Multiple Drop Downs In A Form

basically what im trying to do is create a form to submit some data to an access db.

In the form i want to be able to have two dynamically populated drop downs (so if a user chooses cars in the first field it comes up with a bunch of car manufacturers, or if he chooses boats it comes up with boat builders etc etc.)

Ive searched high and low, and i the best i can find is javascript to make the drop dows. The java script however uses a form to repost the data back to the page to populate the second drop down. This wont work when its inside a form.

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Multiple Drop Downs

i guess it depends on the domain for that answer. If it's a box with hundreds of webpages serving thousands of customers you'd want to conserve network bandwidth you'd probably want to do javascript, but i wouldn't consider reloading a page a big hit since if you just open the connection and runing two queries. But if you need the bandwidth you could do it with javascript.

I try to keep things out of javascripts and out of the hands of the client. Mainly because if they're running an older computer it will take longer to load and put unnessary strain on them and also if the client has scripting disabled you have no more drop down boxes and your site is pretty much disabled. With the strickly asp method you'd have at least the options to choose from and not any core functionality taken from it. That's my 2 cents on javascript to asp.

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Multiple Dynamic Drop Downs

Im getting the functionality of it down first, thats what It looks a little bland. Anyway, the basic idea is that im trying to have a person select a department which brings up a list of class numbers, which brings up a table of tutoring times. Ive just started using ASP a week ago, so don't tear me apart too much. Code:

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Drop Downs

is it possable if i set up a drop down and choose somthing a different drop down box will be filled with informatin dependsing on the first one. for example if i choose in drop down box to UK . i then get all the citys in the uk like london and so on. is this possabel.

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Filling In Drop Downs W/ASP

I've been using ASP for smaller (up to 4 items) dropdown menus, and so far I've been if/then/ statements such as this boolean case:

<select name=""gift">
" <%If MyGift = true Then %>
<option value="true" selected>YES</option>
<option value="false">NO</option>
<% Else %>
<option value="true">YES</option>
<option value="false" selected>NO</option>
<% End If %>

How do you set the selected item in a drop-down menu when you have many items in the dropdown, as in the case where the dropdown contains the 31 possible days in a month?

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Linked Drop Downs

how can i change the options of a combo box when selecting an option of another combo box?

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Dynamic Drop Downs

I have two drop downs. Both dropdowns are dynamic and data is send from a db for both,

Depending on what is selected in the first drop down i want to populate the second drop down. I know and have done this using XMLHTTPScripts but as this is for a website i dont want to go down this route.

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Use Sub Drop-downs Or Sub Forms

I don't know what to call what I want, but here is the description. Can I use sub-Lists?
I have a dropdown that conatains a list of products. When a user chooses an item, I want another drop down or anything that will allow them to then choose the specific category.

For example:

#1: I have cars and trucks.

When I user selects cars, I want a dropdown to give them available cars to choose from.
Say for instance the user selects Ford. Then I want them to have the option to choose
from the list of Fords. Escort, T-bird etc. Their final choice is what's sent to the DB.
#2: Also, I don't want to give them the option to enter a date into the DB. I have a field in my DB design "timestamp". I want this field to be automatically populated server side once the data is submitted.

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Two Linked Dynamic Drop Downs

I want to make a form where m using two drop down menus.

Where in based on selection in first drop down the second drop down should populate itself with relevant data based on first drop down. Like first can be COUNTRY name and second can be STATE name where based oon country selected the STATES are displayed in second drop down for selection.

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Object Drop Downs Not Appearing

I have an existing ASP file in a virtual directory. When I type server. or request. in this text file using Microsoft Script Editor I get a dropdown showing the properties available for the object.

However, if I change the extension to ASP on an existing html file, or create a new asp file I'm not getting the dropdown. I suppose this indicates the objects are not available in these new files, and they would not run properly if I tried to open them. What am I missing in setting up these new ASP files?

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Modifying Querystring Information With Drop Downs

What I'm trying to accomplish is the ability to post information to the querystring based upon values that are within a drop down that was generated from a database. Code:

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Dynamic Drop Downs And Page Variables

i have a website that uses (or needs to use) dynamically driven dropdowns using asp & JS on all pages. it contains 3 different dropdowns that are DB fed and are dependent upon the value of each other. the drop down values are updated using a repost to itself.

they work perfectly on the initial pages where no other variables are involved, but i am having troubles on the pages where more variables are being sent. eg: i have use a lot of error checking, and when i repost, the variables are deleted, and thus the error listings take effect as the variables are now blank. can i refresh the dropdowns without repossting to the samepage without effecting the existing variables on that page? sessions? cookies?

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Creating Multiple Drop-Down

I'm either way too tired or this is a bit above my head. I have a database (access) with four fields. One field is a unique id (rs("id")), one is a category (rs("category")), the third is type (rs("type)), and finally a title (rs("title")). There are and will always be seven types, numbered 1 - 7, with each type identifying a category. To be more specific, 1 = appetizer, 2 = soup, 3 = main dish, etc.

What I am trying to do is to create seven seperate drop down list, one for each type. The options in the drop down list will each be identified with the id (rs("id") and the values for each option will be the rs("title") field. I am having a hard time in the Loop distinguishing when to end one select statement and begin another.

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Multiple Dynamic Drop Down Boxes

I have a form with 2 drop down menus. the first is populated via a database query and the second gets populated based on the selection made in the first box. (Category/Sub Category)

I am having a difficult time keeping the initial item selected after the page reloads. I thought that this statement would work: Code:

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Split Function And Multiple Select Drop Down

I have a multiple select drop down. It will load into it the following information: Student ID, Last Name, First Name

There will be another drop down box that loads with classes, only this is not a multiple select.

I need the user to be able to select all students they need from the first drop down and then select the class they want to insert them into. Then, when they hit the button, it will break up the data from the first, Student ID, Last Name, First Name and insert those three things into the database under those respective column names.

Does anybody know how I can split these up properly when there will be multiple students selected, or does anybody have a better way of doing this?

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Multiple Drop Down Boxes Querying A Database

This is the solution needed to have Multiple Drop Down Boxes querying a Database(s) that will not wash out you other textboxes and objects on the select. Copy the code, change the connection to get you data and fly. Code:

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Multiple Drop Down Boxes Retrieving Data From DB

I have a database with many tables. I have many objects on my form, textboxes, checkboxes etc... I need to populate a second drop down box after selecting the first drop down box with out the user clicking a button, Yes Master I know how to do the JavaScript onchange but every thin I have looked at uses hard coded data in their example. Can you give me a form example using you tutorial DB of multiple DD Boxes.

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Re-Sort A Drop Down Inside A Form

I have a form in asp that has a drop down of contact - busness names. One side is contact name and other side is business name in this one drop down. I want to create a button or Link for the user to click and re-sort the order of the drop down from contact name to business name. The drop down is in a form already, so I thought about using another form inside my main form to run a requery of the drop down, but I don't think I can run a form inside a form...

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Form With Linked Drop-down Lists

I have an ASP-page where I want to be able to select a fabric and color of that fabric. Since different fabrics comes with different colors I want to have a form with two drop-down lists where selection of fabric in the first list populates the second list with the right set of colors. I need to have the lists in the same form so it only require one submit.

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Drop Down Menu Show In Form

How do I get a drop down menu to show Please select one when a form opens up? The menu will be populated with a database field but when someone creates a new record I would like for all the drop down menus to say Please select one.

So if nothing is selected from that menu then when they INSERT the new record into the database it will store a Null value for that new field in that field.

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How To Set Form Fieds Depending On Selected Item In Drop Down List

I am having a drop down list and other text boxes in a form. I need to retrive and fill text boxes from database depending on the selected item in drop down list. I am using javascript as scripting language. Can any body give solution.

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Dril Downs

I am creating a asp script that pulls records of an oracle database and displaying it as a table on an asp page. however what I want to do is display the records as links. for example.

record 1

(if record one is clicked)

record 1
information of another record from database 1
information another record from database 2

(and if record 1 is clicked again)

record 1

i really jus started learning asp and if anyone knows how to do that without any issues with client and server sides.

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Drill Downs

I have a table, which is bound to a database, how would I go about, making fields in one column, so that I can drill down on them.For example, I have a column of Groups, and I wish to click on a group and see the members in that group.

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Multiple Buttons On Form

How can I implement multiple buttons for a form like - submit, cancel, logout etc.

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Multiple Form Actions

I'm just starting on ASP and I've found it extremely useful.I have a form page where I'm collecting some information - that information I want to have emailed to me and part of it needs to be directed to a Merchant Accounts providers site for user to complete their purchase.

Email part I can take care of using CDONTS and/or SoftArtisans.SMTPMail.Passing the data to Merchant Account Provider (MAP) I can take care of.Doing both simultaneously is a different issue.I would like to have one submit button that directs some info to the email and some to the MAP.

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Post Multiple Form

I have form1.asp which contains a form which is posted to and processed by a page called process.asp.I want to create a second form on form2.asp and also post it to process.asp. On process.asp I would execute different stored procedures conditionally based on where the form is submitted from.How can I tell which page the form is submitted from?

I think I should be able to have a hidden form field on my forms and post that to process.asp.Is there a better or preferred method.?Can I combine these three pages on one asp page?

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Multiple Form Actions

I'm attempting to achieve a couple of things but I don't know if it's possible. I think the following piece of code will help explain what I'm trying to achieve:

'test whether user checked a particular check box when the user clicks the submit button

If Request.Form("mycheckbox") = "YES"

'I want the forms action to post all form data to THIS_PAGE.HTML

'I want the forms action to post all form data to THAT_PAGE.HTML

end if

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Multiple Emails In Form Submission

I am having a problem with a form that I created. (Done in ASP)

What I am trying to accomplish is this:

A form gets filled out on the web.
The form then gets submitted to at least 2 email addresses, sometimes 3 or 4.

I have noticed that the form makes it to the first 2 email addresses listed, but never any more than that.

Here is the part of the code where I am adding the email addresses:

.To = ";"
'.From = Request.Form("emailfrom") - This line is commented out
.From = "email1@address"
.Subject = "Lease Application - Lease Rep"

That code seems to work fine and the 2 recipients get the form data.

When I add more email addresses to the .to section, it never gets to those recipients. (I am using Semi-Colons to seperate the email addresses)

Here is how I have been adding extra emails to the form:

.To = ";;"
'.From = Request.Form("emailfrom") - This line is commented out
.From = "email1@address"
.Subject = "Lease Application - Lease Rep"

When I add any more than 2 emails, the form never gets to those intended recipients.

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Submitting Multiple Record IDs Via A Form.

We have a facility on our intranet where users can log problems, comments &
suggestions about the site to a DB.

I'm building a page that lists the outstanding entries, and allows use to
mark any number of entries as being 'done'

That is, we have a number of rows, with the last field in each row being a
checkbox to indicate the entry has been dealt with. At the end, there is an
Update button which submits the form.

The question is.. how to handle this...?

The best solution I have thought of so far is to use the record ID as the ID
for each checkbox. Then to Split() the resulting Request.Form into an array,
loop through the array picking out the record IDs.

It's not a bad solution, but I figured this must be a fairly common
procedure and that somebody might have a slicker way of doing it...

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Add Multiple Records To A Database From A Form

I am trying to have a form that has multiple records on it and the user can check a box on which ones to add to the database. I created the form but cannot get the fields to enter into the database.

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Post Form To Multiple Pages

How do I post an HTML form to multiple ASP pages? I need to do two things with my data at the same time and it would be very helpful if I could spawn the processes when the HTML form is posted, not through downstream ASP handling.

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Form Post To Multiple Pages

Assuming the following code actually worked, I'd like to take data entered from one form and post it to two different locations. Hypothetically, I have a server in NY and one in LA that I want to get the same information.

<form action=""
action="" method="post">
<input type="text" name="request" /><br />
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

'''Contents of
response.write "Data saved on NY server"

'''Contents of
response.write "Data saved on LA server"

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Shopping Cart, Multiple Items In One Form

I have a client that wants all his products on one screen, where people can enter the quantities of every item they want and only have to hit one "Add to Cart" button.

So I have an array of results for each products ID number, and quantity amount for each product. How do I loop through those results and add multiple rows to the database?

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