Page Title In A List Of Recently Updated Pages

I'm using VBScript to display a list of the ten most recently updated
pages on my web site. Right now, the script lists the filenames and
the date modified in a given directory.

What I want to know is if there is any way to extract the page title
and display that instead of the file name? Can I use .asp and VBscript
to "delve" into the file and extract the title? Code:

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Page Title

can i send my page title to another page.... like this response.redirect

mytitle= what can bee... i dont want to write manually my title

any method to learn title in asp

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How To Remove The Title Bar From A Page?

I just made a link that opens up a new page. I have it to where it will not show the address but Is there a way to get rid of the title bar?

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Current Page Title

I am trying to display the current page that is being view with asp.The line i am tryng to add is "You are editing: CurrentPageName".I can't find any code examples to help with this.

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Dynamic Page Title

I'm trying to give each page the title of whatever is in my first <h2> header tag. Does anyone know how to do this?

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Changing Page Title With Includes

I have one comment before I begin. An ASP Forum site using PHP, doh.

All of my pages begin like this:

<html><head><!--#include file="header.htm"-->

<link href="css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<title>Some page</title></head>

I saw a friend change all of the titles using a code that looked something like :
<%pagetitle = "Title" %> In the header document. My question is where does this go in my header document and how do I reference it in all of my other pages?

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Use A Record Data For Page Title

wondering if you can do this in asp

Response.Write Recordset (Title)

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Separate List In Pages X

I am developping a web-based file browser. Everything so far so good right now.

To make the userinterface more conveniant, I want to split my file list in
pages. with

Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(CurrentPATH)
Set oFolderContents = oFolder.Files
For Each oFileItem in oFolder.Files

I get a list of all my files in oFolderContents. Is there a easy way to

-split the whole list up in pages of i.e. 20 files
-show general info (i.e. xxx files in folder, listing 20 files on page y/z)
-let the user have the possibility to call the page with index i, where i
stands for the i-th file on the list

any good links out there?

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List Contents Of Folder With Pages

is there a way to list the contents of a folder with pages? i can already list the contents but the folder has a lot of files and takes a lot of time to load. so in order to lessen the time to display the page, i need a script that displays around 20 files per page.

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DB Updated

I m developing a site n creating a enable/disable page. In this page when I enabled a user then in DB field user enable once n value is entered "Y" but when I updated user field n I disabled then DB is not update plz help me friends.

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Table Not Updated

I am using an Insert command in my asp code that Inserts a rows in my database. After the Insert command i create a recordset and ask for all the rows in the table that i aplied the insert command Some times the rows i get are correct but sometimes the database is not updated by the time the recordset is opened.

Is there any way to wait until the table is updated with the new rows and then open the
recordset? ...

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Updated Book

my work lended me a book, Active Server Pages 3.0 for Beginners by WROX.So far its been pretty good, but here is the bummer,its kinda old. Since I am new to ASP, am I better off just sticking with this book and getting through it, or do any of you recommend one that is more "updated" or such and could be just as beneficial? This thing was reprinted in 2000.

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Updated A Record

I use a popup window to add a record to a database that is displayed on the webpage. How do I trigger the parent page to refresh from the popup?This could either be a hyperlink or to happen upon closure of the popup.

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List Box In Web Page

I need a vb 6 's list box equivelent component in web (HTML or ASP) ?The detail is. I need to develope a system in which a database offers list of items from which user will select its choice & that choice will be added to a list box of selected items. When user's selection finish he can see his selected items in a seprate list box In VB 6 it has been done using list boxes. If we create a web based system for that how we'll accomplish that.

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Data Updated Into The Database Twice?

I am using a ASP page(User_Account.asp) to create username and password & updating the info into the database through another ASP page(User_Account_Upload.asp).

The problem I am facing is that, at random instances the data gets duplicated. I tried to check if the user Id exixts in the database before updating. After implementing this logic, whenever I create a new user, if the ASP page tries to store the username for the 2nd time, it generates an error message that the user_id exists and doesn't update the database. However, this error message is displayed on the screen even though the user_id was created for the 1st time ....

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Database Last Updated Code

Does anybody have code to add a "Database Last Updated...." line on your webpages that are generated from an MDB? There is simple ASP and javascript for 'page last updated', but the code that I have found just detects the time when the page was generated, which is every time the page loads since it is querying the database.

Im looking for code that queries when the database was last updated, then displays that info on the page.

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Displaying Updated XML File

I'm trying to create an XML guestbook. I'm using a form for the user to input his name, e-mail, message etc. an .asp file to update the xml file and an .htm file with javascript to display the xml file. The .asp file contains a <meta> tag to redirect the user from the .asp file to the guestbook.htm file. Following the submission of the form the script in the .asp file runs fine and updates the xml file but the problem is that when the xml file is accessed by guestbook.htm in appears to be accesing a cached version. For it to display the latest entry i need to access the xml file directly (http://....../guestbook.xml), refresh it and then return to the .htm file.

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Session Variable Not Updated

I'm unable to update a session variable
btween pages. I can read them after I set in global.asa
and I can change its value within the same script but when
I go to another page, the session variable remains

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Count Updated Records

I think this should be simple but cannot find it:

I use a update query like


2 things I want to do, check if query is success and display message with number of changed records. How can I do this?

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Display Updated Message

I have a SQL database with a ASP frontend. I can update my record without a problem. What I am looking to do is update the record by pressing the submit button and when the record is updated display on the same page that the record was successfully updated. When I update my record now, I have it where it redirects me to a different page. I would like the message to appear on the same page.

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Can't View Updated Data

i am working with asp 3.0.whenever i enter new data and want to view the data. i can,t view latest data(it shoows the page last visited), i have to refresh the page , then i can view the latest updated records from database.

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Print Two Page List

I have a list that has two pages or more. How to print all the pages
clicking a print button? Right now, it just prints the screen using the

<input type='button' class='button' value='Print'>

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Display Updated Data W/o Refresh Using ASP

I figured out how to display data from an Access mdb file using ASP, but my database is continually being updated in real time. The only way for the end user to get the most current data is they have to refresh, or I have to code the html to refresh like every minute, which is really cumbersome, and bloats the logs. Code:

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Accessing List Box On Same Page Before Submitting

My form contains a drop down list of univ. campuses and depending
upon the campus user is selecting, I am selecting the courses offered
in that campus from database (MS Acccess) and showing those in a
different drop down list below.

Is there any way that I can access that campus-list value before
submitting it to database?

Also, please give me solutions in VBScript and no javascript. That's my
Prof.s restriction. One of my friend told, there is no way this can be
done. But I am sure there must be some solution. Microsoft is not that less

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Database List Page At A Time

I show information from a database in a table format. I will be showing more and more data and would like to show it one page at a time with a next page back page option.
Can I do this on a web page and does anyone know where I could look to find out how

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Creating .asp Pages From A Web Page

In my site i need to give the user an option to have a landing page to a site or not to.

If they choose no i need to create a page that has a basic response.redirect in the page

so the code that would be used to generate the link would look something like this :

<%response.redirect("/site/" &siteName & "/" & pageName & ".asp")%>

So how do i create a page with asp?

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Page 2 - ASP Pages Wont Work On Iis Xp Pro

1 - Yes, Norton Internet Security 2003
2 - NTFS
3 -
Radio button selected = "A directory located on this computer"

Checked = "read", "log visits", "Index this resource"

Execute permissions drop down = "Scripts only"

Application protection drop down = "Medium (Pooled)"

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How To Transfer ASP Variables From This Page To Another Pages ?

I'm currently writing an asp page . There are many variables inside i want
to transfer to another asp pages to use them. They are just normal variables
calculated in this page (not variables received with http query ), therefore i dont
know how to receive and use them in a new asp page.

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Passing Data From Page To Pages?

Because of �refresh� problem after updating the form. So, I have to put the confirmation message in a seperate page:

1.update.asp page click update - goes to updated.asp (update to the db and sending email) then redirect to updatedconfirmation.asp page (confirmation message)

I would like to carry a few information from update.asp page such as name and their address to the confirmation page depends on their ID, how can we I do that in the updatedconfirmation.asp?

I�ve used hidden fields in the update.asp page. but there is nothing display in the UpdatedConfirmation.asp page Code:

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Compile HTML Pages Into One Page

What I would like to do is build a page that displays HTML pages from a sub directory in one long page like an FAQ page.I have code to build a table of contents, I just need to know how to extrac the document tietle from the Meta tag and how to compile the content beloe the table of contents.Could someone point me to an asp routine that compiles FAQ's?

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ASP Auto Generated List Forcing Page To Push Out

I output a list of towns from a database via a normal recordset loop into a normal paragraph with links - BUT for some reason it is totally pushing the page out... is there any reason for this? I also placed trim() on the town name in case there were lots of mistaken spaces, etc. Code:

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Testing ASP Pages With Windows Front Page

I have FrontPage 2003 on my XP laptop. I need to test some web pages with *.asp codes which worked perfectly well with my old Win95 computer in the past. Of course I had to install Personal Web Server to it in order to do the job.

The help files of FP, gives the clue that it has the facilities to behave like a server and test interactive web pages. But I haven't seen the use of ASP pages with it. I do not wish to install a server on my XP just to test ASP pages.

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How To Post A Page Automatically When An Option Is Chosen From A Drop Down List

what I want to do is - the user is presented with a form with a drop down box at the top with two options - Yes or No, If No is selected then the form stays as is and the user can complete the other text boxes.

However, if the user selects yes I want the page to refresh with a different set of input boxes.

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