Populate Checkboxes From Edit Form

I have a form to edit my database. I coded the post form fine. But I have never had to pull from the database and populate checkboxes (The ones check on the post form). I have no idea where to start. Here is the code from the post form: Code:

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Edit A Form - Retrieve Values From Db And Set Checkboxes To Reflect Value

I have a feedback form which user completes and data is submitted to db. I then want to allow user to edit this form so I retrieve values from db and populate the textboxes. This is working fine. My question is how do I set checkboxes and radio buttons to reflect these values?

It must be something like 'if value is ?? then check the box', but what is the correct syntax and is this code placed within the actual radio box/checkbox?

ie. Radio: <input type="radio" name="Gender" <%if strGender = "1" then value="Check Checkbox" %> />Male

Checkbox Mail <input type="checkbox" name="ReceiveInfoByMail" value="<%=strReceiveInfoByMail%>" />

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Edit A Form

I have a form which I would like to allow a customer to edit/update. I need to populate the text boxes with retrieved data and then allow customer to select 'update' button. I can't figure out the syntax to place the retrieved value within an input box.
I have this so far, which obviously doesn't work - double quotes etc. Tried double and single quotes but no value appears.
Also tried placing retrieved value within variable, but didn';t work either.

<input type="text" name="FirstName" value="<%=rsdetails("FirstName")%>"

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Form Values On Asp Edit Page???

I'm trying to setup something that adds/edits records to an access db using vbscript.

I've got an html form with text, select and textarea inputs.

These values get passed to an asp page that UPDATES the record (not INSERT because it's actually appending to an existing record). Because this page is also an EDIT page, I SELECT all the values so as to:

1) display the current value for editing

2) make sure if they're not edited the value is not null when submitted

My questions:

It's no problem populating the values of form "text" inputs, but how do I do the same for

a) the "select" inputs (Make the proper value SELECTED)? and
b) the textarea input?

ie. The user goes to the page for the first time and there aren't any values yet. They use the various form inputs to add values. When they come back to edit the same record I need to display current values of all form fields properly. Code:

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Can One Form To Populate To Tables?

Can one form be set up to populate two or three tables? If so, how?

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Can One Form Populate Two Tables?

I started this db 8 months ago but left it for 5 months. Now I am back and trying to get in the swing of things again. My question? Can I design one form that will populate two tables, and if so, how? (Simple answers please. I am only partially literate in programming chit chat)

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Populate Record From Db Into Web Form Textfield

I am trying query the data from db and populate in the web form's textbox field. so far I cannot put that record into the text field box. anyone has idea on that, below is my sample code:

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Fill / Populate Form Text

in a text field e.g.

<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="Homepage Email Address" SIZE="25">

How would I pre populate that text box so that when a user opens the page there is already text in that box?

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Form To Mail Checkboxes

I'm sure questions like this irritate the hell out of experts but I'm more designer than programmer. Please could someone help me to create a form that will allow users to tick check boxes then have this info sent to an email address. I've managed to create text fields that work (which is a miracle in itself) but check boxes have me stumped.

I have an asp server script called confirmation.asp

DIM strEmail, strName, strAddress, strTel, strMobile, strTrade, strCurrent, strRenewal, mail, reply, objMail
strEmail = request.form("Email")
strName = request.form("Name")
strAddress = request.form("Address")
strTel = request.form("Tel")
strMobile = request.form("Mobile")
strTrade = request.form("Trade")
strCurrent = request.form("Current")
strRenewal = request.form("Renewal")

mail = "email@email.com"
reply = request.form("Email")
Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objMail.From = reply
objMail.Subject = "FM Green Insurance Request"
objMail.To = mail
objMail.Body = "Email: " & strEmail & vbCrLf & _
"Name: " & strName & vbCrLf & _
"Tel: " & strTel & vbCrLf & _
"Mobile: " & strMobile & vbCrLf & _
"Trade: " & strTrade & vbCrLf & _
"Current: " & strCurrent & vbCrLf & _
"Renewal: " & strRenewal & vbCrLf & _
"Address: " & vbCrLf & strAddress

Set objMail = nothing

and fields like this on my form

<td>Email: </td>
<td><input type="text" name="Email" id="Email" size="50" /></td>

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Looping Through Checkboxes On A Form

I want to loop through some checkboxes & extract their name & value. actually i want an if statement that says if they are empty write nothing & if they arent then extract name & value of checkbox.

i know how to do the if & extract the values etc but not the loop. at the moment i have really long code that looks at each checkbox tests if its empty & if it isnt then extracts the values I need. Code:

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Form Validation For Checkboxes

have 6 checkboxes on the form i want the user to select 3 of them if the user doesnt select any of them fire an alert if the user selects 3 of them then only submit the form if the user selects 5 of them fire an alert telling him he has to select only 3 same thing applies if he selects 2 checkboxes tell him to select 3

here is the code i have written and its not working ...

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Database View Form Populate (query Issue)

I have the following code that pulls a record based on a form submittal then populates a form with the fields so the record can be updated. My problem is in my query line more than likely in my keyset types and what not. Code:

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Auto Populate HTML Form Fields From Oracle Db

when the user clicks on the edit account_details link, a web-based form page opens with text fields like account_no, account_name, date, type etc.

the design i want to implement is when the user enters the account_no field on the form & goes to the next field, the remaining fields on the form should be auto populated with the respective data for that account_no from the Oracle database.

Next the user can edit any of the form fields & save it back to the db.

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Populate A Popup Window With Clickable Records From An Access DB And Upon Clicking, Populate A Selectbox On The Original Webpage With The Clicked Record

We have an ASP site that hits up an Access database of categories of
products and products. (e.g. Categories = Napkins, Tablecloths;
Products = 20x20 Napkins, 21x21 Napkins, 54x54 Tablecloths, 60x60

We currently have select boxes that when you select a category, it
populates the next select box with the proper list of products (i.e. I
select Napkins as a category, I get a listing of the Napkins)

We would like to put a clickable link before each of these select
boxes that would pull up a pop up with links from the records from the
proper table.

(e.g. I click the categories link and a popup with html
anchor tags of Napkins and Tablecloths appear) I click on the Napkins
anchor and it populates the Categories Select box with Categories and
Napkins being selected.

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I want to display a recordset in an editable form. The TblID can be a listbox and the content related to the id will be displayed where i can edit them i've tried everything and nothing is workin so if some1 can help me i will be gr8full. (w/ VBscript Only)
PS: If some has a URL or a code to share i will appriciate it . i know it's so much to ask but i really need it and i've reached a dead end .

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Edit A Drop Down Box In Asp

I need to be able to edit a drop down box is asp. On my web app I
populate a drop down box from a databse. The user can then select an
option that will then be saved to a Database for example


but if the option is not their e.g Dr, Prof etc then I want them to be
able to enter in the drop down box and then I will save this to the

I know that I will have to have a function to dynamically re-populate
the Drop down box to include this option once the new value has been
entered, so that it will be included in the POST method.

But I can't even edit the text. I have tried

<OPTION selected contenteditable=true> value="Mr">Mr</OPTION>


<SELECT contenteditable=true>
<OPTION selected> value="Mr">Mr</OPTION>

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Edit Forms

I m trying to edit forms like "Record Insertion Form" and "Master Detail Page Set",
once i click ok, i don't know how to bring up the dialogues again.
My question is how can i bring the "Record Insertion Form"/"Master Detail Page Set" dialogue up again so i can change some settings after i clicked ok.

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Asp Image Edit

I'm currently working on cms gallery. I need a component that can take images +/- 800kb and resize them into tumbnails.

I have used AspJpeg until now, but I think it's a little slow.. Do any of you have any suggestion about what's the best upload component and image component to put together in a app?

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Edit Record

I'm currently thinking of a good way to edit records from using an ASP page.

I got the page to display the table (all records) and next to each record, there's a button to "Edit" and "Delete", so basically the GUI is sort of ready to go.

But for the functionality part, I'm pretty much stuck. Please give me some ideas in how to make this work. Here's what I've got so far:

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Edit Page

I have an edit page that works successfully except for two dates at the bottom.
I'm trying to pull the dates out of the database so that they can be edited, if necessary.
At the moment when you go to the edit page the date fields are blank. This causes problems because if you update the page and leave the date fields blank then a default value of 1/1/1900 will overwrite your existing date - pain in the butt.
Therefore I need the date fields in my edit page to be filled from the existing dates in the database.

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Edit A DataSet

I have a DataGrid which has checkbox columns. The data source is a run-time created data set that I store in a session so I can rebind it during postbacks. I don't have a database or xml file, etc.if it's possible to edit a dataset directly? So when I click on a checkbox it will change the value in the dataset and store it back into session?
If this is not possible how can I use arrays or vectors to temporary store my checkbox statuses? I guess it's not possible to have one DataGrid have more than one datasource

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Edit Com Object

I have recently started a new programming job with a new company. One of the tasks they have me working on is editing and maintaining an ASP web application. Two of the problems they need me to fix with this application, involve editing a previously created com+ object.

There is no documentation on this com object, however, that is where the application bombs. I can only find very old versions of the class(.cls) file that was used to compile the com+ dll.

I don't have very much knowledge of com+ objects, is there an easy way that I can edit this com+ object that I am missing?? I have been trying to decompile and unassemble this thing, but it can't be as difficult as all that, can it??

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Edit XLS Files

I want to open an excel xls file with asp and edit some cells of it and save it back.
The excel file contains 2 worksheets.How can i do so?

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Edit Excel

users around the internet need to edit the same spreadsheet. I don't want to code a bunch of pages for each spreadsheet we create. I know that a spreadsheet will open in a browser, but is it possible to save it back to the server, without downloading and re-uploading? What is the shortest path to success on this?

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Edit And Delete

how i can edit and delete records?

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I have HTML documents. Nothing fancy. I want the ability to edit them, via a web interface, without a DB backend. I also want the ability to create HTML pages from a template. but how?

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Edit Fields

Rather than deleting I'd much prefer jsut to change a row. What is the rs.adnew as edit (as with VB6) does not seem to work. Code:

adoCon.Execute("DELETE * FROM TableNum")
With rs
rs.Fields("NextClientID") = vClientID + 1
End With

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Edit DB Records

what is the easiest way to edit records on asp.net page? I have an Access database on a remote server and I want to be able to search through, add, delete and edit the records. Is the easiest way to do this by creating a Data Access Page in Access?- if so is it possible to create ASP pages based on the forms in the database?

I've read through some material on ASP and DataControl but it seems very complicated- does anyone know if there are any good examples of ASP code that lists items in a table and allows the user to edit and delete them?

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Edit Text

I am trying to edit text entered in a textbox. I have previously used a function where you can specify certain characters to be removed from a text string but I can't remember what it is.

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Populate Tb St

I want my asp code(recordset) to populate a table structure like below...How will I do that ? I have the corresponding day(monday,tuesday,etc) stored in my db...This is a weekly schedule for all drivers..A sample db table output would be : Code:

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Program To Edit .adb File

I've taken on a website, which seems to use an '.adb' as it's database source. It connects to this using the microsoft Access driver, as it would an Access database.
I've Googled, and can't seem to find out how to open the .adb file and edit it.

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Database Edit Error

I am trying to retrieve and updata a MS Access record with the following code:

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Edit HTML From Admin

I would like to create the facility for admins on my site to be able to edit certain html pages on there site. Is this possible and if so does anyone know of any good urls discussing this matter ?

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