Not Creating ADODB Connection

I have the following lines in my asp, but somehow it isn't working, can someone help me resolve it?

---Comm = "DSN=HRPROD"
Response.Write ("Server Name ") & Server
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Response.Write ("After Conn ")
Conn.Open Comm

when I execute this, I do get valid response Server Name MYSERVER . But I don't see the 2nd response "After Conn " as a result I am unable to see any output after that.

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Connection Timeout For Adodb.connection

conn.ConnectionTimeout = 60
conn.Open connString

conn.Open connString
conn.ConnectionTimeout = 60

Do both of them give different?

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ADODB Connection

While connecting to a database using the ADODB connection object,which is the good practice?

To connect everytime you query the database and then disconnect. Set connection object = Nothing OR

To keep the connection open till the session is timed out or user logs out. In between continue to open and close the recordsets.

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ADODB Connection



Set objDBConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

strConn = _ "driver={MSSQL};;uid=user;pwd=pass;database=database"

objDBConn.Open strConn


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Can I use SqlExpress2005 AttachDatabase feature with classic ADO connections
in my .asp pages ? But I need ConnectionString. Although I searched the web
for couple of weeks I still coulnd't find any solution.

anybody succeeded to use classic ado with attach feature without attaching
database filed from enterprise manager ? I want tou use SQL2005 and I don't
want directly attch files to sql. Code:

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ADODB Connection Question

I am trying to figure out the meaning of something. I have

Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") "Query1", objConn, 2

Note the 2 at the end. What does it mean? When I change it to 1 and 3, it also works. What is the proper setting?

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Do While Loop During ADODB Connection

I am writing a script to send customers an email copy of their
shopping cart recipt. While creating the variable "mailbody" which
will be plugged into my CDO.htmlbody, I need to gather some
information about their order.

The script does a "Do while not
rs.eof" and assigns each rs(field) to a variable, which is then added
to the mailbody variable. Unfortunately, when i ask for the mailbody
variable later, I lose all of the information added to the variable
during my loop. I've tried everything I can think of to correct this
so I was hoping somebody out there would have some ideas. Is there a
better way of doing this? Code:

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ADODB.Connection Error

I am getting following error on one of My Windows 2000 server with IIS 5.0

ADODB.Connection error '800a0e7a'

Unknown runtime error

/sales/order2e.asp, line 16

How do I fix it . MDAC 2.7 and 2.8 is installed on the server.

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ADODB.Connection Error '800a0bb9'

following error:

ADODB.Connectionerror '800a0bb9'

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

/vyrna/index.asp, line 165

i checked & re-checked my code but didnt get why it says conflict with one another. line 165 is this code:

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ADODB.Connection Error '800a0bb9'

I'm getting the following error: I need to insert a record into one table, grab the autonumber key (Register_ID)and insert multiple records into another table with the key. Does anyone know why I'm getting this error and how I can correct it?

ADODB.Connection error '800a0bb9'

The application is using arguments that are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

/Check2/submit_registration.asp, line 44

Line 44 is:
connupdate.Open "WebRegister", strProvider, adOpenKeySet, adLockPessimistic

Here is my code:

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ADODB.Connection.1 Error '800a0bb9'

Im currently working on a site that uses a news manager to post news articles on the site. However when i open the page i get this error in the news frame:

ADODB.Connection.1error '800a0bb9'

The application is using arguments that are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another. conn.asp, line 5

the code in conn.asp is as follows: Code:

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Oracle DataBase :: ADODB .Connection Error No As '800a0e7a'

How do i connect to Oracle Database through ASP? I have Used the Following Syntax But it gives me ADODB .Connection error no as '800a0e7a' saying Provider Cannot be Found.

set objcn1=server.createobject("Adodb.connection")
objcn1.Open "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=servername;User Id=abc;Password=cbs"


objcn1.Open "Provider=msdaora;Data Source=servername;User Id=abc;Password=cbs"

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OLE Error On: Set Conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

Error info is as follows:

HTTP 500.100 - Internal Server Error - ASP error
Internet Information Services

Technical Information (for support personnel)

Error Type:

error '8002801c'
Error accessing the OLE registry.

/iisHelp/common/500-100.asp, line 154

Is ADO a separate install? And from where?

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Error :: ADODB.Connection.1 Error '800a0bb9'

I have put a chat site on the web that I have got off here a while ago. It contains an access db. I am now getting this error ;

ADODB.Connection.1 error '800a0bb9'

The application is using arguments that are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another. /TheChatroom/includes/OpenDB.asp, line 5

It works on my PC through IIS 6. Does anyone know what is wrong?

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Error: ADODB.Connection Error '800a0bb9'

The error I am getting is the following: ADODB.Connection error '800a0bb9'

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another. Code:

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I was just getting back into ASP... and I realized that their ADODB uses active x... I was sure if it actually triggers the active X bar at the top... would be pretty scary if it did. Does anyone know if it does?

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I'm working on a lab for school, and I'm getting the following error while trying to use my ADODB Recordset.

Error Type:
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0E78)
Operation is not allowed when the object is closed.
/Lab2/Webpages/Lookupraceinformation.asp, line 47

My SQL is working, and the DLL I created in VB is passing values to the ASP page, because I assigned a value of 1 to the function that is to pass the recordset to the ASP page, and when I did a Response.Write, the 1 showed up on the page, so I'm baffled with this one.

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ADODB Recordset

I've got a problem with recordset object.
Error type
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0E78)
operation is not allowed if object is closed. Error is in line 31 .
I attach you the code in orden to have a look!!!!
The problem happends when I use an INSERT statemen; if I use a SELECT statement nothing happends.Which could be the error and solution to the problem?

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After the latest security update, is it still possible to use
on the server side?

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ADODB And Slash

I'm using JScript locally (no web programming) to read a .mdb Access file.
The .mdb file has a table named Books/Authors, with a slash inside the name as you can see.

My JScript code:
cn=new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection");
cn.Open("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Jet OLEDB;Database Password=""; Data Source=myfile.mdb;");
rs = cn.Execute("SELECT field FROM Books/Authors");

hangs on the rs.Execute command.
I cannot change the structure of the .mdb file, because is part of another project not under my control.

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We have an application, written in ASP, that uses the ADODB.Stream to be
able to open files and write byte arrays to the Response object. If one of
our administrators patches the web servers this application runs on in
Windows Update, I'm screwed, right? You've essentially just disabled this
COM object, for not only its evil purposes, but its useful ones?

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I have an ADODB.RecordSet that RecordCount alway return -1 and this RecordSet is plenty of record!

R.RecordSet = -1
R.eof = False
R.BOF = False

Is the cursor is lost somewhere?how can I do to get the number of record in the result set?

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I keep getting the following error message when accessing a web page:

ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0CC1)
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested
name or ordinal.
/SNHC/Classes.asp, line 2701

And the line that the error message is point to in Classes.asp is:

RecordsArray = Recordset.Recordset.GetRows(25, ,

I've read previous forum, but none of the solution in them seem to work for me.

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I am using ADODB.Stream for downloading the files on user machine. The code works fine when filesize is less than 10 MB. But if file size is more than 10 MB then it doesn;t get download. Can anyone tell what is the problem. I have to user some different component.

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I'm trying to create a calendar display for a database. Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another. Unfortunately, I can't solve why I'm getting

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bb9'

astra_table.asp, line 63

line 63 is:
rsEvents.Filter = "astra.EVNTINST.START_DATE= " & currentDate & ""

If I response.write currentDate, I get 1/1/07.

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DSN Connection Or Direct Connection

I wanted to know wheather DSN is ok for the connection to a database or direct conection is better?

when i started my web project on dreamweaver i had to make a DSN connection as i have followed the books, but as now as i have also asked several questions on this site, i have aslo implemented a direct connection as well on some pages, now i am wondering
is this going to have any affects when i uplode the complete site on the server.

i have noticed that on my computer when i am testing the site and uploading new records on sections that have DSN connections you can see the new record but on sections that i have implemented direct connection i cannot see it coz it is linked to the local directory database not on the testing server.

i have also never experienced uploading to a IIS server with DB connection so its my first time with dynamic websites. so am i in trouble or its ok the way i have done my site..

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ADODB.command Error

I'm trying to run a stored procedure and access data to read data. I'm getting an error with the ObjComm.CommandText when it's calling the Stored procedure.

ADODB.Command error '800a0bb9'
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.....

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ADODB Recordset Return

I am running a query that can return over 16000 records in the recordset. The problem is that whenever the return is greater than 16000 the recordset is null instead of having data. I have been looking around the internet, not sure if this is an administrative option. I am using IIS with an ORACLE DB, and ASP XSL for the pages. Anyone know why the system seems incapable of returning over 16000 records? I can return 16000+ with simplier queries. Running the same query in SQL-PLUS works perfectly.
Here is the query I am running.

I am returning 50 users per page. This all works fine until I hit the 16000 record limit, at which point there is no data in the recordset.

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CDONTS, ADODB Are There Anymore?

I'm wondering if there are more components than these two.

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Reading Pdf (

I am trying to secure .pdf files by having users login and based on UserID, allow access to certaing .pdf's.

I have tried it a few different ways using different file types and their corresponding contenttype and nothing happens. I even used the same example from and I get "page cannot be displayed"....

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ADODB.Field Error

I get this error:

Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.

I know that I got this error because there is no NT-ID for that employee in the Employee table.So how do I display a error message to the users if there is no NT-ID for that employee?

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ADODB.Connectionerror '800a0e79'

ADODB.Connectionerror '800a0e79'

Operation is not allowed when the object is open. /forms/eta_database.asp, line 77

And here is the Code that I am using: ....

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ADODB.Recordset Error

I keep getting this error on my ASP page.I am using SQL server for the database and here is my select statement:

mySQL="SELECT NFLRosters.[RosterNo], NFLRosters.[PlayerName], NFLRosters.[PlayerPosition], NFLRosters.[PlayerHeight], NFLRosters.[PlayerWeight], NFLRosters.[PlayerBirthdate], NFLRosters.[YearsExp], NFLRosters.[College], NFLRosters.[Team], NFLTeam.[LongTeamName], NFLTeam.[ShortTeamName], NFLTeam.[Logo], NFLTeam.[TeamColor] FROM NFLRosters INNER JOIN NFLTeam ON NFLRosters.[Team] = NFLTeam.[ShortTeamName] WHERE ((NFLRosters.[Team]) ='"&myID&"')"

The item is not in the recordset or two columns from different table have the same name. I can't figure this out. I have one exactly like this on an NBA site and it works fine.

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