Populate An Access Db 'ole Object' Field Through Asp Code

Looking to populate an access db table 'ole object' field through asp code.

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Populate A Popup Window With Clickable Records From An Access DB And Upon Clicking, Populate A Selectbox On The Original Webpage With The Clicked Record

We have an ASP site that hits up an Access database of categories of
products and products. (e.g. Categories = Napkins, Tablecloths;
Products = 20x20 Napkins, 21x21 Napkins, 54x54 Tablecloths, 60x60

We currently have select boxes that when you select a category, it
populates the next select box with the proper list of products (i.e. I
select Napkins as a category, I get a listing of the Napkins)

We would like to put a clickable link before each of these select
boxes that would pull up a pop up with links from the records from the
proper table.

(e.g. I click the categories link and a popup with html
anchor tags of Napkins and Tablecloths appear) I click on the Napkins
anchor and it populates the Categories Select box with Categories and
Napkins being selected.

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Need Populate Field

I have created a form that asks the user to select an item within a drop down list, once they have selected the item i would like it to populate one of the other fields with a code depending on which item was selected within the drop down list. How would i do this?

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Can't Get Field To Populate Properly

I am using what seems to be a fairly simple calendar program that is ASP. I have been successful in adding fields to this App, but for some reason, I must be missing something because when I go into the program to edit an entry, one of the value's (Location) doesn't populate properly.

It pulls up the LAST option (Other) within that dropdown field, instead of the one that had previously been selected. I'm not sure what I've missed, but could someone help? Here is a portion of the code: (let me know if you need additional info). Code:

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How To Populate Empty Field

I have a DB with a date field that is empty

Because of this the records sometimes get included in searches because their
contents are less than a particular search.

so..I had planned to populate them with any old date.


I have tried all sorts..and nothing seems to work.. Code:

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Auto Populate A Field

I am trying to retrieve the last value in my table in the ID column and auto input it in a field in my form when I open the form page (form.asp). This is what I have but it is obviously not working. ?
dim Rs, SQL, conn, ID

Set rs=Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
Rs.Open strSQL, conn
ID = Rs.fields("ID")
end if

<input type="text" name="ID" value="<% =ID %>" size="13">

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Using Onchange To Capture Image Name And Populate Imagename Field.

I'm brand new to this forum AND learning ASP via problem-based learning (not the easiest or sound way to do so, I know).

In any case, I have a form that uploads an image to my server. It does so via a form action to a new asp page. The new page has a link back to the original page. On the original page, I want the name of the file to appear in a text field e.g. Code:

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OLE Object Field

I have an MS Access DB and wanting to display OLE Object(pictures) data type
of MS Access to the browser. Is there a way that I can call it from the

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DefinedSize Property Of Field Object

why is the DefinedSize of the Field object of type adInteger returning the
value 4 and the same property on a adVarWChar type field (Text in MS Access)
is returning the max length of the string that it may contain (for example

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Creating DB Field With Code

anyone know of a way to create a new field in an existing table with code/sql script? needs to run from an asp script.

i know how to create new tables, not sure how to create fields...

i don't have direct access to the db, due to firewall/hosting weirdness.

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ASP Code And Making Field Required

I'm trying to get the syntax for making a field required and also to validate a field
I'm using CDONTS to send my asp thru an IIS.

The from is = to stremail and stremail is = to email address field in my code I want to make the email address field an required field I also want it to validate the field for at least an @ symbol and an "." inside the email address field.

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OLE Object In Access

I have a form that fills data into a database, the last field in the form needs to be able to add a pdf into the data as a OLE Object.The pdf changes depending on the data entered. is there any way to "add an attachment" to the form and make that attachment the content for the last field in the database.

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MS-Access OLE Object

I am creating a web interface for an MS-Access database This db has 3 fields called 'picture1', 'picture2' and 'picture3' In the database these are used to contain pictures, word documents or any other kind of file.

To store the files directly into the database I use 'Insert Object', use Object Type 'Package', then I drag the desired file into this package. How can I make the content of these packages through my web interface visible? or how can I download this content to the users computer trough the web?

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Access Field

I am developing guestbook using ASP and access. problem is access fields holds max 255 characters. Is there anyway I can create 2 message fields so when first one is full it uses second field. Apart from above any other ideas will be useful. Do you think it's good idea to use notepad to store msgs.

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Access Database Field Name

I have an access database with year designations for field names, such 2005 2004 2003 ... and data corresponding thereto. I can formulate a query in MSAccess and it works just fine. However, I am trying to create a web page that will create a database
connection and use SQL to create a recordset(s) which I can then manipulate in vbScript.

The problem seems to be structuring a query that will work in
vbScript. I have tried several combinations:

rs2.Open "SELECT 2005,2004,2003 FROM Table", conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
rs2.Open "SELECT '2005','2004','2003' FROM Table", conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
rs2.Open "SELECT "2005","2004","2003" FROM Table", conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

but none of these will extract data.

I have also tried casting these numbers to strings in a string variable, but still no success.

Is there some naming convention I am violating by simply using year designations as field names or is there a problem with vbScript?

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Access Field Size

How can I figure out an database field maximum size with asp?

Currently the form I am using allows to write too long strings and it corrupts the database of mine. How can I set the limits to be calculated from the database structure?

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Uppdate A Access Field

I´m using a code reload a page. Can I use the following code Code:

strSQL = "UPDATE chattare SET dteOnLineTimer=#"& Now() &"# WHERE chattNamn='"& strUser &"';"

to update the field " dteOnlineTimer" with Now() each time the page is reloaded?

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Code Generation For ASP/Access

while i'm munching on my thai green chicken soup i wonder if anyone can suggest any good code generator out there for producing asp code from microsoft access tables?

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Code For Access Or SQL Database

Trying to find out if this code is written to query an access or sql database or does it just depend on the connection string ?

Set Recordset1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Recordset1.ActiveConnection = MM_beero_STRING
Recordset1.Source = "SELECT beer_brewery FROM dbo.BEER WHERE beer_country = '" + Replace(Recordset1__MMColParam, "'", "''") + "' GROUP BY beer_brewery ORDER BY beer_brewery ASC"
Recordset1.CursorType = 0
Recordset1.CursorLocation = 2
Recordset1.LockType = 1

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Error: Access Database Or Object Is Read Only

I have an asp app that connects to an Access database. It works properly at my work on XP with IIS5.1 running.

I zipped up the asp pages and the Access database and emailed it to my home, which is XP and runs IIS5.1. When I recreate my work environmnet at home and try to update the database I get the following error when the code hits my AddNew method.

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E09)
Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.

I've tried going into Access/Security/Tools/User and Group Permissions and setting all the tables to be able to update. I've even created new ODBC drivers, but neither has worked. The database is not set to read-only.

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Application Object :: Allow Only One User To Access Form

I'm looking for a way to allow only one user to access my web form at a time. so that if there is a user using my web page / html form.. then the next user is directed to another page. So only one user is allowed access at any given time .I was hoping there is a way to do this with Application variables.

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Can't Print An Access Memo Field

I can't print the contents of an Access memo field. Every other field type displays fine but this one.

I saw an old thread saying that you should first assign the memo field to a variable but that also doesn't seem to work (please see the attached bit of code). The memo field is "Message". Code:

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Date Field To MS Access Table

I have more than one date field on my ASP forms (and in the sister MS Access table) I can not write (created the record in Access table) to the table UNLESS there is date data in ALL the date fields on the ASP form.

I need to be able to have the user enter only one date, then do back at a later time and enter the other date.I am using the short date format in Access table (MM/DD/YYYY) When there is only one date field (on ASP form and in Access table) the date is written and the record is created.

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Display Related Access Field

I have a timesheet application I'm working on. The user fills in a form which sends data to an Access db. On the results page I need to display the values from 2 fields; i.e if the user selects "Report Writing" from a drop down list, I need the data contained in another column called 'Codes' to display as well.

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Access (DB) To Mysql Code Convert

I have ASP project uses Access DB .. I need to convert the site into Mysql. But I keep getting some Runtime Error ( Mismatch ) and I don't know what the problem .. Code:

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Formatting Date Field From Access Database

I am pulling legislation information and expiry dates from an access database and posting to the web. The expiry dates in access are formatted as Month Day, Year (EG.. January 1, 2006) But when they are pulled from the database to the web, they come out as 01/01/06. I know that the format we have in access is simply a mask, however we require that format be carried through.

This is likely a simple solution, however I am new to ASP and can't seem to locate any information on this. I have searched the forum for related info on this but can't find anything that relates to my specific situation.

Here's the code we are using so far...


Do While NOT Recordset.Eof 'i.e. carry on looping through while there are records
Response.write "<tr><td>"'open row and first cell
Response.write Recordset("Legislation")
Response.write "</td>"'close first cell
Response.write "<td>"'open second cell
Response.write Recordset("Repealed")
Response.write "&nbsp;"
Response.write Recordset("Expiry_Date")
Response.write "</td></tr>" 'close row
Recordset.MoveNext 'move on to the next record

I have also found and implemented the following code:



This lets me change the positions of the numbers, but I can't figure out how to make it display the full month name and full year.

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Display DateTime Field From Access In UK Format

I have a DateTime stamp in one of my Access database columns. Using now() as the default value, it enters records in the following format:

17/06/2005 14:28:40

This is perfect. UK format, just as I want.

However, when I pull this record into an ASP page it appears in a different format:

6/17/2005 14:28:40 AM

How can I stop it from re-writing the data into American format? I just need to display it exactly as it is in the database.

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Avoiding A Duplicate Entry To An Access DB Field

As part of a data input script, I ask for a user name to be input into an Access DB field called surprisingly, "UserName". I would like to ensure that username is not duplicated. How do I do that before inserting the data. My example show in the incomplete script below doesn't work? Code:

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Form Checkbox Access Yes/No Field Entry

i have a checkbox Code:

<input class="txtbox" type="checkbox" name="C1" value="ON">

it will correspond to a field in my ms access database that has a Yes/No data type. when the box is ticked, i would simply like the value Yes to be entered into the database..

i enter other elements of my form (a input text box for example) using Code:

rsAddComments.Fields("area") = Request.Form("area")

so what would the entry code look like similar to this.. and what would the for checkbox code look like?

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Migrating Access Program To ASP Have Problems With Yes/No Field

I am planning to migrate my exisiting MS Access program that uses yes/no
fields (checkbox). Can ASP identifies checkbox field of ms access? I am
planning to use the same database and use msacess for report generation and
web browser for encoding to the database.

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Insert MEMO Field To Access 2000

I have been doing adodb connections and using Access2000 for several lightweight websites. I have never had any problem with any of the SQL commands to insert, update, delete, etc.

I can insert a record into a memo field just fine ... up to a certain number of characters (nowhere near the 65K limit). After several hundred characters, the insert fails ... nothing happens ... the execute just idles and no insert is done. Anyone help? I have read about data types, etc., but everything I read sounds as if ASP and Access 2000 are suppose to handle the type conversions. They have been doing it up to this certain size.

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Changing Access Code Page On Web Server

When I send a database to server it changes all of my special charters to unicod charterset, I suposed that server is on american charter set, I would like it to change to central europien windows - 1250 code page, is it posible and how? it is very importand to me.

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Return 2 Access Field Values To Form REQUEST

I have a request form that is used for requesting copies og an edition of a magazine. What I need to do is get back the information, from a MS Access table, for the issuedate and deadline.

Because the deadline is not always the same number of days (ie dependant on issue it could be 14 days before, or 21 days before etc), so as well as picking the issue date from the table, I need to be able to get the deadline date back, and write to a seperate Request "field" on the Form. Code:

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