Performing Database Lookup

Does anyone know of a pure ASP way of doing this?I am displaying the results of a large recordset and at the moment it looks like the page is not doing anything.I have a solution using an image and some javascript, f there was a way of doing it in ASP, perhaps using the response buffer?

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Performing Database Query

i'm confused about perfoming insert, update and delete operations in a database. I know that to only use SELECT statement you would create a recordset and use it but for all other you need to use Command or Connection Object.

I'm confused because in some books/articles they create and open a connection and perform insert/update using that. in others they say to use Command object instead. which one do u use when?, why?.

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Database Lookup In A Javascript Function *before* Displaying The Error

Is it possible to do a database lookup in a javascript function *before* displaying the error alert?

We want to do a database table lookup first and get a BETTER error message based on the text field throwing the error.

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Performing Calculations

I'd like to have an ASP form performing a relatively simple calculation. For example, if I wanted to create a simple order form where someone enters a quantity of tickets, the form would automatically calculate the total cost in a second text box based on the number (qty) entered times the cost of a single ticket.

Such that, if the user entered "2" in one text box, it would automatically generate the total cost of, say $34.00 in a second text box based on the cost of a single ticket being $17.00.

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Performing Insert Statement

I have a asp page that contains link(A href tag) to some other page.When the user clicks on the link ,I want to perform a insert SQL statement and then link it to target page.Is it possible?

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Performing Action Before Moving To Another Page

Is there a way to force a sub or a function to be executed before the
user to move to another ASP page?

In fact I want to update a basket (table) if the user wrote a quantity
for a product in the page. I want to avoid them to click for every
single product they add.

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DNS Lookup

I have a web page that queries a database returning a recordset containing a whole series of URLs (host headers).

I want to display these in a table with one of the columns holding the current I.P. address for each URL. I know how to get a list of these IP addresses from the cmd prompt using "nslookup" but I'm absolutely clueless how to get hold of these values in my ASP page. I'm limited to the fact that this must be only ASP (VBScript, not .NET),
i.e. I can't call install any components.

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Zipcode Lookup

Looking for a source for data and/or algorithm that would allow me to enter
a zipcode and find - in our case - every car dealership that sells, say,
Chevy's in that zipcode - if not there, then what about adjacent
zipcodes..? - in an ever expanding circle outward, and return a list of
those zipcodes.
In my database, I've already got the car dealers and available makes. What
I need is the zipcode "map" reference.

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Password Lookup

I need help with a simple (well not so simple for me) password lookup script that will email a user their pw when they put their email in an input box. I have the db set up and the connection enabled but need some help w/ figuring out how to set it up to mail these out.

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Page Lookup

On the top of my page i want to check what page the user has come from, as if they havent come from two pages i wanted them to, i need to redirect them. Alot of people are bookmarking my site with a page that causes errors. Any ideas?

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DNS Lookup Error

DNS Lookup Error.This error resulted in the web browser that my user was using and this is details:"The URL you requested could not be retrieved because the named server is not registered in the domain name services. Please check the URL and try again."
I've checked with the user and find no fault with the URL address. What could possibly be wrong?

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Text Lookup

Is there a way that we can search a remote web page for a specific line of text?We can check if a specific URL exist using the "MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP" object witch works just fine, but is there anyway we can search the page for text using this same object.

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OnChange Lookup ASP Recordset

I have a form on a webpage that someone enters a number (SponsorID).
After then enter that SponsorID into the form, I need to somehow query
my SQL database and find the record that has the same ID as the
SponsorID entered into the form and return the SponsorName (and write
it out on the page using a <div> tag or something of the like) WITHOUT
reloading the entire page (because I will loose the other information
already input on this page).

Now, I don't necessarly have to query the database, I *could* create
an Array when the page loads, using ASP, that will contain the
SponsorIDs and the SponsorNames and then compare the SponsorIDs within
that array with the number that was entered on the form.

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Lookup In Multiple Tables

I just received a database schema from our dba and was given the task of doing a look up of several fields & then doing several specific tasks, depending on the information. I know how to do a lookup and an if statement for 1 table, but how do I handle a lookup in multiple tables and also do an if statement based on multiple tables?

For example, there would be a customerid, which is in the customer table; support is in the support table; and customertype in the type table.

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Username Lookup For Protected Directories

I need to look up what user name was used to login to a protected directory using ASP.

I don't want to create a login page, etc. It shouldn't be necessary. Only employees who already have user accounts need to log in to the webapp and the protected directory login box is all the security I need. I just need to be able to access the username that they used in my application. Code:

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ASP: Exchange 2003 Free/Busy Lookup

I'm trying to get a users free/busy status from exchange from within a website and using the code below, but when I run this a login page from MS Outlook Web Access is retrieved from the server rather than a XML file containing the users free/busy status for the specified time period.

I've spent all day looking for solutions to this but I'm stumped. I have been looking for an Exchange newsgroup but there doesn't seam to be one, does anyone know if i can post this some where else to get a response from an Exchange expert.

The Server is 2003, with Exchange 2003. Code:

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Comma Delimited List & Lookup Table

I have a sql server 2000 table with a comma delimited list of ids. there is a seperate lookup table with a desc for each id.

I need for this data to be retuned in the same order in which the data was entered into the database. right now it is returning ordered by the id from the lutable.

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Database Limit - Microsoft JET Database Engine Error '80040e14'

I have just started using ASP, I am normaly using PHP but I thought ASP might be a good road to go down. I am having a few problems, I am trying to limit the number of records I take out the database but I keep getting errors.

'connection string
strconn="PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=" & datapath & ";"
Set CONN = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
CONN.Open strconn

'select all records row by row
DBquery="SELECT * FROM Guests LIMIT 10"
set query=Conn.execute(DBquery)
do while not query.eof

'get a variable from the table
guest_id = query("ID")
guest_name = query("Name")
guest_msg = query("Mesg")
guest_date = query("DateTime")

'print the variable to the screen
response.write guest_id & "<br />"
response.write guest_name & "<br />"
response.write guest_msg & "<br />"
response.write guest_date & "<br />"
response.write "<br />"
'move to the next record
set conn = nothing

I am getting this error;

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'

Syntax error in FROM clause.

/guestbook/guest.asp, line 11

can anyone help me?

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Microsoft JET Database Engine :: Cannot Update. Database Or Object Is Read-only

I had made a form name 'dform.html' which asks idno, name and phone from the user and after the user clicks on button "save data" sdata.asp is executed. sdata.asp is written to save the values entered for idno,name and phone in dform.html into table "myfriends" in the mydata.mdb (access database). but when i am clicking on save data button i am getting error saying

"Error Type:

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E09)
Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.
/SDATA.ASP, line 9"

can please anyone tell me why i am getting this error.

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Database Connection String To MySQL-database On A Different Server

I work with ASP for several weeks now and i really like it! But until now i have just used it in connection with my localhost. I made connections to a SQL Database and to an ACESS Database with using the ODBC Tool from WIndows!!

Now i want to publish my website but i don't know how to handle the connection string kind of thing. My MySQL-Database is on a different server than the website and i need a connection string where i can type in the server, a password and a username and it should then connect.

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How Do I Export Data Fom Local Database To Server Database?

I'm current working on a project which need to upload local data to
live server database.

Meanings that, i'm current having a server in my local mechine. I need
upload data from local database to live database which host at oversea
company. But i really have no idea how to do this in asp.

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Microsoft JET Database Engine , Database Or Object Is Read-only

Error Type:

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E21)
Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.
/q_maker/aero_admin/delete.asp, line 12

what is wrong! i checked the db and its not readonly.

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Using Value From Database Updating The Database And Resuing The Value

i wrote a shopping cart using cookies found out thatIE 7 won't let me add more cookies after a certian number. decided to use DB along with cookies and now i have very weired problem never encountered before Code:

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Many-to-Many :: Seperate Database Or One Database?

Products ---> Products|Customer <--Customer

With regardst the above many-to-many relationship:

Is there any advantage in creating seperate access databases for:

- Customer
- Products

....Rather than keeping them as three tables in one database.

The reason I ask is that I have found that if I am using a ftp approach to
overwriting or updating the remote database there are sometimes problems
with synchronizing data .....This seems to be a better solution?

Am I off base?

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Web Database

does any one know a simple free database driven website tutorial that i could learn? i need it for when someone searches a name ionformation on that name comes up along with photographs realating to them.

I have built several websites before but none are database driven so is there any dummy proof versions?

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Do While Out Of A Database

How do I do a Do While loop to display rows of information out of a database. Here's my code, and it seems like its in an infinite loop. Code:

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ASP With Database

I have a Access DB with two tables (Users and tblpersons). Users are stored in table Users and their records in tblpersons. They are able to login, Enter, Search, Update their data.

I want users to be able to Enter and update only their data not other users data.

Example:User_Id 1 when logged in, is able to enter data for any user(1,2,3......) and able to modify their data.

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I can make a simple database file and name it database.mdb, all I need to do is name a single field email and save it. But I dont know how to make it so that my page will become active and the emails submitted will be saved either to the mdb file or a text file, im not sure what goes on there.

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Database Not

i have 2 tables and i only want the records where which arent in the one database eg.
table 1

table two

out of these two tables i only want from table two idnum 5 and 6 cause they arnt in the 1st table.

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Job Database

They are on Windows 2000 IIS 5.0 and currently have an older version
of their job database using Access hosted on a Brinkster server.
The new server that they are on, when I contacted the host, they advised me
against creating any new applications using Access, as the server is not meant
for multi-users.
So, I am thinking that they need to get their host to upgrade to a SQL database
and have the job database developed using that.
My question to this forum is: What do you think is the best combination for
improvement here, SQL or MySQL or what, considering that their site is using asp
and hosted on Win2000 IIS 5.0?
Also, any recommendations on scripts that might be already available that could
be customised to their site?

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Same Database

What we have is our own (in house) Windows 2000 Server which runs MS SQL for our data storage and we have writen our own VB6.0 Application which runs of the SQL DB to manange our stock, ordering, price's etc etc. Also we have our own Website with a Web Hosting Company which is also a Windows 2000 Server but can only Run access databases.
What we what to do is somehow have the Access database and the SQL database sync together to have some of the same data in both database's. But I don't know where to start.

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I have the following code to execute a SQL query.Code:

SQL = "INSERT INTO teams (`teama`, `teamb`, `pot`, `winner`, `finished`, `start`) VALUES ('" & teama & "', '" & teamb & "', 0, '', False, '" & gdate & "')"
teamrs.Open SQL, conn
all works fine.
I just want to know what result it gives.because once i add it, the form submits, and its a blank page. I want it so it does this Code:

if sql = worked
end if
so how can i make sure the query was executed successfully.

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SQL Database

This is probably a stupid question (I'm good at those)...
I would like to enable a user to be able to browse to a picture on their local machine and upload that picture to a remote directory where it can then be displayed along with it's other pertinent data.
I thought it might be a good idea to use Front Page's "file upload" feature which includes a "browse" button and prompts me for a storing location - but I can't get it to work and am not even sure if that's its intended purpose.
So my question is two-part, what should my insert or update page look like regarding an upload process, and then how would I link to or display that picture?

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