Prevent Header And Footer On Print

tell me the code to can prevent the header and footer being printed when i print an asp/html page.

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Header Footer

How can I change the header footer attributes of browser using javascript/vbscript.

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Add Header/Footer

I'm trying to generate an excel report from an ASP web page using

"response.ContentType = "application/"

I need to add a custom header & footer to the excel report on generation. Is there a way to do this from the web without installing Excel on the webserver?

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Asp To Put Header/footer In Excell

Does anyone know how to add a header and footer into an excell spreadsheet from an asp page?

I'm using the FileSystemObject to create the file. I need to know how to add a custom header and footer. I can't seem to find any reference to it online.

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Getting Rid Of The Header And Footer When Printing

Does anyone know how to get rid of the header and footer that internet explorer adds to the page when printing a webpage. I know how to do it manually (File - Page Set Up) but i wondering if there is a way to maybe put some sort of tags into the page or an ASP script so that when any user prints the page it just prints whats inbetween the tags ?

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Change The Header And Footer

how can we remove or change the header and footer of the web page, when we print it from the browser.By default it prints the URL, date any possiblities us to remove that things.No. I don't want to change that settings by the file menu in internet explorer.please give some ideas for to handle this bby Coding.

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Disable Header And Footer Of Browser When Printing From ASP

As my subject line says, I need to remove the header (Page 1 of x) and the footer (the url of the page) from the printed page. Can I do that through the code? I am using ASP.

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Page Header Or Footer Longer Than A Page

i am facing a problem with CrystalReports for visual basic.Net 2003. I have passed almost through all the problems but still i get a message when i view some reports "Page header or footer longer then a page".

I am using with VB and the developing muchien is running windows XP.
the program works correctly to my computer but when i transfer it to the server machine i get the error .

The server machine is running windows 2000 server. It has the service pack on it and framework 1.1 with all the updates. Does anyone have a clwe?

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Print An ASP Form By Clickng Print Button On Same Page

i make a data display page, its showing all records, now i want user just press print button, and that print all data on screen, secondly user input 2 dats From ..... To......, so data in between that day will print,

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Wscript.Shell Run PRINT And NET PRINT Returns Nothing

No error or any feedback that I can work with.

set objShell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

objShell.Run "%comspec% /c NET PRINT GarchiveISLaser[color=blue]
>c:WUTempPrinter_Status1.txt", 0, True[/color]
objShell.Run "%comspec% /c PRINT /d:GarchiveISLaser c:WUTemp est.txt",
0, True

Set objShell = nothing

I can run these commands successfully from the command-prompt on the server
but from an ASP page, I get nothing not even an error. The Text output for
NET PRINT is a blank text file.

I feel something is different on the permissions side because this
code/approach use to work fine.

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JPG Header And Flash Header

A client wants a splash page with the option of going to his website with the flash header or the one with the .JPG header.

Now it's only the header that will be different and all the content will be the same. I don't want to make two seperate websites, because I'll have to update it twice then. Is there a way to just have the header change, without using frames. Maybe SSI,

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Self.print Without Browser Print Prompt

When I use self.print the browser launches the print prompt, then I have to manually press print... DOes anyone know how to get around this.

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ASP And Page Footer

I look for a way to display a footer at the bottom of most of my ASP
pages but not at all. I think that IIS 5 can do it but for all pages. In
fact, what I look for, is a kind of non-scrooling region at the bottom
of the screen where I could display a footer. Is there any known scripts
doing that?

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Footer In Word

I need sample code in ASP which allows me to open a word file and write the record id as footer. Can this be done if so how? I know how to open files using the file system object just don't know how to create a footer automatically in ASP.

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Fail To View The Footer

I use a table to design the web page. The header, content and the footer is design inside the table.

The user will select the data from the drop down list in the center of table(content) and the list inside another drop down will be generate base on the data that user choose on the first drop down list.

The problem is why i can't view the footer before i select the data from the drop down list even i didn't write the code to hide the footer?

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Word Document With Footer

Is it possible to create a simple word document using ASP and also set its footer to the record id and save the created document on the server. We have an ASP application and we can create PDF documents using one of the components available but we want to do the same in Word Document. I wonder if someone can suggest some code or a component to allow us to do this.

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Inserting A Footer At A Regular Inteval

If I have a set of documents on a letterhead with a header and footer and I
want them in HTML look as they look on the paper - i.e. if a document is
longer then one printed page, the footer and then the header are inserted -
how do I do it in ASP?

I.e. is there a way to monitor page length depending on font, margins and
perhaps graphic used?

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Prevent Printing

Is there a way to prevent the user from printing a page? I have a form that I would like to make it impossible or very difficult to print out.

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Prevent Error

I am a webdesigner.We have recently taken over a site created in ASP. The site remains on the original server, but my company does the updates on the site.I do not touch the ASP at all, as I not familiar with it other then I know ASP automatically becomes html when you view it from the browser and u can save the file from there.Anyways, I edit the pages as required, new text, new photos, new links, and create new pages (any new pages I create in html if not tied to the database). I save the pages with a .asp extension and upload. This does not seem to mess anything up.
The person who hosts the site, is upset that someone else is editing the site, so he's really not easy to work with. Anyways, after uploading files, everything works fine, and then a day later, all of a sudden, any .ASP pgs you click on give the following error or similar pasted below. What I'd like to know is if these errors are because of me..and if so, how do I prevent it.

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Prevent Excel

I've got an intranet application that presents a list of files in sort of a 'central repository' web page. Each file is an href in the form
<a href=file://server/share/path/filename.ext>.

When the user clicks on an excel file,it is opening within the browser,which unforntuntely confuses the heck out of them because the usual Print/Print Preview menu options are not available. I would like the user to be presented with the typical Open/Save dialog when clicking on this link.

Is there any way that I can force the browser to do the same thing as 'Save Target As', without modifying the user mime configuration in IE (another common suggestion), or hosting the files on the web server?

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Prevent The Duplicate Value

i have a form by asp and database by MS i want to prevent the duplicate value in empID because when i add a new employee with the same id ASP gives me this error.

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. Change the data in the field or fields that contain duplicate data, remove the index, or redefine the index to permit duplicate entries and try again.
/employee/admin/addemp1.asp, line 48

so i want the employee to get a message like this empID already exist or somthing like this.

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Prevent Resizing Of <TD>

I need a help to prevent resizing of <TDwhen i post inside this <TDhtml text of other web page.

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Prevent Caching

If you look around on the web for advice on cache-control and using 'Option Explicit' you get a paradox. Both features are supposed to be the first piece of ASP code on the page. Well they can't BOTH be first can they?

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Prevent Flooding

What would the logic be to prevent flooding? On my forum they have a timer, so if the user has submitted a post, it starts the timer, and after 30 seconds it will allow him to post again.

When the user comments, record the date in a session (StartTime) and when the user tries again, DateDiff in seconds to see if the Now() time is more than 30 seconds after the StartTime. If it is, clear the session.

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Prevent Same Session Var

i tried to open Window B using from Main Window. And from Window B i open another new Window C which fires up session("topic")="something"

So i tried to open another window link from Main Window, and the session("topic") value is still the same. how can i overcome it? Beacuse im using same session("Topic") var for all the sql query statement. so if 1 window is opening and another different session window start, it will overwrite it each other.

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Prevent Posting

How can I prevent posting of a form from any other site but the site the form lives on?

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Prevent Any Type Of Error...

How can you prevent the database error from displaying on
screen? Can you redirect users to a more friendly error
screen that is custom created. Using ASP/SQL Server. For
instance, if the database cannot be found, instead of

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005'
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not
exist or access
/myConn.asp, line 7

Can you make it to where you could display something like

"I'm sorry, a database error has occured, please try your
request later, click hyperlink for list of possibilities."

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Prevent File Download

Currently i am doing a file management project where user are able to create folder and upload files to it. The file ownner would be able to set permission (from database linking to the file path) if a user able to download it or not.

*each file info will be stored into a table e.g. fileid, filename, path, access.

Now i am facing a problem where if a user does not have permission to click on the link to download, the user can guess the path and the file name and directly type the path on the address bar to download the file.

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Prevent Resubmitting The Same Form More Than Once

I have a form which when submitted will validate the fields and then add the record to a database. If a mandatory field is not completed, there is an instruction to return to the form and complete the mandatory fields and then submit.

The problem I have is preventing the user from resubmitting the same form once it has been added to the database. I cannot deactivate the submit button, because if they need to return to complete mandatory fields, the submit button is still required.

I have read the article "Programming Forms To Submit Only Once" from and this looks exactly what I need......

To prevent the same form from being submitted more than once we must:

Initialize the data structures.
Create a mechanism to give each form a unique identification.
Find a way to store a list of already submitted forms.
When processing a form submit, we just have to check if its ID is on the list.

I am having problems when adding the recommended code to my form and my process form pages.

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Prevent Unwanted Comma

This may not be possible on the server side, so apologies if this is the
wrong group for this post.My form consists of an unknown number of pairs of text boxes. They are named textbox_a and textbox_b. I then split the comma separated list
that gets posted:

textbox_a = split(Request.Form("textbox_a"),",")
for i = ubound(textbox_a)
...insert into db

then do the same for textbox_b

If anyone puts a comma into one of the text boxes, this will result in
unmatched pairs. How can I deal with the comma, or prevent it?

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Prevent Image Saving

Well i am developing an application in which few pages display just images ... (*.jpg)

format ...

now what happens is that i dont want to allow the user to SAVE these images onto their

disks ... when a user RIGHT CLICKS on the images menu pops us which gives option SAVE


well so is there anyway i can prevent that ... i thought of following way ...

(1) If I can override the RIGHT CLICK event handler and replace it with my own custom code

in which i may just display a Messagebox say ... "you cannot save this picture" ...but the

problem is that i dont know how to override this event ...

i am using ASP with VBSCRIPT and i dont know anyother scripting language .... so plz help

someone as soon as possible ...

any other method is WELCOME but keep it in VBSCRIPT ...

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Prevent Multiple Logins

I want to prevent multiple logins in my web application. For eg:If a user "userA" logs into the application,some other user with same userid "userA" should not be allowed to login as long as previously logged in "userA" is active.

Is there any solution? One method I thought was when user logs into application,
I set a flag in table.If user logs out of application from the logout button explicitly provided in application, I reset the flag for that userid.But if user closes the application from browser(close) , I am unable to find a way to reset a flag.

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Prevent Resubmit After Logout

How to prevent resubmit after logout?After logout, I hit back button, then the browser ask whether I want to resend the data? How to prevent this?

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