Manage Favorites

how can i make buttons on my web site to import/export favorites from ie a good example of this can be found. can someone give me an idea or link to study on this topic.

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Favorites In IE

I want to make a link that allows users to add my web site to the favorite in IE. Anyone knows how to do that?

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Read Favorites

is there a way to read out the users favorites with asp?Or do I have to write a little plugin in vb which posts it to the database?

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Favorites List With Cookies

I’m working on a match making site where users can view other peoples ads. One feature I would like is for a user to have a favorites list. If a user likes an ad, they would press the “add to favorites” button and the add would get stored in the users favorites list. I would like to do this with cookies to reduce the load on the database. As I am new to web development, I am wondering what is the best way to use cookies for this. Also, since the favorites list can have as many entries as the user wants, should I use an array, or what would be the best way to store the list in a cookie?

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Favorites (bookmarks) To Database

how can i put my IE favorites into a database(access).i'm trying to manage my favotites using a web page.

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Favorites In DB, Duplicity Checkup

I'm trying to give to my site's visitors an option of edding some records to the list of favorites. Favorites is a table in the DB, called fav_recs, with 3 fields: fav_id (auto number), rec_id, user_id. User can see his favs when entering the personal page (with user name and password), where there's a query that pulling the rec_id where user_id=session("user_id").

Now, when the user clicks a button "Add to favs" it goes to another page with the rec_id in the queryString. There it supposed to check whether this rec_id already presents in the RS where user_id = session("user_id") and if it does - to present a message saying that the user already has this record on his fav's list, and if it doesn't - to insert it into the table. I tried to do the following: Code:

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Manage DHCP With ASP

Is it possible to manage a DHCP Server with an ASP page (vbscript)
using dhcpsapi.dll or another DHCP API ? How could I do this?

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Manage Multiple DBs

Does anyone know of a database management program that I can use with my access dbs? I have several access dbs on one server, but have to log in to each one for editing, viewing users, etc. (obviously). I don't know if anything like this exists, but it sure would be helpful if I could just log into one db to view/edit all of my dbs. Does anyone know of such a program?

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Manage Upload Error

I'm using ASP to upload files on my server. How can I check if the upload fails?

objUpload("blob").SaveAs strPath

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Crop .pdf Files And Manage With A CMS?

Am asking for input on a better way to manage website content. Input is dozens of .pdf files up to 11 meg in size containing one to eight advertisements comprised of both text and graphics. These files are 300 dpi at CMYK and I use the same .pdf files the printer uses to print glossy paper coupons. The goal is to categorize and display the ads in a website for online printing. This post is all words and no code.

The work flow is divided into cropping and displaying.

For cropping: having done it many ways (screen scraping, Photo Shop. Paint Shop, etc.) am getting the best controlled results by opening each .pdf in GIMP, hand cropping each ad and saving as a .png file. Now using GIMP because the others have been awkward to use or didn't provide the results I want. Have tried various pdf utilities to extract each ad intact and avoid cropping altogether, but the mixture of text and graphics gets skewed.

For displaying: I hand update the html directory and when an ad description is linked by the site visitor, pass filename and title parameters to a common php script I wrote that determines the image dimension based on the image size, builds standard html code and displays the ad. For printing I rely on the browser print button.

Will ASP permit me to develop a web-based application that will read these .pdf files directly from the printer's server, let a non-technical person easily crop them, describe them, store them, build the directory, and display them? Kind of like a cropping content management system? also will need the ability to stick in an impromptu ad here and there too.

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Manage Table Names

I would like to be able to generate table reports listing all the TABLE NAMES, FIELDS and their datatypes in a neatly formatted table.

Additionally I am building up a frightening amount of queries.I would also like to cycle through this and neatly associate notes with them to remind me of their specific purpose.The naming of the query can only go so far.

I find that upon returning to my asp and access application after a month or two I struggle to contextualize where to begin query additions and table alterations
and hope a catalog method will make me more effective and save time.

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Manage Frames By C# Code

I am new user of I want to open a page in right frame when i click a button from left frame. this must simple but i don.t know how to this?

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Manage 404 Error Page

I created my custom error page and it sends an email with serverVariable("URL") to me, so I know what files users may request which are not found. All of a sudden, I started receiving a large number of emails.

what's the best way to log errors: database or flat text file (in terms of speed and use)? what useful info can I collect on error page 404 as you may suggest (serverVariable("URL") serverVariable("REMOTE_ADDRESS") are not just enough).

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Manage User Accounts

We have a legacy, P.O.S. Access database/application that we use for production tracking at work. We are wanting to design a new web application for our intranet to replace it as well as use an Oracle database. I have not used ASP.NET before, but I'm going to start learning so I can work on the new application. In the meantime, I'm thinking of the things I'll need to be able to implement to have this work how we need it to:

1. Convert the Access tables to Oracle and serve them on the intranet
2. Create web forms in ASP.NET to replace the forms used by the Access application
3. Regulate user privileges so that certain users only have access to certain features. This was easy in Access, but I need some sort of administrative area of the new web app. to add new users and regulate their permissions.

Regarding number 3, how would you guys go about doing this? I'm also open to input on the other areas as well.

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