Multi Page Form To Email.

I have been investigating how to create a multi page form in Frontpage that
eventually will allow an emailed result. I can write the asp to "post" from one
page to the next easily enough but when it comes to the last page, I can't
figure out how to email the results. the syntax "response.write" will write to a
web page but it won't fill in the content of am email. I thought of putting the
"response.write" inside the body of a CDO.message but that leads to the next

While looking at threads about the subject I keep seeing that I should use
CDO (or CDONTS) or a third party app like aspmail. All of which, from what I can
gather, use IIS SMTP service to function.
The problem I will have is that I have Exchange 5.5 on the same machine so
the SMTP on IIS won't start since ex5.5 uses that port. I have ex2k on another
machine that I will soon move the users over to so that will free up the IIS
port but I would prefer using the new mail server for this when it is running.
Is there a method for using the ex5.5/ex2k mail system for sending the asp
generated email? or perhaps another technique? I would prefer to just write it
but if I have to buy something I will.

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Multi Page Form

I am writing a multi page form. I am using hidden input statements to pass my variables between different pages. Now I want to provide a page whereusers can update the previous entered data. The form at this point is populated through the hidden variables.

But as I submit after making any changes. the hidden values instad of updating get an extra value. Is there any way to get around it.

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Multi-Page Form And Redirect Problem

I have a multi-page asp form:


The form fields are carried from page to page using... Code:

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Form On Web Page By Email

I have a web page which has a registration form. The user inputs data in the form and I would like to be able to send the entire form contents to an email address (In the HTML format).

What is the best and easiest method to do this? Do I have to capture each element of the form and string it to the body and then send it out in the page or is there any faster way to grab the entire contents of the form entirely and attach to the body?

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Multi Email Addresses

Simple question no doubt -
I am trying to send an email to a form variable as well as a list of addresses, but I can't seem to get it to work. Please help.
I want to combine these two lines - what is the syntax?
MyCDONTSMail.To= ""

MyCDONTSMail.To= creat_email
They work individually (I have declared creat_email).

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How Can I Have My Page Email A Csv File Created From An Online Form?

My company needs an online form that user's can enter information into and once submitted, will dump the user-supplied info into a csv file and email it to the person who heads up the project. Initially, I thought they wanted the form to save the data to a database, and after playing all weekend, I was able to do that. Today I learned that they prefer the emailing a csv file method instead. Any links to tutorials on this subject or sample code with explanation would be greatly appreciated!

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Asp Page Wont Send Email If Form Fields Are Blank

I created a feedback form for my website that has only 2 required fields. When you submit the form it calls my asp page which puts the information in a database and then sends me n email with the information that was entered into the form. The problem is that the form only has two required fileds, and if the remaining non required fields are left empty when the asp page is called it does write to the data base, but does not send me any email. However if I go back in and put somethng in every field in the form then when I submit the form and my asp page is called it writes to the data base and sends me an email with the all the information I entered in the feedback form. Is there a way to tell my asp page that it is ok to send the email even if the non required fields are left empty? I really do not want to have to go back through the form and put default values in for each area of the form? Also is there a way to have an error displayed if the email is not sent? My asp code is below....

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Multi Form Insert

How would you go about inserting data from two forms into one record? using access/javascript

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Multi Tab Page

How can i create a multi tab page in 2.0?
create a frame and a number of page with hyperlink?
Would i have some directives?

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Multi Page

I need to create in asp/access/javascript a questionnaire that shows a single question on each page of which there are five then after the last question create a new record in the access db and write the answers.

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Multi Dimensional Array In Form

what i want to do is have a (multi dimensional?) array, so that each second dimension represnts a row of radiobuttons. The trouble is i don't know what to name the arrays as. Obviously for each row the names for the different radio buttons will be the same, meaning you can only select one.

in php you could do it with a single array as you name each row of radio button differently:

1st row:

in asp it doesn't look like you can do it this way, because to create a similar array you'd do something like
1st row:

then use split in the recipient script. This does not work however, because each radiobutton (on all rows) has the same name, and therefore when you click one all the rest on every row are unclicked..

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Creating A Form With Multi Select

I am trying to create a form where you may have more than one person
at a meeting, but want to have them be related to the same meeting.

I have a mulitple select text area and if you select more than one,
all the records are being added to the same row. so if I picked the
following three people:

(Person ID/Desc)
1 - mickey mouse
2 - donald duck
3 - goofy

The row in the data base would look like this:

(Meeting ID/ Person ID)

1 - 1,2,3

But I would like to do this:
(Meeting ID/ Person ID)
1 - 1
1 - 2
1 - 3

I hope this makes sense, if it does does anyone have a suggest on how to best do this?

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Uploader With Multi Element Form

i need to find some scrit to uploadimages but with multi elements form i mean i need to put some textboxes and compo boxes with the uploading form to process the data entered in the text boxes and copbo boxes something = the posting new thread u can write ur thread and choose file to attach hope it's clear.

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Multi-page Application

I need to develop an application that will span 12 or so pages, and on the
last page, it lets the user review the data and then insert it all. This is
kind of like selling something on eBay, you give it information, click next,
enter more info and then at the end you review and submit the item. I was
thinking about sessions, but some of the fields are pretty big, like
varchar(5000) so I didn't know if there was a way to handle these big

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Multi-page Displaying

I have a database full of info and I have display.asp which I want to display 10 items at a time so I have display.asp?page=1, display.asp?page=2, etc.
How do I go about actually filtering the database to only produce 10 results per page? I was trying to use:

results.Move 10

and things like that, but I'm not sure of the best way around this.

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CDONTs - Problem Formatting An Email, From Form To Email

I am having a problem formatting an email message which comes from a form.

I am currently having difficulty with the <br> tag which I am using for line spaces within my email. I am getting an expected statement error message which is pointing to the line which is underlined below. I can't think what is causing this.

The code for my processing page is below:-

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Email Form - Verify Email Address

Just starting to play with scripts, and need a little guidance. I want to check to make sure that the email addresses users enter in a form are identical before it will allow them to submit. here's what i have:

the variable for the second email address is EmailFrom2

Dim validationOK
If (Trim(EmailFrom)="") Then validationOK=false
If (validationOK=false) Then Response.Redirect("emailerror.htm?" & EmailFrom)
If (Trim(Name)="") Then validationOK=false
If (validationOK=false) Then Response.Redirect("nameerror.htm?")
If (Trim(CityState)="") Then validationOK=false
If (validationOK=false) Then Response.Redirect("citystateerror.htm?")
If (Trim(SchoolName)="") Then validationOK=false
If (validationOK=false) Then Response.Redirect("schoolnameerror.htm?")

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ASP Email Form: Sends To Some Email Addresses But Not Others..

here is the script i use:

Set myMail=server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
set myMail=nothing

this script sends emails to some addresses but not others--and its based on the email service it's sending to. for instance, hotmail email addresses get the email, but email addresses dont get the email. i have tried sending it to other email hosts, too, and still, some work, some don't. what is going on here?

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Merging Upload Form And Email Form

Im having problems with my form, separately both forms work perfectly, but having problem sending the email once submitted, however the upload fuction is working fine. The message im getting is,

Request object error 'ASP 0207 : 80004005'

Cannot use Request.Form

/forminfo.asp, line 42

Cannot use Request.Form collection after calling BinaryRead.

Heres the script Code:

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ASP Repeating Form Fields In An Email Form

Would anyone be able to give some guideance in ASP code as to how I would repeat a section of input fields in a form based upon the number of guests that are attending an event?

Basically, what needs to happen is if 3 guests are attending, I need the Name, address, city, state fields to repeat so they can be filled in with information.

Then all of the information from the whole form is submitted which returns an email to the administrator of the event.

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Sending Email With Values Form A Form

<%@Language=VBScript %>
<%option explicit%>
MESSAGE = (Request.Form("type"))
MESSAGE=MESSAGE & vbcrlf & "Name" & (Request.Form("name"))
MESSAGE=MESSAGE & vbcrlf & (Request.Form("address"))
MESSAGE=MESSAGE & vbcrlf & (Request.Form("handphone"))
MESSAGE=MESSAGE & vbcrlf & (Request.Form("phonenumber"))
MESSAGE=MESSAGE & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & (Request.Form("comments"))
MESSAGE=MESSAGE & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
MESSAGE=MESSAGE & "____________________________________________"

Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")

objMail.From =Request.Form(email)
objMail.To = ""
objMail.Subject = "Business/Career Enquiries"
objMail.Body = ""&MESSAGE&""
Set objMail = Nothing

but somehow i'm not able to send the mail....

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Javascript Form Validation - Form Action To Another Page

In my prototype asp page (with no javascript and no password validation, I have a registration form with the following action:

<form name="form" method="post" action="RegDetails.asp">

This works fine, the form details are collected by RegDetails.asp

I am attempting to include javascript server side validation for the pasword, which obviously requires password and password2 fields (to be verified). I have used the script available at:

It works fine in a new blank page with the form action:

<form name=myForm onSubmit="return validatePwd()">

The final stage in this javascript demo form displays an alert box:

else {
alert('Nice job.');
return true;

When I change the first line of my original form to:

<form name=myForm onSubmit="return validatePwd()">

how do I get my original action of - action="RegDetails.asp" instead of this alert box?

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Email Form In ASP

i want to create an email form in ASP that can send emails to one and if possible multiple email addresses.

1. what requirements do i need. ie. web hosting .etc

Is it possible to make a form with a dropdown box for the different email addresses?

does anyone know where i can download a copy of something like this or have a copy themselves?

It can be just a simple type in your name, comments and submit form. just anything that works and how i get it to work.

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How To Email A Form To Someone

Does any one have working or sample scripts that will retrieve a form information and send that information to a specified email account? eg. a data request or a user comment form.

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Form Email

Option Explicit
Response.Expires = 0
'you need to set up a variable (declare variables) for each filed fron your form page
' what I like to do is use the exact same name and add str for string to the beginning of it.

Dim strFirstName
Dim strLastName
Dim strAddress1
Dim strAddress2
Dim strCity
Dim strState
Dim strZip
Dim strEmail

' After you declare the variables you need to assign a value to each one.
' each variable will be assign the corresponding value being sent from the form
'If you need other form fields, declare them above and assign a value here, Just
'follow the same format......

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We run a small web ministry.

Our hosting company doesn't allow PERL, only Bamboo.SMTP and JMail asp's. (

Our need? Turn the prayer request forms to an email that can
1. either send a different email to the requestor OR BCC an autoresponder we can set up.

2. BCC an email exploder on our mail system

3. make the FROM the requestor (done) and the TO: a 3rd email name on our system.

I see someone asked about a BCC function on Bamboo (none found), but the JMAIL set up we put up successfully executes but no emails are sent.

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Form To Email And MS Db

I have a form when the end user hits submit it will go to email and database. What I am looking to do is if the user selects this particular checkbox it will go to both database and email. Otherwise it will just to the database. In the form below I am expecting the user to check the "sendback" checkbox if they want to send the email, if this checkbox is left blank it will simply add a new record in the database. See code below...


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Form To Email Using CDO

I am trying to create a form where when you click on the submit button, all the information in the form will be sent to the company email. And another form which content the thank you message will be sent to the client email. While doing i have successfully sent the message to both parties email. However, for both email there is no information written inside. Below is the code.....

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Form To Email

how can i configure webform to insert to database and send to email at the same time
i know how to do it individually but not together

html form:

<form name="form" method="post" action="">

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From Form To Email

I designed a website which has a form in one of the pages..What I don't know is what i am supposed to write as script to make the form work. I want when users fill out the form and hit the submit button, all data will be sent to an email.

I'm aware that I should be using cgi or asp. but dont know how the script will look like and where should I put it in the server.

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Confirmation Email From A Form

I have a small shop on my web site and you order the products via a simple form. As an owner of the site, I want the order confirmations to be emailed to three email addresses, two adresses of mine plus one email to the person whoplaced the order. I donīt know how to fix this in the code though and that is my problem.

I can easily arrange for two of the addresses to get emails via the objMail.To command, so itīs when I try to add the buyers email that it gets weird.

That email address, Iīm getting through the form and the name tag "Emailaddress".

I tried to use the commands objMail.Cc and objMail.Bcc, but nothing happend and then I still only got emails sent to the addresses that I put in at the line objMail.To. Below is as far as I have gotten. If I put the three addresses like that and separate with a "&", I got all three email addresses right, but no space between them. So do you have any ideas on what character to use, to split these three addresses so that an email can be sent to all of them? Code:

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Form Post From Email

We have created a new ASP file that will process a standard HTML form, write the data submitted in the form to a database table, and send us an email of the data submitted. All works OK except if we now send that form code as part of an email, the form appears OK at the receiver's end, but when you fill in the form, there is no data that is transmitted back to the asp file.

The ASP file acknowledges the receipt of the form, and all that, but there is no data in the email and no data in the table.

It is obviously something that is happening when it is sent as an email, but I have seen this sort of thing done before, with a form in an email, and I wonder if anyone has some clues as to what we need to do to make the form work properly when sent as an HTML email.

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Send A Form To My Email

Basically I have a page and I would like to have several forms on this page where a user can input thier email address and a short comment, then click on send and i get n email with the details.

I know how to set up a basic form but I have no idea how to send it, can anyone help me and show me what to put where to set this up on brinkster please.

Oh and I would prefer to use ASP if thats possible.

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