Modifying Number Format

Does anyone have and easy way of modifying the format of a number once pulled from an Access database? In the thread listed above, Access is stripping the 0's in front of my numbers. As a work around I have an If statement that checks to see if the number is < 10 and if so write a 0 before pulling from the recordset. I'm looking for a simpler, one line code instead of the big If statement.

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Format Number

I am trying to create a form and I have looked on the forums and couldn't find anything like this.

I want to convert example S.S. number from this

to this

How can I do this in ASP?I tried a replace function but doens't work or I have it completely wrong format

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Format A Number?

This seems to be a pretty basic question, but I can't find the answer. In
VB I format a number by: format("1234", "#.00") (result: 1234.00)

This doesn't work in asp, I get an error. How do I format numbers?

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Number Format

I want to be able to format a phone number to add the spaces.

Input 0234787655
Change to : 02 3478 7655

how possible is this ..

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Format Number

on one of my web page, i have a number field for percentage. the value for this field is decimal. i want the value to be in ##,## format no matter what the regional settings are.

the value will be saved to database whose format depends on regional settings. i use sql server 2000. how can i do that?

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Format Number

I am using asp with access db on ms server.total_score is my field from a table within the db., I wish to format this to show commas, but no decimal. Rounding in other words. What is the code for this please, can someone show me?i know it is something like var = format(total_score,0,0) or something to that effect.

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Format Of A String Or Number

How do I format a specific string and add dashes inside the string. The output I get from the recordset, for example, is 007275153. I want to format the output as 00-727-5153.

Also, if a string in a database is C-1411C1, how can I remove the "C-" at the beginning of the string?

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ASP Field Number Format

It shows the data but not like in the data table (Access). I would like that the numbers have a 2 digit decimal behind the comma i.e.123.456,30 and negative numbers should be in red and in brackets i.e. (123.456,30) So, the format should be:
$#.##0,00;($#.##0,00)[Red] as I have done it in the table - but not in ASP

Where do I have to enter the format in the ASP code? - or - Where do I have to enter the format in the Html code? Is someone able to write me the coding line?

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Format Number Field L

i need my field that is 10.00 and turn it into this 00001000 any ideas.

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Format Number To 4 Digits

I have an access database with a table called jobs with a field called 'jobnumber'. I have this set up with a format mask of "0000" so that "1" becomes "0001" etc.
However when pulling this data out in Dreamweaver the formatting is lost.

Does anyone know how I can set this in Dreamweaver?

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Format A Number String

I have a 20 character string that I need to format in a certain way. For instance, here is the raw string:


And I need it to look like this:


It wouldn't bother me if the number was entered into a text box without any dashes, but then before I submit the number to the db I would need to enter the dashes in the correct spots. Can anyone give me an idea of how I can accomplish this?

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Change Format From Number To Text.

i have several fields in the database that the format is number. then, i have a report page that allow user to open it the ms excel. my problem is, when all data transfered to ms excel, all data that is in number format, they are located at the right of the cells and there is 1 data named noIC, suppose this data is a 12 digits number but in the ms excel, it became something like this 780945+E12....

to solve this problem, i have to change the cell's format everytime all data have been transferred to ms excel. i have to set to left indent for all fields that contain numbers and for the noIC i have to set from General to Number.

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I have been searching for a solution to a permissions problem:
Currently, I have an app that creates an html file in a folder on the web server, closes the file, opens it again and dumps the contents into an HTML-formatted e-mail message. In order to create and open the file, I had to set permissions for anonymous browsers to READ/WRITE.
The app works fine, but this poses a security problem, because the files contain personal data that anyone may intentionally or unintentionally view.
My question is: Is it possible to modify the folder permissions within the ASP app? I'd like to open the folder for READ/WRITE in order to create the file and open it for sending the e-mail and then immediately turn off all permissions for anonymous browsers.

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is there a way to modify outlook distribution lists via ASP

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Modifying Database

I need to modify the contents of a particular cell in an access database with asp. I know how to add rows to the table by using:

strQ = "INSERT INTO table1 (name, pass ) VALUES('"&fnames&"','"&fpass&"')"
objConn.Execute strQ

Is there a similar command i can use to select a particular row in the database and then change the contents of one of the columns?

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Modifying Results

Using the following query I get my desired results. However, in the resulting recordset, how can I show for example 10 words before and 10 words after the keyword or phrase that was searched upon? If I get 20 resulting records I think it would be easier for the user to decide which they want to view.

DECLARE @SearchString varchar(100)
SET @SearchString = ' "stress" '
FREETEXTTABLE(Articles,*, @SearchString) AS KEY_TBL
ON Articles.ID = KEY_TBL.[KEY]

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Modifying PNG Files Within ASP

I have a simple png image file which has a white background and one layer of text. Is there a way in ASP/VB to dynamically change the contents of the text layer? I guess the steps would be to load the image, extract and replace the text, rebuild the image and save to the file system under a new name.

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Modifying Code

Instead of locking this bit of code down to the "crreport1.rpt" entry I was wanting to have it receive a "POST" command(from a form page that would post to the page that contains this code) so that it can be more dynamic. Here's the original: Code:

Set session("oRpt") = session("oApp").OpenReport(basePath & "report1.rpt", 1)
Would something like this work in my asp page?Code:

Set session("oRpt") = session("oApp").OpenReport(basePath & Request.Form("report"), 1)
and then use something like

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Modifying Code

I have downloaded some sample code from the net to display a calendar etc.

The code is below.

How can I modify this code so that when called in a popup window and a date
is clicked, that date is inserted into a form field on the original page. I
know how to pass this value back but do not know how to modify this code to
include the correct line. Code:

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Modifying Content

if I could use the same 'Thank You' page but display a different message depending on which page it was referred to from: eg an order page or a mailing list page. Is there a way ASP can tell which was the preceding page?

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Modifying Sql Queries On The Fly With Variables

I currently have a sql query that pulls all records based on a variable(var1) inputed by a user from a form. Each record in my database has a time stamp assoicated with it. I want to give the user the option of pulling all records based on (var1) and allow them to sort based on date or time stamp also with a two fields that will take a range.

(ex. Beginning date and Ending date). So my default sql query will allow for var1 to be inserted and to have all records returned for the current day. BUT, IF A USER HAS ENTERED

A DATE RANGE then all records will be returned for that date range based on the var1's value. How could i go about about structuring my code for this? I was thinking about a "Switch" statement that could response to different user options with different sql queries. What do you guys think?

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Modifying A Radio Button

I cannot remember how you modify a radio button value that comes from a database. Here's my code:


<td align="right"><font face="Arial" size=-1><strong>

Show Email Address?</strong></font></td>

<td> <input type="radio" name="radEmail" value="<%=ShowEmail%>" checked>


<input type="radio" name="radEmail" value=No>


I am using a SQL Server database. I am using a bit datatype. O is true and 1 is False. How do I get the radio button to have the correct value checked for a certain record?

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Modifying A Word Document

I know that using Word Automation inside an ASP page is no good idea.Anything I want to do in the current project is: open document, change some text, save and close document. Basically changing some variables, consting of a name embraced by special chars, to some value. As for example: change "[FirstName]" to "Michael".

Does anybody know whether there is a way for achieving this with basic "file input / output". Can I regard a Word document as some binary data, perform the replacement, and save the data, without destroying Word's internal structure?

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Modifying Authentication ASP Form

i have absolutely no experience using ASP or PHP, but I've been tasked with making a simple login page for certain clients. I found this tutorial which is almost what i'm looking for.

The one thing that i need to modify is each username, after login, must be directed to a specific protected page. Since the username and password get split into an array, i know there must be a way to also keep track of which pages are associated with which usernames, and then have that URL be evaluated in this line of code:

Response.Redirect ("/protected/default.asp")
if anyone has a better way of doing this simple form that would be very helpful as well, thanks

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Modifying Iusr_machine Account

I have a typical internet web site that uses a VFP database on the back end which is accessed via ASP/ADO using the VFP OLEDB provider.

My ASP code for establishing a connection looked like this:

Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")

oConn.Open "Provider=vfpoledb;" & _
"Data Source=C:edsDATAedsdata.dbc;" & _
"Mode=ReadWrite|Share Deny None;" & _
"Collating Sequence=MACHINE;" & _

Set cmdTemp = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set rsUsers = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

It was working just fine. Then the need arrised to move the database off the web server box and onto a file server on the same domain. Code:

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Modifying Text File Using FSO

if it is possible to open a text file using FSO and modifying the content of it.I have a template of a file (template.bsi) as a text file and I want to change variables within the text file by a simple replace command, but I'm not sure whether this is possible.

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SQL/VBscript - Modifying Design Of Tables From Within ASP Page

i'm wondering if it's possible to modify the design of an sql database from within a script. I don't have MS SQL installed on my machine but i need to add a few fields to some of the tables.

I know it's possible to create and drop tables so that is one option. ie: drop the existing one and create it again with the extra fields. the problem with that way is I'll lose all the data. so long story short. how do i modify the design of a table from within a vbscript?

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Modifying Querystring Information With Drop Downs

What I'm trying to accomplish is the ability to post information to the querystring based upon values that are within a drop down that was generated from a database. Code:

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Script To Format Existing Access Table Into Wall Calendar Format?

I have the tables set up in Access, viewing in column format on ASP pages but now the company wants the schedule reports to be in a wall-calendar type format. I've searched and found calendar scripts but I need one that's creates a table resizable to a report size format. Using the existing MS Access db I've written is also a plus.

Any suggestions on where to start?

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Convert Any Audio Format Files To Vox Format

if there any asp or vb functions that can convert any audio format files to vox format.

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Convert Real Number Into Text Number

I need to insert some number into database as text. My problem is if I insert the number (ie. 4.0), the value in the database only show (4). So, is it possible to convert a real number into text number using ASP?

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How To Format Date In MM/DD/YYYY Format

how to format date in MM/DD/YYYY format in ASP?

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Sequential Number After Batch Number

here is the scenerio

in master batch table i have various master batch like

Now each master batch can have multiple final mixed batch like


and this record is inserted in to fmix table.

so i have a form in which i have a dropdown menu in which all the master batch is listed,
i select 200701-0001 and that value is passed to next page where i will enter other fields data and insertion to my fmix_no will be done automatic like 200701-0001-01, 200701-0001-02 and so on,

how to achieve this

so in short each master batch will have more than one final mixed batch.

pls help, also if u have any online contact in yahoo or msn pls send me, i am so confused and badly struck deadline is just couple of hours away. my yahoo id is(E-Mail address blocked: See forum rules) you can PM me i am online right now.

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