Memory Leak :: Dllhost.exe Grows Unexpectedly

We have a web application in AS. It also uses COM+ and SQL Server as back-end. Sometimes the size of the dllhost.exe grows unexpectedly. It is such that we restart our IIS/ PWS. Also there is only one instance of dllhost running when we restart the webserver but later on we notice more than one instance sometimes.

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ADO Memory Leak

I'm having a problem that I can only attribute to something that I don't
know about ADO. I am using an ADODB.Connection with .CursorLocation = 3
since I am using MSSQL with text fields.

I am running a large set of 4 LEFT JOINS (5 tables in all). Currently
my recordset is returning 168 rows and 23 colums. After looping through
the ADO connection 27 times (creating a pdf report for users to print)
the data goes nutz. I have tried using different inputs and no matter
what on the 27th time is stops.

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Memory Leak In ASP With ADOMD

We are doing a stability test on our application to prepare for Microsoft
SQL Server 2000 certification, and we found a memory leak, but we cannot find
its source and fix it.

We use an ASP page written in JScript that connects to Analysis Services
2000 using ADOMD and retrieves data from it (this is a very simplified
version of our real application that we created just to test the memory
leak), see the code below.

We are using Microsoft Application Center Test to run this page, and
Performance Monitor to monitor the Memory/Committed Bytes and Processor usage
of our web server. The Memory/Committed counter slowly increases over time,
which indicates a memory leak, right? The Private Bytes for the InetInfo
process remain stable.

Our setup is a web server running Windows 2000 and Analysis Services on a
different server running Windows 2000. The application Center Test is running
from another computer. We also tried using a web server running Windows XP
Pro instead of Win2000, with similar results.

Using PerfMon, we monitor the number of Analysis Services connections, and
this number remains stable, so the memory leak doesn't seem to be due to an
ever increasing number of AS open connections.....

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Memory Leak In Script?

Can this be the reason for huge memory expansion ? Doesn't this script free memory of the object it had created?

sub createCOMobject()
set obj1 = createObject("object1")
dim flag = 1
useObject flag,obj1
end sub
sub useObject (flag, byRef obj1)
set obj1 = Nothing
end sub ....

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Server Memory Leak

We are running asp (not and vb com dll web sites on a machine which also has sql server 2000 sp3a running and uses Windows Server 2003. We recently migrated from Windows 2000 (same database) where we had no problems. However on the new machine, despite much being much more powerful and having the same usage, the box is periodically
grinding to a halt. The cause seems to be sql server using excessive amounts of memory, it steadily builds up to after a reboot to a high level. This seems to point in the direction of a memory leak, is anyone aware of any such problems with asp/sql server on windows 2003 and how to diagnose/fix them. I am aware of some unclosed connections in the asp code and objects that have not be set to nothing but this did not seem to cause a problem in the old machine and it is not practical to fix them all in the short term. I thought it might be unclosed connections although when I looked at SQL Server:General
Statistics and User Connections I did not seem to see a large or increasing number of connections.

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Memory Leak :: How To Debug?

Anyone have any insights on how to debug a memory leak with a classic asp application?

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Dllhost.exe Memory Size

I am running a web application with application protection level set to high, so it runs in a separate dllhost.exe process, the process takes around 14,000 K of memory I wanna know if this is fine or I have a memory leak problem.

I set all record sets to nothing without closing them and also I close the database connection.

Are there any tools that can measure the ASP page performance and tell me where do I have performance bottlenecks?

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DLLHOST And Memory Creep

I'm running IIS 5.0 under Windows 2000 Server. My ASP (VBscript) code
instantiates and uses some objects implemented in custom-written Visual Basic
6 DLLs. (Thanks to a previous thread, we no longer store those objects in
Session variables.) Application Protection for this site's Virtual Directory
is set to Medium (Pooled).

I'm using the Microsoft Web Application Stress Tool to monitor performance
and make sure database connections (opened within the VB6 DLLs) are being
closed and pooled properly. At the same time, I'm using the Windows Task
Manager to watch how much memory DLLHOST.EXE is using.

Windows Task Manager is showing me that DLLHOST is using more and more
memory over time. Memory usage goes up while a test is running, and then goes
down a bit when the dust settles after a test (e.g., once the closed
connections are removed from the pool and finally deleted), but it never goes
back down to what it was before the test ran--over time, memory usage keeps
creeping upward.

The VB6 DLLs used by my ASP pages open ADO database connections, but the
code is very careful about closing Recordsets and Connections and setting
them to Nothing.

A few questions:

1. Is this normal? Should I be concerned?

2. The ASP code instantiates these object with code like this:

set obj = Server.CreateObject("DLLname.ObjectName")

Is it important for the ASP code to do something like "set obj = Nothing"
before it exits? If the ASP code doesn't do that, will the memory used by the
object be freed when the ASP page terminates or when the user's Session ends?

3. Is there a better way I should be monitoring memory usage for this kind
of situation? (The Counters in the Perofrmance Monitor are kind of daunting.
If you can suggest an article that would help me understand memory usage,
that would be great.)

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Memory Leak W2k, ASP Process List?

Im trying to track down a memory leak in one of our windows servers thats running W2k. Pretty basic install, although we have 3rd party software that simply blows.

Is there a way to check which ASP processes are running via command line, or another method on W2K/XP ?

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Memory Leak :: Tools To Check It?

My webhosting company took down my website as it was causing a high memory use. Of course this happened just when I was on holiday ! Anyway I am trying to figure out what's going on. I didn't updated any script for more than 2 weeks before the abuse occured as I was on holiday. To make sure everything would be fine when away I had purge the database, defrag and compact it before leaving.

Any tools I can use to check out my site ? My host send me some log files created by Filemon but I can't really figure out what's wrong.

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Memory Leak :: Site Hanging

I have implemented a content management system through ASP and XML files. I am using sessions for my login information. It is a fairly complex site and uses various personal options for clients like, my page, my setting and my e-cards. The database for the clients is kept on MS SQL server. ANd I am using ADODB to connect at various stages.

The problem is that when more than 10 people try to access the site at the same time, irrespective of which part they access, the site hangs and goes down. When I monitor the server for the problem, the memory free goes tremendously high, even for small no of connections. The connections keep on increasing at a fast pace till the website crashes and there are no more connections that can be added. I am currently trying the strategy of timeouts (decreasing them at various portions of the code) and also checking whether there are any open connections. But I am not able to check how many clients are ACTUALLY connected. I read Response.isClientConnected is a strategy....

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Memory Leak Only When Compiled In Release Mode

We have an webservice application that has a memory leak when the application
is compiled release mode. However, when the application is compiled in debug
mode it does not exhibit a memory leak.

We are running .net 1.1 compiled with VS 2003.

The application does reference an unmanaged dll that provides security
functionality. This dll is instantiated once and referenced on every web
service call.

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Memory Leak? Private Bytes/Virtual Bytes

As I ran in to errors like "Ran out of memory" and "Out of memory" I
supposed my website might have memoryleaks. To trace a potential memory leak
I isolated the IIS process and monitored the 'Virtual Bytes' and 'Private
Bytes' for a while.

I noticed the private bytes stays 'low' all the time. Sometimes a bit up,
sometimes a bit down. Virtual bytes also follows the same pattern for most
times. But, sometimes it increases to almost 2gb en stays there.

I've been reading for memory leaks an aggressive caching and stuff and was
wondering when there is a memory leak. In short: what does it mean thet the
amount of virtual bytes stays high? Is this probably due to caching or....?

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WWW Publishing Service Stopped Unexpectedly With Event ID 7031

We have been getting the EventID 7031 errors ever since we
installed SP 3. We have been searching for any possible
solution, but not much luck.

We are running Windows 2000 server with IIS 5.0 (No
indexing services installed), and SP4. Every now and
then, we have the 7031 for IIS Admim, SMPT and WWW
services stopped without any apparent reason. We noticed
that the Event Viewer logged those 7031 errors when all
the hosted sites were stopped.

I wonder if a script can be written to detect the status
of the sites and restart the IIS if they are stopped. If
so, please provide information on that as I have never
done something like this before.

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oRS.CursorType = 1
oRS.LockType = 3

sSQL = "select * from sat_lesson_drills where drill_id=" & drill_id sSQL, conn

For each Field in oRS.Fields
if instr(Field.Name,"MA") = 0 then

oRS.Update Field.Name, Request.Form(Field.Name)end if


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Im suddenly having a problem with the asp pages displaying on my website. Whenever I try to access an asp page, the processor usage of the task "dllhost.exe" shoots up to
100% and my asp script times out.

This asp code has been running on my site for over a year and nothing has changed about it. All the articles/advice that I have read relate to programming variables within
the asp script to prevent these type of problems. If the script has been running for this long, why would this type of problem manefest itself at this time?

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Hanging ASP And DLLHOST.exe

I have intermittent problems with asp pages timing out. When this happens, my DLLHOST.exe runs away with all of my CPU for about 2-3 minutes. As I understand it, this component executes asp requests in a COM server on IIS.

I am not using any custom COM objects in my app, but lots of ADO. Could this be a memory leak with my use of ADO, or is this caused by something else? If it is a memory issue, I can start tracking it down. I just need to know what the possible issues/causes could be to get started troubleshooting.

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DLLHOST.exe Become Large

The following is the error keep getting while running web application.
Tools used: HTML, ASP, DLL's(written in Delphi).

Application Error: dllhost.exe - Application Error
The instruction at "0x00000000" referenced memory at "0x00000000". The
memory could not be "read".
Click on OK to terminate the program

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Source Of Dllhost.exe

I've got a Windows 2000 server running with about 50 websites on it, all
running ASP scripts. I've noticed that the servers CPU usage gets up 100%
sometimes, caused by dllhost.exe, which I'm certain is a hanging ASP script
somewhere on the box. Probably an on error resume next line that doesn't go
anywhere when an error is an encountered. Anyways, I'm not sure if there's
a way to isolate the website where its originating, or even the page this
problem is originating from. Is there a way to do this?

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DLLHOST.EXE Shutdown Not Working!

I have an IIS app running in high isolation, although the dllhost.exe COM+
process isn't shutting down & accumulated memory released. I've tried to set
the 'Server Process Shutdown' on the server package in COM+ in an attempt to
shut-down the process when idle for more than 3 mins (the default), but this
ain't happening.

I've read that this may be because IIS is caching the TypeLibs so I tried
setting the AspEnabletypelibCache flag to try stop IIS doing this, if indeed
it was, but the process still doesn't shut down.

Is there another way to get the process to shutdown (I thinkin this must be
happening because references to various dll's aren't being released in the
code), I would hope there to be a way to tell IIS/COM+ to shut-down the
process anyway. I don't want to have to run a script to keep unloading the

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An Asp Page Caused Cpu Rising To 100% --> Dllhost.exe

Today, an interesting thing happened to me. When I am doing the test of an
asp program, one of the pages(which I submitted several ten times before, no
problem at all) caused our server cpu rising to 100% and I reset IIS and
submit that page again and same thing happened again, and then reset IIS
again and it happened again, the process caused this is dllhost.exe.

Thinking about what's the difference this time from what I submitted before.
The only thing I can think of is I entered some name fields data with

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Setting Session Variable Maxes Dllhost

I have an ASP application that has been running for 5 years that I am now modifying. Since then, I have installed 1.1 and 2.0 on my xp pro box. Whenever I run the "login" code for the app, it crashes as my dllhost goes to 98% cpu. I have traced the code to this line:


What is strange is if I set the value to 11 or lower, this does not fail. What is also strange is if I set Session("SCH1UserID")= 123 it works. I know this has to have something to do with running on this box as well. I have tried running the app in its own process (High) and creating it's own virtual directory with no luck.

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Dllhost.exe :: Listener Failed To Start A Dedicated Server Process

I am having serveral web applications in ASP in my server ( windows 2000 advance server ), sometimes dllhost.exe taking more memory and causes the cpu usages to be 100% and makes the server hangup and causing error like "TNS : listener failed to start a dedicated server process", by the way if i end the process of dllhost.exe manually then the cpu usage will be very less and i wont get such error .

i have the following questions regarding that

1)what causes the dllhost.exe to takes more cpu usage,

2)is there any command from dos to kill such process so that i can create bat file to be run every one minute. i have searched i found only some third party tools and there is command taskkill but it is not for windows 2000 ( it is available only for win xp and windows 2003)

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Out Of Memory?

We are receiving an error in our ASP website that used to run fine on our old servers but seems to be struggling on our new ones, I'm wondering if you've seen this error before?

Microsoft Cursor Engine error '8007000e'

Out of memory.

/oob/activities/default.asp, line 470

The last line that shows where the error happening is different on every page but it appears at the first database connection on each page.

The only way to get rid of the error and get the site working again is to recycle the application pool for the site (or restart IIS).

We have two servers, one running IIS and the other running MSSQL 2005. Both are the following specs: Code:

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Memory - Only SQL?

I think I already know the answer ("NO"), but I figured I'd ask anyway:

Is there a way to populate a SQL-like object entirely in memory, without having to save it in a SQL-like environment like MySQL, MS-SQL, or Access?

I'd like to take the contents of some CSV's and dump them into a virtual SQL table, and then call from that table using a SQL statement ("SELECT * FROM VirtualTable WHERE Foo='Bar'"). I know that in .NET I could use a data-grid to do basically that, but I was wondering if there was a classic ASP solution.

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Out Of Memory

I am getting an ASP error.. that tells the server it is OUT OF MEMORY.then the server displays a message about the DLLHOST.exe and it waits for an "OK" from me.after hitting OK... it goes back to working fine.BUT, while the notification is up on the screen.the website is NOT AVAILABLE.that is the message that visitors get when they try to get to the, is there a way I can tell the system to SKIP the notification .andmjust restart the service.

What memory is the issue here.I am assuming this memory error is coming from an INFINITE LOOP or something.from one of my ASP pages. so, I would imagine the best move would be to get RID of the "On Error Resume Next" code at the top of my pages.. to try and isolate the problem?

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IE Memory Profiler

Does any body know any tool that profiles Internet Explorer for memory

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ASP Out Of Memory Errors

I am trying to write a search script in my spare time at work. We have a knowledge base consisting of 200+ .mht files. My script was working ok when I was testing it on just a few files but I am getting out of memory errors trying to search through the whole KB. Here is the search code:

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Release Memory

am just wondering is there a easier way to release all the memory after the program is done?or do I need to set all my variable = nothing one by one at the end of my code?

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Eating Memory

We've got this problem on our site where slowly eats virtual memory until IIS stops serving pages...

Restarting the IIS process fixes the problem, until the next time it reaches that point. I've made sure all our ADO objects are being closed and set = Nothing. I don't know what else could eat up all that memory...

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Out Of Memory Errors

I am trying to create a search script but I am running into an out of memory error. Here is the search subroutine which loops multiple times:

Code: .....

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Out Of Memory At Line 30

Had developed a webpage to refresh automatically from one ASP page to another, with the feature of displaying local data that is actively poll & inserted from other remote database servers. The local server is using IIS & Microsoft SQL 2000. I have the problem of "Out of Memory at line 30" after the ASP page has ran for 13 hours, at client machines that is connecting to the server hosting the ASP. However by closing the Internet Explorer and re-open the ASP page, the problem is temporary resolved until another 13 hours later. I think i've had the server objects set to nothing, and had put all queries into sub. I couldn't think of other solution for the problem...

Is duplication of sub affecting the performance? Any setting to be done on server, e.g. IIS / SQL? I've attached the ASP file.

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Memory Leaks

Are there any tools to test asp code on memory leaks. Or the took that will monitor IIS server against specific asp-page in order to find mem leaks on in.

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