Not Loading Asp

We have a web server running IIS 5.0 that will not load
any file with an .asp file extension. The server
loads .html just fine, but all links to an .asp file end
up timing out.

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Loading Bar

Is it possible to create a loading bar with ASP? I am thinking of displaying the loading bar while my customers' requests are being processed (databse update).

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Loading .txt

I have a an ASP page on which i wish to load dynamic text by way of a dot text file.
It would be great if something like.-

<txt scr = "MyTextFile.txt">

existed but life aint that simple, or is it?

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Loading Id From DB

i want to load an id from a table in the db how do i do that?I am scripting in asp?
i tried this but it wont work.

SQL = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=Request("id")"

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before displaying any page i want to show message pls wait page is loading. its written on browser. i think meta tag will do this?

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Page Loading

I have an asp page which takes approx 1 min to load over the network due to how much data it has to deal with.
If someone was to press stop on the browser i assume it doesnt close the connection to the database is there anyway to ensure it does?

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Loading Frames

I've got an asp page that is set up in with two frames. The problem in question pertains to the main frame which contains a simple 'response.redirect' line that redirects the visitor to a different location. Other than this line, everything else are tags and no asp-oriented code.

I've tested this on a couple of computers, and it works fine. However, there are a few other computers in my office where the redirect just hangs and doesn't load the redirected page (i.e. the status bar states 'Open' and stays like that)

Is this a problem with using the asp line, or is it a computer setting/browser setting I'm overlooking?

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Loading Time

I have an ASP file that eastablishes two connections to a SQL Server and produces two Record Set objects. I am using IIS to develop and the SQL Server database is on the same computer.What I am developing is a message board, so there is a form on which information is submitted. The first connection and recordset puts information from the form into the database table, and the second connection and recordset pulls out 10 records from that same table and should write out some information from the recordset.
The problem is when the form is submitted, it takes forever for the next page to load. I am not even sure how long it takes, because the longest I waited was about 5-10 minutes for it to load, and it still would not load so I closed the browser.
Are the two connections or two recordsets too much for the server to handle, or am I doing something else wrong?

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Loading Pages Into A Div

is there a way of loading pages into a div i have created a review server where people can upload folders of work the create a start file, ie an index page on a microsite..

i then want to show this page within my page.,,, i dont want to use frames or i frames, can this be done by loading the page into a div?

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Loading A File

im not sure if this is possible, but how do you load a file in asp? Basically i want the user to choose a .mdb file from their file system and then set that file as the "master databse" to be used in the website!

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ASP Script Loading

Is there a way of while the ASP script runs some text is in its place saying Script Loading

user click
Script Loading
Message Shown
Script done
Message Dissappear
Script Appear

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Loading An ActiveX DLL

Why would the following code execute in VB6 but hang indefinately when
exectuted in an ASP 3.0 page?

Set VLReceive = CreateObject("VLCTI.VLReceive")

This line is invoked in the following context:
Dim VLReceive
Set VLReceive = CreateObject("VLCTI.VLReceive")
Set VLReceive = Nothing

Is it the setup of the virtual directory or something?

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Loading Page

did anyone know how to do the loading page when the page are not load complete?

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Loading Times

I have a asp page which pulls alot of data back from a SQL database, is thier any way to show the page while its loading.

I did some diging and found this:


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Loading Too Slow

in what condition will lead the the ASP page run too slowing.

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Loading Page

Would like a loading page to appear for asp searchs/form submitions similar to the sheddev search, whilst the results are being returned you go to a different page saying "please wait whilst page is loading" and when the results are returned you are directed back.

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Page Not Loading

I have put together a logon page and successfully tested it on localhost, but once uploaded, it ceases to behave normally. Instead of displaying the page, Internet Explorer puts up a download file box, asking if I want to Open or Save it. If you'd like to this in action, go to I'm sure I've seen this before but I can't remember what causes it.

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Self Loading Page

What I would like to do is having a page on the server that automaticaly load itself every X hours. Is there anyway of doing this? I need this in order to update my database and execute some asp code.

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Page Loading

I have a HTML Page with iframe in iframe I am loading some another domain website from our webserver but at the client it is taking to load. Can some body let me know how show a loading message for it and when i will know by programming that site fully loaded.

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ASP Page Not Loading...

I have moved our sebsite to a new 2003 server & now my asp pages won't work.
Where/what do I change to allow asp pages to run?

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Loading ... Please Wait

I have one ASP page. During opening this page its taking some time to open as its has to process some asp code. I want to display some animated gif or text showing that page is loading or please wait...or some thing like that.

I put image and text on top in file and then asp code but its not showing its only showing non asp part when its finishing the asp processing. I tried with response.buffer = false too. but no luck. Is there any way that I can show some text during asp page is loading or processing.

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Asp Pages Not Loading

I and running IIS 5.1 on Windows Professional on my home computer. Have been successfully working on and viewing both html and asp pages until tonight.

Tonight I received a message that my webserver had too many connections. I followed the microsoft fix and turned off "Http Keep alives enabled" in the website properties.

That didn't fix my problem. Then I reinstalled IIS from scratch and that didn't work either. Now I can only view html pages and I cannot view asp pages that I write. The asp pages "hang" when they try to load.

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Loading Images To Server

Is it possible to load images to a folder in my hosting server?

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ASP Page Is Not Loading In Frame

I have made this frameset for my site, 4 frames in it, and each one holds a html page. The mainframe however holds an asp page. Each time I try and load the frameset and preview it, in the mainframe I see all the asp code of the page, not the compilation of it. When I try and open the asp page separately, I can see the compilation just fine, tables and everything.

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Submit Page Loading Twice

I have a problem which gives lot of headache and hard to find.

I have:

Page1--->which is used for user to enter details
on submit i am sending that page to another page

page2---> i am doing the database insert/update functions.

page3--->and redirecting that page to a confirmation page saying "your record has been successfully added" and auto refresh it and redirecting that to page1.

my requirment is as such i have to do like this.

but what happens is not always, but sometimes that record has been added twice, which i couldn't find out for this is not happening always but sometimes.....

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First Record Not Loading In Listbox(es)

I joined the group few days ago after discovering that this forum has a lot to offer and the forum threads also pops up on my google desktop almost every 5mins giving me an update on the forum.

Actually,i have a problem here.After fighting with the code found below for several weeks,it turned out to be successful.

The code is suppose to automatically load dropdown boxes from a database based on a given value from previous page,say from 1 to infinity,but after loading,it ignores the first record in each of the listboxes.Can someone help me out with this?What have i done wrong?

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Loading Client-side XML

What's the easiest way to load a client-side XML file (or say something located on an external host)?

My ASP script will (hopefully) read the information between the XML tags and put those into the entry fields of an HTML form. The only method I've seen involves the Server.MapPath, however in my case those XML files will obviously not be located on the server. Code:

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Loading Page For IE And Firefox

Here is the coding that i get from this forum last time...

Response.Write("<br><h4><div id=""please_wait""><center><b>page loading, please wait......<b></center></div></h4>")

Response.Write("<script type=""text/javascript""> document.getElementById(""please_wait"").style.display = ""none"";</script>")

Its for loading page to display the message to user. but some of my friend say it can display the text at they browser. it need change some setting?

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Content Loading In Process

I have few asp pages, which they get the information from a SQL server, while calling these pages, due to amount of data, sometimes it takes 10-15 seconds for loading the page.During this loading time I want to show the users something like a process bar so that the user is not left out with a blank page.
if anyone can guide me, how to show this process bar before completing the load process.

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Browser Stands Loading

Im trying to read a content of a text file..

Set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set f=fs.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("sampletext.txt"), 1)

Set f=Nothing
Set fs=Nothing

But for some reason my browser just stands loading.
It stands loading forever Iv tried with IE, Opera and Firefox.

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Loading An XML Document On Different Domain

I have an XML file on one of my websites, for example lets call this:

I would like to load this file on another one of my websites by createing a Microsoft.XMLDOM object and loading the file. i.e...

I know that you can load files using a URL but does the URL have to be within the same domain? And if so is there a way around that? If not is there another thing I could be doing wrong? My code is as simple as this: Code:

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Loading List View

I am using listview control in a asp page to populate some database
results.In some machines (which is having only OS and no other softwares
installed) this control is not loading. In machines in which visual basic is
installed it is loading properly.

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Dynamic PDF Loading With FDF Toolkit

Using the toolkit and the following code to stuff values into the pdf. Staic field names are not a problem. Dynamic field names coming from an array does...

Getting an exception occurred error on
An exception occurred: 'objFDF.FDFSetValue'

Code: ....

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