Open Application That Runs On Server...

i want to run an application...from the intranet site a client presses a button and the application opens in the can i do this ? any ideas ???

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Aspx Runs Outside Of Application

whether a web application needs to be defined in IIS as an "application" to run. We have a client who has a medium sized web site (~2,000 pages), including some ASP and some aspx pages. These were developed by different developers over the past several years.

What I don't understand is that some of the aspx pages compile and run fine, but they are not in a virtual directory or in a folder that's conifgured as an "application." They do read from a global.asax file in the web site's web-doc root folder. But the site at its root is not configured as a .net 'application' either (and the .asp pages throughout the site would all fail if it were, I think.)

Is there a 'global' web application for If so, are there restrictions on it? For example, can I create a /Bin folder and have it work? (I've tried, and it hasn't but I'm not sure what I'm doing.) If not, how else could the site be configured so it runs the .aspx pages?

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Open A New Window OnClick Which Runs An Additional Query

my objective is to click on an image and use the file path of the image as the variable in the next query, hence re running the same query but with "WHERE imageb " and not "WHERE imagea " with the value of imageb replacing min_vsim on the next query. this query can be excecuted preferebaly by a mouse click on the url of the image. Code:

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Open Another Application With Button

I have a web Page with a DropDown and a button. The dropdown contains file names of access applications on our server.

I want it that, when i choose one of the mdb files and click the button, it opens the access application. How can i do this?

I tried out this JS function but it loads the application in a restored state and it comes with a "Download File" dialog box. which i want to do away with Code:

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Open A Program In An Asp Application

I have a web application running on iis.I have a link show program. I want to open the program that refers to this link.The program folder resides in the server. How to make a
client open(run,view) this program in server.

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Query Runs Once

I have a form that is used for a search, works great. I added two tables to the database for keeping track of words used in the search, and created a stored procedure for inserting/updating these tables.
When I run the stored procedure in Query Analyzer or from within FireFox, all is well. But when I use IE and enter a word into the field and click "GO", the tables for keeping track get two insert/update data results.
Has anyone run across this, before? Any clue as to what is happening? Any suggestion on preventing IE from running the query twice?

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Application_OnStart Runs Twice

IIS 6 on 2003 Server. Application_OnStart runs when the first page is accessed (as it should). The next page is a frameset with 3 frames (2 ASP, 1 HTML). One of the ASPs properly accesses the existing Application object, the other ASP causes Application_OnStart to run again. Any idea why this is happening / how to prevent it?

I am only encountering this on one server, which leads me to think it is related to IIS settings.

More info: The site is set up as a virtual directory. The frameset and content pages reside in a sub-directory (also virtual, but no separate application object defined).

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Server Can't Open Connection

I have a site on 1and1. The site has a simple login as well as other asp applications. This site uses an access DB. Last week all the scripts that accessed any database resulted in this error: Code:

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Open Document On Server

I have a table which lists many documents preuploaded on the server (most are either PDF, RTF or Word documents). When the user click on the link to the document, it opens in its native program inside IE.

If the document is either rtf or word, when the user closes the document, the server pops up a dialog asking for the site userid and password (as if access to the site is required to publish files). I know the server is popping this dialog up because the program (word etc) is trying to work out if the changes to the document should be saved or discarded. How do I avoid this ?

Is there a way I can allow a user to open the document, make some changes and save the document back onto the server without knowing the site id and password ?

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Open Connection To Another Server

I would like to connect to another server and execute my query from my asp page. But how can I initiate the connection string to another server DB? For example Code:

ConnString = "dsn=abc;uid=xyz;pwd=123"

What will be the way to issue the connection string to another server? Using SQL Server 2000.

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Certain Script Runs Only When Directed From A Certain URL

I have 3 pages. Page 1 contains a form which a user enters in information. Page 2 contains a table which is populated by a database (it is looking up personal information about users which is populated from a database).

There is no input but values are still there. On this page, it will populate and the user can then click on a button to select a person and then go to the Page 3.

First, I need to know how to get these values from Page2 to carry over to Page3. Also, I want to know how to write a script that allows Page3 to determine from what page the user just came from.

The reason for this is because I want one thing to happen it if came from Page1 but something else to happen if the user came from Page2. I hope this makes sense. if it doesn't, I will try to re-phrase it.

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How To Open A Active Server Document

i am trying to download an ASD(active server document).

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Open A Database Connect From One Server To Another

I have two servers is it possible to open a database connect on one server to access the database on the other. If so can anyone give me an example of the path.

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Server Application Error

when i start my default.asp i receive this:

`The server has encountered an error while loading an application during the processing of your request. Please refer to the event log for more detail information. Please contact the server administrator for assistance.`

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Server Application Error

When I browse to HTTP://localhost/defacult.asp, it shows
the message:

Server Application Error
The server has encountered an error while loading an
application during the processing of your request. Please
refer to the event log for more detail information. Please
contact the server administrator for assistance.

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Server Application Error

I currently enccountered the error given above and I have checked the net abt the possible cause of this. I read about setting the write permission to "Everyone". You see, I was trying to insert a record in an Access table. And before I got the "Server Application Error", I received the "please use an updateable query.." or something to that effect.

Could someone please give me a clearer explanation on this? coz I cannot even see the Security tab being mentioned. I am using Win2k Pro as my webserver.

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Server Application Error

my web server(XP+IIS5.1) can't run any ASP page, even if a blank ASP document.
When I try to open the document the browser displays the error message below:
Server Application Error
The server has encountered an error while loading an application during the processing of your request.
Please refer to the event log for more detail information. Please contact the server administrator for assistance.

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Server Application Unavailable

I'm getting these errors:

The web server reported the following error when attempting to create or
open the web project located at the following URL:
'http://localhost/webapplication1. 'HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'.

Server Application Unavailable
The web application you are attempting to access on this web server is
currently unavailable. Please hit the "Refresh" button in your web browser
to retry your request.

Administrator Note: An error message detailing the cause of this specific
request failure can be found in the application event log of the web server.
Please review this log entry to discover what caused this error to occur.

I had service pack 2 installed. Tech guy uninstalled it (said it conflicted
with Novell) and then I reinstalled Framework 1.1 now I get these errors. I
set show friendly HTTP messages in the browser unchecked to show error
messages. Also got show error messages in IIS.

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Server Application Error

fter Installing IIS on a WinXP Pro machine, I have copied one of my web
site files to test it on that machine.

I have created a virtual directory, and when I try to access the site on
http://localhost/website. When I try to load any ASP page, I get the
following error:

"Server Application Error

The server has encountered an error while loading an application during the
processing of your request. Please refer to the event log for more detail
information. Please contact the server administrator for assistance."

Checking the event log I have an error and a warning: Code:

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Server Application Error

I have to manage a windows server with 20 domains. Some have .asp-pages, some not. I dont have programmed this pages. The server was new installed (on puretec), the scripts and some other stuff to.Now, the server is running, but sometimes on all asp-pages there, become an error:

Server Application Error
The server has reached the maximum recovery limit for the application
during the processing of your request. Please contact the server
administrator for assistance.

What does it mean? What can I do to find the error? I have search on some newsgroups und have found out, that one asp-Skript take to many ressources and "shoot out" the service. But I don't know what script in which domain?

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Server Application Error

i need to make an asp page work and what it tells me is "Server application error The server has encountered an error while loading an application during the processing of your request. Please refer to the event log for more detail information. Please contact the server administrator for assistance."

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Server Application Error

I use to always be able to view my local ASP pages at http://localhost, but a few days ago, it started giving me the following notice:
Server Application Error
The server has encountered an error while loading an application during the processing of your request. Please refer to the event log for more detail information. Please contact the server administrator for assistance


I assume that something is up with IIS, but I don't know where to look. It happens on each and every ASP page I try to view. I haven't changed anything, haven't put up any Microsoft patches or anything. I suspect spyware. I run the usual anti-spyware/adware programs quite often, and catch one or two items just about every time. That dang Winfixer came in a couple weeks ago, and it was pretty nasty, but I digress.

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Server Application Error

i am very new to asp, i am able to test and view asp pages when i am at work, but the moment i work at home, my asp pages cannot be viewed, and i get this error:

Server Application Error
The server has encountered an error while loading an application during the processing of your request. Please refer to the event log for more detail information. Please contact the server administrator for assistance.

it refers me to an event log, but i don't know where that is exactly, so i'd know more details as to what is causing this problem and look into it more precisely. any direction as to what i can do next to solve this problem or even what's possibly causing this problem.

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Application And Data In Different Server

my application i put on server1(webserver) and my data i put on server2(*.doc and *.pdf). when user access my application on server1 than i show my data on server2.
Ip on server1 is public and IP on server2 is private . how to configure between two server at above ?

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Server Application Error

I just reinstalled my Windows XP Professional and I can't
seem to make IIS work on my local ASP application. I have
setup many times IIS and configured it to work properly,
but now after the new WinXP setup I receive the message:

"Server Application Error:

The server has encountered an error while loading an
application during the processing of your request. Please
refer to the event log for more detail information.

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JavaScript Where It Runs When Embedded In Asp Page

I want to know when we embed javascript or vbscript in asp pages where the script runs whether on client's browser or web server? also is there any possibilities like in we have "runat" wherein we can specify sever or client option available when we are programing in asp.

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Dozens Of SQL Connections Remain Open On Web Server

I have a set of scripts that accesses a SQL2000 database on another server. After several days of investigating an extreme slow-down on my web server I did a netstat-a command and found DOZENS of connections to the SQL server still open. Here's just a small sample of this. Code:

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Web Applications Is Client-server Application?

My boss told me web application is NOT client-server application. I argued
with him because browser is the client, and the server code put in server.
Then web application should be a client-server application. My understanding
is that a web application is an application that runs on a browser. But
client-server application is not necessary a web application.

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Cannot Connect To SQL Server From Application Running On IIS

My website connects to a remote sql server. Application works fine when I run from Visual Studio. But when I run the site from IIS, it shows an error.

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

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Server.Execute() And Application.Lock

I am using Application.lock to protect a reference to a COM+ object while calling Server.Execute() to another ASP page. I am doing this to pass the object's reference to the other page, and I CAN'T rely on the session object.

Is this a safe way to protect the object reference? i.e. does the Application object remain locked when calling Server.Execute()? .....

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Is It Possible Execute An Application On The Web Server Through An ASP Page?

Is it possible execute an application on the Web server through an ASP page?

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Start Client Application From Web Server

I want to launch a client application from the server and send it some parameters. The application is written in PowerBuilder.

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Creating And Debugging A Web Application With A Remote IIS Server

how I can create a web application that is created on a remote server and debug it locally in Visual Studio 2003 ASP.NET 1.1.?

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