Problem In Equal Width Of Button

I m using front page. I have used some button and value of all
button is different so its width show different. I want to equal width
of all buttons. I dont want to use link button.

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Equal Width Of Button

I m using front page.I have used some button and value of all button is different so its width show different.I want to equal width of all buttons.I dont want to use link button.

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Equal Width Of Button In Front Page

I m using front page. I have used some button and value of all button is different so its width show different. I want to equal width of all buttons. I dont want to use link button.

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Problem In Equal Width Of Button In Front Page

I m using front page. I have used some button and value of all button is different so its width show different. I want to equal width of all buttons. I dont want to use link button.

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Does Not Equal

the operator for the following bit in the bold?

If variable1 Does Not Equal variable2 Then
'Do something
End If

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SQL: Less Than Equal To Statement

I am having trouble with this SQL statement:

SQLString = "SELECT * FROM WebVacanciesUpload WHERE (Category='"& Cat &"') AND SalaryForWeb = < 13000 ORDER BY SalaryForWeb ASC"

It produces this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '(Category='IT') AND SalaryForWeb = < 13000'.

/temp/outsearch2.asp, line 86

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Two Variables With Same Value Not Equal?

I've got two variables:
currentPage = the current page number being viewed
nPages = the total number of pages

After navigating my site to the last page, these two numbers are the same, yet when I compare them with

if currentPage=nPages then
(execute true statement) else (execute false statement)
end if

the true statement never happens. I have printed the values of each variable just prior to the conditional and verified that they are the same. The only thing I can think of is maybe they are somehow different variable types or one has a decimal value I'm not seeing. Any ideas?

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Variable To Equal Name Plus Number

im trying to set a variable to = a name plus anumber next to it for incriminents soo

name = response.write "vac" & + inc 1 or something im not sure


and so on

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Text Field Equal To Entered Value

I need to make a text field equal to the entered value. Example: First time to the page nothing will show up in the field because nothing was entered. I enter a value and submit the form. The redirect is to the same page to add new inforation but this time the value entered in that one text field will be there. I tried <%=Request.Form("box")%as the value of the text field but to
no success.

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Check Box Equal To A Variable (moved From Html)

I Have a form, and in that form I have a check box, I wish to say " If Checkbox is checked Then variable = true Else Variable = false". Here is what I have as far as code goes...

Thus far the variable is always false, leading me to believe that my syntax is wrong. All the SQL part of this is tested as working (Included to give a perspective on what I am trying to do) so you can for the most part ignore it. It is the form part that has a problem. Code:

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Setting Result Of Sql Statement Equal To A Variable For Further Use

I'm trying to calculate the total time using values from database I run a select statement to find the timein column in my database.

Now how do i assign the result to a variable so that it can be used? There is only going to be one result because i'm checking it against an autonumber field. that is used as time 1. Code:

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Submit Button Versus Regular Button

I want to understand the difference between submit button and regular button: <input type="submit"> and <input type="button">. My understanding is that submit button will send the entire HTML form to the web server, but regular button won't.

I have a problem that needs to pass HTML elements data back and forth in several ASP pages. I am using regular button to do that. But what's the approaches?

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Listbox Width

I have 6 list boxes and it may or may not have data from db to get fill in.
so what happens is whatever has data that comes to the size of the maximum length of the data in that list box and others comes as very small width as there are no data.
but what i want is all list boxes width should be of moderate size.
how can i make those empty list boxes appear as moderate size.
I dont have an option to put an default item in the db to load with that

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Table Width

please look at this image

the width of the table column is dominated by the top row contents. When the data from my Access tables exceeds the cell width, it gets knocked down to the second line, which makes it a bit hard to distinguish each row. I did not set width anywhere in the file. Is there a way to force everything appears in the same line?

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Get Image Width And Height

Does anybody know of a way to get an image width and height without using a custom dll? we have aspJPEG on the server, and there are methods to fetch image width and height with that, but it only works with JPEG and i need to get dimensions for gif and png, too.

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Image Width And Height

I want to add image width and height into database when i am upload an image, i am using ASP script upload class how can i do this.

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Urgent: Page Width

i have created asp pages and inserted the table which width is 100% percent but when and visit that page the width of page is less then 100% but if i refresh the same page then is shows 100%.i have included one file as header. it is because of that or what.

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Width And Height For An Image

I have an ASP page which displays different images according to the querystring and the images are all of different sizes. However, in some browsers the image overlaps with the text next to it occasionally.

I guess by specifying the "width" and "height" of the image in the HTML should solve the problem. However, I do not want to store the width and height of each image in the database. (There are too many of them!) Is there any function I can use in my ASP page to obtain the width and height of an image?

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Combo Box With Bigger Width

I am using a combo box to fill it with some price value which does not require much space in a table. but to select this value the user require to see the relation of this price with other fields e.g

2.00usd - orange - spain
1.50usd - orange - brazil
2.50usd - apple - italy
2.25usd - apple - france

does anyone give a hint how to show above three fields without changing the width of combo box ?

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Textarea - Setting Width

If I have a textarea inside a table - the row is set to 100% wide with only one column. How can I ensure that when the window is resized, the textarea is as wide as the olumn in which it resides ?

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Height And Width Of New Browser

how to set a specific size for a page that you are linking with a hypertext link to open in a new browser?

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Width/Height Of An Image

is there any way of determining an image's width or height through ASP code alone and without the need of a third-party object?

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Coordinat The Textbox's Width

I wrote this VBScript code:

Response.Write ""

But the width can't be coordinated.The width=1000px and width=10000px is the same.

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100% Width & 100% Height Frame

I want to make frame 100% Hight and 100% Width. (The user will not know that it's a frame) Please Tell me the Html code of this type of frame. I try to search Google about this. But I found only frame that split into 2 frames or 3 frames.

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Detecting The Width And Height Of An Image

I know there must be a JavaScript way, but is there a VBScript way? I asked here, because if there's a javascript way I need to also use VB with it...since I want to trim an image if it's over a certain size...

For example:

Picture from database: width = ? height = ?

Detect image size as width = 300 height = 250

Trim image down to 200 x 150

Example 2:

Image width = 300 but height is OK, at 150

Trim width to 200 ....

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Check Image Height And Width

I have a page where users can upload images, but sometimes the images are too small. How can get the height and width (in pixels) for an image? I've seen it done in PHP but never in ASP.

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Page Redirect For Browser Width

Does anyone know of any ASP code that would redirect a page that has a small page width....such as a mobile phone, Blackberry, Sidekick, etc to another page designed for the width.

I have one with Java script but many of these devices don't handle Java too well.

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Check Image Size (width)

How can I use ASP to check the size of the images used in my solution?

This is what I need to do:

If the width of an image is more than 256px, I want to set the image width to 256px. Images that is smaller (ex: 100px width) shall not be adjusted.

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Read The Width And Height Of An Image

Working in asp (not I need to read the width and height of an image before they are displayed on the page.

I have a folder full of images that are dynamically put on a page and I need to read if they are landscape or protrait.

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Limit Image Width Proportionally

Is there Javascript that you can run where it limits the width of an image. For example:

All images that are under 400px wide will display at their native size but if an image exceeds 400px wide it will get scaled proportionly to 400 px wide and however many pxs high (to maintain proportion).

sidenote: images will be populated on page from a database.

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How Can I Find The Height/width Of An Image?

I have a popup where I scale the image to a smaller size than original. Iused to set the img tag to width="50%". This no longer works in the current edition of IE on MS. On Mac IE it still does. Go figure.

So... I now need to set the width to a fixed value. I also need to adjust the popup to the value of the image height + some value to allow for text etc.

The quandry? How can I get the height and width of an image into a variable for use on the calling asp page.

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Column Width In An ASPX Page

i am using visual studio 03 to create a web app using 1.1
i created a table in a text box using System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table

i am adding data to it...
i want to knwo how i can set the width of colums.
i hve 2 columns and one of them is way to the left..
i hve fiddled around with the html and the tablename.blah.blah stuff
but i dont know which one to use

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Restrict Linked Image Width

I'm creating a forum based site with basic BBCode features, but am concerned that misuse of the [ img ] tag will mess up my layout. I do not want to go down to road of users uploading images, but want to allow them to embed images from flickr, photobucket etc.

So, is it possible to restrict all linked images that are say, over 400 pixels wide? I've been racking my brains and have had trouble coming up with any solutions. Is it possible?

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