Populate A Select List From A Comma Delimited Txt File

I would like to use ASP to populate a select list from a comma delimited txt file.....

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Comma Delimited List

How can I populate the results of a recordset into a comma delimited?

The recordset is only returning a sequence of ID's (one column - one dimension). I was trying the getRows and getString method. If the result was only one record it was okay, but for more than one result I was getting an unhandled data type error.

I would just like to place the values from the recordset into a comma-delimited list and then pass that into a javascript function?

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Comma Delimited List & Lookup Table

I have a sql server 2000 table with a comma delimited list of ids. there is a seperate lookup table with a desc for each id.

I need for this data to be retuned in the same order in which the data was entered into the database. right now it is returning ordered by the id from the lutable.

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Importing Comma Delimited File

I've been asked to develop a semi-automated type situation where we have a
database table (sql server) and periodically, there will be a comma
delimited file from which we need to import the data, replacing the old.

I naurally know that we can use [truncate tablename] to kill the other data,
but does anyone have any examples of importing a comma delimited file into
SQL Server with ASP?

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Create Comma-delimited File From .asp Recordset

Is it possible to have a search page that queries a sql database and then writes the results to a comma-delimited text file instead of displaying the results.

I have no problem creating the search page and displaying the results I just don't know how to create the comma-delimited text file from the recordset results.

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Form To Comma Delimited Text File

how to create a comma delimited text file from an asp form. Assume my fields are: Name, email, phone number.

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Generate CSV Or Comma Delimited

What's the easiest way to generate CSV or a comma delimited file from an ASP
recordset? I've seen a few searching the internet and they appear to be
overkill or out of date.

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Comma Delimited Files

Whenever I import a comma delimited file the field lengths are always 255. I tried an import specification in my code but they were stll 255 in length.
I imported about 156 fields and about 140 came in at 255. Not gonna work.

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Comma Delimited Array

i am trying to run a asp sql query containging many tables. the main table though is a simple ID based table contains all ids from the other tables. Code:

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ASP: Trying To Manipulate A Comma Delimited String

I have written an ASP script that collects information from a form. The info is stored in one variable name. When I request the info, it is returned as a comma delimited string. How can I manipulate this string so the data can be stored in a database? I appreciate your assistance.

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Comma-separated List

I have a post-form that holds a listbox with mulitple selected items. When
the form is posted to the server ASP file, I want to loop through the
selected items, to insert each of them into a table. How do I do that?
If I execute the line:
I get the list of selected values, separated by commas.

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Searching A Comma Separated List

I have an Access database which contains a Table of
Books, and in that table their a field called 'KeyWords' which
is a comma separated list of keywords.

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Populate A List

I have a drop down menu that is populated from a database. the problem that I have is that alot of the numbers in the field are duplicated ie the field in question has years in it and may of the years are the same.

is it possible, when there are duplicated years, to populate the dropdown menu only once with that particular year. This would grately shorten the menu for me.

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Populate Drop Down List

I'm trying to populate a drop down list with values found in the Project and ProjectAllocation.

The Project Table consist of all the Project Details like Name,Location, Date,etc.

Whereas the ProjectAllocation consist of only 2 fields, ProjectID & EmpID (this is bcos one project can have many employees). Code:

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Using XML To Populate DROP DOWN LIST

I have a small problem using SSJS, I have an ASP web form that populates an XML form, I then want to Select a field with the id="group" from the XML file and write it into a SELECT Field of another WEB Form but I am having Problem,

I taught I had this conquered when I had the form as HTML as follows:


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Populate List/menu From A Database

what is code for populating a list menu with data from a database. also the default(first) option in the list should be "ALL".

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Populate 2nd Select W/o Reloading Page

I've been searching the forums for a bit of code (maybe Javascript) that will help me populate a select list using a variable pulled from another select list without refreshing the entire page.

I need to pull the values in the second select list from a database based on search criteria from the first select list. I don't know how to get past the stateless nature of HTML. I'm developing this app using javascript and php for extremely low-bandwidth users and I'm stumped on this one.

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Populate List Box Base On Combo Box Selection

how do i get a value from a combo box and populate a list box base on the selected value from a combo box? If possible can i get a sample coding.

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Read A Tab Delimited File In Asp

I need to be able to read a tab delimited text file with an asp page so that I can stuff the fields into a sql table.I really don't know how you can do that, I checked the books I have and have been running around the internet trying to find the answer when I found this site.I cannot use a bulk insert statement because I don't have that level of access to the sql server. and I was assured that "BCP is indeed a command-line only utility and cannot be launched from ASP. You could parse the text file with ASP and generate INSERT statements that you then execute against the database. Routines for parsing tab-delimited files can be had by searching for them on google quite easily." by the system administrator

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Reading Tab Delimited File Into An Array

I'm trying to read a tab-delimited file into an array so I can pick out different fields for a report. I keep getting a "Type Mismatch" error that I don't understand.

sReceiveFile = "receipt.txt"
sDataFile = sReceiveFolder & sReceiveFile
sDelimiter = "Chr(9)"

Dim objFileSystem, objFile
Set objFileSystem= CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set objFile = objFileSystem.OpenTextFile(sDataFile,1)
sReadLine = objFile.readline

Do While objFile.AtEndOfStream <> True
Response.Write "<UL>" & Chr(10)
'Response.Write objFile.ReadLine & "<br>"
sSplit = split(objFile.Readline,"Chr(9)")
Response.write sSplit ' I want to see the contents and this line is giving me the error
Response.Write "</UL>" & Chr(10)


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Read Tab Delimited File Into An Array With ASP

I need to read a tab delimted file into an array with ASP. Should be
easy enough, I know it is in Perl and PHP. Can someone show me how
that's done or post a link to an example.

This is what I'm trying to do in perl:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

my $file = "myfile.txt";
open(FILE, $file);
my ($f1, $f2, $f3) = split(' ', $_); # or @array = split(' ', $_)
print "F1:$f1 F2:$f2 F3:$f3

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Read Tab Delimited Text File

Anyone know the best way of Read tab delimited text file, its old but I have to use it, I only know how to read csv.

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Regular Expression :: Split By Comma (CSV File)

I have a sting that have to be split by comma (cvs file)

Let me give you an example:

this is my string:

I have to split this string but the string that is in quote I dont whant to be splited

result have to be like that:


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Write Information Form A Comma Separated Text File Onto An ASP Pag

I have a text file that has two lines in it, the first line gives item
labels, my second line gives values for those labels. I would like to use
ASP to present this data on a web page. I also want the page to reload every
10 seconds so that any updates to the text file would be relfected on the web

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Select List

I have a select list which get populated from com but i option value ALL is hard coded on the pageWhen any value is selcted from the list box and form is submitted pages refreshes with the value as selected in the drop down but if All is selected the page ref but All doesnot get selected.

<LABEL for="MyList"></LABEL>

<SELECT id="MyList" name="MyList">

<%For icount=0 To intmyCount%>
<%if Trim(arrmyType(icount,0)) =strmytype Then%>
<%end if%>

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List Select Transfer

What i would like to be able to do is have two listboxes side by side, one will have all of the main categories and the second will have all of the sub categories in it.
I populate the first list by using this code:

<option value= "<% = rs("cat_id") %>"><% = rs("cat_name") %></option>

Now what i would like to do is when the user double clicks say the second item on the list, the listbox next to it will display all of the items that are under the main category they just double clicked on

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Adding From SELECT List

I have created a webpage with a form written in javascript for a user to enter information. Part of this form requires the user to type in information and then add it to a list, which is of the type <SELECT>. When the user submits the form, I want all the entries in the SELECT list to be entered into the database. If I use the command Request.Form("name"), where "name" is the name of the SELECT field, only the selected entry is retreived. I need to retreive all entries in the list. Does anyone know how I can do this?

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Select List Box From Array

I have a string that was populated from a listbox. Now I want to bring up the record again for edit and want the listbox to have those records selected ONLY. I am close I think. Currently, it selects all records.

HearingIssues = RS3(0)
HI = Split(HearingIssues, ",", -1, 1)

For i = 0 to ubound(HI,1)
sString = Instr(HearingIssues,HI(I))
if sString = 0 then
<option value="<%= HI(I)%>"><%=HI(I) %></option>
<% else %>
<option value="<%= HI(I)%>" selected><%= HI(I) %></option>
<% end if

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Select (dropdown) List

I have an old application ( pre-VB5) that I need to add a select/option list to. This is an edit program so the values for the form will be retrieved from a database. How do I set the value of the dropdown with the value from the database. The value in the database is either new, trial, maint., employee, beta, or null. I need to set the dropdrown to one of these values. An example of the select;

<select name="ordReason">
<option value="New">New</option>
<option value="Maint.">Maint.</option>
<option value="Trial">Trial</option>
<option value="Employee">Employee</option>
<option value="Beta">Beta</option>

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Select One Of The List Boxes

I have two list boxes . User can select multiple values from the lists. Is there a way I can force that the user can select from only one of the list boxes? Can I associate the radio button with the list so that as soon as user selects the radio button the other list box turns grey(not letting the user to select anything from that list).?

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Font Of A Select List

I have the following list

<OPTION VALUE="">Roloid Gear </OPTION>

However i want to change the font size and typw within the list is there a way to style the font inside such a list?

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SELECT List Re-ordered

I need a piece of ASP code which will output the values in a select box no matter what their order. This is for re-arranging items in the database.

I have a page which displays al relevant rows from the database in a select box with a javascript function to move the items up and down in the box.

However, I then need an ASP output of the order of the box. Currently, when i request.form("ord"), I get the values "1,12,36,37,[etc]" but only in the order they are in when the first page loads. It does not re-arrange the items if they have been re-arranged using the javascript function.

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Multiple Select In Dropdown List Box

How to make multiple select in dropdown list box using asp and access.

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