
is there a way to modify outlook distribution lists via ASP

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I have been searching for a solution to a permissions problem:
Currently, I have an app that creates an html file in a folder on the web server, closes the file, opens it again and dumps the contents into an HTML-formatted e-mail message. In order to create and open the file, I had to set permissions for anonymous browsers to READ/WRITE.
The app works fine, but this poses a security problem, because the files contain personal data that anyone may intentionally or unintentionally view.
My question is: Is it possible to modify the folder permissions within the ASP app? I'd like to open the folder for READ/WRITE in order to create the file and open it for sending the e-mail and then immediately turn off all permissions for anonymous browsers.

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Modifying Database

I need to modify the contents of a particular cell in an access database with asp. I know how to add rows to the table by using:

strQ = "INSERT INTO table1 (name, pass ) VALUES('"&fnames&"','"&fpass&"')"
objConn.Execute strQ

Is there a similar command i can use to select a particular row in the database and then change the contents of one of the columns?

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Modifying Results

Using the following query I get my desired results. However, in the resulting recordset, how can I show for example 10 words before and 10 words after the keyword or phrase that was searched upon? If I get 20 resulting records I think it would be easier for the user to decide which they want to view.

DECLARE @SearchString varchar(100)
SET @SearchString = ' "stress" '
FREETEXTTABLE(Articles,*, @SearchString) AS KEY_TBL
ON Articles.ID = KEY_TBL.[KEY]

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Modifying PNG Files Within ASP

I have a simple png image file which has a white background and one layer of text. Is there a way in ASP/VB to dynamically change the contents of the text layer? I guess the steps would be to load the image, extract and replace the text, rebuild the image and save to the file system under a new name.

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Modifying Code

Instead of locking this bit of code down to the "crreport1.rpt" entry I was wanting to have it receive a "POST" command(from a form page that would post to the page that contains this code) so that it can be more dynamic. Here's the original: Code:

Set session("oRpt") = session("oApp").OpenReport(basePath & "report1.rpt", 1)
Would something like this work in my asp page?Code:

Set session("oRpt") = session("oApp").OpenReport(basePath & Request.Form("report"), 1)
and then use something like

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Modifying Code

I have downloaded some sample code from the net to display a calendar etc.

The code is below.

How can I modify this code so that when called in a popup window and a date
is clicked, that date is inserted into a form field on the original page. I
know how to pass this value back but do not know how to modify this code to
include the correct line. Code:

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Modifying Content

if I could use the same 'Thank You' page but display a different message depending on which page it was referred to from: eg an order page or a mailing list page. Is there a way ASP can tell which was the preceding page?

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Modifying Sql Queries On The Fly With Variables

I currently have a sql query that pulls all records based on a variable(var1) inputed by a user from a form. Each record in my database has a time stamp assoicated with it. I want to give the user the option of pulling all records based on (var1) and allow them to sort based on date or time stamp also with a two fields that will take a range.

(ex. Beginning date and Ending date). So my default sql query will allow for var1 to be inserted and to have all records returned for the current day. BUT, IF A USER HAS ENTERED

A DATE RANGE then all records will be returned for that date range based on the var1's value. How could i go about about structuring my code for this? I was thinking about a "Switch" statement that could response to different user options with different sql queries. What do you guys think?

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Modifying A Radio Button

I cannot remember how you modify a radio button value that comes from a database. Here's my code:


<td align="right"><font face="Arial" size=-1><strong>

Show Email Address?</strong></font></td>

<td> <input type="radio" name="radEmail" value="<%=ShowEmail%>" checked>


<input type="radio" name="radEmail" value=No>


I am using a SQL Server database. I am using a bit datatype. O is true and 1 is False. How do I get the radio button to have the correct value checked for a certain record?

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Modifying Number Format

Does anyone have and easy way of modifying the format of a number once pulled from an Access database? In the thread listed above, Access is stripping the 0's in front of my numbers. As a work around I have an If statement that checks to see if the number is < 10 and if so write a 0 before pulling from the recordset. I'm looking for a simpler, one line code instead of the big If statement.

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Modifying A Word Document

I know that using Word Automation inside an ASP page is no good idea.Anything I want to do in the current project is: open document, change some text, save and close document. Basically changing some variables, consting of a name embraced by special chars, to some value. As for example: change "[FirstName]" to "Michael".

Does anybody know whether there is a way for achieving this with basic "file input / output". Can I regard a Word document as some binary data, perform the replacement, and save the data, without destroying Word's internal structure?

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Modifying Authentication ASP Form

i have absolutely no experience using ASP or PHP, but I've been tasked with making a simple login page for certain clients. I found this tutorial which is almost what i'm looking for.

The one thing that i need to modify is each username, after login, must be directed to a specific protected page. Since the username and password get split into an array, i know there must be a way to also keep track of which pages are associated with which usernames, and then have that URL be evaluated in this line of code:

Response.Redirect ("/protected/default.asp")
if anyone has a better way of doing this simple form that would be very helpful as well, thanks

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Modifying Iusr_machine Account

I have a typical internet web site that uses a VFP database on the back end which is accessed via ASP/ADO using the VFP OLEDB provider.

My ASP code for establishing a connection looked like this:

Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")

oConn.Open "Provider=vfpoledb;" & _
"Data Source=C:edsDATAedsdata.dbc;" & _
"Mode=ReadWrite|Share Deny None;" & _
"Collating Sequence=MACHINE;" & _

Set cmdTemp = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set rsUsers = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

It was working just fine. Then the need arrised to move the database off the web server box and onto a file server on the same domain. Code:

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Modifying Text File Using FSO

if it is possible to open a text file using FSO and modifying the content of it.I have a template of a file (template.bsi) as a text file and I want to change variables within the text file by a simple replace command, but I'm not sure whether this is possible.

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SQL/VBscript - Modifying Design Of Tables From Within ASP Page

i'm wondering if it's possible to modify the design of an sql database from within a script. I don't have MS SQL installed on my machine but i need to add a few fields to some of the tables.

I know it's possible to create and drop tables so that is one option. ie: drop the existing one and create it again with the extra fields. the problem with that way is I'll lose all the data. so long story short. how do i modify the design of a table from within a vbscript?

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Modifying Querystring Information With Drop Downs

What I'm trying to accomplish is the ability to post information to the querystring based upon values that are within a drop down that was generated from a database. Code:

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Opening Server-side Excel File Then Modifying It Client Side Using Vbscript

is it possible to open an excel file (used as a template) from server using server-side vbscript; then modify it or add values from client using client-side vbscript?

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