Multiple Group Rows

How do you group multiple rows from a sql recordset on a unique id in ASP? (ie: I get 5 rows for id=9, but just want to display the top row based on my Order By).

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Add Multiple Rows

I want a way to be able to add up to 99 new items into a table. I've search around but haven't found much. I think I am using the wrong word or function?

Entry page would look like:

1. var1, var2, var3,... var10
2. var1, var2, var3,... var10
3. var1, var2, var3,... var10
4. var1, var2, var3,... var10
5. var1, var2, var3,... var10
99. var1, var2, var3,... var10

I can't do a "INSERT INTO table_blah Values()" . Should I look towards an Array? I suck at those.

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Update Multiple Rows

Visually, the page will look somewhat like a spreadsheet. It could have
hundreds of records (rows) displayed. I want to enable the user to edit any
one or any number of records and any fields, then click a save button to
UPDATE the SQL table. I'd like to use stored procedures if possible. How is
this done? Where do I start?

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Multiple Rows Of Data

I need to have a table with 3 fields whereby the user can input the data and insert into my database using this website. However, I need this table to be dynamic so that after the user input the info for the first row, the user can click on add another row button and another blank row comes out. then the user can input the info for the second row and so on.

I am using ASP in the end to insert the data. I need some advice on how to create this kind of table where the user can click on one button to add another row and then able to insert all data in the entire table into database using asp.

number filename filesize
1 aaa.asp 123MB

add more data

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Inserting Into Multiple Rows

if i have an online invoice and i want to insert all the items of the form into different rows of a table.
is it possible and can get the code ?

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Insert Multiple Rows

I use Access Data Base 2000 and ASP configuration. My case is that I constructed a Editable Grid with 5 columnar labels so that I derive many rows from database for the client to choose from by the help of check boxes that I externally added for each row. What I have to do is after client chooses the rows by clicking the check boxes and then clicking on the submit button.

I would like to insert the marked rows with labels(4 or 5 labels)into a differant database table from the one where the data was first drived. BTW, within the editable grid I have 4 submit buttons and each button should insert checked rows into differant data base tables.

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Writing To Multiple Rows

I am try to insert data from a form in to an access db When a store is added this asp page writes to two tables in the database But the product data need to be add to 5 individual row but I get this Error Identity cannot be determined for newly inserted rows.

I think I am writing The data into the same row every time. What can I do to make sure I a creating a new row every time I update rsproduct Code:

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ASP: Update Multiple Dbase Rows?

I've got a little user poll system and I'm trying to create an 'edit' form. The form relates to 2 database tables, one holds the poll details (title, start date, end date, etc) and the other holds the answers/options (answer_id, answer, etc). I've successfully setup the form so it updates the poll details but I can't work out how to update the answers? Code:

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Choosing The Highest From Multiple Fields Not Rows.

I have multiple fields (BLM, WHM, RNG, MNK) each with a numeric value. How can I search across these fields for each record and find the highest number.


Jason 19 52 33 18

What I want it to do is return and display Jason WHM 52

And I want to do this for every record in the table.

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How To Trigger OnChange Or OnClick Events For Multiple Rows In Table??

I can trigger these events successfully if table only has one row:

Sub InputField_OnChange()
End Sub

But, these events cannot be fired if table has more than one row, why?

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Group By? Distinct?

When I just - SELECT DISTINCT atblProducts.ID AS ProductID, it selects distinct Product IDs but when I add other columns to the select, it doesn't select the ProductID as DISTINCT.

I've heard to try "GROUP BY..." Code:

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IIS Group Access

I have a asp app that I wish to limit execution access to a universal
security group during beta test...
I've tried restricting permissions using ntfs, the virtual directory
and the net.config file (which I assume will not work as this is not a app).

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Group Array

I have several arrays, created by splitting a string of comma delimited values, as follows:

arrOne = split("1,2,2,2,3,6,3,7",",")
arrTwo = split("5,2,1,6,5,5",",")

What I want to be able to do is to group the arrays so that I know how much of each there are. I need to output results in the following format:

Number / HowManyTimesThatNumberOccursInTheArray.

So for example, the above would output:

1 / 1
2 / 3
3 / 2
6 / 1
7 / 1

1 / 1
2 / 1
5 / 3
6 / 1

These can literally just be output as a string if needs be. Is this possible? If so, how do I go about achieving it?

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Group My Catalogue

I have a catalogue table and forum table in my database. In the cata table , it has ASP, PHP, JSP 3 record. In the Forum Table, it has ASP intro, ASP Install, PHP intro, PHP install 4 record. I want to group the ASP intro, ASP install in the ASP group and The same with the PHP group.
How can i do ? ( By ASP ) .
( Could you please give the asp source code to get the data from database by group ? When the Cat_ID at the 2 table is equal, they are in the same group)

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Administrators Group Name

I try to read out the Administrators Group name from a specific Computer in our Network with the aid of the RID.

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SQl, Group By - Error

I'm trying to execute this sql below:

strsql="select Name,CName from Task where Name like '%" & request.QueryString("PrintName") & "%' and CName Like '%" & request.QueryString("PrintName") & "%' group by name"

but it doesn't work and i get this error:

You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression 'CName' as part of an aggregate function.

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Group By Average...

I want to Group my records by the average of a field...

I tried using 'GROUP BY AVG(Rating)' but that's an illegal use...

Is there another way, besides opening another recordset? I also used:

... AVG(Rating) as AverageRating GROUP BY AverageRating ...
But, same problem...

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Group Permissions

I have a asp page that I need to check to see if the current logged on user is a member of a specific active directory group. How can I do this? I have tried so many different LDAP code examples and none seem to work.

Do I need to include a administrator username and password in the code? Does any have any samples of code I can try?

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I have this problem with table of database MySQL. My table with fields ID, Number and Description: Code:

1 ====== 9168381650==== CDR VER-CS AP-UPS SANLUCA
2 ====== 9168381659==== CDR VER-CS AP-UPS SANLUCA-9
3 ====== 9168381651==== CDR VER-CS AP-UPS SANLUCA-SQ S.SANLUCA
4 ====== 9168381652==== CDR VER-CS AP-UPS SANLUCA-SQ DIST.GUSPIN
From this table I need to have the total of records data all under the description CDR VER AP-CS-UPS SANLUCA.

Is a hierarchy structure where IDs 2, 3 and 4 belong to the description ID 1. I don't like to see the data individually for each description, but the grouping data for macro-DESCRIPTION. For example:

The total records in table are 4, the query return:
"There are 4 records total for description CDR VER AP-CS-UPS SANLUCA."

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Group Members

I have a asp page that I need to check to see if the current logged on user is a member of a specific active directory group. How can I do this?

I have tried so many different LDAP code examples and none seem to work. Do I need to include a administrator username and password in the code? Does any have any samples of code I can try?

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Group By Order By

I have the following statement that is working just fine:

SQL = "select* from products GROUP BY name ORDER BY price"

I have many products with the same name but with different prices and I want to display unique records along with other information but I want to display the cheapest product first. It is displaying the first record in the table with that name but not the cheapest distinct record in the list of all distinct product names. Code:

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Grouping And Totals For Group

I am writing a report using ASP and am having trouble displaying the data in the way i want. I'm collecting turnovers for various companies and each of the companies has a county code. e.g. Yorkshire is defined as number 2.

I need to group the companies together by county and need to display a totals line for those members only and then on the following lines I want the next county and its companies.

I can group the counties together but the totals line I'm displaying appears after each companies rather than after the group of companies for a given county.

I use a do while loop to check that there is data in the database for each company. I tried putting the totals line outside the loop and that only shows 1 totals line for ALL companies.

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Counting By Group And Selection

I am trying to show some stats. However I have four levels to choose from, which are shown as true/false. I want to count each entry by employee and categorize it only under the highest level achieved. One entry can have multiply Levels. Hope this make sense my mind is a little foggy today.

Here is the sql statement I am using. I have added the levels as or however I want to count each level but only the highest level achived. I don't know if it would be easier to do this in a SQL statement or in vb script. Code:

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Invalid Use Of Group Function ??

The query works fine without ordering. But when I try to put ORDER BY that error message appears.

My query is working when it looks like that:

"Select TAB1.WCUST,, sum(TAB1.qty) AS SUMQty, sum(TAB1.wamt) AS SUMWamt from TAB1 LEFT JOIN TAB2 ON Where TAB1.WMNID=10 GROUP BY TAB1.WCUST,;"

But after I add ORDER:

"Select TAB1.WCUST,, sum(TAB1.qty) AS SUMQty, sum(TAB1.wamt) AS SUMWamt from TAB1 LEFT JOIN TAB2 ON Where TAB1.WMNID=10 GROUP BY TAB1.WCUST, ORDER BY sum(TAB1.wamt) DESC;" it gives me the error message:Invalid use of group function.

I tried to order the query by WAMT and it was OK.

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Checking A Users Group

How can I check a users group in ASP? I can pull their logon and domain with Server Variables, but how can I get their group?

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Creating User Group

i need to creat a user group, where as members can log in and discuss issues, like here (asp forum). I need to do it from A to Z,i found this link :, but i didn t find my way yet

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Group By Statment Problem

i want to display the number of people logged on at each location... when someone logges in they get a type=1... that works great but when i try to group by the NasName thats the location name.. Code:

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Check Dropdown Group

I have done ASP for a while but never found a quick way to handle this issue.I have 8 dropdown boxes. Is there an easy to check that only 1 has selected 'Yes' and the others are 'No' without checking infinite combinations?I usually do this with alot of coding for the combinations.

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How To Check A Users NT Group

I have an intranet site, and I need to control certain pages with NT Group permissions. I need to check that when a page is loaded, if the user is a member of the right NT Group, then the page displays, else an access denied page displays.

I am having trouble with the bit of code that gets and checks the users NT Group. I can get and check their Domain and Username, just not the Group.?

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Check Member Of NT Group

i can use Request.ServerVariables to check the login user. is it possible to check whether the login user is the member of the NT security group? it is because i wish to create a dynamic banner according to respective NT security group.

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Radio Button Group

I have a simple html page with a radio button group on
it. I am submitting that page into an asp page. How do I
know what button the user has checked?

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AD Group Membership Check?

I'm rather new to ASP and am having trouble with implementing a group membership check in one of my functions. I have this function which I use for authentication pass-through:

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Radio Buttons Group Names

I am working in ASP.NET and I do have groupname of TrainReport for all of my radiobuttons. I have found lots of documentation of how to put groupnames in radiobuttons. What I have not found is how programmically I can use the radiobutton groupname in the code to distiguish between the radiobuttons.

In VB 6.0 the group of radiobuttons would have the same name and would be refered to in an index by the order of the buttons. TrainReport(0), TrainReport(1), TrainReport(2), etc. I could use case statement on the index.

Case 0 would be if TrainReport(0) was selected and I would have code I want to do if this was selected, Case 1 would be if TrainReport(1) was selected and I would have code I want to do if this was selected, etc.

I have not found in documentation in Visual Studio, google searches, etc. a useful purpose of radiobutton group names.

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