Non-repeating Value

how should i retrieve the repeating value in the text box to be the values in the combo box?
text box values : A A A B B A C C

combo box values : A B C

how can write so that even though it is a repeating value but only display those key values

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Repeating Events

beeing from swedeni´ve the text in swedish. But I hope u understand.
I´ve a calendar

Now I want to list events, so each event gets to the correct date (i.e in the correct

I´ve managed to list in the wat I want

But when I trying to put the events in the calendar, I can´t get the repeating events
correct . U can see for yourselfs
if you check next month + button "forward"
Eken Cup, i Solna should be writen to 3 - 7th jun

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Repeating Lists

help me with making a repeating "dynamic list/menu" . i use dreamweaver and when i put a "repeat region" on a "dynamic list/menu" the page just keeps loading forever. do i need to change the default coding dreamweaver makes...iv been trying to figure this out for literally weeks, and im about to give up. I know it can be done becuase iv seen it done.

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Repeating Region Layout

I have a repeating region set up in Dreamweaver for products. At the minute, when processed the records come out like this (one after the other)


However, I want to have three in a row (until end of table)

x x x
x x x
x x

Is there anyway to accomplish this?

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Having Problem With Repeating Rows

What the hects going on on my page? Why are there so many blank backgrounds?

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Repeating Region Without Dreamweaver

Can someone show me how to repeat records from a table without using Dreamweaver. Everything I find on google about repeating regions relates to Dreamweaver.

What I'm wanting to do is pull everything from a table in my DB. Then I will be putting those fields in a table on my page. Let's say the table is 2 rows and 4 columns. The first row is a header. The second row is where the returned recordset fields will go (in each of the 4 columns in the second row. Now, let's say there are 6 records in the DB table which have been returned by the recordset. I want those six records to be placed into the table on the asp page. How do I repeat the second row?

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GUID Values Repeating

I have been creating new GUID's through this block of code

set typ = server.createobject("Scriptlet.TypeLib")
guid = TRIM(MID(cstr(typ.GUID),2,36))
Response.Cookies("guid") = guid
Response.Cookies("guid").path = "/"
Response.Cookies("guid").expires = now() + 1
set typ = nothing

Lateley, some visitors to the website are actually receiving the same guid.How is this possible? Is there a process that may be used to reset the guid delevery sysem?

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Prevent Repeating Records

Is there anything I can do in the Select Query statement?

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Adding A Layer To A Repeating Recordset

I have a repeating table set up to display the results of a recordset. What I want to do is "attach" a layer on the side of it and have it be a different color with different text in it based on one of the results in the recordset.

I.e. say I have a field called "reponses", if it's value in one table is 1 I want a green layer with the word "yes" in it positioned next the table, in the next table if it's value is 2 I want a red layer with the word "no". Is something like this even possible?

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Control Repeating Random Question

I have random questions that appear with each click and it works fine accept that I can't get it to NOT repeat the same question twice in a row. Code: ....

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Passing Value With Nested Repeating Region

I am passing values from Supplier_Details.asp to Supplier_Products.asp, when I click to view the details of the supplier I want, their values goe to the other page ( supplier_product)that I want all his products to be displayed.

so far I can pass values and could be displayed, no problem but when it comes to displaying all the products, it;s then where I am stuck, with the previous tutorials ( nested repeat region) I can get it working and I tried to have that example working for all this, so far it;s not, so is it possible to do it ? Code:

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Dynamically Creating Repeating Tables With ASP And CSS

I am generating a series of tables in CSS. The tables should repeat
themselves for a number of times governed by a counter that is
calculated at runtime by the ASP code. The problem is that I have used
top margins to position the tables in the ASP page.

So the tables when repeated super-impose on the tables that are
already placed at that margin position. Can someone suggest me a
better way out to resolve this?

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ASP Repeating Form Fields In An Email Form

Would anyone be able to give some guideance in ASP code as to how I would repeat a section of input fields in a form based upon the number of guests that are attending an event?

Basically, what needs to happen is if 3 guests are attending, I need the Name, address, city, state fields to repeat so they can be filled in with information.

Then all of the information from the whole form is submitted which returns an email to the administrator of the event.

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