Prevent The Duplicate Value

i have a form by asp and database by MS i want to prevent the duplicate value in empID because when i add a new employee with the same id ASP gives me this error.

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. Change the data in the field or fields that contain duplicate data, remove the index, or redefine the index to permit duplicate entries and try again.
/employee/admin/addemp1.asp, line 48

so i want the employee to get a message like this empID already exist or somthing like this.

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Prevent Duplicate Submissions

I need help ASAP. I have a form where users can fill out the fields firstname, lastname, and emailaddress. When the user submits the form, I need ASP to call out to a SQL Server database to see if the firstname, lastname and emailaddress the user submitted already exists in the database.

If they all do exist, the user should not be allowed to submit the data but should be redirected to a page saying "sorry, you have already entered that information" or something to that effect.

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How To Prevent Inserting Duplicate Record?

how to prevent the application from inserting an already exisiting record. Code:

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How To Prevent Inserting Duplicate Record?

how to prevent the application from inserting an already exisiting record. Code:

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Is There An Easy Way To Prevent Duplicate Records Being Added To A Access DB

I am adding simple records to a fairly simple access database with the following code

rsEntry.Fields("Player1") = ShortName(Player1)
rsEntry.Fields("Player2") = ShortName(Player2)

'Write the updated recordset to the database
Set rsEntry = Nothing
Set adoCon = Nothing

How can I SIMPLY :-) prevent duplicate records from being added? I know I can set the index property on the fields but that mean handling the errors - not sure how to do this.
OR I could write the code to seach the DB before update - which may be the only way :-(

Is there a simple way?

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How To Prevent Duplicate Values When Using BULK INSERT To Insert CSV To SQL Server?

How to prevent duplicate values when using BULK INSERT to insert CSV to SQL Server? Code:

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Pk Duplicate

when i want to insert my data into my table but i encounter the following error

Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E2F)
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_sDetail'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'sDetail'.
/fsearch/InsertTable.asp, line 153

sql = "Insert into sDetail values('" & semyear & "','" & sem & "','" _
& modulecode & "','" & tutorial & "','" _
& semday & "','" & startTime & "','" _
& endTime & "','" & location & "','" _
& roomno & "','" & tutor & "')"

oConn.execute sql 'line 153

how to solve this error can anyone help ?

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Prevent Printing

Is there a way to prevent the user from printing a page? I have a form that I would like to make it impossible or very difficult to print out.

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Prevent Error

I am a webdesigner.We have recently taken over a site created in ASP. The site remains on the original server, but my company does the updates on the site.I do not touch the ASP at all, as I not familiar with it other then I know ASP automatically becomes html when you view it from the browser and u can save the file from there.Anyways, I edit the pages as required, new text, new photos, new links, and create new pages (any new pages I create in html if not tied to the database). I save the pages with a .asp extension and upload. This does not seem to mess anything up.
The person who hosts the site, is upset that someone else is editing the site, so he's really not easy to work with. Anyways, after uploading files, everything works fine, and then a day later, all of a sudden, any .ASP pgs you click on give the following error or similar pasted below. What I'd like to know is if these errors are because of me..and if so, how do I prevent it.

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Prevent Excel

I've got an intranet application that presents a list of files in sort of a 'central repository' web page. Each file is an href in the form
<a href=file://server/share/path/filename.ext>.

When the user clicks on an excel file,it is opening within the browser,which unforntuntely confuses the heck out of them because the usual Print/Print Preview menu options are not available. I would like the user to be presented with the typical Open/Save dialog when clicking on this link.

Is there any way that I can force the browser to do the same thing as 'Save Target As', without modifying the user mime configuration in IE (another common suggestion), or hosting the files on the web server?

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Prevent Resizing Of <TD>

I need a help to prevent resizing of <TDwhen i post inside this <TDhtml text of other web page.

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Prevent Caching

If you look around on the web for advice on cache-control and using 'Option Explicit' you get a paradox. Both features are supposed to be the first piece of ASP code on the page. Well they can't BOTH be first can they?

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Prevent Flooding

What would the logic be to prevent flooding? On my forum they have a timer, so if the user has submitted a post, it starts the timer, and after 30 seconds it will allow him to post again.

When the user comments, record the date in a session (StartTime) and when the user tries again, DateDiff in seconds to see if the Now() time is more than 30 seconds after the StartTime. If it is, clear the session.

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Prevent Same Session Var

i tried to open Window B using from Main Window. And from Window B i open another new Window C which fires up session("topic")="something"

So i tried to open another window link from Main Window, and the session("topic") value is still the same. how can i overcome it? Beacuse im using same session("Topic") var for all the sql query statement. so if 1 window is opening and another different session window start, it will overwrite it each other.

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Prevent Posting

How can I prevent posting of a form from any other site but the site the form lives on?

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Duplicate Page

For example, now my 1st page is a search page, i use it to search for all records that has the same Business_unit, so it goes to a second page where a table of the records is shown.

Now this page has a link to a 3rd page, where i wan an exact duplicate of the second page, is it feasible, is there anyway to display the exact saem table on the 3rd page?

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Check Duplicate Name

I have a signup form.

I would like to be able to check for duplicate entries during the signup.

E.g. Check for duplicate
1. Usernames
2. Phone numbers

How could this be achieved ?

My code basically is two fold.

1. A recordset that checks
if not recordset.bof and not recordset.eof then
'do something. And redirect to say the value exists
end if

2. Run a SP to do an insert and authentication

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Duplicate Records

My table in the database may contain duplicate records, which means except
the primary key (auto_increment) field is unique, all or almost of all the
fields are with the same content. How can I select them to display and
delete them?

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Duplicate Entries

I have a problem with Insert statement. Though My SQL Statement executed once only, there are 2 records entered in DB. I am using ASP and SQL Server. Does anybody know the solution?

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Duplicate Return On Rs

in my SQL select query I have a LEFT JOIN between 2 tables that returns a
value if the data from table 1 is present in table 2, below

dbo.booking_form.COLL_CONTACT_TEL = dbo.tblFlag.TelNoMo OR
dbo.booking_form.MOBILE_NO = dbo.tblFlag.TelNoMo

Problem is that if the COLL_CONTACT_TEL and MOBILE_NO are both present in
table 2 it returns the record twice in the asp page repeat region.

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Duplicate Web Site

I have a fairly complicated web site with multiple sub-folders running on W2k server (IIS5?).

I would like to duplicate this to another web site on the same server for testing. For instance, the current root web of the server is located atF:Web. The production site is F:WebMyApp.I want to create another siteat F:WebMyAppTest.

The only thing that prevents me from just copying everything from one to the other is the links and includes of the pages, such as:

<!--#include virtual="/MyApp/Shared/Server/DbLibrary.asp" -->
<link REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css"

I then need to go thru every source file, and change /MyApp to /MyAppTest.Is there a way to accomplish this via IIS, or by changing the way I reference the includes and link?

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Duplicate Variables

I have a form with home address & business address fields.When a user goes to this form, the fields pull the information that is stored in the database,then they can update their information.

What I would like to do is have a checkbox/radio button/button that allows the user to specify that the business address is the same as the home address and replace all the business addy fields to the same value as the home addy.

So when you click/select this button, the business address fills in (if empty) or changes (if it has values) to the same values as home.Then when the form is submitted, these changes are written as normal.Is this possible and if so, can someone point me to an example?

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Redirect On Duplicate Value

My database has the "email" field set to not accept duplicates. If someone tries to enter a duplicate email, I get an error message. Is there a way to just redirect them back to the registration page if their email address is duplicate?

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Prevent Any Type Of Error...

How can you prevent the database error from displaying on
screen? Can you redirect users to a more friendly error
screen that is custom created. Using ASP/SQL Server. For
instance, if the database cannot be found, instead of

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005'
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not
exist or access
/myConn.asp, line 7

Can you make it to where you could display something like

"I'm sorry, a database error has occured, please try your
request later, click hyperlink for list of possibilities."

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Prevent File Download

Currently i am doing a file management project where user are able to create folder and upload files to it. The file ownner would be able to set permission (from database linking to the file path) if a user able to download it or not.

*each file info will be stored into a table e.g. fileid, filename, path, access.

Now i am facing a problem where if a user does not have permission to click on the link to download, the user can guess the path and the file name and directly type the path on the address bar to download the file.

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Prevent Resubmitting The Same Form More Than Once

I have a form which when submitted will validate the fields and then add the record to a database. If a mandatory field is not completed, there is an instruction to return to the form and complete the mandatory fields and then submit.

The problem I have is preventing the user from resubmitting the same form once it has been added to the database. I cannot deactivate the submit button, because if they need to return to complete mandatory fields, the submit button is still required.

I have read the article "Programming Forms To Submit Only Once" from and this looks exactly what I need......

To prevent the same form from being submitted more than once we must:

Initialize the data structures.
Create a mechanism to give each form a unique identification.
Find a way to store a list of already submitted forms.
When processing a form submit, we just have to check if its ID is on the list.

I am having problems when adding the recommended code to my form and my process form pages.

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Prevent Unwanted Comma

This may not be possible on the server side, so apologies if this is the
wrong group for this post.My form consists of an unknown number of pairs of text boxes. They are named textbox_a and textbox_b. I then split the comma separated list
that gets posted:

textbox_a = split(Request.Form("textbox_a"),",")
for i = ubound(textbox_a)
...insert into db

then do the same for textbox_b

If anyone puts a comma into one of the text boxes, this will result in
unmatched pairs. How can I deal with the comma, or prevent it?

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Prevent Image Saving

Well i am developing an application in which few pages display just images ... (*.jpg)

format ...

now what happens is that i dont want to allow the user to SAVE these images onto their

disks ... when a user RIGHT CLICKS on the images menu pops us which gives option SAVE


well so is there anyway i can prevent that ... i thought of following way ...

(1) If I can override the RIGHT CLICK event handler and replace it with my own custom code

in which i may just display a Messagebox say ... "you cannot save this picture" ...but the

problem is that i dont know how to override this event ...

i am using ASP with VBSCRIPT and i dont know anyother scripting language .... so plz help

someone as soon as possible ...

any other method is WELCOME but keep it in VBSCRIPT ...

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Prevent Multiple Logins

I want to prevent multiple logins in my web application. For eg:If a user "userA" logs into the application,some other user with same userid "userA" should not be allowed to login as long as previously logged in "userA" is active.

Is there any solution? One method I thought was when user logs into application,
I set a flag in table.If user logs out of application from the logout button explicitly provided in application, I reset the flag for that userid.But if user closes the application from browser(close) , I am unable to find a way to reset a flag.

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Prevent Resubmit After Logout

How to prevent resubmit after logout?After logout, I hit back button, then the browser ask whether I want to resend the data? How to prevent this?

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Prevent Displaying Chinese

due to my 'Language for non-Unicode Setting' in Regional Settings,my ASP page keeps outputing the date format as Chinese Simplified characters when issuing say, <%=Now()%>. In addition, my client script also interpret it as Chinese characters, which I don't want it to behave this way.

However, I can't remove my 'Chinese (PRC)' settings in control panel as I need it for other Chinese version software. Does anyone knows how can I display the date in my ASP page in normal English? I did try out the META tag Content Type and put in several charset to try out, but seems like it doesn't work at all.

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Prevent The Forms From Clearing

I assume it has to do with cache control, but how do I prevent the form from clearing when a user hits the back button? The form I am referring to is my registration page. After the registration is submitted, they are taken to an error handling page. If an error comes up, they are required to hit the back button and correct the mistake.

It seems like for the most part it retains all of the information in the fields, but occasionally it clears it out. How can I prevent this?

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Prevent Unauthorized Downloads

I have a file that SHOULD only be made accessable to registered users. They must login to get to the download page. The problem I have is that once a user logs in an gets to that page they can potentially share the web link to that file with anyone and that unregistered user can bypass logging in.

I was thinking something along the lines of where when you click download, the actual files location only appears for a split second, pops up the download box, then it switches to another webaddress?

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