Pass An Array To Another Page

I have an array and I want to pass it to another page.How can I do that?

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Asp: Pass Array Element Values To Form On Next Page

how to create an array of checkboxes that were selected from a form on one page and pass them into hidden fields in a form on the next page? I have this massive project I've been working on and am having trouble with this.

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Pass Array Via SOAP From Page To Dotnet Webservice

I am trying to pass an array from an asp page (JScript) to a dotnet web service using the SOAP Toolkit 3.0. This is still at the Hello World stage, as you can see: ...

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Pass An Array

Can anyone tell me if ASP can pass an Array intp a Function? If so, can anyone point me to an example?

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Pass Array Of Classes

I'm trying to pass an array of classes through a function using vbscript and then access these the other side. for instance (in psuedo code)

redim Array()
for 0 to array end fill with data (these happen to be classes)
but not sure that should make any difference?!)


function someFunction(data)
response.write data(0).property
end function

which doesn't work although does if I specify which part of the array I'm passing i.e. someFunction(array(1))

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Pass An Array Into An Oracle PL/SQL Stored Procedure From ASP?

is it possible to pass an array into an Oracle PL/SQL stored procedure from ASP? I'm trying to upload approx. 15 000 rows into Oracle and for security reasons am only permitted to access the database through PL/SQL. At the moment I've got it uploading one row at a time by looping through but this is extremely slow.

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Pass Variable To Another Page

Ive done this in various ways before but im doing it in java wit asp Code:

a0=("Managing Director")

<a href=javascript:openpopup("EditSupplierContact.asp?a0=<%response.write(a0)%>")>Edit</a>

only the word "Managing" is being passed into the string if i join the variable toghther its works.

works if a0=("ManagingDirector")

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How To Pass Disabled Text Box Value On Other Page

I am trying to fatch disabled text box vlue on other form but i cant...

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How To Pass Data Back And Forth Between ASP And JSP Page?

How to pass data back and forth between ASP and JSP page?

Let's say I have Java objects, how to pass the data back to ASP page?? Or
ASP has data, how to pass the data to JSP page??

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Pass A Javascript Variable To Another Page But Vbscript

I have an input box when the user clicks on the button.

var number=prompt("enter journal number");

How is it possible to pass this variable forward but to vbscript? So i could use that variable in an sql procedure?

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Pass Form Values To A Page After Inserting In Access

I'm using DWMX and Access DB.

i have setup a form on a normal http page which collects name address etc and is then passed to a https page to collect credit card details, on clicking submit on the https page the credit card details are inserted in db on secure server along with one field that was passed from the http page (the user id).

this all works ok, however i then need to pass the remaining orignal form values back to another http page that then inserts these values to another DB. ok you may be asking why.... the first forms allows the user to correct information already held on file before upgrading their listing, i then need them to pay for the upgrade before inserting the amended data in the orignal database... How..

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How To Pass A Long Parameter String To A ASP Page Via Post Parameters

I have the following test.asp page which needs one parameter querystr
but my querystr is a very long string value. When I send a long value
the query string is getting truncated after some characters.

Can you please kindly share the code segment to workaround how to pass
such a long string value to a asp page. This is how I invoke the test

http://localhost/?querystr=select ............ from xxxxx



response.write("Hello World!")

response.write "<td><p></td>" & w


but part of my query string never gets passed to the asp page appears
asp as a limitation on max string length can you please provide me a
workaround how I can overcome and pass the right string to asp.

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How Do I Retrieve Values Of An Array Variable From A Form To An Asp Page?

if i have a vbscript function on a certain form and I assigned some values on an array variable on that function, is there a way for me to retrieve the values of that array on another asp page once i submitted the form?

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Query A DB - Pass The Query To Next Page

I am running a querry on an access database and have set the number of records/page displayed at 20. if there are more than 20 records returned, then 1st page will show the first 20, the next page will show next 20 and so on....

The trouble:

the count of total records displayed is correct and the first page is displayed correctly. But when i click on *Next* to go to the next page, all the records of the database get displayed (not the 2nd page of records from the query).

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Rebuilding Of An Array From An Existing Array

I dump the entire recordset into an array:

If not rs.EOF Then
aEmp = rs.GetRows()

Contents of the array are in this order:

EmpID,EmpName,Indent,Sub_ID,Lft,Rgt,MgrID, LastName

This query sort on the basis of Lft and Rgt columns.

The name of the array is: aEmp.

My question here is how can I get only the LastName from the aEmp array into another array so that I can sort the names alphabetically and then display the employees in the alphabetical order.

Or is there is another way I could this by using the same array while keeping the lft and rgt sort of the query? If I sort based at the SQL query level, I can see the names sorted by the lft, rgt and lastname, but since the lastname is at the end of the sort list - it does not appear alphabetically.

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Array Integers Vs Array Variables

In working with arrays, I have found that I am unable to dimension and array
with a variable that has an integer value but I can redimension one this
way. I haven't see any information that tells me if this is a requirement,
although it appears to be because I get an error if I try it.


Dim b
b = 10
Dim a(b) ' this errors out but
Dim a() ' this
Redim a(b) ' works


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Create A New Array From An Array

I want to create a new array called arrNames2 and copy contents of arrNames to arrNames2.

I then want to loop through my db and add more names (while going through the loop) to arrNames2. What is the best way to do this? Do I have to keep redim the array wehn I add more names?

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Pass %%

I would like to pass the value %%LAST_NAME%% to another asp document.... I
wanted to pass this value by doing a response.redirect, but, it truncates the
double percentage signs

I know it works on a SUBMIT
<input type=text name="lname" value="%%LAST_NAME%%">

but, I would like to skip the submit and do a response.redirect...
even if I create a variable using 'server.urlencode' it still truncates the %%
example: response.redirect "newfile.asp?lname=%%LAST_NAME%%"

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Trying Pass A Value Through The URL

I'm trying to add a variable to the url that is going to be sent but when it is sent my additions are removed! I've tried numberous variations of action="caldelete.asp?curid=<%=iRecord%>" and every time it removes everything! What am I doing wrong? Code:

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Pass More Than One Value.

Dose anyone know how to pass more than one value in a Go to Detail Page? The code I have so far is this... Code:

<A HREF="advertiser-basic-keyword-detail.asp?<%= MM_keepForm & MM_joinChar(MM_keepForm) & "TimberSpecies=" & Recordset1.Fields.Item("TimberSpecies").Value %>">Edit</A>

The code above passes the value of the "TimberSpecies" to the next page. I would also like to pass the value of the "CategoryTitle" to the next page at the same time.

The "CategoryTitle" is also in Recordset1.

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Pass Value

How can i pass value from drop down list in 1 page to another pagei used onsubmit when i click the value in the drop down list and use request in another page to get the data.but why it still cannot works

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Pass Value (asp)

I’ve used java script in my asp page for the new windows utility and also for link to .js extension (get calendar). Ok let see what I’ve done…. Within elseif : (see asp comment within coding page).

IM – date – open
IM – date – close
IM – date – all

What is a problem now, I try to test for calendar function (java script) in “– IM – date – all “.

I can retrieve date from javascript file -> ‘date-picker.js’ and insert date into these two textbox, but when I want to send/pass these two values (click button continue) to next asp page called byDateIMA.asp, browser told me that ‘error on page’. I’ve no idea about this problem. Hope anyone can help to solve this problem.

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Trying To Pass A Value Through The Url???

I'm trying to make my site as dymanic as possible. Code:

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How Do I Pass Parameters Through The URL?

I have a simple form with a textbox, a combobox and a submit button. I want to also be able to pass the "values" of the textbox and the combobox in the URL. How do I do that? DO I need to set that up in the function? I know this must be simple becuase I can not find any information on how to do it.

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Possible To Pass Cookie Value From VB To ASP?

I want to pass the value of the cookie created in VB to ASP. This doesn't work. Any idea?

<script language=vbscript>
document.cookie="mycookie" ' also tried with


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IIS 5 Will Not Pass Emails Or SSL

Has anyone had or heard of IIS not passing emails or SSL connections, thereby disconnecting or making the server useless?

I had a virus that seems to have done this.

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Pass Variable

I am using this code to display a dropdown list of employees
How do i pass the selected name to another page, all i need to pass is emp_id? Code:

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Pass Name On To Use In Welcome Text

how do you go about passing a name on after a login->doLogin->MembersArea so that you can print Welcome username?

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Pass To Two Frames

I want to pass the value to two frames and two pages after hitting the
submit button If my form I have this:

<form method="get" action="search2.asp" target="fSearch2">

I want to pass crPN to below as well
action="search3.asp" target="fSearch3"

I am having a little problem figuring this out.

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Pass Data

In ASP, when we pass data between pages, we usually pass by query string. If
we pass data by query string, that means we need to use submit button, not
by regular button, and the form will pass to the server since it's GET or
POST request. But if just form-to-form communication, why we need to send
the form to the server?

<form action="process.asp" method="get">
//form controls

<input type="submit">

For example,


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Pass Date

i'm trying to pass a Request.QueryString("date") in an SQL statement like this:

sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS sum FROM logs_main WHERE Termination='OK' AND CallDate >"& Request.QueryString("date") &""

When i explicity write CallDate >'2006/12/01' it is OK
But when i use the above code ,where e.g date value is 2006/12/01, then it doesn't work.
How can i pass a date in an sql query??

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Pass Variable Value

I want to pass 2 auguments to this command like below, but the red line of following java script (server side) doesn't work, which means it doesn't took siteid and whosent vaule.


siteid = Request.QueryString("SiteID");

whosent= Request.QueryString("WhoSent");

objShell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");

objShell.Run("cmd /c call rsh host -l username siteid whosent", 1, 1);


Does anyone know how to pass 2 varible siteid and whosent value to this command if not use batch file?

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Pass Collection From Vb To Asp

How to pass a collection from a VB Component to an ASP page? I have no clue
the syntax of all. Code:

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