Page Called Logout.asp

I have a logout button for my admin system. I really need on logout, to go back to the login page. This is fine but I also need the session set to false. I could do this via using a secondry page called logout.asp, and place inside that something like session.abandon and a response.redirect. But I do not wish to have a secondry page.

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Error When Some Stored Procedures Are Called In A Classic ASP Page

When some of the SQL Server stored procedures I have written are called via
my Classic ASP page I have written I get the following error in the cell that
is supposed to be retrieving a single result:

"ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'

Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name
or ordinal.

/Default.asp, line 130"

I have no idea why this could be occuring. Some of the other stored
procedures work just fine. Any one have any ideas?

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Global.asa :: Is Not Being Called

My global.asa is not being called.. any idea what may be the problem

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Error While Dll Is Being Called From Asp

I am getting the below error when i am calling function of dll in my asp page.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'GenerateWelcomeLetter'

/cgi-bin/Anagram_Utils/welcome_letter/generatedoc.asp, line 72

dim a
a = false
a = welcome.GenerateWelcomeLetter (qry,template_filename, save_filename)

The function in dll is having boolean as the return type. Can someone plzzz tell me what can be the problem. I am using dll for the first time in asp.

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Called By Ajax

My web site HTML comes from a database via querystring e.g. page.asp?pid=55. I have a separate asp search page, search.asp. Its output is retrieved by an ajax call from page.asp and its HTML is then neatly wrapped and styled by page.asp.

I want search.asp to recognise if it is not being called via ajax frompage.asp, but directly e.g. via the address bar (and if so, redirect to page.asp). Do I need to put something into the posted string, or (better) is there an asp method that can do this?

The ajax call is
function GetSearchPage(st) {
var poststr = "searchterm=" + encodeURI(st);
makePOSTRequest('/search/search.asp', poststr,'divFullSearchDisplay');

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Operation Called

I don't know the exact operators, but it's something like:


Which translates to:
If a = TRUE then
return b
return c
end If

I need this for an ASP script.

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Called Function Has Finsihed

I have the a function which creates a table of search results from a paramater passed from the page Request as shown below..


Is there a way to detect when this function has finished execution as i want to page a page loader on the page until all the HTML is build and ready for rendering? I have the page loader in a div so when the above function finishes i would like to disable or hide it via Javascript. That bit is fine it's just the how to send a call to the Javascript so the DIV can be hidden is the problem.

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OnSession_End Not Called Everytime

my web application has user name and password, whenever user logged in i set his status in database as 1 so that only one user can logged at one time with same login and i
write a code to set status to 0 on logout menu, but if session expired then status will remain 1.

i have written code to set staus to 0 in onSession_End sub but it not work all the time. Sometimes it works and sometimes not. So i m looking for an alternative way of doing it

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Where Does My Local Cookie Hide And What's It Called ?

I'm running my script locally and the cookie has been saved on the machine because the login page is by-passed (with the Redirect to "menu.asp" below.

OK - but where is my cookie stored? Or at least give me clue. What will the cookie be called and what text will it contain if:

iAuthorID = 1
iSecurityLvl = 3
uName = "barny" ?

The machine user is "flintstone" and machine name is "W2KPro". The CookieName will be "mABmyASPBlog" ....

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.asp File Called In A Template?

I have an .asp file that generates a nav menu.

I have tried and tried to "include" this in the blogger template, so that I can update the menu dynamically, without fiddling with a cumbersome blogger template all of the time.

The question is, does anyone know how I can "call" this file in to the template successfully?

I have tried using <script> tags: something like:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

But had no success.

Does anyone know how I can accomplish this?

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Rolling Back Timed Out Stored Procedure Called From ASP?

I don't know if this is a truly esoteric question, or not, but I'm
wondering how (or even if) you handle a timeout on a transaction
within a stored procedure executed in a Stored Procedure?

A theoretical example of the stored procedure (sadly, I'm not allowed
to post the actual code):

Create proc sp_testproc @myval int, @outval int OUTPUT as

begin tran

select top 1 @outval= myname from mytable where recid = @myval

update mytable set myname='xxxx' where recid = @myval ...

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Data Feed Called By Javascript From Affiliate's Server

This is a mix of technologies so I hope I've put this in the right place.

I have a system where people can sign up to a data feed. They place a single line of Javascript on their web page and a formatted banner of products is displayed based on the options they have chosen in their affiliate account.

<script language="Javascript" src=""></script>

The original system was built by our developer 3 or 4 years ago, and worked fine. However, he built the system using two ASP files - feed.asp which looks like this:


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LogOut Pb!!

everytime a user logs out from the protected pages he doesnt really logs out
cuz when he hits the "back" button he can access the pages again.

i tried session.abandon(), but and response.addheader.....
i practically used everything and it didnt work...

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when i click log out that you can not return in previous page how can i do that.

i have a code logout but when i click going to redirect to page( login.asp) thats right but when you click the back button he return to admin_control.asp
how can i avoid that.

When click log out that can not return to previous page how how

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I got the logout code correctly however because my main menu page is divided up into 3 frames, left is content and that's where my logout link will be. When I click logout the login.asp is displayed but on the left frame. How do I get the page to delete the frame. Do I do it in logout.asp

<%@ Language = "VbScript" %>
if request.querystring("cmd") = "logout" then
session("StudentNo") = 0
End If

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Is there someway to prevent users from using the "go back one page" function to go back to the previous page after they are logged out

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i have a logout link when the user click the logout button. the login page loads but when i click the back button i still have those pages i have acessed before help on how to solve this problem/remedies ?

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Logout Function

I have 3 frames in my page. When i log out i would like to replace my framed page with another page. I tried using the link below but nothing happens. Code:

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How Can I Allow A User To Logout And...

I have a button that would allow a user to logout of the program, how can this be done? Also, how can I allow the program to logout and terminate if not used after so many minutes?

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Login Logout

I am facing a strange problem, let me explain the problem and list two different platform i found on some of the client pcs. Problem :-
First time login in to my application page is ok, but if click logout, it wouldnt bring back to login page, it just stay as it is. But if you click on one of the link, it push back to login page.
So for second time to login, no matter how many time you try, it would not able to login.
And i found out if i clear those IE's cookies and offline file, i can login again.

1) Window2000, IE 6
2) WindowXP, IE 6
And there is only happen certain user's pc, some others user even with same spec have no problem. And I found out if i login into window using different domain user, it does'nt have problem. Is it something to do with user profile of IE setting

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Logout Time

I am using a tracking where the S/W shows the status whether the user has logged in or not. I am able to do the same if the user logs out using the proper link. If the user closes the window instead of logging out using the proper link, i am not able to capture the logout time. I tried the window onunload event, (the page contains frames) it does not work. Can anybody show me a way out?

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Logout Function

How would i code a logout function?

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Logout Completely

I have created a web site, where the user can login and logout.
when the user logouts, he should not be allowed back into the site until he logins in again. but in my case when the user logouts, and then press the "Back" button of the browser he is back in the site. Can someone please help me with this
Also how can I restrict the same user logining in twice with the same username and password.

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Pass Logout Value

I was wondering if there's a piece of code that will do the following:- When the user closes the database, I want to pass the current date and time into a field in the database!

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Logout Problem

i am using frams in asp. My problem is,when i click the logout button new window is opened. while i want not to appear new window but login page should be replaced with existing window.

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User Logout

I want to have a logout page that gives members the option to logout.
Is it just a case of doing a simple session.end, or how do I go about it

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LOGOUT From Application

How to logout from the application using ASP , session object.Can u explain the use of Global.asa file & Once i logded out , if i clik Back button in browser, it shuldnt allow to view the authorised page.

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Display After Logout

how to do the do the feature which after the user logout, they are not able to view the page again when they hit the back button.

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Login And Logout

i need a simple ASP code for creating page with login and logout function.anyone can help me?

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Login And Logout

I have a gaming web site and I would like to have a login and logout which they have to register for. I using a asp host and I'm using ms access for my database.

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Logout Script

I am using Session.Abandon on my logout script and works fine I show the you have been succesfully logged out of the system message. my problem is if the user clicks on back he can still see the last page with important info, maybe by the previous user. This doesn't happen for example when you log out form Yahoo mail and others.

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Proper Way To Logout?

I am currently using a script to logout which contains this code only...

Session.Abandon ()
Response.Redirect ("main.asp")

Please could you tell me if there is a way to actually delete the session from the users browser history? The above code works ok, as long as the browser is closed first, deleting the cookie info.

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Logout Of Session

How do I log out a user? I tried to use the following code called from a "Log Out" button.

' Logout of Restricted Section
Session("blnIsUserGood") = False

'Redirect to the home page


This does set the session variable correctly but if I hit the "Back Button" on my browser I get the page that I last accessed. If I try to navigate from there I am redirected to the log-in page (that is good). So how do I prevent the back button viewing of the last page?

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