Prevent Counter From Incrementing When Someone Returns

I have a counter (alright one I found on that checks for a
session variable to prevent the counter from incrmenting if a user refreshes
the page or returns to the page during the same session. The problem is, it
also prevents other page counters from incrementing. Here's the code for
this part: Code:

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I have the following code that is not doing what it should be, i can't understand why. It connects but doesn't increment the value. Code:

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im trying to create an add feature in which i can add new people records to a access database. Each person belongs to a specific dept based on name. However my problem is i need to have a number increment feature- which increments each time i add a new person to a department. Each department will have its own increment of people. How could i implement this?

e.g. art dept having people starting from 0- 6, math dept having people starting from 0-4. any coding or advice.

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Is there an equivalent of the += method (C/C#) or am I basicaly stuck doing:

counter = counter + x?

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Incrementing A Value By 1

I've inherited some ASP code which I'm not entirely sure about (I'm a Cold Fusionneer for my sins), and was wondering if somebody could help me make a slight code alteration that is required?

Basically, my code is :

If Not(objRetrieve.BOF AND objRetrieve.EOF) Then
Do While Not objRetrieve.EOF
<%="&name"%><%=trim(objRetrieve("Players_ID"))%>=<%=trim(objRetrieve("Players_ Name"))%>
End If

However, where I currently have <%=trim(objRetrieve("Players_ID"))%> I'd instead like to auto-increment that number each time. So on the first loop it would be 1, then 2, then 3, etc.

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Incrementing Number

I've got a general query here about how to structure some code. I want to repeat a region (a table row) to create a numbered list of however many records are in the recordset.

I can repeat the region just fine, but how would I increment the number from 1 to x at record? And how could I reverse the list so it counted down from x to one? Does that make sense? i.e both

Sales Targets - Top 10
1. Ian
2. Jenny
3. Fred

etc and

Sales Targets - Biggest Losers
24. Susan
23. Graham
22. Andy

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ASP XML Returns

I currently am posting data to another site with ASP and in return that site returns a page that is XML. How can I grab this data programatically?

This is what the returned page looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <!-- Turnitin API Return Data
- <returndata>

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Carrige Returns

I have the following:-

<td width="20%"><b>Typical Playing Hours</b></td>
<td width="80%"><textarea rows="3" name="TIMEON" cols="40"></textarea></td>

Which users insert what time people usually play..

but if someone enters

Sat 10-11
Sun 13-15

it enters into the database as

Sat 10-11 Sun 13-15

how can i get it to carry the carrige return then it inserts it into my databaes?

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Pagenum Value Always Returns 0

i am making a recordset paging in asp. the problem is the Previous Page, Next Page, and the Last Page wont work. only the first page is working. i have found out that the "pagenum" value is always equal to zero(0). could anybody help me with this problem? Code:

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Carriage Returns

how I can keep the formatting (carriage returns) that the user enters into a memo field and then display that later. I figured I might be able to use:

'replace carriage returns with BRs
comment=Replace(comment, chr(13), "<br>")
but obviously net.!

The <pre> tag doesn't sem to help either as the embedded return is lost by the time you get past Request.Form

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I've been looking for a counting script to count the number of hits to my HTM and asp web pages on my company's internal website. So far, everything I've seen only works on asp pages. Where would I find some counter code to record hits on htm(l) as well as asp pages?

I'm using IIS 5.0.

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Hit Counter In ASP

I've got a little counter program written to log individual hits to a page
without counting the same person twice. The problem is, it's counting the
same people twice. Here's the logic:

1) Check the session to see if they've been counted.
2) If they have not been counted:
- save their referrer/IP info
- flag their session to say they're counted
- end

But it seems that some people are being counted for every page they go to
and some are not. I've included the code below just in case. Is this a
server issue, a browser issue, a cookies/no cookies issue, or something
else? Any help would be much appreciated. I want to have accurate counts and
information for where people are coming from with as little effort as

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Hit Counter For DIV

Is it possible to incorparate a Hit Counter to count the number of hits on a DIV instead of a page.
Below is the code of my DIV I would like to include the code for the counter inside this DIV. If at all possible??? Code:

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Counter In ASP

I want to put the counter in index.html only...i dont want counter to keep on increasing EVERY TIME the same person views my website on same day. But the next day the counter will increase for the same person who views website the next day.

I only want the counter to increase for those who is first timer , not the SAME viewer who keeps on going back to the website over and over again on same day..

so how to do asp to achieve above? I have developed my website and include counter but d ont know how to go about including counter.

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CGI Hit Counter

I not sure how to do a CGI hit counter where it automatically counts the times a web page is accessed?

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A Rss Counter

I want to put rss news feeds in my site, but I only want something like 5 headlines. I try Yahoo feeds, but I get something like 30 headlines, this is way too many, I want 5. Is there a way to do this, to reduce these 30 headlines to something like 5?? Like, perhaps adding a counter to the script?

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Add Hit Counter

I want to add a hitcounter to my website and use following code, but whenn I want to schow the site, which contents following codes, I will become from server the message " the page cann't be found" Code:

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Best Counter

I am designing my first pages in ASP and I am willing to design an ASP web page counter. Can you recomend one I can look at to get some ideas?

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Hit Counter

How to make a simple Hit Counter ? I am old VB Programmer, trying to learn ASP.

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Request.Form Returns Nothing

I have a long list of checkboxes and a text field is associated with
each checkbox. So I created a loop that should get the value of each
text field that has a marked checkbox next to it. Here's my code

for each g in gildi
aths = Request.Form("rok_" & g)

then I create a query with the value and send it. Anyway here's my

the aths variable gets the correct value on the first iteration but is
blank every time after that.

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Sql To Asp Formatting Carriage Returns

I am using asp to retrieve data from an SQL Server database and display it on a web page. The data in the database has been formatted using multiple carriage returns however, when the data is displayed on the page these carriage returns are lost.

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I am trying to run a command line from an ASP page. I am using windows 2003 with IIS6. I am able to get this to run on my local machine (Windows XP IIS5). Here is my code:

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Select Count(*) Always Returns Zero

using mysql - vbscript and oledb provider

I have a table with 2 records

I do this in asp "select count(*) as countervar from sqltable" ,oconn,1,1

response.write rs(0).value or response.write rs(0) gives zero and not 2 as to be expected

Also I would also like to be able to do calculations like this "select 10 * 2 as result" ,oconn,1,1

response.write rs(0) also gives zero and not 20 as expected

can't this be done?

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ADO.RecordSet.Open Returns

What does ADO.RecordSet.Open return when the SQL query is an UPDATE or INSERT query?

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The code referer = request.servervariables("HTTP_REFERER") used to return a
requesting URL. It now returns blank. Anyone any idea what is happening?

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Count = Rs.RecordCount - Returns -1?

I have this code and it keeps spitting out -1 when I know there are 9 records, please help me.


DIM cat,random_number(), counter, check,count

cat = Request("category")
Set cnn1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
openStr = "driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & _
"dbq=" & Server.MapPath("database/images.mdb")
cnn1.Open openStr,"",""

sql = "SELECT * FROM gallery WHERE category = '" & cat & "' Order by ID"
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open sql, cnn1, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText

count = rs.RecordCount

redim random_number(9)

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SQL Table Returns All Records

I have this sql query

SQL="SELECT title,body FROM cinema WHERE date_end > #" &date()& "#"

cinema is a table which contains announcements about cinema title,body (txt fields)are columns of my a table called cinema date_end(DATE/Time Field): is a date (DD/MM/YYYY, short format).This date shows when the announcements expire .But SQL returns all the announcements that the table contains even those that have already expired. Why??I cant find any mistake.

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Removing Carriage Returns For DB

I have a form with a <textarea></textarea> to receive user input. This input is then stored in a database and sent by fax... I need to be able to remove the carriage returns (enter key... vbcrlf...) from the input so that somebody doesn't do something like fill the textarea with 100s of keypresses of the enter key and end up spitting out tonnes of
blank pages on the fax machine.

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Sql To Asp Format Carriage Returns

I am using asp to retrieve data from an SQL Server database and display it on a web page. The data in the database has been formatted using multiple carriage returns however, when the data is displayed on the page these carriage returns are lost. Does anyone know a way around this problem?

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Response.Write Returns ???

I am working with NT4 and when I do a Response.write it returns the value ???????. I have been developing for many years now and this is the first time I have seen this. The IIS version is 3 (I think), and we are running the same setup on two other systems and neither of the other systems have this problem.

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Removing Carriage Returns

I have a text box that a user is allowed to enter what ever text they wish. I then take the text store it in a Database, and at a later time print it in a document. All that part I have done.
The problem I'm having is I have a client that hits return at the end of their last sentance. When this prints on the document, it sometimes causes an extra blank page to be produced to account for the last carriage return, depending on how much text they have entered.
What I'm looking to do is take out any whitespace or un-needed carriage returns at the end of the string.

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Site Counter

i have a simple asp counter in my site, the counter uses a access db & cookies (so every visitor will be counted once).

in the past days the counter has gone wild & count goes from 300 in ordinary days to 1000.
i guess this is because of robots, crawls, worms etc. is there any way i can count only real visitors?

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Counter And Databses

I have recently enetered the world of ASP. I have a counter on my site which uses a global.asa file but it doesn't seem to work. it did for a while but doesn't now. i will atttach the files tommorow when i'm on my computer at home but in the mean time, what could be wrong?

i am also datbasing a site that will, evnetually, sell computers. it will contain all the parts for the computers and i want a drop down menu to link to them and return the prices individually and add them all up. the prices need to be returned separately so thy can go in their own table row. can this be done? if so, how?

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