Putting Asp And Javascript Together

I have a database table where I managed to add with ASP an extra column which breaks down the previous column "text_data" and counts the number of words: Code:

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Putting '/'

I have a form with '/' in some of the field names, when I pass through to
the next page the field name comes back as though it's been htmlencoded, so
getting the value out of the field I need to convert this back to '/' with
the replace (same problem if I have a ',' in the name)
Is there an easy way to htmldecode or something what it converted to the
encoded versions? (I have written a short function to basically do all my
replaces for me, but I am guessing this isn't the ideal solution)

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Putting A Pause Into ASP?

I have an app that I want to send out an email to each user in our member
list giving them their username & pw, but I don't want to overwhelm my mail
server since there are over 1000 users in my database.

I don't want to overwhelm my web server, either, having this app hog all

Luckily, I do have two processors running in this web server.
Note: web server and mail server are different boxes.

So... what kind of pause routine would you all put into my VBscript ASP
within the loop that sends out emails to all users?

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Putting A # In A Href With The ?

If you have a href such as this,

href="somepage.asp?home=alpha&street=beta, how would you include a reference to a bookmark on that page, such as <li id="bookmark">Some List Item</li>

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Putting Button

Is it possible to put the logoff/shutdown/restart buttons on an ASP page or something similar? If so can anyone point me in the direction of some code or where I can read how to do it?

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Putting A Delay Into A Loop ?

I have an application which loops through several thousand subscriber
records, compares each subscriber's requirements to a database of
businesses for sale, and then prepares and mails off an email
containing info from the database that the client is interested in.

Problem is that the ASP file exits as soon as it has sent about 50 or
so records to the Mercury/32 mail server on the local Ethernet. No
error message or program execution issues noticed. I then delete the
first 100 or so subscriber records and set the file off again. In the
loop thru the next 100 subscribers it prepares an email for approx
every second subscriber, then seems to hit this 50 max limit and
terminates again. Driving me crazy.

I figure that somewhere there's a queue building up which maxes
something out and causes some low level termination. To test that,
I'd like to build something into the loop thru the subscriber file
that causes a delay of 10 seconds or so before the loop starts again.


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Putting Database On Server

My database and ASPs are currently on my local server and now I want to put it on the company's server.

Any pointers how can I do that? Do I need to keep both the ASP's as well as the database on the server?

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Putting In Images From Database

i am trying to put in images from the database and using something like:

<img src="I:/in_uni/<% response.write rs.fields('Image') %>">

but it isnt working.

also tried in:

<img src="http://cms-stu-iis.gre.ac.uk/ck227/test/in_uni/<% rs.fields('Image') %>">

but it still aint working!

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Aviod Putting Url-information

We have two applications for one system. The first application is a vb-app
and the second is a web-app.

From the vb-app users have the possibility to enter right into the web-app.
The vb-app is creating an appropriate url and opens the web-browser with
this. The url contains user-information like user name and password. We
don't want this url-information to be stored in the history-list, because
then advanced users can find passwords etc here and that's not so good.

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Putting Data Back

I am retrieving data from html form, perform some math. calculations on it and now i need to put this data back to some presentable form to display in asp.Earlier I get the data from FORM in text format, convert it into double value, now want to put it back in text format for dispal.

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Putting Records Into Tables

I'm trying to put my data from Access DB into a table, but, where I know how to do it creating one row per record, what I'm wanting to do is essentially extract each record into 1 cell, and then have the next record in the next cell, creating a table 2xn in size.

The data I'm getting for each record is a URL & a file location, to create an image hyperlink for each record, and need the images to appear in a table 2 columns x however many rows required.

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Putting Variable In Parameter

Is it possible to put a variable in parameter for a URL? I'm looking to have a page with an input box and a link. When someone puts in a value in the input box and clicks the link it will take the value and pass it through the link to an asp page.


Employee Name <input type="text" name="Tname" size="20">
<a href="emp_info.asp?e_num= Tname.value">Employee Info </a>

How can I get this to work?

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Putting Quotes Around A Variable...

I'm practicing making cookies and I've run into a small problem. I'm following this

Response.Cookies("name") = "Suzy Q."

I'm not using a physical, I want to load the information from a variable. all my variables that are not using letters work fine.

i've tried this: Code:


and it will not get inserted into the cookie. how do i get the quotes around it like my example?

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Putting One Line Of Code On Different Lines

I know this is Visual basic code, but the response should be global. I one line of code that stretches from here to Mars. Infact, it was used to guide the last probe there. How do I make it go over seperate lines? Code:

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Putting A Formatted Date In A Text Box

i need to put a date of the following format: 14 June 2003 into a text box. i have seen some samples but i can't get what i want. i tried the following: <%=FormatDateTime(todaysDate,0) %> and it only rendered 00:00:00 .

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Putting Session Data In A VBScript

I'm trying to create a VBScript using ASP. However I'm having
problems getting data from session variables into the right places.
The example I have copied below works, however I need to replace
"data1" and "data2" with real data from a session variable. Code:

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Putting Current URL In A Session Variable

Is there any way of setting the URL of the current page in a session

I want to do this so I can create links and redirects back to the page on
which the user invokes a particular procedure.

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Putting Records From Recordset Into A String?

i need to put the records i'm getting from my query into a string, can someone tell me how to do this.

i've tried GetString, but thats not what i'm looking for, my query pulls up ID's and i need to put these into a string so i can split them up to be used in another query.

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Stopping People Putting Scripts Into Form Fields

im making a simple site where people can add comments into a shoutbox. only ive had experience of people adding in html tags and javascript to redirect people away from my site and display images etc which im not interested in.

how do i stop this from happening? is there a way to intercept the form contents and kick out the code leaving plain text? or changing the code so it displays the real code using &lt; and &gt; ?

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I have a dll coded in vb that has a method X with the follwing signature

function X(a as string, optional b as string, optional c as string)

now i need to call this method from asp using javascript.

var dl = Server.CreateObject("dll");

I need to pass only 2 parameters 'a' and 'c'. Had it been vbscript I could have done dl.X(a,,c) but javascript doesn't accept that.

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JavaScript Value

I'm having a customer submit an order. When they submit it, it posts to a
page that processes the order and inserts into our database, while
displaying a summary of their order. I have a javascript function that will
cause a "confirm" box to show up if an order seems like it might be a
duplicate. However, I can't seem to get the code to "wait" for the response
from that box, which I guess makes some sense. Am I stuck with having an
interim page or doing something with posts or is there an easy way to get
the record to not insert until the user responds to the confirm box?

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Is There Any ASP Or JavaScript Out There That Will Take Out S P A C E S!!!

Im sure it exists but i am having some difficulty finding it. I need come code to take out any SPACES in a textbox when text is entered OR submitted. Example

i have a text box where people can enter there car registration.

To keep consistency thoughout my site, i want L736 VAF to be entered into the database as L736VAF.

so that when it is recalled via a search form, L736VAF wont be returned as "no record found" because some one has put a space init!

So i basically need code to eliminate any space!

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I need to detect the users browser resolution (done with javascript)
var height= (screen.height)
var width= (screen.width)

Now I need to use these javascript variables to set the values of hidden html forms. How would I go about doing this.

<input name="width" type="hidden" value= Javascript Variable Here ?????>

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ASP And Javascript

update some long commOn first page I display all the records from database (working well). Then first column has href which opens a popup (i am passing rownum from database to popup). I was hoping to run ASP code on load of the page so the comments which is already there for that row in the databse automatically comes in a textarea. And then you can edit and hit update. And this will update the database.
Also I was thinking of using session variables for the rownum. But bcos I have href which opens a popup, I am not sure how i can set the session variable.
I dont want to pass the "comments" itself to the next page bcos it can be really long comment and QueryString has some limitations.

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I am making a dynmanic form that goes to a question depended on the answer. Is there a way that I can make it remember what the person selected (radio button) in the question so that I don't have to write something like,

"<input type = 'radio' name='Question3' value='Yes' checked <% if Question3 = "Yes" then response.write "SELECTED" end if%>>Yes<BR>" + ????

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Is It Possible Asp And Javascript Use Together

is it possible to use them together?i keep getting errors when i use them together

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Asp With Javascript

I have a asp page that have an array for instance:


I would like to show each element of the array with alerts in javascript... Do you know what its the way to make something like this...

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Javascript With ASP

i have an asp page which shows a list of articles which are pulled from the database.
I have a variable as below which defines number of records to show on each page


numRows = 5

Now i also have a drop down list from which you can choose 'display 5 records per page', display 10 records per page' and so on.What i want is when a new value is chosen from the list, the page refreshes and the ASP variable numRows is set to this new value.

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I'd like to put some SQL values in my Javascript which is defined in de Head
If I put it in there like <%objrs=("field")%>, the script does not seem to
run ?

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Asp & Javascript

I have a page that opens a javascript modal window and passes a variable. I then have that variable in Javascript. Is there anyway for me to get the value of that variable in asp. I am passing an id and want to check what the id is and open my recordset accordingly.

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Javascript Or Js In Asp

i'm looking for a prog in js or javascript who cas disable a key on keyborad??

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Javascript + ASP

Is there a way that I can refresh a combo box using javascript after I select data from a another combo box? I can't seem to find the answer to this question. I'm guessing after I select the item in the first combo I could requery the database and display the correct informtion based off of it. I just don't know where to start. I've searched all over the internet.

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ASP And JavaScript?

Will JavaScript function in ASP? or are there specific functions in ASP which replace JavaScript?

I'm running JavaScript to compress down a menu and want to use an #include statement to port the menu to multiple pages. If I have to sacrifice the JavaScript I'd need a way to compress the menu in ASP.

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