Modular Or Remainder Function

For example in Universe x = mod(116/10), x would = 6 the remainder of the division?

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Function To Stop The Remainder Of The Page From Executing

Is there a function in ASP that can stop the remainder of the page from executing?

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Modular In Asp

I want to check the modular however I am sure about the syntax. Code:

if number modular 16 =0 then
do something

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Remainder Email

I have a database which content passport expiry date , I want to send a remainder email to user 30 day before the expiry date , How can I do that with ASP?

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Difference Between Private Function And Public Function?

What's the difference between private and public functions in ASP? When should I use either?

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How Can I Add Mail Function To That Post Function

I am using a simple guestbook /portal and i want script to send mail to the thread owner when someone reply his message.

this is the send message code ....

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Function Inside A Function

Can I define a function inside a function. e.g;

function abc()
function xyz()
....some code.....
End Function
End Function

I googled this but can't find any related topic.

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Function In The InStr Function

I want to use the instr function, but return results from it depending on surtain functions, I can't realy explain so I'll show my example:

I have a string in wich some word I want to find might be in diffrent Capital Letters order, I want the Instr function to return all the values of the place of that word (avcourse I'll run a for and increase the starting point of the Instr func until it returns 0). The instinct thought is to use the Lcase or the Ucase functions, but in this case I don't know how to use them. In the same Idea I wanted to use the Instr Func with the trim Func, But Its realy the same principle if I just understood how to do so.

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Asp Function

I am trying to call a function in asp to check to see if a varibale has a value stored in it if there is nothing wite the value NA into it. My code is

Function NullValues(userField)
if userField = "" then userField = "NA"
end function

AccountNo = ""
Name = "sam clowes"
email = ""

AccountNo = (NullValues(AccountNo))
Name = (NullValues(Name))
email = (NullValues(email))

response.Write AccountNo & "<br>"
response.Write Name & "<br>"
response.Write email & "<br>"

When I run this code ALL the variables are blank and nothing is output

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XML/XSL & ASP Function

the function
Dim objXML, objXSL

Function ShowXML(strXML,strStyleSheet)
Set objXML = CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
Set objXSL = CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
Response.Write objXML.transformNode(objXSL)
Set objXML = Nothing
Set objXSL = Nothing
End Function

calling the function in an asp file
<%Call ShowXML("","nhl/xsl/news/teamNews.xsl")%>

the errors
1. the http:// part
2. and the ? mark

the error message says that the path has been typed wrong.

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the user can key in variable A and B
then C is auto generated by C = A / B

so how and where should i write the C function??

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XML Value Into ASP Function

Possibly a very simple question but how do I get a value out of an XML document so I can play with it in ASP

E.G: <Name>Tom</Name

How do I pull the work tom into asp

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Now() Function

I am using the now() function to be displayed on an email after a form submission has been sent. The problem is that the server is not in the same timezone as I am for the result. How do I adjust the hours on the now() to allow for this please ?

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Sub Or Function

I know the basic difference between a subroutine and a function is a
subroutine performs a task and a function performs a task and returns a
value. The Call keyword is required when using parens with subs with more
than 1 parameters. Parens around values passed are ByVal vs ByRef and is a
waste of processing if passed ByRef for no reason.
I am told there is no reason to ever use a subroutine as a function can be
used even if it doesn't return a value. While this appears to be true, is
there any reason why it's ever a bad idea to use a function, instead of a
subroutine, that doesn't return a value? Are there memory, performance,
etc. issues?

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ASP Function

I am trying to locate information on how to call a sub within VBScript on an
ASP page but I can't locate generic information. What I want to do is
generate a page that will stay up but the information on it will change
based on a series of drop down boxes. I need the first drop down box to call
a second dropped down box based on the state that is chosen then city and so

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Asp Function

I have a column in the table which contains 2 full names seperated by "&" (e.g: Joe Smith & Jeff Scott) I want to display only the first names of the whole record in an asp page. Is there an asp function using which i can do this?

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Mod Function

im using the mod function to create a calendar for me, which everything works perfectly, all is totally well with that!
but...when i use the mod function it churns out this loooooooooong string which is the whole table...
if there is some way that i can insert hard breaks IN THE CODE ITSELF.

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NaN Function

I used to be quite an experienced ASP programmer but I haven't used it for a while

I’m trying to do something that I remember as very simple I'm trying to check that the value of a form text box is numerical using the isNaN function. The code I am using is:

quantity = Request.Form("number1")

if isNaN(quantity) = true then
Response.Write "Your input was not a number"
Response.Write "Your input was a number"
end if

All I get is a NaN type mismatch error.

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Contains Function

Is there a function to check to see if a string contains a space

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Mid Function

I was just wondering when using the mid function how does the assigment work when the length is longer then string itself? For example

test = mid(12345, 1, 10)

What would be the end result of test?Would it be 0000012345 or 1234500000 or 12345?

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Mid() Function

When I create a single character string

var str = "A"
'convert to ascii
num = asc(str)
Response.Write num ' 65 shows up
'when I have a whole string
str = "hello"
str = mid(str, 1, 1) ' return 'h'
num = asc(str)

'I get an error:

Invalid procedure call or argument:'asc'What can be done to fix this?

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Use Asc() Function

I've an array to store alphabets, in my a random order. How can i use the Asc() function to get the equivalent Ascii of each alaphabaet of that array....
whenever i use ,

for i = 0 to NoOfElements
Response.write Asc("ArrayName(i)")

it displays 65, "NOOfElements" times (ascii of A)...on the other hand..i can't write

Response.write Asc(ArrayName(i))

since this shows some error...How can i solve this?

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Function To Be Available

Depending on some situations, I or the user, need to execute a function (e.g., login, sending email, etc...) and then continue from the original place. How can I make one function to be available from any page from my site?

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Max() Function

I have a problem with max() function. The SQL is as follow SELECT max(group_no) as group_no FROM doc_groups. if I run the sql in MS SQL server, it will return correct result. However when I run in ASP file, there is no record return. I check with RecordCount property and it return -1.

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PV Function In ASP

Does anyone know how to use the Excel PV Function in an asp page? Is it possible at all? I know how to use it in .Net but not in ASP.

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Mid Asp Function

i need to write sql statment to compeare the first three letters btween input user and a field in a database, i used the Mid function but it seems there is something wrong ..

dim str1
str1= Mid((Form1.SiteName.value), 0, 2)
<% strSQL = "SELECT EQUIPMENT_ID FROM ne.equipment_view WHERE Mid([EQUIPMENT_ID], 0, 2) = '&str1&'" %>

by the way i use dropdown list for user input ....

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URL Function

I need function that will recognize URL in some string. For ex. somebody in forum sends some text which is in variable TEXT. I want a function to look at it and if it finds www... , http://... or https:// - he has to change it into url link.

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Same Function In JS?

in vbscript:


What function in JScript like this function?

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Dir$ Function

I'm getting error in Dir$ after run this code using IIS. Can anyone help me to solve this matter? Code:

If (Mobile1.MSGType = 2) And (Dir$(Mobile1.MSGPictureName) <> "") Then
Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Mobile1.MSGPictureName)
Image1.Picture = LoadPicture()
End If ..

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Copy Function

is there a vb function that I can use to copy chars 1, 3, 5, and 7 from a string of 7 chars?

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Session Function

Here's a tricky question for you all, is it possible to have a session or global function?

Function Hello()
Hello = "Good Bye"
End Function
Page = "Page2"
Server.Execute(Page & ".asp")


However, When I run the pages, nothing is returned. Without using page includes, is it possilble to create some sort of global function?

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Logout Function

I have 3 frames in my page. When i log out i would like to replace my framed page with another page. I tried using the link below but nothing happens. Code:

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Function-Last Login

i want to display the last login time and date in my portal.asp but however i search thr and try out but still unable to do.

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