Password Retrieval Script

Im trying to do a simple password retrieval script that displays a users password on screen.

Im being told their is a syntax error:

Syntax error
/Kosy/password.asp, line 30, column 7
.write & strEmail


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Image Retrieval

I am planning to build a basic page that brings up images from a Database based on keywords.

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Dropdown Retrieval

i now have my dropdown connected to my database. everytime the user adds a new record, he simply has to choose a Department from the dropdown menu. However, when he tries to edit that record, the value that he has chosen from the dropdown and has been saved to the database cannot be retrieved in the dropdown menu.
so i want to retrieve the data from the database INTO THE DROPDOWN so it would be the default value of that dropdown menu when the user edits his specific record.

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Database Retrieval Mysql And Asp

I have an sql statement like this executed with asp and mysql.

select * from table1, table2, table3

How can I read a specific field from a table when tables have same fieldnames.

So for example table1 and table2 have both a field named content.

What I would like to do is:

contenttable1 = recordset("table1.content")
contenttable2 = recordset("table2.content")

But then I get an error like item not found in recordset.

If i do this it works but i don't know which field I read from:

contenttable? = recordset("content")

I know that it works with Access but I can't get it working with MySQL.

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Record Adding Twice Because Of Id Retrieval?

Ive got a tool that is taking sugestions and updates from users and then generating a unique id based on the date and ID Autonumber field from an access db. I am using the addnew method b/c it is the way i know to immediately retrieve the id.. The problem is im trying to add the id back into the record on the same call. Is this possible?

My code is as follows but i seem to be getting duplicate records with unique id's.. But the thing that seems strange to me is that both records have their own unique id. If this were the case i would think that the first record would not have the unique id b/c it is not generated until after the first update call? Code:

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Fast Retrieval Of Data

If a sql query returns 20000 records then what is the fastest way to display records on a web page.

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Automatic Retrieval Of Field

I have a web page with three fields, Name and designation, salary. The name field is a <select> tag which contains all the names present in a tabe. When I select a name, the corresponding designation should be displayed. Then I enter salary and submit the form. There are two submts involved?

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Access Data Retrieval And Creation

Already have an asp page showing results from an access database table (supplies)
Need to know way select items from this list w/o the need of retyping to another form.
Also would like to be able to insert order_date automatically to another access table (orders).

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ASP Recordset Retrieval Problem (SQL Server)

A problem recently cropped up that I have not seen before and I am wondering anyone has seen this one?

The 2 SQl Select statements on my ASP page differ by the addition of one column ("Description") but in the 2nd case, column content is dropped (blank). I can get somewhat different results by adding other columns to the Select. Code:

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Individually Password Protect Multiple Directories? Password Expiration?

I have a client who wants to password protect a learning course that is set up in modules. Each module needs to have it's own password protection so users can only access them as they progress through the course.

Each user should have their own password (for each module) and, said client would like the password to expire for the user at some (predetermined?) point. Is this possible? It seems like a lot (in terms of setup), but I don't know much about password stuff.

If it is possible, can someone give me an overview of how it works (theoretically) or where to find more specific info on setting something like this up (in

If it isn't possible, can someone suggest what is more reasonable in terms of protecting the modules?

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Password Sessions - Prompt Password Change

I created sessions to authenticate username and password. How can I utilize this same script to alert the user to change password at 3rd login? In other words when a user logs into a site after the 3 or 4th time which ever, they are prompted to change their password. Code:

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Db.mdb Password With Asp

where do you enter in the password for the connection to use?

set objConn = server.createObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")


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Nt Password

I am logged into nt and running an asp page.

I know that I can get my username from the server variable LOGON_USER or
AUTH_USER but the AUTH_PASSWORD seems to be empty.

Is there a way to retreive the current logged passsword

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IIS/OWA Password

I just setup a passwrod button in Outlook Web Access by using the IISADMPWD directory in IIS.I have a few problems.can u solve it.

1. I would like the account section to be automatically filled by IIS.
2. I would like the back button to actually be a button not a link.

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Validate A Password

I have created one of those change your password forms whereby the the old password and new password are provided.

What I am having trouble with is ensuring that the old password entered actually exists already. Below is what I have tried, but I am getting a syntax error:


'Check Password

if request.form("CusPassword")<>rsCheckUser.fields("CustomerPassword") then

response.write "Invalid password"

end if


if request.form("CusPassword")= rsCheckUser.fields("CustomerPassword") then

'write new password to databasestrSQL ="UPDATE Customer Set CustomerPassword ='"& NewPassword& "',CustomerPasswordverified ='"& NewPassword& "' where CustomerEmail = '"&CusEmail&"' "

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Password Validation

I want to create a password validation system..... There are two text boxes.... I want to make sure that the passwords are the same and that they are more than 8 characters.

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Password Encryptor

Im planning to encrypt the password that was stored on msaccess database and
also the text inputed from a password textbox. Also, if I want to get the
password from the database, I need to decrypt it so it can be comparable to
the one that is inputed on the textbox. Is there a way on how to handle

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Encrypt Password

Public Shared Function Encriptar(ByVal cleanString As String) As String
Dim clearBytes As [Byte]()
clearBytes = New UnicodeEncoding().GetBytes(cleanString)
Dim hashedBytes As [Byte]() = CType(CryptoConfig.CreateFromName("MD5"),
Dim hashedText As String = BitConverter.ToString(hashedBytes)
Return hashedText
End Function

this function encrypt user password, I need to un-encrypt that password

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Send Password

thanks to sitepoint forum,i am requesting a problem about forgot password .
if user forgot his/her password how can i retun his/her same password in email address?
i did like this:
Set myMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
myMail.Subject="your password"
myMail.To=ml 'ml var return current email address
myMail.TextBody=yrpass 'yrpass variable return password
set myMail=nothing

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Change Password

does anybody here have codes for "change password"?i am using dreamweaver 8 and MS Access

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How Can I Check A Password?

I have a form and iwant to check if the password which gives the user is between 3 to 6 characters "alpanumeric" there is something in asp code to do this?

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Password Requirements

Any thoughts on requirements for a password?I've been thinking about
the following

Minimum six characters
Must contain at least 1 number and at least 1 letter
Cannot contain the user's first or last name
Cannot contain the user name of the person's email address
Cannot contain the domain name of the person's email address

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Encryption Of Name And Password

My form accepts user name and password. I want to encrypt the password when I send it to the server. I think I can use windows advapi32.dll functions to encrypt and decrypt the data. Does anybody know if I can use this dll directly in my asp? Do I have to write customized dll which uses advapi32.dll and then use the customized dll in the asp?

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Password Checking

i wanted some help in the bewlo subject i tried in different code but some time it is showing wrong anybody give me the example or site linke where i can donwload the the password checking script from database.
I have pulled data from database and shown those user name in suer tab ( drop dwon box) user need to select the his name and to type password.once user type the password it should check with database . if it exists then it should capture that user name and move on to next page.

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XP Username Password

How to use WIndows XP login username and password for ASP 3.0 Authentication, for access to a website directly without any further, second authentication by ASP page?

I have MS SQL Server database, ASP 3.0 website, and ASP 3.0 based authentication. I want to use a Windows XP username, make a table with approved usernames, check Windows XP username and password against the mentioned table, and finally - user can access the site without second authentication by ASP page. Of course - everything should work in IE.

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Recover Password

I am using OE6. Instead of using the Main Identity, I'm using another one;
it helps cut down the spam. Somehow it switched back to the Main Identity
(I didn't fiddle with it) and the other is password protected. Either I
have forgotten that password or it isn't responding. How can I recover the
password, which is where all my legitmate email is found?

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Serveral Password

i have new task again.. and i dont know where to start. maybe it seems easy to all of u but i m new and still learning.. so pls forgive me hehee..
i was told to make serveral changes to their shopping cart.
1) Upon user's first login, the system will prompt the users to change their password.(which means every user share a default password tats y they mus change)
2) The system will prompt the user to change their password every 90 days.
3) The System will allow the users to change their password to the same 1 for 10times.. after which.. they cannot use back
the same password again.
4) Every password change must be saved as a log into the db..
yah thats all abt it.. but it actually links from 1 to another.

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Forgotten Password

I am trying to write a little script to return a users password, but am getting an
error message : "Email address you entered could not be found.The details entered were incorrect." What am I doing incorrectly? the password is in the DB Code:

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Cant Update Password

i have a problem with this password change script. i have test it and i keep getting 'Current Password does not match your password in the database' . in the script, the user must login with the username so that he can access the password change page and make change to the password.

The code which i highlight in red is to have the script recognise the user . the pass=("Customer") is actually to detect the username's password from the Customer's table in database. The field in the Customer's table is User_Password . I have look and relook the code myself but I cant seem to figure out anymore. Code:

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QueryString & Password!

An ASP application retrieves records from a SQL Server database. In the
first page of the application, the user has to enter a password & the
columns retrieved from the DB table depends upon the password. For e.g.

if the password entered is say, pwd1, then that user should be
displayed the records of Column1 & Column2 only. If the password
entered is say, pwd2, then that user should be displayed the records of
Column1 & Column3 only. If the password entered is say, pwd3, then that
user should be displayed the records of Column1 & Column4 only.

Now after the records are displayed, the user should also be given the
option of sorting the records. I am implementing this by making the
column header a hyperlink which has the column name & the sort order as
the querystrings, something like this (the records are being displayed
in a tabular format): Code:

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Password Lookup

I need help with a simple (well not so simple for me) password lookup script that will email a user their pw when they put their email in an input box. I have the db set up and the connection enabled but need some help w/ figuring out how to set it up to mail these out.

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Password Popup

In my asp I need to make a popup that is like a windows password change, a space for old password, new and new again.

I don't really know how to make a popup that does anything other than display text. I would also need to know how to retrieve the data off of the popup for the actual change of the password. Code:

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Username And Password

i would like users to be able to login using a username and password stored in an MS ACCESS database. there is a customer table which stores the username and passwords as well as other customer details such as customer name, address etc. i would like the users to login and then when the login i succcessful, be presented with ONLY THEIR data which they can edit.

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