Need Code To Send User Back Two URLs

When someone buys something on my site from a detail page, I show them a cart. When they hit continue shopping, the only option I have right now is to take them back to the detail page. What I really would like to do is take them all the way back to the catalog page they used to get to the detail.

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Global.asa :: Send The User Back To The Login Page

im tryin to secure my application. i want the application to send the user back to the login page if they have not logged into the system. do i use the global.asa file or is there a simpler way to do this?

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Send A Form Back From An Asp Page

I have a html form which allows the user to select add, delete, update or view from a drop down list. Their choice is sent to an asp page.

My problem is how to send them back a form from the asp page depending on their choice and send the resulting input to the same asp page again for processing.

So if they choose 'add' from the html page then that is sent to the asp page and they are sent back another form, to fill out the new record details which is in turn resubmitted to the same asp page to carry out the 'Insert' statement.

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Prevents User To Go Back...

I'm trying to prevent a user to go back once on a particular page...i mean once the user reaches a particular page and he/she tries to click on the back button of the browser, the page does not go back. Is that possible please?

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User Back Button

I've created a asp form that the user submits, the information is wriiten to a database and the user is redirected to a thankyou page

The problem is, if the user presses their browsers back button the form the just submitted is still filled and allows them to resubmit the form.

How can I clear the form session once the user clicks the submit button? I've read about this before, but can't seem to find the darn webpage that explains this.

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Allowing The User To Back Track

I want to track the steps the user has gone through to get to this page and then display links so they can click on them to go back to that page. I would do this as hard code but the problem is most of the pages can be accessed from several different pages.

a product page a home page and a specials page

the path to the product can be home -->product or
home-->specials --> product

exactly like the viewing link at the top of this page but in instead of php.

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Empty Form When User Clicks Back

I want to empty the forms fields when a user clicks on the back button. I wrote some js that will do this, but I can't figure out the right time to execute the script. If I do it on the submit form event, the values entered do not get posted, if I do it on the <body> onLoad event, the form name isn't recognized (the page posts to itsself). I also tried putting the js in a <script> tag inline just after the form, but it doesn't seem to have any effect.

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How To Open A Popup Window Select A Value And Send It Back To Page?

I'm need to open a popup window from an asp page that calculates a value. This value must be returned to the input box on the asp page. I have managed to get the popup window to open and display a value so far but I am not getting the value back into the asp page.

Popup Window code...

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Any Ways To Clear Form Cache Or Prevent User From Pressing The Back Button

Are there ways to let browser forget about the previous submitted form data?

Or prevent user from pressing F5 to submit the same form again

Or prevent user from presising back on the browser?

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Send Feedback To The User

if i m the server, i had this feedback page whereby i need the user to type in the feedback in a textbox and then send it to mi. he must enter his email in a textfield and click on a button. issit possible to do that? without having to use outlook express to pop out??

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I have a MEMBERS table and a COMMENTS table I am using session varible which is rsUser in the members table, I am using this as AUTHOR of the comment so I do not know what to filter (as you can tell i am using Dreamweaver with Access database) I also do know know about what collumns to have in what table? ParentID ?

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How To Send Automated Email To New User

How can I write a program to send automated email to user's email address after they registered to my site.

I want my email has HTML format or even links. Not just one sentence.
Once the user click on the link or reply this email, their registration will be complete.

I am using ASP with Access Database.

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Current User That Send A Form

how can Identify a domain user that send a form made with ASP. I have see that exist a variable called currentuser, but what does it mean?

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Auto Send Email To AOL User With CDO Message


Set cdoMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set cdoMessage.Configuration = cdoConfig
cdoMessage.From = ""
cdoMessage.To = strEmail
cdoMessage.Subject = " User Registration"
cdoMessage.HTMLBody = "<html>" &_
"<body>" &_
"Hello "&strUName&"<br/><br/>" &_
"Thank you for registrating with Please activate your account by clicking the link below.<br/><br/>" &_
"<a href='"&strID&"'>Activate my account.</a>" &_
"<br/><br/>Thanks for your registration." &_
"<br/><br/><br/>Vincent" &_
"<br/><br/>Administrator of" &_
"</body>" &_
Set cdoMessage = Nothing
Set cdoConfig = Nothing

I got return email that the mail fail to deliever to AOL user. I assuming AOL email doesn't accept ASP script embedded in the email?

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Send Information On The User Account Error

I have created a New Users registration form for my database. The User enters there details such as email, account, name etc, and then clicks a Register button. This should send an e-mail to the User with a link for them to click to activate there account.

When i click on register however, i get a page not found message. When i try to diplay my Confirmation page, i get the error mention ed above.

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How To Get/set And Send The HTTP Headers(user-defined)

How to get/set and send the HTTP Headers(user-defined) coming from another domain/site]

In one SMS gateway project i need a great and urgent help from u all. There,the Service Providers sending the data thru "HTTP Headers" (For ex.sms-Id,sms-source [user defined]).

So i need to get and parse the name value pairs, and need to respond/send the same way as coining the "HTTP Headers" (For ex. sms-Id,sms-destination,sms-msg [user defined]).

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User Informatio Send To Email Accout How Can

How can i send an Email using ASP, i mean, let's say a user is registering .I want to send him an email with his user info,is it Possible?

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How To Send Email Using Th Asp Code

How to send emails using the asp codes.

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When A User Register In Website Then All Informtion Send On His Email

I want an automatic email to send to a user when they register, the first page looks like this, i took away all the table information and what have you ....

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Code To Send Email With Attachment?

Can any one give some ASP code to send an email with attachment.

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Code To Detect User Device

does anyone know some code to be able to divert mobile phone users to a different site (wap version) clicking on the same link as a pc user would.I have been able to get the browser by using Request.ServerVariables("http_user_agent")Though it is only mobiles that i want to divert else where (this does not include PDA's).I'm guessing it is via an 'IF' statement but I don't know?

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Code For Collecting User Ip Address/date Into SQL Server Database

I need code to capture a users ip address once they agree to a disclaimer (a form yes/no). If the user states no a message telling them they do not have access and a redirect back to the home page.

I need to put the ip address along with the date a sql server database. I am lost as to how to code this and also how to set it up in my directories.

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Back Button : : How To Fill Values Back

I have a form that submits values to an asp page. If their is an error on the asp page that is called and you go back to the first page with the form. The values are not in the form.

How can I set the value back into form without the user having to retype them in? If I use hidden fields on the first asp page and I go back to that page wouldn't the values for the hidden fields be empty as well?

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Two Different URLS

We have just signed up for and I need to somehow integrate the canned web-to-lead form from salesforce inside my login/registraiton system without messing up the existing 'join' form.My registration form is built on top of database while the alesform form isstatically generated form which is similiar but not exactly the same.

Post to two different urls at once for my main Join form.Or, perhaps 'hide' the form and somehow populate the values in the form and when the visitor clicks my Join form it also posts the sf form?

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Reading URLs

if it is possible to store the URL of a browser window as a variable? For example:

var loc = window.location.href

in JavaScript will store the contents of the address bar as the variable loc.

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Long URLs

Is anyone aware of any sort of asp coding to deal with long URLs? I have a few asp that pull URLs from fields within a MS db, which then display on a width-limited table. Is there any way to wrap these long URLs such that my table doesn't get widened? e.g. wrapping at "/" or something similar?

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Encrypting URLs

Are using this practice? If yes which method are you using?

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SE Friendly URLs With ASP & IIS.

has any one tried SE Friendly URLs with ASP & IIS? There's nothing like mod_rewrite for IIS. Ofcourse there are some 3rd party COM available but how many of us can use them on shared webservers?

So, is there a way to do it?

For those people who don't know what I'm talking about,

Normal URLs with querystrings look like

while SE Friendly URL will look like

The operative words being look like. You will see the 2nd URL in the browser's address bar but the server will take it as the 1st URL.

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Creating Clean URLs

I need to convert the Query Strings into Clean URLs, Found some articles on
PHP and Apache server.. How do we it them with ASP ??

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Dealing With Friendly Urls

My application runs on ASP and the business logic is embedded in Dlls written in VB. The application hosts a list of articles for the user to view and these are accessible through some complex urls like "http://mysite/articles/category1?articleid=34512". I would like to denote a friendly url to these articles such as "http://mysite/articles/kb_TaxPlanning.asp". I am thinking of using an ISAPI filter to do the work for me. My friend was trying on using a httphandler, but it did not work. Please share with us the resources for creating an isapi filter for the same. Also how to use the same for the expected result?

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Linking Names To URLs

I have a dynamic table that displays names of companies. Some companies have URLs and some don't. I would like for those companies with URLs to open a new browser and show their website, for those with no URL just to open nothing. So far I have this, however doesn't work.

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Response.Headers And URLs

Is there a way to add a header to a page that will change what text the
browser displays in the address field?

For example, say I point my browser to

I would like IIS to send back the content generated by the page
request.asp, but would like the address is in the browser to read

Is there any possible way to do this? It seems like this should be possible.

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Upload Images From Urls

I'd like to save images from urls ? I need to save images with a procedure that i get it the url of image. if anyone know about this problem, let me know?

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