Protecting Images

I am after a solution to people both linking to my images and putting the paths into their browsers manually (when they know the format, after viewing the site normally). The reason is that the site has banners, and the only way I can keep it up (afford the hosting) is by successfully serving a banner along with the image requested.

I know xoom and those sort of hosting places have this technology. so it exists, and I'm sure many of you know what I'm talking about. My site will be wholly written in ASP, so hopefully there is an ASP solution. It will also use a mysql db (if that info is of any use).

This is extremely important. If I can't find a workable solution, the new site will never be launched.

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Protecting Images

I am building a site that will have a number of images on it, at the moment I have the images in a Dir on the site and the paths stored in database.I want the make it as hard as I can for people to download the Images that are stored on the as some will probably be copyrighted, etc. I know watermarking the images is probably the only real way of protecting them, but I was hoping not to have to do this.

I plan to put a transparent gif in front of the images so right clicking don't work, is there anything I can do to protect the paths that will appear in the source downloaded to the browser?

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Protecting Non-asp Files

how to protect pdf files from being accessed after the session has ended.(by typing the url).

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Protecting ASP Code

I did write some asp code, that I sell to companies, to control several
dbases. Because I sell the code, it's not that they own the code and can
sell it further or change the code, or add some extra code to it. It's like
I'm selling a program like Excel and that they can use the program, not
change it. I'm still the rightful and intellectual owner.

Also, if you give the raw asp-code, then there is a possibility that they
change to code a bit for there internal usage only. But if I sell an update,
then they have to search and copy/past there old code in the new page, not
knowing, that everything will work eventually.

It would be a lot nicer and easer if I can deliver some protected code that
they can't change! This will make my live a lot easer regarding updates. And
I will sleep better because they can't see the raw asp code,
copy/past/change and sell it or worse, going to competitors. Code:

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Protecting ASP Code ?

Is their anyway I can protect my asp code from being copied. I have created a number of include files that are quite useful and save a lot of time.

I am hoping that if another developer is enlisted to work on a project i have worked on previously, I can protect all my hard work from being plagerised.

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Protecting Your Code

is there anyway of protecting your ASP code?

I have writen a few scripts that I'm allowing some poeple I know to use but I don't what them to be able to view the code, is there anyway of stoping them like compiling the code into a DLL or something?

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Protecting Files

I've built an upload system but i now need to protect the files from being downloaded
without being logged into the site.What's the best scenario to implement.I'm using an access database for the site.

Here's what i have done so far.Once a file link (just the id not the file name) is clicked it will check that there's a session variable present then it will present the user with the actual file but i'm now guessing is this the best way to go.

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Protecting Contents

what is the best way to protect a folder of files on an asp site so that only people who have logged into the site are allowed to view the files?

would it be best to put them inside a cgi-bin and then have a page with links to the files, or is there a better option?

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Protecting Password

I am using ms access database and asp 3.0 as my front end. In my database there is a table called account and a field called password. How do I protect the password stored in the database.

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Password Protecting

I've created a database for a group of about 5 people that I password protected. They all use the same user name and pass to access the website. I've used a session variable that is set to "valid" if the user and pass are correct. When the click the sign out link on any page, I use the Code:

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Protecting Code

Imagine you could encrypt your asp pages and then using a dll run the pages as normal do you think there would be a market for it. Obviously the dll would need to be registered on the server, but once registered you never need to register it again, if the asp page changes then just re-encrypt it.

One advantage I could see for it is db connections or when writing scripts for other companies but want to protect some of the routines you might have written. But what do you think.

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Protecting Applications

I've finally written an asp app that is worthy of resale and would like to hear from you who have done the same. What is the best way to protect my application? I would like to stay away from anything that has to be registered on the server as most of my target audience will not have physical access to their web servers. They will just upload the code to their server and set directory permissions for the database.

I 've purchased asp scripts myself in the past and had to provide a domain name where it would be running. It would not run on any other domain but the one I provided. Is this a practical approach or is there a better way? How is it done? I've also seen posts about putting some of the vb code into an activeX dll. Is this a solid solution? Again, How is this done?

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Protecting A Folder

I have a site with restrict access where people can download documents in pdf format. All documents reside in a folder. My problem is that if the person puts the full path to the document in the browser (ex., he can download the document even not being logged in. What is the best way to create a protected folder that I can access via ASP (with a password) to get the document to the user ?

Is there any way to do it without saving files to a database or having to use windows basic authentication ?

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Password Protecting Folders

I am developing a small e-commerce site that allows users to create an account, pay, and then download audio files.I have only been doing ASP for about 6 months and this is a new problem for me: I need to not only password protect the pages (using Sessions and checking usernames and passwords against an Access database), but I also need to password protect the audio files themselves, so that users can't just type in the absolute URL to the audio files and get them for free.

I'm guessing password protecting the entire folder that contains the pages and audio files would be the best way to go, but I have no idea how to do this, and haven't been able to find any info on it.the site is part of a larger already existing site which is on a Shared Windows hosting account, so I have no root-level access to install any new software or technologies.

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Password Protecting Files

How can I password protect files so that no one can anonymously download it? I have windows 2003 server with IIS 6.0. Please explain the steps in detail.

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Protecting Directory Contents

Lets say I have a folder 'members/3/'. in this folder are images. I have a login page that connects to a database to retrieve user info. After login the user is directed to a page that lists the files in the above directory.

Now lets say some other user goes to the directory and types in members/3/image1.jpg he/she will now see the image. How can I stop this without using ntfs permissions.

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Password Protecting Folders

how do i password protect folders in my site. using asp. i run win2000 server.

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Password Protecting A Website

I need to password protect all the pages of my website using ASP. Microsoft KB 301464;EN-US;q301464&ID=KB;EN-US;q301464&SD=MSDN

provides a simple way of implementing it. But I am getting the following error in the Logon.asp script and dont know how to get past it. The Script block lacks the close of script tag (%>). /PDACPO1/Logon.asp, line 45.

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Protecting Directories And Redirecting

Is there any way to setup a multiple password page where if user1 logs in it will take him to dir1 and if user2 logs in it will take him to dir2 and so on. Basically, we need a page that checks to see if the user name and password exists and then redirects accordingly.

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Protecting Page View

I've got a site going that has pages protected by a login script. I have a logout button that simply redirects to a session.abandon page. Obviously people can still access the protected pages by hitting the back button on the browser (although they cannot go to any of the other pages by using the buttons on those pages).

Is there a way to protect the pages so that the user can't return to a page by using the back button? Or somehow force one of those "page expired" conditions so that a passerby couldn't snoop confidential information?

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Secure Way Of Password Protecting

Ive seen a few examples of how to password protect my pages by either textfiles / access. But how can I make the pages so that no one can just enter the url and bypass the login page.

Im trying to create a shop site and im trying to create a maintenance page that only I have access to so that I can look at my database status without having to open the database directly. I need these pages to be completley locked from anyone but me.

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Protecting Asp Pages From Working On A Different Server

I want to install asp and access on a server, is there way to password protect asp pages from being accessed directly?. I don't mean via web.But being accessed from the server directly?

Is there way to ensure that the asp pages works on the computer/server it has been installed on and not for any other comp?

So if some new admin tried to copy those asp pages to another computer,they would not work.

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Password Protecting Single Pages In Access Database Cms System

I am working on a CMS website which uses a access database.

When a user adds a page a record is added to a table in the database. The user choses the page style from a selection of 7 or 8 layouts.

I have been asked to find out if I can password protect one of those pages??

I have tried a few sites but not found much. The it has been done before is to add a password protected layout and build a login area into the site.

The effect i want is for the user to click the page and a username and password box will apear?

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How To Resize All Images Sizes And Coordinates Of The Images On Resize Browser

My page have background image,on that image have more images and text. My problem is whenever resize browser that images are not resized and also not moved correct place .(i.e look not like before alignment).I want to do everything in dyanamic....

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Images And Asp

I have an asp page that displays thumbnails from my database. I want the user to click on the thumnbnails to open up the larger image which is also stored in a DB.

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3 Images

i am uploading 3 images(jpg) to sql server 2000 using asp 3.0.i was using this code

which was working fine when i uploaded 2 images when i tried to upload 3 images its not working.i had posted in the forum earlier about this issue
since i work for a non profit organization who cant spend money on buying some component for uploading images is there any other way or any other code or a free component thats not going to expire

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I have an image page in which has a line of small images in a row. click on it it makes it larger below. The images aren't binary form, just the lnik to the image it self. I add the images in a form, so i type in 'image1.jpg' and then it adds it to the database, and then it routs to it and shows it in the database. Now on the image page which shows the image i want a little bit of writing below the image saying its properties. So when i add the image to the database i have to write about the image for example 'A picture of Joe Bloggs' and then when it veiws the image it will say that writing underneith

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.net Images.

ive been looking for a .net script that will upload an image to the server, but saved an optimised thumbnail into a different directory (or under a different name) with the main image being saved as usual.

can you run regular asp within a .net page? anyone got those .net friendly url/querystring scripts again, my NG browser doesnt go that far back.

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ASP Images

I am designing a website that is based from an Access database; in the database I have a table called "Categories" with fields called "Category" and "CategoryPic". On my index page I have coding to get the list of Categories, called rsCategories.

What I am attempting to do is create ASP code that would retrieve an associated GIF file from my images folder when a particular "Category" is chosen (ie. if you choose CategoryA from the recordset, then CategoryA.gif would appear on the page, CategoryB would retrieve CategoryB.gif, etc.). Can anyone kindly assist me in completing this one piece of code.

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Read Images

anyone here got an idea on what codes am i going to use? I got a folder full of images (jpg) and I want my asp page to display those images.

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Resizing GIF Images

I currently use ASPImage and resize JPG files with no problem. How, though, do I resize GIF images? Is there a different component?

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Generating Images On-the-fly

I wanted to know that is there someway in ASP that I can generate images on-the-fly without using ne 3rd party component?? Like its possible in CGI-Perl to generate ne type of image on-the-fly, is there a way 2 that in ASP? OK, if the 3rd party components r the only way, then r there ne free ones available?

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Printing Images

Does anyone knows how to print images to a pringter connected on the Web Server (IIS) Machine using ASP?

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