Need To Modify A Dreamweaver Update Record Script

I need to alter a dremweaver Update Record function but am a bit lost with it. I basically need to take the values from 3 drop downs that let you selct the date (day, month year). I've written a variavble that adds these together to make a date:

JJ_theDate = Request.Form(selectDay) & "-" & Request.Form(selectMonth) & "-" & Request.Form(selectYear)

but have no idea how/where to slot this in with Dreamwevers code (below) that does the SQL update.. Code:

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Update Record Without A Form In Dreamweaver MX

I'm new to ASP so I'm using DWMX as a crutch. It created the db connection and recordset code for me and all I want to do is have the page update the db with the result of a variable.

In plain English, I'm trying to update a field called Score in the table quizOne with the results of the variable score where the username field matches the session variable MM_Username. The recordset is called update_score.

Based on other tutorials and forums, I tried this: ....

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Update / Modify A Exisitng Row In The Database

I manage to solve the last problem, but now I've encountered another one. I think there is something wrong with the UPDATE statement in this code. I am using Oracle 8i and Sun One ASP. Code:

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Dreamweaver Delete Record

im trying to add the delete record behaviour with dreamweaver. iv set up all the text fields and the recordsets but when the behaviour is generated the error "the original recordset in the script was not found". i have the add record server behaviour working, but this is not .

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Update Certain Record

i just wanna know how to be able to update certain fields without touching the others

for example if the form has 3 fields
description, name and age....

if i wanted to update the database from these fields, but only update the description while leaving the ohters as they are, which means blank fields in form...

now if i do that on my form, it will clear other 2 fields in the database and only update the description... how can i fix that so that when there's blank fields in form in won't clear the data in database ?

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Update Record

This is probably a easy answer for you guys. Just trying to find the easiest way to do this. I want to click on a link and update a field in a recordset, but don't want
to leave the current page.

HrngID is the link. I want to change the Canceled field from a 1 to 0 when clicking on the link . I know I can use a onclick event, but not sure if these is an easier way. Can I do like a onclick and run a SQL statement on one line?

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Cannot Update Or Add New Record

I am using Windows XP profesional and Access 2000 but are experiencing
problems updating or adding new records to my database with asp.
I have installed IIS 5.1 on my computer but also on my internet site I am
having problems to add a new rec. or update one.

The error message is something like:

< Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation must use an updateable
query. >

I get this message on my web site as well as when I try some new tests, with
other databases, on my local PC's IIS. Does anybody know what is wrong? It
used to work okay earlier on my web site?

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Add/update A Record In First Table And 2nd

i can add the record in first table but cant get it to do with the second one one of the field in the first table the "mktid" which is the primary and is a forgeiner key in the second table how can i have it insert or update in the second one Code:

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Add/update A Record In First Table And 2nd

add/update a record in first table and 2nd i can add the record in first table but cant get it to do with the second one

one of the field in the first table the "mktid" which is the primary and is a forgeiner key in the second table how can i have it insert or update in the second one



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Multi Record Update

I have a table in the db and one field in the db is an email field various records can have the same email address in. When an email address changes from x to y I want to be able to change an email address x in every record in the table to y, how would I do this?

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Update Record In MYSQL

ASP VB. I have 1 recordset where I pull the order in.
I have another that I pull in the on-hand qty.
I used a repeat region and now I have it working to display the new on-hand qty. Now I just need to update the recordset with the qty on hand.

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Update Record Problem

ok im trying to update a record.. i have my edit form working (i think) and now im just making the code to update that record..

im gettin this error tho

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e21'

Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done. Code:

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Insert/update Record

I have to compare 2 tables: orderA and orderB, if the record exists in both table orderB and orderA, just do a update to the quantity field in orderB (add orderA.quantity to orderB.quantity). Otherwise a new record has to be insert into orderB.

Do I have to loop through the recordset of orderB, then use select statement to see whether the record exists in orderA or not, and determine whether to update/insert record? I am using Access database. I just afraid that looping through each record in recordset (maybe >=30 record each time) would make the transaction getting slow (or even hang??). Can I do this in one SQL statement?

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UPDATE Mysql Record From Within <A HREF...>

I have a .asp page that displays an HTML page: view_msg.asp

There is a link (anchor tag) on that page that when clicked, sends the user to another page. I would like to also execute a MySQL query when that link is clicked. The DB is already open and connected to the page. The current current tag looks like this:

<a href="view_messages.asp"><IMG SRC="example.gif"></a>

and the MySql command I want to send is:
UPDATE Messages SET `fromDisplay`="N" WHERE idMessage=" & idMsg "

In english: When someone clicks on the link I want to execute a MySQL command to set the field value to N... how do I do that?

I know this is a very rookie question - but I don't know enough about asp to know how to execute the command here the way I want. Do I have to turn the image/button into a <FORM> 'submit' button</FORM> and use a redirect? Or, would I use an ONLCKICK. What would the correct syntax be?

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Can Not Update A Record If There Is A ' In The Text Field

i'm trying to figure out why i can not update a record if in the text box there is a ' anywhere in the field..

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Update Record On Page Load

how to Update Record On Page Load. I have one feild in my database that I want to subtract 1 from each time the page is loaded.

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Mail And Update MS Access Record At Same Time

I have a form on a website for logged-in customers to update their contact details, when the customer update their contact details it should update the record in the database and at the same time the updated contact details should be sent to me by email.

I'm not an expert in ASP 3.0 and therefor I'm using dreamweaver 8 to create asp pages(ASP 3.0 VB), but dreamweaver does not have such kind of fuction(server behavior) to do this and so I have to create this by hand.

Now I already have page with the form that updates the record in the database, and I also have another page that does the mailing(CDONTS), first it updates the record in the database and in dreamweaver I have set "after insert the record go to mail_processing.asp" , but this does not work.

I can only get one to work, either only update the record or only mail the form data.

How can I make it to update and mail at the same time?

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.update Creates New Record But All Fields Null

I have made several Access-based CMSs but now I am using SQL Server. I can read the records but my first attempts at writing are resulting in new records (with new ID) but all the fields are null.

I am posting the data from a form to the same page and an if /then statement catches the flag in the URL and runs the update script below. All the field names are correct. Code:

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Update Record In A Popup And Then Refresh Main Window

I have a main window which shows all records from a table. When a user clicks on "Edit" for a record, a popup showing information of the selected record is displayed.

The user then changes the information on the popup and clicks "OK" button which calls an ASP page to update that record in the table. Everything works with no problem up to this stage.

My problem start after the update process. I need to know how to close the popup and then refresh the main window showing the updated information....

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Modify Variables

How do I change the text between a carriage return and a colon ":" in a variable?
I am calling a memo field in a recordset and want to change the format of text (colour) between these two points. How can I do it?

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Modify A Number

I want to erase a line (or modify a number) in a text file throught asp, how do I do that? I have noticed that there are three ways of opening files,

1=ForReading - Open a file for reading. You cannot write to this file.
2=ForWriting - Open a file for writing. (If open an existing file, it deletes everything)
8=ForAppending - Open a file and write to the end of the file.

How can I just skip a few lines and erase a destinated line or maybe change a word in a line. without using an brute force (copy the file back and forth...)?

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Modify Single Value

I've built an array like this and I've put it into an application:

If not isArray(Application("utenti"))thenDim online(1,4)online(0,0)=4 online(1,0)=1online(0,1)=5online(1,1)=1online(0,2)=7online(1,2)=1online(0,3)=9 online(1,3)=3online(0,4)=15online(1,4)=3application("utenti")=onlineEnd if
Now is it possible to modify some values in this application-array?For example trying to set the value in position 1,1 equal to 3 I wrote: application("utenti")(1,1)=3

Redim Preserve application("utenti")(1,1)

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Modify Files From A Web App

I've developed a web app that generates documents (like word files, opendocument, excel etc) let's the user download it to their computer, edit it, and then upload the modified version, where it would be stored in a database.

I'm trying to find a way to let the user edit the file on-the-fly, and when saving it automatically update the database. That is, I'm looking for a way to automate the download-open-edit-save-upload cycle. Ideally, when clicking on a link, the user would choose to open the file with the apropiate application, and when saving it the database would be updated. So, any ideas?

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Modify IIS Settings

Does anyone know if there is a way of changing IIS settings using ASP specifically:

"The content where this content should come from" radio button property set on the Virtual Directory Tab (of a VD).

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Cannot Modify Or Delete...COM+ Admin SDK

I managed to find the problem with my script thanks to jmurray's help. However I am now left with a confusing puzzle and I cannot any information about a workaround.

The error I now get is:
Cannot modify or delete an object that was added using the COM+ Admin SDK

I know now the reason for this is because I changed the 'from' email address in my script. If I put it as '' it works fine. If I change the address to ANYTHING else, I get the above error. Is this something that can be corrected through scripting? If not, any ideas where I should be looking?

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How Can I MODIFY Excel Database In ASP?

I have a databse in MS Excel which I would like to use it in ASP? I got instruction on how to open and display the Excel databes in ASP, but I cannot make it to modify/add/delete the records.

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Modify Word Document

any way to modify text content of a word document through ASP?

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User Modify Database

I'm looking for a code already written if it is possible (as i need to do this soon)I have a database(access) and the users submit data from a asp page and it stores the values. Then it also allows the users to login to the web page using the data (username and password) inserted by the user.

What i want is that when the user logins, to be able to modify the inserted data..Perhaps the user wants to change the e-mail address. I tried doing some search in google but the results were no good.

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Modify IE Page Setup

I would like to modify IE page setup before printing the window. But i want to do it without opening the FILE-> Page Setup window. In fact, i would like to remove the header and footer of pages beforeprinting them. but i want to do it using asp or vbscript and without any end user action.

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Modify Excel Template (xls Or Xlt)

From the ASP application I am trying to 1) open a template 2) add data to a couple of fields (passed from order.asp to invoice.asp) 3) do a Save As so that the user can save to client.

I have this code working fine for a word document, but I am having touble with the XLT. Any suggestions?

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Modify A Field Using Pure Sql

I have a program that will need to update a certain table entry repeatedly - so I want the transaction to take place without using up too much time or system resources. I basically want to update the field with the current time i.e. Now(). Let’s assume:
The table is called tblExample. The field is called LastTime.

I could do this very easily using record sets, but I understand that using pure SQL is much faster than using record sets. So, how would I update the field using only SQL?

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Modify Asp Page According To Monitor Resolution.

I created an asp page it looks different when looked from an 1024x768 than it looked on 800x600 resolution. how to control this?

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Modify Multiple MDB Table Designs

I've got quite 20 identical MDB files running on an IIS5 server. From time to time I need to go into various tables and add a field or two. It would be great if there were an application out there that could either: sync all MDB designs (and/or data) esignated to match one I've added some fields/tables to OR go into all designated MDBs and create new field(s) or table(s).

I've began writing something like this that right now just does part of (b) but I'd rather find something that is much more slick and complete.

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