up.

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SQL Countdown Clock With Redirect

I have been searching everywhere but can't find any information on how to do this. Hope someone can help. I am using ASP, SQL, VB, Javascript.

I have the date data in SQL like this 08/28/08 5:20PM I'm trying to create a countdown clock that would take the date and time from the SQL database. Then once it reaches that time it will redirect to another page. Is there anything out there with this example I can use? The time is counted from the server and not the client.

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1 Minute Countdown Clock

Is it possible to do a 1 minute countdown clock in text via asp?

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Writing Code To Countdown Hours

I'm trying to write a script to countdown the number of hours and minutes until tomorrow. So far, this is what I have:

response.write(dateDiff("h",now(),date+1)) & " hours and " & dateDiff("m",Time(),date+1) & " Minutes "
The code above correctly displays the hours until tomorrow. but it's not displaying the minutes correctly. It's displaying the total minutes until tomorrow. If there at 4 hours left until tomorrow it's saying "4 Hours and 240 minutes."

I need it to display "4 hours and 0 minutes."

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Countdown Timer By Day, Hour, Minute And Seconds

how to do the count down timer? which their is count down timer for sepacific day, hour, minute and second.

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Formating Year

I want to be able to format a year as mm/dd/yy

formatdatetime does not work because the year is yyyy. How do I format a 2 digit year such as 04 for 2004?

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Year Function

I have an sqlstatement which is executing on my form it works fine in sql server enterprise manager but obviously the function that is used in sql server enterprise manager will not work on a form i am coding with sql statement is as follows

Sholiday.source = "Select * from Year WHERE Year= IsDate(Year) order by bhdate"

this doesnt work fine, because i would like that the Year that my sqlstatement picks up to be equal to the current year we are in..can anyone tell me what the function for that is in vbscript... i am using vbscript and asp..

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Year - Drop Down Box

Basically what im trying to do is create a dynamic drop down box that changes its output each year.

It is a drop down box that displays years, but i need it to be always a minimum of 18 years minimum from the current year e.g as its 2004, it needs to display 1986 as its minimum year and upwards to 40 years from 2004, because the type of people im looking for need to be over 18, and no more than 40... And this is within a form, so the users choice of years is collected on submit.

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Integer - Max(year)

I have a set of values like name,age,desg,salary,year etc . currently i am getting the values using max(year) and displaying the values year is integer in my sqlserver db
If you go thru my code (see attachment) you would be able to understand.

Now the problem is if a person gets promoted or hike in his salary i have to display two differnt salary on the same year how do i do that. currently i am displaying the values based on the max(year) max(year)-1 etc. i cannot modify the database. i have to do some changes on my coding only. Please view my coding as attachment (3000.txt).

For example
Name Age Desig Salary Year
abc 35 CEO 39000 2004
abc 35 CFO 38000 2003
abc 35 CTO 37000 2002
abc 35 CTO 35000 2001
abc 35 Direcotr30000 2001

How do i display this from the database.

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Integer - Max(year)

I have a set of values like name,age,desg,salary,year etc

currently i am getting the values using max(year) and displaying the values year is integer in my sqlserver db If you go thru my code (see attachment) you would be able to understand.

Now the problem is if a person gets promoted or hike in his salary i have to display two differnt salary on the same year how do i do that. currently i am displaying the values based on the max(year) max(year)-1 etc. i cannot modify the database. i have to do some changes on my coding only. Code:

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I have a form and I request a date. I want the slashes(02/25/2005) to auto fill in the form. Can this be done? How?

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How To Sort Month And Year

i have data likes this
post_month post_ year
january 2006
december 2006
january 2007
february 2007

i need to write a query to display as follows


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Adding A Year To A Date Value

Can someone please tell me how to add a year to the following date field from a SQL Server Database:

DatePaid = rs("DatePaid") & ""

I tried something like:

DateExpires = DatePaid + 1.

It certainly didn't work.

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ASP, Triggering Page When End Of Year

i wan to do a page at the backend,when the date is end of this year(12/31/2007) then will execute the code (such as add the new total leave with the current balance leave automatically without regresh the page or login into the system.)

i heard that the MS SQL SERVER got this triggered function, but unfortunately..the MS SQL SERVER hosting that i used(third party) didnt provide this function. i jz can store data in the table and create more others component that i can use.

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Select Articles From This Year Only?

How can I select only articles from the current year? I have a datestamp column and the date it stored like this: 2004-06-18 00:00:00.000

The time is always all zeros so I have been having problems with it.

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Sort By Date (year)

I have a date field in an MS Access database. I need to sort this field and print the results to an ASP page. I have done this plenty of times before except this time the date field data includes BCE data. A sample of the data in the date field is as follows:

1300 BCE
930 BCE
November 29, 1947
May 14, 1948
1465 CE
October 29, 1956
1020 BCE

I know that I can not have the data type of the MS Access field set to date/time. I searched online and didn't find too much.

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How Can Show Only Year And Month

How can I get the following date field to display as month and year only like "January 2004" ?


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Sort Records By Year

I have an access db with 5 years worth of articles. I need to be able to list them according to year from a query string. I am having no luck with this. Can anyone help. SQL is not one of my strong points.

vyear = Request.QueryString("year")
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE "& DatePart("yyyy", article_date) &"="& vyear &" ORDER BY article_date desc"

I have tried this a few different ways with no luck at all. I keep getting errors.

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Sort By Date (year)

I have a date field in an MS Access database. I need to sort this field and print the results to an ASP page. I have done this plenty of times before except this time the date field data includes BCE data. A sample of the data in the date field is as follows:

1300 BCE
930 BCE
November 29, 1947
May 14, 1948
1465 CE
October 29, 1956
1020 BCE

I know that I can not have the data type of the MS Access field set to date/time. I searched online and didn't find too much.

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Year(Date) Function

Im working on a Year(Date) function right now, the output of that function is this "2005", my question is how can i change the format into this "05"

Function: Year(Date)
Output: 2005
Needed Output: 05

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Displaying Long Month Name And Year Only

Here's what I have thus far:

<% =month(now) %> <% =year(now) %>

How can this be modified so that it, for this month, it would read:

August 2005

Also, how can I make certain there is a space between the month and the year without using a &nbsp;?

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Retrieve Data By Month And Year

How can I retrieve all the records from the database having the following parameter:

in form, these are the fields to be entered:

month (it's a select option)

Then from the database the field objrs("strDate")

Scenario: User entered the ff:

month = January (with the value 1)
year = 2004

if in the database the input for the strDate field is having this format: 1/2/2004

How can I retrieve all data for January?

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Calculate Month From Week Number And Year

is there a way to calculate the month from a week number and year?

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Displaying Recordset With Items Grouped By Year/month?

I want to display a series of records grouped by nested years and months, e.g.:


This would be based off of a date value stored with each item in the

Does someone have a snip of nested looping script to break this down by
date in this manner? Code:

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Update Number In Access Table And Reset It By The End Of The Year

I have an Access table with (among others) a number type field.

I'm building a web form which will add a new record to the same table. My problem is as follows:

I need to retrieve the (number) value from the previous record and increase it by 1 when submitting the new record. Also, this number should reset to 1 whenever a new year occurs.

Was that clear?

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Retrieve Date From Db And Use Selects To Reflect Day, Month, Year Seperately

I have a form which allows a user to select a 'commencement date' using separate day, month and year drop downs. The date is then submitted to db in DDMMYYYY format(as required).

I now need to allow user to edit this date if they need to. So, I retrieve the date from db as ie. 30101968. I now need to place the first 2 digits (30) into strDay, second 2 digits into strMonth and last 4 into strYears so that I can reflect these values in the their relevant drop downs.

Does anyone know how to 'grab' those specific values?

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Make A DLL

How can I make a ASP-file to a .DLL? The idea is to protect the source from others who use the same IIS. Can I make a ASP-file that calls a .DLL - file with all functionality, or how does it work?

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Make A Form

Hi does anybody know if you can make a form
have two actions and how?

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How To Make 1000000 Looks Like 1,000,000 ?

how to format the table in order to show 23,567,987 instead of 23567987 , I mean it's very hard to read when there are more than 4 digits.

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Make Link

when you click on it to go to the off site the user name and password will be automaticly inserted to where the offsite is asking for the name and password.
My company deals with insurance companies and we would like to make it to where when our employees go to our intranet and click on a link to one of our carriers it will have the name and password in place for them. i heard its possible and old company did it but I am having so much trouble trying to figure this out.

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