Proper Usage

What is the proper way of using html in asp

Response .write "<td>"& variable & "</td>"


<td><% Response.write (variable)%></td>

What difference does it make?I am building a table whose number of rows keep changing
When i use the second method the space above my table keeps increasing.I just want to know which method is better..I had posted a similiar question....I'm still trying to figure out.

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Proper Syntax

is this the proper syntax for an update statement in Access 2000:

Update [table] set table.column1=1, table.column2=2
where ((ID)=1)

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Proper Way To Logout?

I am currently using a script to logout which contains this code only...

Session.Abandon ()
Response.Redirect ("main.asp")

Please could you tell me if there is a way to actually delete the session from the users browser history? The above code works ok, as long as the browser is closed first, deleting the cookie info.

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Proper FTP Manager Required

I've created a web site system that a number of users use on their sites,
but I manage each individual site/system on my ISP's server.

Creating updates to this system was fine when I only had a few users, but
now its starting to become hard work uploading the required files to each
site (I use CuteFTP) so I wondered if you knew of an FTP app that would
allow me to automate the process.

I basically want to put a file or files in a local folder and then instruct
the app to auto-upload these files to the same places, but on each site. If
required, I can create the folder structure locally so that the app goes
through a set of folders locally and uploads them to the same places on the

Do you know of an app that can automate the process of uploading the same
files to certain directories across multiple FTP sites?

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Proper Case Function

I saw the Proper Case function a long time ago and I can't seem to find it by search. Does anyone have the code?

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How To Convert Days To Proper Format

i use to get the difference between two dates i.e user's signup date and todays date in order to check that user has atleast logged into his/her account within 45 days otherwise i ll delete the account.

i calculate the difference by using datediff function for days upon current date and account created date. it displays the results in no of days say 32 days or 134 days

but i want to have it properly formatted in format like:

in case of 32 days
1 month and 2 days
that i can do by myself

but how to handle following situations:

if there are 30 days in month
if there are 31 days in month
if there are 28 days in month
if there are 29 days in month

how to handle these situations.

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Formatting Data Results...proper Case

I have a asp page pulling results from an Access DB. I have no control of
the data input to the db. All the information is entered in Upper case. It
contains fields like address, city, etc..

DB data:
AddressColumn: 123 BILL AVENUE format to 123 Bill Avenue

Is there a way to format the data on the webpage in proper case with a
fucntion or routine? I am not a programmer by trade but can follow logic.

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Need Info On Using Proper Data Type For Words With Apostrophe

What is the correct data type to use if the phrase I'm saving to my table contains an apostrophe such as in the phrase "yesterda's news". I've tried "text" data type, I've tried "varchar" and "char". They all give me bugs when I save to the database and if I remove the apostrophe from the phrase, then it saves correctly with any data type.

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ASP And SSL Usage

I have a client that wants a web form to send credit card information and other personal information to an email address. (such as Now I am uncertain on how to do this. I know SSL must be involve, but what is the process with this and how to use it with ASP ? How do you use SSL with ASP .

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I am building a small Web app that will allow end users to visit a Web page, click a button which will in turn execute a batch file on the Web server which will migrate code from the development environment to QA. The Web app will also capture logins and execution requests, and the batch file currently emails the robocopy log to me.
In researching ways to get the ASP page to execute the batch file, I came across ASPExec from Server Objects - It seemed straightforward enough, however I have not been able to get the permissions in sync for it to work.

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Monitoring Usage

I have just figured out how to use the global.asa file to track sessions on my site. However it relies on users logging off correctly. Is there no way that I can know that the user has closed the browser WITHOUT logging off my site? I am finding users registered as being logged in when they may not be
Could anyone show me some code that I could put in Session_OnEnd that would clean up my database table of active users? Say if a user has been in-active for 60 minutes, clean him out. I have tried to do this but it hasn't worked. I cannot seem to connect to my access db from the global.asa file!

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Database Usage

i have an access database which iv'e designed for my 'client' (ok, he's my friend) and now i'm also in the process of designing a website for his company - so his customers can log on and see their order status.

what's the best (and most secure) way to update the site - we don't host the site - it's hosted by someone else.

i'm totally at loss with this - since iv'e never worked with networks or servers and i just want someone to point me in the right direction. i don't want to get lock errors and the like.

iv'e heard a bit about ADO and i know some of the syntax although i'm not really sure how it applies to me here (i'm not exactly exposed to ADO since iv'e been learning 2.0 from which i understand, has totally eliminated ADO)

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ASP Session Usage

I'm currently working on a survey system that allowes users take the survey and then review/change their answeres in any order. The system uses 3 frame (Header,Body,Footer).

As it stands the system uses 3 sessions to get this done. One for the project they are in, one for the step they are in and one for their answers.

My question is at what point do I end up over whealming the system with sessions? I truly do not want to slow the system down that much. how I could optimize the usage of this?

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Session Variable Usage

Is there a way to use a Session Variable to prevent the successful resubmission of a form if the user uses the Back button and tries to submit it again?

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Display The Current CPU Usage

Does anyone have working ASP code that shows CPU usage on the server where it's running from?

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Response.write Usage

Hi's there any concerns or disadvantages of using alot of respose write's (50) in a ASP page for calculations and is it better than using the recordsets to do the calculations?

Also, we are looking at moving to a secure server, will this cause any problems apart from changing all references to https?

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Dynamic Input Box Creation And Usage

Can anyone point me in the right direction for dealing with a dynamically created table of shopping cart items? Each row (or Item) has a column where the user can change the quantity. Is there an easy way to grab and use these changed values when they hit the form submit button?

Or, do I need to bite the bullet and write code that filters through the form fields named "quantity1," "quantity2," "quantity3," etc... And then determine which one goes with which cart item?

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IIS6 W3wc.exe Memory Usage.

I have a problem with our web servers and memory etc.

We have one application pool with a few websites in it and the w3wp.exe is
consuming about 800 mb memory now.
First we had a rule for recycling the application every x minutes or when
it's using more than 600 mb memory but when the recycle is activated the
w3wc.exe process hangs and the cpu usage goes to 100% until we execute an

That's the reason why we disabled all the recycling options and configured
only one worker process for that application.
All the websites in the application pool use the same code, only they have a
different skin.
The website also uses xml/xsl transformations.

Is it normal for an application to push the w3wc.exe process to about 1GB???
If this is the case i really want to know how much memory dedicated hosting
companies need in their webservers :-)

We are storing some information in the application cache, but this is only
for the entire website and not per user... in plain text so the amount of
data would be no greater than 100KB at most.

The application is in classic ASP.
We walked thru the entire code and checked for correctly closing all sql
recordsets, email components etc etc etc...

What is the best approach to find out what is using so much memory and why
the recycle does not work correctly?

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Avoiding Concurrent Usage Of An ASP Page

I have 4 ASP pages where an user can update some fields and submit the page, so that the fields are updated in the Database(Sqlserver), I need to handle one situation.

1) At a time I need to allow only one user to update the details in a page.

2) I need to stop other users who are trying to access the same page concurrently(probably with a message or Redirecting to other page where he can see the details in a report format).

3) Session timeout in my application is 60, So if the first user leaves the page open for a long time , I think it would be a problem....the other session has to wait for a long time.
I have no choice in decreasing the session timeout interval.

Please suggest , How can I handle this in ASP.

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Memory Usage Of Managed Objects

I am in the process of writing a simple web server monitor (ASP.Net with
VB.Net). One piece of useful information for me to gather would be the
amount of memory used by objects stored in the cache, since objects are
thrown in there left and right.

Items in the cache are either custom objects or are Hashtables. How can I
get the memory size of these objects.

Marshal.SizeOf(object) does not work in this case because .Net cannot
Marshal Managed objects. I thought that I might be able to pull out the
component items in each object and build the total size from their aggregate
sizes, however that would require me to determine each objects type so that I
can correctly gather size info from the internal attributes, something that I
do not want to do.

Is there a generic way to either:

1) get the size of Managed Objects

2) convert Managed Objects into Unmanaged Objects that can be marshaled?


3) some other way to get memory sizes of cached objects

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Request.form Usage Not Clear

I am trying to get a thorough understanding of a code where a addition or
deletion of records can be done from a list of records. For addition part of
the form, data is being obtained from set of input boxes. Code:

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Best Practices For Cookies In Classic ASP - Memory Usage

When using cookies in classic asp, is it safe to assume that using a comma delimited list of values in one cookie is much more efficient than using multiple cookies? (example below)

Response.Cookies("someCookie") = "101,102,103,104,105,106"
If InStr(Request.Cookies("someCookie"),"103") 0 Then.......


Response.Cookies("101") = "True"
Response.Cookies("102") = "True"
Response.Cookies("103") = "True"
Response.Cookies("104") = "True"
Response.Cookies("105") = "True"
Response.Cookies("106") = "True"
If Request.Cookies("103") = "True"


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How Can A Measure Server Session Memory Usage?

How can a measure server session memory usage?

I have a 20-30 session variables and I would like to know how much they memory they consume then multplied with my projected user load.

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