Pages Display Source Code In Browser

I'm just trying to set up a testing server via Dreamweaver that is my local box. HTML works fine and ASP works fine IF there is no js code input. I can save a few images in a table as an ASP page and it works great, but if I try to pull a table from a database, the browser suddenly displays the code, rather than the page.

I've heard some people referring to articles that might address this, but so far I'm not seeing them.

I have .asp files being handled by asp.dll from the internet information services section.

What the heck am I missing? What else should I provide y'all so we can brainstorm this?

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Source Code For Professional Active Server Pages 3.0

I got this book for some time. I need to download the source code for this
book. However, Wrox, the publisher, does not have download code for this
book. Could anybody suggest any site from where I can get the download of
source code for this book?

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Getting HTML Source From Web Pages To Include In My ASP Scripts

I am running an ASP script which I require to get the source html from
some URL so I can pick out bits of this and include the data in my
webpage. So it should have a function something like this:

Function GetHTMLSource(String URL)

which retuns the source for example as a string or an array of strings

I'm not sure how to tackle getting the html source. I've tried setting
up an Internet Explorer object and also using the
createDocumentFromUrl function which have worked in VB but I can't get
to work in ASP

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Source Code

I am trying to debug some values in production server.I want to print the value of rRes(10),but I don't want to show it in the screen.I just want to show it in the source code but comment out,so that I can look at the value.Is it possible?

Response.Write("rRes(10) = " & rRes(10)) will show the value in the screen,but i want to hide it in the screen but still see the value in the source code.

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Display Source Text

I want to read an ASP file and display its source text.But I only get its HTML output. Later on,I will extract that source text to display certain thing.

Here is my code:

Const Filename = "/aspBoard.asp"

set FSO = server.createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Dim Filepath
Filepath = server.MapPath(Filename)

Set TextStream = FSO.OpenTextFile(Filepath)

Dim content
content = TextStream.readall

Response.Write content

Set TextStream = nothing

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Extracting Source Code

Is there a way of processing an ASP page and placing the resulting HTML
source code into a TEXTAREA on another page?

I have a page that will be generated dynamically from database content.
However, I want a form on another page to have access to the compiled source
code for use in an electronic newsletter.

Manually I would load the dynamic page, view the source and copy it out. I
would then paste it into my form field on the relevant page.

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How To Get The Source Code For A Web Page

How can i get the source code of a web page through asp code?

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Encrypt ASP Source Code

I was wondering does anyone use any third party tool to encrypt the original ASP source code from dispose.

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VBs Source Code Of Calendar

I am in the process of building a web page that allows users to make some resource reservations from the web. I need a source code for a calneder where if the user clicks on a specific day of a specific month a new link will be opened. where can I find this ?

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Funtion LEN (code Source)

Where I can find the code source for the function len for study ends. As (LEN) with its code was created script of the function. I tried to look for in google but I did not find nothing! Somebody can indicate me one link, site, script?

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Source Code Is Unavailable

I use Windows 2000 Server and VS6.0 for development. I have switched on ASP debugging in IIS and everything worked fine, I can debug.

But now when I want to debug I always get "Source code is not available for the current statement"So I cannot debug anymore, what is the problem ?

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Source Code Formatter

I have a couple of rather large ASP projects developed using VB script and the source code in both has not been formatted well. Does anyone know of a tool that can parse the source code files and fix simple things such as indentation, consistent use of case on key words, etc.

I have seen several tools that do this for printing purposes, but nothing that actually reformats the original source code.

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Hiding ASP Source Code

I have a customer with an extensive intranet which contains a lot of
sensitive company data. The client is concerned that any employee
could download source code back to removable storage and thereby steal
the data.

Printing is considered publicly risky and other capture methods of
visble screens would be too clumsy and outside the capability of most.

So we have been asked to make the source "invisible" or at least
extremely difficult to reveal.

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IIS Integrated Source Code Control

I want to create a site management (admin) web application in ASP under
W2K/IIS5/FPSE2002. It will be used to modify the content of XML files on the web
site it manages. Any changes require authentication. When a file is to be
modified the operator should check it out so that it is marked for modification,
preventing others to change it. The file is checked in after changes are made.
I'd like to be able to check in/out documents from the web admin using IIS
integrated SCC. Is it possible? Or should I implement my own file management

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Encrypt An Asp File Source Code

we have an Enterprise Application on ASP and MS SQL 2000. Would like to know if I can convert the asp app to an exe or encrypt / encode / hide the source code so that no one accessing the server can touch / modify / copy the same.

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ASP Pages Not Working On Browser.

I created a virtual directory in my default website, then I created a few ASP pages. When i run these files from the browser, i go to the screen "page cannot be displayed"

I am using Windows XP. I am using IE-6

can someone tell me why?? I am able to run HTML pages, the problem is only witht he ASP Pages.

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Display File In Browser

Can anyone tell me how can i use ASP to display a file in the web browser?
the file is located on the server in C: emp directory. It can be any file.
Is there any way that i can do this?

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Display PDF In The Client Browser

I am trying to display a PDF file in a client browser and get garbled characters. Here is my code and please let me know if I am making any mistake. The client machine has Adobe ACrobat (Full version installed) Code:

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Display DATA From Browser

How i display DATA from Browser to Text file.In my web page there is a script that fatches data from this URL: and display data on the web ,how i get that displayed data from the browser to a text file.

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.asp Page Wont Display In Browser

I created my .asp page in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 and when I right-click my page in there it displays perfectly. But when I try to view it in internet explorer I only get the html part to display.

I've tried regestering iis in the cmd, it didnt solve it. Here is the code if it could be to any interest:

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Code Displayed On Browser

I just installed IIS on my local system. Just wanted to check if asp was enabled too. but when i run the code on the browser it displays asp code. What am i missing out here?

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Code In Browser Window

When I hit an asp page the code for the page is displayed, not the actual page. I am running IIS locally for development. Any ideas of why this would be? If the pages are loaded on the server, they load properly.

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Browser Displays Code Of ASP Page

The most pressing issue at the moment is that my browser does not display the page; it displays the ASP code. I built the page for a questionnaire that was going to be placed on my schools server so that participants could access it online, but I submitted my request too late in the semester.

I decided that the best course of action was to collect these data offline using the computers that I had bought for my lab. The laptops are running Windows 2000 Professional and are using IIS. After configuring ISS and Dreamweaver MX, I built the questionnaire. Then, I uploaded the questionnaire to the “server”—the wwwroot folder.

Now, the index page (the instructions to the questionnaire) opens flawlessly, but when the link to the questionnaire is pressed to open the ASP page, the browser displays the code and not the questionnaire itself.

When I explained this problem to people, they tell me that my server does not support server site scripting, but I’m using a Windows machine, using Windows server software, and Windows database software (Access 2000). Moreover, when I preview the page through Dreamweaver MX, Internet Explorer displays it without a problem. Code:

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Asp Pages Won't Display

I transferred a new web that worked last week to my production server. Now none of my asp pages will display.

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ASP Pages Fail To Display

w2k, sp3, iis 5. HTML pages fine but NO ASP pages run.
Am I missing an extension or something? Security is low.
If I try to run synciwam.vbs, I get an error 8004E00F.
Any ideas?:-)

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ASP Pages Will Not Display/Load In Windows XP Pro (IIS 5.1)

I recently upgraded my computer from XP Home Edition to XP Pro. I did this so that I could work with ASP pages on my home PC. I have installed and configured IIS just as I have in the past, but when I attempt to connect to any of the ASP pages via IE, I see that a connection is attempted in the status bar, but after waiting a few minutes, I finally receive a Page Cannot Be Displayed error. Keep in mind this is not a coding error, because it occurs even when I try to access the IISHelp folder in the default website section through the Management Console.

One other note - I do have Mcafee Security Center installed on this machine. I have attempted connecting with all of the options in the security center disabled, and I have also attemped connecting with all of the non-essential programs running in the background terminated (I did this through the Task Manager). I don't believe that the Mcafee applications are causing this problem, but I thought it might be important to mention in case anyone knows of an existing conflict.

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ASP Code Display

I just installed ASP and enabled the Web Server Extensions and still
cannot get any ASP code to execute.
I added some html code to test and all html code is executed fine, but
once the asp section is reached, blank is displayed below the html
code. I then scaled back and created a Hello World with asp code with
still no results. I turned every one on that server, and am running
out of ideas

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ASP Code To Display Last Row In DB

I'm a new to asp and I'm trying to display the entired last row on the DB. I
try the objRecordset.MoveLast but I get the erros saying "Rowset does not
support fetching backward." How I can do that?

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Code Pages, Cookies & Character Sets

I'm a little perplexed. <%@Codepage="65001" %> changes how IIS/ASP will handle interpreting query string variables - i.e. it will read the querystring as being utf-8 encoded.

However, I'm finding that it *doesn't* change how Response.Cookies or
Request.Cookies get read/written.

I've been testing with a little jscript asp page with the lines

if (String (Request.QueryString ("abc")) != "undefined")
Response.Cookies("abc") = Request.QueryString ("abc");
Response.Write (Request.QueryString ("abc"));

to take a value from the query string and pass it back out as a cookie. The test value I was using was r%c3%a9sume (resume with an accented e). When the code page is set to utf-8, it will properly interpret the urlencoded query as a utf-8 string. It will output the right bytes with Response.Write.

But watching the headers produced by the request, it comes out encoded in latin-1.
Set-Cookie: abc=r%E9sume; path=/

I checked the cookie rfc on, and oddly it doesn't say much about how to encode/interpret cookie NAME=VALUEs. The only comment on character set in the spec is that a cookie *comment* has to be utf-8 encoded.

I couldn't find anything on the MSDN documentation that addressed cookie character sets either.

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HTTP 500 Internal Error When I Try To Display Asp-pages But Static Content Is Ok

When I use IIS 6.0 to display static content everything works according to plans. Now I have created an asp page even though there is no dynamic content at the moment. The web page's name just ends in "asp" and has the Code:


at the first line of the code.

When I try to link to this asp-page I get an error code saying "Http 500 Internal Server Error". I then disabled the "friendly http errors" and got this information.

"Asp error Asp 0203"
"Invalid code page"
"The specified code page attribute is invalid"

I should also add that I have enabled/allowed asp as extension in IIS manager.

Anyone who knows what I can try to get IIS working with dynamic content too?

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How To Display Code On Page

One of the fields ("Description") in my MSAccess database table contain text formated by HTML tags (<b>, <i>, etc) I now need to display it on asp page, but not as formated text, but as it is stored in my database:

Not like
Description of this product is good.

but as
<b>Description</b> of this product <i>is</i> good.

How can I do this?

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Display Actual Code

I have an administrative page that allows users to enter HTML which is then stored in a database. I would like the user to be able to view code extracted from the database without having the HTML rendered.

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Display Message Some Thing Missing In Code

I am trying to get a message displayed when I insert data, but it's not working...I can't spot any missing thing from this code. is there any body who can tell me why, I am sure something is missing. Code:

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