No Data Found,send Messag Then

What I'm doing is to show people data from database with ASP, but when there's nothing to show, ASP brings the browser with an error where only people like us knows what it means so what I want to know is how can I make ASP go to another page where I can explain the user that there's no data ralated to that new search and that he or she needs to try again?

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Get Data From Form, Send To A Html File And Send A Mail

i am trying harder to mix this 2 solutions... but without success... the below on seen to be grabing a template and replace the data with the values posted in a form Code:

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Data Source Name Not Found

ADODB.Connection.1 error '80004005'

SQLState: IM002
Native Error Code: 0
[INTERSOLV][ODBC lib] Data source name not found and no default driver specified


strconn ="DSN=dsnname ; UID=username ; PWD=password"
set conn = Server.Createobject("adodb.connection")
conn.Mode= 3 strconn
the error is in the last line. THANX

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Data Source Name Not Found And Default ..

Mircosoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers [0x80004005]
[Mircosoft] [ODBC Driver Manager]

Data source name not found and default driver specified

This is the connection string im using and ive install an odbc driver
connect_string = "Driver={Mysql}; Server=localhost; Database=Tester; "
set dbConn = server.createObject("ADODB.connection") connect_string

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Data Source Name Not Found And No Default Driver Specified

So i get this error and i have no idea what it means. So if someone could help let me know what this error is coming up for it would be nice. Im just starting asp today because my work has a client who has an asp site. Thank you


Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

/class/classView.asp, line 13

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Access Is Denied :: Data Source Name Not Found And No Default Driver Specified

We had a web site that works in windows NT very good with a DB in Access. Our clients migrate to Win 2000 and now the connection to the DB doesn't work ... the error is this:

Error: Access is Denied.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

/directory/progs/, line 17 ...

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[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data Source Name Not Found And No Default Driver

When I try it on original server, it works, but when I moved everything to a different server it does not work. I have checked the dsn name, userid and passs. But no luck.

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified


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Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data Source Name Not Found And No Default Driver Spec

We hosted our asp based application under windows 2000 server with sql server 2000 as backend. All the asp module works fine with internet explorer version 5 but same application is giving odbc error when we run the application in IE 6.

The exact error is :
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified xxxxxxxx/login.asp, line 27

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Send Data With SSL

I want to know how to send data through forms HTML with SSL and ASP. Which is the difference betweeen the use of ASP with and without SSL? Is it only the https and not the http or implies another changes?

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Send Data Into DB Same Time

When more than one user send data into Database same time using following code, do you think the code is correct? I concern if 2 users send data into DB same time, it is one user is ok and another is failed, or both ok, or both failed? If this happened, how to make that work? I remember syncnization/parallel thread can be used to solve this issue, but don't know how. Any suggestion and sample code? Code:

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Send Form Data Using CDO

I'm trying to retrieve the data off a form (survey.htm) and email the results
back to me using CDO and ASP (survey.asp). I'm confused as to how to
retrieve the form data from survey.htm and send it using survey.asp. Below is
a sample ASP script that I found on and it works fine, but now how
do I grab the info from a form and incorporate it into the emal. Code:

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Send And Process Data

How to send data through winhttpd and process the data in the target page?

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Send Data From To C++ Server

Suppose I have a C++ server that listens to a port (WinSock API). Is it possible to send a data to that server from ASP page? If yes, how?

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Send Secure Data

I've sent private data back to the IIS by implementing the web page reference to HTTPS, but how can secure data be sent to the client computer over the internet using SSL?

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How To Send Data To ASP Pages?

How to use VB to send data to ASP pages?For example,i click the ON/OFF command button.If ON button is pressed,the user that viewing the ASP page can be able to know that the ON button is pressed.

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Send Cdo Email With Database Data

i've got a database in ms access. using ASP (vbscript) and IIS. I can send text e-mails through ASP but i want to attach a file from the database to the e-mail when it is sent. can anyone give me any hints on how to get the data from access, attach it to the e-mail and send it on?

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Web Form Which Send Data In XML Format

I've written many pages that emails the content of a web form, but the data
formatted very nicely. Is there a way to have the content of the submitted
form data via email in XML?

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Send Form Data To An Email Address?

What I am trying to do is create a page on my company's internet site so that our customers can fill out a form, click a submit button and then have the data they entered be emailed to me. I have already created the form within Dreamweaver MX. How do I setup the Submit button to automatically email the information to me?

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Send Form Submission Data To Another Server

A website has a form with the first line as written below:

<form METHOD="POST" action="submission_form.asp" name="FrontPage_Form1" webbot-action="--WEBBOT-SELF--">

Can I, if I match the field names used, submit my form and have it sent to their server as if the submission had come from their server?

Could I use:
<form METHOD="POST" action="" name="FrontPage_Form1" webbot-action="--WEBBOT-SELF--">

and I match all of the field names? Would that work?

Could I harm their "database", or whatever they are doing with the form submission?

Since you are going to ask "why". My reasons are noble enough. It would just make things much easier.

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Send Data From A Combo Box To A Text Field

I use dreamweaver and i have a combobox named country and a text field named email. I want the user choose a country from the combobox and the email for this country go to a text field. Lets say the user choose England from the combobox and an email will be puted in text box. I use PHP or ASP. This is my form:

<td><select name="country" id="country">
<option>2</option> </select>

<input name="email" type="text" id="email" value="email for the country in combo box"> </td>

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How To Send A Form With Binary Data To Another Server?

I'm trying to submit an image object, along with some other text fields to
another web server from within an ASP page but am stuck on getting the image
to be submitted with the form.

In a bit more detail:

1. When this particular page is executed, I want the server to pull an image
from a db (stored as a BLOB) along with a few other text fields. This part
is easy and I have no problems with it.

2. I want to submit the image, along with the text fields to a second
webserver which typically accepts its input from a form (ie, the second
webserver usually has a webpage where a user enters some information into
form and browse for a file. When clicking submit, the form fields along with
the file are submitted to the second server).

The reason for this is that I'm trying to migrate from one web based photo
album to another which uses a data structure that is complicated and
difficult to interface with, so I'm using the web based image upload
functionality of the new album. Code:

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Nothing Found

I am trying to put a search by product name function on the following page, i think i have everything write but for some reason the page always says product not found as if the query is not getting past Code:

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Item Cannot Be Found

in my asp file i get the following error

Error Type:
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0CC1)
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.
/emirate/view.asp, line 175

my database is access,i checked both data base as well as the coding,both field names are correct

my sql is only this
sql= "select * from MasterEntry"

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Page Not Found - Sometimes

I have run into a peculiar problem and need a little shove to solve it.

I have an ASP app that tests to see if the browser allows cookies. Complains
if cookies are off, otherwise proceeds to a login page.

Using MS-IE 5 or higher - works fine
Using IE5 or Safari on a Macintosh (OS 9 or 10) gives a page not found error
when trying to detect the cookie setting.

The ASP code use Request.Redirect. I made some htm pages to allow debugging
of the redirect and get the same failure.

I could really use some suggestions for making the Mac machines work.

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File Not Found 404

i got an error saying file not found 404 when redirect to html page
and i ensure that the file is found in the same directory and in the database :
response.redirect results("Url")
where Url is the column name in the database that contain the page name

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Search Key Not Found?

I'm getting a truly odd error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The search key was not found in any record.

/admin/test/articles.asp, line 286


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Object Could Not Be Found

Why do I get 'object could not be found' or 'invalid object name'?somebody could explain and what the solution for this.

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Item Cannot Be Found

have a look at this code and see if they can spot the error. I've been looking for sometime but I'm blind to it - I have a feeling it might be something to do with the ID field? The connection appears fine so this is unlikely to be the cause .

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File Not Found - 404

How to find the File not found error in Javascript. My problem is When click the help image button, i want to display the help popup window to the corresponding page, if it is available.

If the help page is not available for the particular page, common 'No help' page should be displayed in popup window. How can i find the file not found error in javascript.

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Item Cannot Be Found

I know what this error is, all fieldnames have been verified and reverified. Not sure why it is happening. Here is the SQL statement

strSQL = "SELECT Problems.TicketNumber, Activity, ActDate FROM Problems LEFT
JOIN Resolutions ON Problems.TicketNumber = Resolutions.TicketNumber WHERE
Problems.TicketNumber = " & Ticket & " ORDER BY ActDate DESC;"

<td><% = rs("Problems.TicketNumber") %></td>

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Item Cannot Be Found

I'm getting this error working on a RecordSet that is filled by a LEFT JOIN query. Everything works fine, until an attempt to access data from the child table in the RecordSet when it doesn't exist.

Which results in "Item cannot be found in the collection". Is there a check that I can perform to see if a RecordSet item exists before attempting to access it?

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File Not Found

I have moved an asp application from one IIS server to another and now having problems with the app on the second server. All I did was to move the folder as it is.

Here is the error:

AnnuityRate-Annuity.CalcAnnuityCommonCode E:InetpubwwwrootpensionchoiceForms-Annuity.APIAnnuityCalculationASP error '800a0035'

File not found: AnnQ32.DLL

/pensionchoice/forms/include/, line 134

My knowledge in ASP is very low - so please suggest. I tried to do a REGSVR32 on the dll with no luck.

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Files Not Found

We have an application that uses WinInet and ASP to transfer files from an application server to a web server via an FTP component based on WinInet. An ASP page calls this component to transfer the requested file then opens the file and loads it into ADODB.Stream in order to download it to the user.

Things work fine up to the point where the Open|Save|Cancel dialog appears. If the user clicks Open or Save, a fair percentage of the time, they get a "File not found" error displaying the file name followed by a bracketed number, e.g. file[1].txt.

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