Protect Documents And Images On Webserver

Is it a way I can protect my documents and images on a webserver without having direct access to administrate the webserver.

When I make an asp page I protect the information pulised on this page easy. But if I link to some images and pdf files on my site, these are not protected. If a person get the url to this image or file thei can easy download it.

One way to protect these files is to store them in a database, but is there another way to protect them.

Can I for example password protect a folder where I can put all my files and images? Here I mean password protect a folder without having direct access to the webserver.

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Password Protect Folder With Documents On Website

One of my clients asked me to do a login script for their users that would direct them to a secure page which is protected by checking if the user has logged in (session variable).

The secure page has a number of links to some PDF documents but she is concerned that anyone with the absolute link to the PDF would be able to access the documents.

How can we secure the documents from anyone using the absolute url?

The site is on a Windows 2003 server.

I was thinking something along the lines of how music downloads work where you dont actually get the link to the file and instead are directed to it.

Any other ideas??

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Adding Images To RTF Documents

I have been struggling with this for a couple days now and wanted to see if anyone can point me in the right direction... I am generating an RTF document using ASP and the FileSystemObject from values selected in a form and database values. I have had no problem creating the document and even using some pretty advanced RTF formatting but I cannot figure out how to add an image to the document.

I have read in many places that it is possible and I know there are third-party components that claim to do it but I wanted to see if anyone had any sample code to do this using ASP and the FileSystemObject. I have an image stored on the server and I want to include it within the RTF document.

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Rendering HTML Documents As Images

I'd like to take a HTML document as input (preferably a HTTP URL to a HTML / PHP document), render the page as a web browser would, and display the output as a graphic - kinda similar to what the <object> tag can do in HTML (i.e. within the Windows Explorer Web View, you could "Preview" HTML documents like a graphic etc.)

It doesnt matter too much whether the rendering needs to be done in or - although I'd prefer!! To be honest, the only method I can think of for doing this is to open the page in an IE window using, take a sceenshot and resize! But as the request could be run as and when,

I think that it'd add a large workload to the server if it has to launch a (reasonably large) .exe every time!! Plus that method would also rely on no other windows appearing on top of the preview window before the screenshot is taken!!

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My Own Webserver

i already setup my own webserver running under win xp prof.. i know that it can only accomodate 10 people at a time.. my questions are the following
1. what OS should i use to accomodate 200 to 500 people at the same time?
2. what should i use MsSql or MYSql?
3. What firewall, virus protection softwares should i use?

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New Webserver

Just moved my old webpages to another webserver and now I get this error.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Driverserror '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Unknown /skema/skemaunderviser.asp, line 79

Code around line 79
set rsSidstOpdateret = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
set rsWeek = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
SQLSidstOpdateret = "SELECT * FROM TblDagsDato" SQLSidstOpdateret, conn, 1,1
SQLGetWeek = "SELECT * FROM TblUger ORDER BY STARTDATO" SQLGetWeek, conn, 3,3 (LINE 79)

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Protect Mdb

how can you protect the .mdb that an asp page modifies? This must be open to all for modifications right? But how can it be hidden so people can't just download it if they guess the path?

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Finding The Webserver Name

I need to create a new application in our test server. I am using VID for
that purpose. In order to set up the project in VID, it asks me 'which server
you want to use'. However, I do not have the name of the test server. Is
there any way to configure the name of the server here? I have full rights to
the server directory and is mapped on my machine as G drive.

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Secondary Webserver

Is it possible to create a script that can check the availability of an ip address of the primary site and then redirect it according to its conditions?

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Could Not Run Asp File On My Webserver

I am using windows 2000 server with IIS already install. I have copied test.asp file to wwwroot directory and tried to run it but it did not work ..and i gave me this error msg.


The page cannot be displayed There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed. HTTP 500 - Internal server error Internet Explorer

I have even tried to run the iisstart.asp and localstart.asp which already
exist at wwroot directory when IIS is installed.However, it still could not work.

Does anyone know why ? I how do i know that the webserver and ASP engine is working properly.

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Setting My Webserver

I've just developed an website with SQL Server 2000 database. I wish to host it on my own pc. My computer specs are:

AMD 64 3500+
250G HDD 18MB Buffer
Windows 2003

I was going to install IIS as webserver.what other software do i need and what else i have to set? for sure i have to buy a domain name and redirect it to my ip address.

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Webserver Services

I know I have seen a script on here before that would tell what services are installed on a webserver. We have a an old form that sends via CDONTS and the new webserver is running 2003.

I know they could install the CDONTS but it takes them too long to get back to us and I'm sure they wouldn't want to install it. Could some one possibly point me out to the script so I can find out what to use to send the form?

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Webserver Is Locking Up

i am having this problem with my webserver. everytime i run an asp application that will display pictures, my server will lock up. i used to this it was due to the asp itself, but whenever i run asp apps that display pics, it works fine.

this only happens when i access my websites from my personal computer within my network. whenever i access the sites from outsite my network, it runs fine. is this a problem due to my server or is it because of the data that flows through my network?? any thoughts?

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Protect Directory

I'm trying to protect a directory from users not logged in.
Let say i'm trying to protect a direcory called files.

I only want the user to acces the files when they've logged in.

Even though they know the name and path i want to prevent people from downloading the files.

I don't want the user to be able to send out the link to another friend without logging in.

Is this possible i'm using a wiindows server.

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Protect Files

how to protect any files inside a directory from unauthorized download?

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Protect PDF Files Via ASP?

I have several PDF and MPG files I would like to provide to users to
download via HTTP. I also have a database of user accounts. I would like to
protect the PDF and MPG files so that users cannot "save target as" or "view
source" to directly link to the files.

My first thought is that I would have to remove anonymous access to these
files and/or their parent folder within IIS. I was thinking that I could
then create a Windows account called something like WebUsers and give it
access to that folder. I'm hoping to write some ASP code that authenticates
my users against my own database and, if successful, logs them into IIS via
the WebUsers account (so that all my users share the same account).

My problem is I cannot find an code or method or object to do this. Is there
some simple function that I can use to pass a username, pw, and domain to
IIS to authenticate the user that would then carry through for them to be
able to download non-ASP (PDF, etc.) content?

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Password Protect PDF

Ok, this is the setup:

I have archived PDFs, but I want to restrict access to them to members only. Right now, my members only site uses a session variable to log in users.

Is there anyway to set it up so that users cannot open the PDFs unless they're logged in???

The problem is the members only site is seperate from the site where the PDFs reside. That is, a user goes to and searches for sometext, and a list of links pops up with all the relevant matches, mostly PDFs. This entire process, is free for all to use.

But when they actually click on the link to the PDF, I want them to log in to the members only site. Is there any way to do this?

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Protect Files

I have a protected area for a personal portfolio, whereby a client will have login details, and have access this way. Because the work has been done within companies I have to hide this from the general public, due to stupid legal issues.

I have a download directory whereby files are linked. People cannot access the portfolio, however people can type a full path to say the downloads directory and grab a file this way.

Because this is not a managed area as such I am unsure how to disallow such a download or viewing of pdf files without a successful login. Perhaps this is something to do with the host.

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Protect My Web Application

let say a customer buy the pay version. there is a chances for him to give other people to install it n there any way i can block it. 1 application only for 1 person / domain name. any suggestions on the coding part.

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Protect Source

i've developed an appliaction that i want to sell it to my client, but dont want him to reseller it, so is there any solfware or techniques that i can used to protect my asp source ?

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Protect Software

I'm selling asp softwares on the net and I would like to find a way of protecting these softwares with a key or something. Would you know any solution for that?

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Password Protect

I'm after a script that will allow me to password protect a page, but allow multiple users. IN that I mean I can have 5 people with different usernames/passwords who can all access the same page.

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How Do I Use Asp To Protect Framesets

I have a simple 2 page frameset that I am trying to protect using asp. I've
included the following code listed below at the top of each page including
the frameset page in an attempt to protect each page from unauthorized

When I open any of the pages in the frameset individually, I am
presented with the proper login page as expected, however if I open them
thru the frameset page, redirection to my login page does not occur. Code:

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Protect Pages

I am working on a web site that uses ASP 3.0 with Microsoft SQL Server at the backend. ASP is used to query the database and fetch data and display it on the web page. I am seeking a technique that can protect my ASP pages from being downloaded.

What I mean by this is that when a visitor runs a search query on my site and the results are displayed on the web page with .asp extension I want to restrict the visitors from saving those pages on their hard drvies. Is there a technique to restrict visitors from saving .asp pages, or may be a 3rd party component that does this.

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Unable To Contact Webserver

I have IIS. I have interdev. whenever I am trying to contact the shows what I have written in the title.

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Excel Have To Be Installed On Webserver To Run With ASP

If i am using ASP to extract data from an excel file, does excel definitely have to be installed on the web server? The file will be located on a separate folder away from the web server.

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Updating Access MDB On Webserver

how/if I can update records within a Windows hosted Access MDB file directly as I can on Unix based webhosting systems with phpMyAdmin on MySQL databases.

I have an app written in ASP that uses an MDB, that I am currently testing out and each time I want to update the MDB I need to amend my local copy then re-upload it. how?

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Asp And Word Documents

I have created a word template containing logos. I want to be able to open the document and dynamically add data to it and save the file as something else. the problem is when I use the streamobject method it does not work! I can only add data if the file is a notepad (unicode file). Is there any way to do this? I can't find any ttutorials on the web.

Also I know how to write word documents using html and I cant use this method because when I open the document the image will not display. Is there a way to keep the image contained within the document?

If I can get either of the methods above to work that it would have solved my problem!

Or if anyone knows of other ways to creating a word document using logo's and dyanmic data then please let us know.

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Word Documents

I have a HTML page with field data on, I would like to know if in ASP i am to pick up that field data and send it to a Word document, the application this data comes from is hosted in an IIS box and uses an ISAPI filter to parse the data from SQL tables to that GUI for the user. This function is need for an individual page at a time, & unfortunately I'm still quite new to ASP so I'm not sure if this is possible.

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Upload Documents

I have a documentation management system written with ASP.This is a simple system.I want to upload necessary documents and create folders when necessary delete folders etc.When uploading documents I should select both the uploaded file & also the target location.Because I have many many folders and subfolders.

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Delete Documents

If there a way using ASP to delete files from a folder on the server if the file doesnt exist in the database.

I have heard of something called FSO (File System Object) but not sure how to use it - does anyone know of an ASP method or how to mate ASP and FSO?

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Secure Documents

I have a client who needs to be able to upload confidential documents (.doc and PDF) to a "hidden" area within their website so other members of their organization can later view them at their convenience. This area would be restricted by logins and passwords, but it also needs to be secure enough that no outsiders could gain access to these documents if they tried.

I've read on here about placing files in a directory outside of the root directory and then reading them back with a script but I'm wondering if there are other options that would be even more secure than this. Maybe with using some sort of file encryption or something else used in conjunction with files outside the root. I would be open to any 3rd party commercial software if someone has had good experience with it. Does anyone have suggestions to offer?

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Compile Or Protect ASP Code?

is it possible to protect ASP code in some way? Can it be compiled, or
otherwise protect the source somehow?

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