Merge / Appending Multiple PDFs Together

I need to take a bunch of PDFs that I have made using Appligent's FDFMerge and append them together. I know I could use Appligent's AppendPDF. But I was wondering if there were any free toolkits that I could use with a bit more work out there?

I cannot tell what on the Adobe site would be a candidate for me to even look at. The Acrobat SDK seems to be for Acrobat Reader plugins. Not what I am going for. The PDF library seems a candidate, but what *is* it? A C library? I cannot use a C library unless it has a COM wrapper.

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Opening File For Appending

I want to open a text file for appending purpose but it gives me the following error..

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0005'

Invalid procedure call or argument

/cgi-bin/Anagram_Utils/welcome_letter/generatedoc.asp, line 19

Code: ......

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Appending Dynamic Query

I need to dynamically append a session variable to a querystring to every link on our site. Is this possible in ASP?

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Appending Details To An Access 2000 DB

I have a database which inputs usernames, passwords, and email addresses into the database. I'm trying to create an asp page that lists the data for a specific user when they are logged in so that they can change details (password, email address etc) any ideas how i can retrieve the data and append the new data to the database???

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Appending And Clearing Details Into 2 Tables

I am trying to run and UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE SQL statements to update append and delete data from some tables in access. Here is the low down:

I want to update All of the fields from a table called TEMP into a table called POSTPONED, WHERE the 'postponed' fields = "False"

I want to then go on and clear the records from TEMP that have the field postponed = "false"

And finally i want to again append the remaining data in the TEMP folder into a table called RESULTS.

Does any one know how to do this or what the SQL statements should look like, i have tried writting them, no luck, i have tried generating them in Access but no luck because the ASP is erroring me on them and i dont know what its chatting about!

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I am looking at expanding some search engine code of mine to include PDFs. Therefore I need some mechanism to extract the text from a PDF file which I can break down into individual words so I can index them.

Does anyone have any code or examples that will allow me to pull out the
text of a PDF file in ASP?

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Printing PDFs From ASP

This is something I must have spent hours searching for to no avail ;( .. Is there a way via classic ASP to issue a command to have a PDF file print? The code has the filename and path and all... All I need is a way to issue it to print! Is this at all possible?

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Caches, IE And PDFs

I'm using the library fpdf.asp from and when I generate the pdf succesfully, this pdf rest in caché memory, and when I try with other user to generated another pdf, Internet Explorer shows me the old pdf.My question is, How can the delete the caché merory?I try with the HTML meta tags, but if I do this, de IE only write the pdf tags not de pdf page because it have a bug with acrobat.
I try with

Response.AddHeader "Pragma", "no-cache";

but it' s say that can't access to cache memory and it can' t generated the pdf.

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PDFs Dynamically

Does anyone know if there are any IIS components out there that run on
IIS 5.0 that will convert LaTeX to PDF? I have written a script in ASP
that produces the LaTeX document, but am unsure of how to go about
converting it to PDF and delivering it to the client.

If you don't know of one, do you have any idea of how I might implement
such a transform? I would have to use a WshShell to run pdflatex on
the source twice before I could deliver the PDF to the user. However,
pdflatex outputs a PDF, so I would have to redirect the client to the
PDF, and then somehow come along later and clean it up. I'm not sure
if this would be the optimal process to take.

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ASP/Oracle And Generating PDFs

I have a project coming up soon where pdf files are stored in our oracle database. They want me to pull the pdf form out of the database and present it to the user on the screen. I've done a little searching on google, but haven't been able to find anything that helps. Can someone tell me if this is possible and if so, give a little example?

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Creating PDFs From Page

Does anyone know of a web-based tool that will allow users to print certain pages in PDF?

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FDF-toolkit And ASP To Create Pdfs

I've successfully managed to install the FDF-toolkit to my computer and I've also managed to create a PDF-file from a asp-page. But all of this have been for testing, now I want to implement this pdf-creating-service to a system for inquirys.

The salesman at the office uses a webpage to build their inquires and at the end I want to have a nice looking pdf for them to print. Is there anyone that knows how to actually create real dynamic pdf:s where the amount of pages and data varies a lot? If not, does anyone have an idea how to get good printouts from a webbrowser, where the text or tables dont get cut in the middle by the printer.

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Problem When Searching For PDFs With Indexing Service In ASP-solution.

I have a problem with a small asp-solution that searches for PDF-documents with
indexing service.

For some files in the search result I get gibberish returned, such as ....

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MS Word Merge

I've done some research on how to do a MS Word merge with data I read
in an ASP application (using a SQL Server database).
I understand the concept since I've done it in a couple other
programming languages.

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Mail Merge

Does anyone know whether it is possible to effect a mail merge to MSWord
using VBScript in an asp file? I know it is possible to produce a doc
file and force a download using

Response.ContentType = "application/msword"
Response.AddHeader content-disposition","attachment;filename=myfile.doc"

but can I interate through a bunch of records and produce, say, a
separate invoice for each one by merging? I know how to iterate through
the records and write them out

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Merge Pdf Docs

Can someone tell me if it is possible to perform merge operations on a pdf file.

My client wants a user to fill in an on screen form and then have the results merged into a pdf template?

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Merge Two Recordset

Granting that I have 2 recordsets with the same columns, is it possible to merge these two recordsets?

rs3 = rs1 + rs2 ???

Can someone show me how?

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Merge 2 Images

i have to merge 2 different images and save them as one individual image. I manage to overlap both images together in the same position but i'm having problem in saving the images as a single image. i hope anyone can help me with the problem.

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Merge Data

I have two tables:
customermaster (id,name,email,mailinglists)
example: 1,john doe, Join Bytes!, NULL

emailmaster (email,listid)
Join Bytes! 1
Join Bytes! 8

I want to get rid of the emailmaster table and merge the listids, into the mailinglists field inside customermaster so that I will have something like 1,8,14,25,99 in the mailinglists field for the email address Join Bytes. How can I accomplish this for MS SQL database?

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Imitating Mail Merge

I have an ASP intranet application that is required to produce Word documents merged with data from a database.I originally looked at automating Word's mail merge capabilities, but nixed that idea since I learned it's not a good idea to try to automate Word on the server

decided to have the Word templates saved as RTF files and to write a parser/merger myself.since Word produces such complicated RTF code,until we decided that we were going to combine multiple templates into one final Word document with, potentiall, different header and footers for each section/template doc.

I'm having a problem figuring out how to get sections inserted into the combined RTF doc, so I'm thinking perhaps I should rethink my to produce database merged documents from templates created by users on a Web server? We may have some budget, sothird-party tools would be welcome, as well.

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Mail Merge With Oracle

I used some example code from MS site ( to create an ASP page that executes a mail merge in word from a web page. For some reason when it attempts to run the getdata.asp part I always get theerror ..."The connection cannot be used to perform this operation. It is either closed or invalid in this context.

I have tried numerous ways to connecto to the database and form the record set but still get the same error.

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Mail Merge Tags

HOW can asp open a *.doc and read it and extract mail merge tags and their definitions/values?

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Merge To Records In Access

I have a single table.

ID Code Description Colour Qty
1 0001 T-Shirt Black 5
2 0002 Soccer Ball Red 1
3 0001 T-Shirt Black 2
4 0001 T-Shirt Navy 6

What I need to do using ASP is take record 1 and merge it with record 3. By this I mean I need to show only a singular qty for the product code 0001.


ID Code Description Colour Qty
1 0001 T-Shirt Black 7
2 0002 Soccer Ball Red 1
4 0001 T-Shirt Navy 6

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Merge XML And XSL And Edit Whit ASP

I would like to sort my XML output and still be able to manipulate/alter/modify the XML data by use of some simple ASP code. (I’m going to slice it afterwards, and bake it in to a cornbread. But that’s a story for the cocking forum I’m a member off.)

I’ve no idea if this is ever going to work, but here is what I did.

- I’ve got an XML file; data.xml.
- I’ve got an XSL file; xmlxsl.xsl

The only reason I’m using a XSL file is because (I think) it will enable me to sort the XML data ascending. And of naturally a ASP script to merge al those files together and then to slightly modify the XML output. Code:

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Can't Merge Word Document

I want to merge a word document in the server to display in the client side. The merge code is in a dll. In the asp server script, I invoke the dll to merge.

It raise an error when I use the default IIS user. When I change the IIS user to administrator,It work well. how I should do to resolve this problem?

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VBScript : Word : Mail Merge

I have a document. Top right is a logo, there is a space for an address, space for content and space for extra details (3 sections). This can be seen as a normal word template.

I pull in information from a DB so have values: Address, Content, Details. I need to insert these values into their relevant places and produce the word document from the template so user can open/save it.

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Merge Lines In A Text File

I am working with an old line-feed printer text file. There are characters in the first position of each line that tell the printer what to do, i.e. print this line and advance paper, print and do not advance. when processing this text file for conversion to another text file I can't seem to work out the code for merging two lines. For example,

Type: Location: Quantity:
+ 123 London 45000

After processing the line should look like this:
Type: 123 Location: London Quantity: 45000

I understand the concept but have no idea how to actually merge the two lines with code.

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Index Server & Site Server + PDFs

I fire the following code on Index Server (different obj) and it returns a PDFs no problem, but when I change the object to use the MSSearch for Site Server I don't get any PDFs. Anything in the code that would cause this? I can see the PDFs getting crawled in Site Server, but when I try and search I don't get any pdfs .....

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SQL Server - Update/Insert Multiple Cols Into Multiple Tables

Just as the title says I am trying to do something impossible with a single SQL statement. I am doing an ASP webpage for internal use at the company I work for.

I want to know if there is a way to insert/update data into multiple tables in 1 SQL statement.

If it requires functions | views or anything else that is fine but I don't want to have 3-4 different SQL statements to update 2-3 different columns in different tables.

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Searching Multiple Memo Fields In Multiple Tables In Access

I have a search option on my website, which should perform a search on 4 fields, as follows:



It only needs to return matches which are an exact match of their search criteria. For instance, searching for "I am here" would return a record which contained "I am here", but not just "I" or "I am" etc.

I need to return all these records as part of one recordset preferably, as I want to be able to order them etc., though I imagine you may suggest I use an array somehow to merge two recordets etc., then reorder them?

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How To Update Multiple Records With Different Multiple Value

i hav problem with updating the data. In the asp page i hav displayed records based on search criteria. in display mode im displaying the to be updated field in combo box for each similar contract_no. each contract_no will hav different no of rows and to be updated combo box.

based on the selected value in the combo boxes of different contract_nos i hav to update the combo value with old value. user select multiple combo values at a time I need anybody's help with detailed programming logic.

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Merge An Image Into Another Image

I'm looking for a simple way to merge an image into another image.What i have is a screenshot uploader, and i want to make it so that when they upload the SS, the script will automatically merge a small copyright type image onto the bottom right of the picture.

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Multiple SQL's

I have a database being updated by a text file every ten minutes, so in the code that is why the column names are messed up.

My problem is I get all the sums, and counts all working. What I need to do is at the end of it have a sum for for all the columns returned, i.e. col002, I need all the sums in that column added up for a total at the bottom. The following code works but when I try to do column totals I can't get it to work, Code:

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