Read From A Dynamic Page

What I need to do is use asp to read the contents of a web page (that is generated on another server), put the html in to a sting, and then take action based on the contents of the string. I can probably do all of the sring manipulation myself, but want to know if I can open the page and read the first 200 characters in to a variable that I can then manipulate.

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ASP Read The Execl Cell's Data, Web Page Created From Excel2000 -- Save As Web Page

I created a web page from Excel2000, using "Save as web page..."...Publish
function. then, I moved htm file to my IIS web server. Then I added a form control, and submit button.

How can get the data on the excel file using ASP from server side?
For example, the value of Cell(1,2), Cell(2,3)....

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Can An ASP Page Read A Cookie Written By A PHP Page?

I am working with a developer, on two portions to a site, he is working in PHP and my work is done in ASP.

Is it possible for my pages to request data from a cookie that was written by his pages that are PHP but residing on the same server? Just want to make sure before I spend too much time planning out the development on my end.

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Read A Web Page

I am building a link exchange system - It works but I have to validate each recipricol link individually. I want to modify it so that it can read a web page and determine whether the website has added a recipricol link to my site before I add theirs.

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Allow Users To Read And Set CSS From Web Page

I have an ASP site where the majority of the site style is set in CSS but certain aspects such as font and background colors for sections is set by the user in a web page, with the data being pulled from an Access database.

It should be noted that the site is an open source forum and the user mentioned above is the admin for the site - so this only means limited access to this functionality but allows the admin to customise their forum for their users easily, whilst keeping them from the more crucial aspects of the CSS which afect table layouts etc.

The question has been asked - is it possible to not have to split the CSS like this (some in Db some in CSS sheet) and instead include it all in a style sheet?

I guess what I am asking is - is it possible to read and write to the style sheet from ASP, and if so how would you identify each CSS ID or Class?

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Read A Remote Page

here is my code:

set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") "GET", "", false
objXMLHTTP.send ""
intStatus = objXMLHTTP.status

let say the addres is not exist, but the web server will auto redirect the page to a user customize page, and the object track the page as 200. Is there any way to track the error even the page is redirect to a 404 page ?

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Can't Read Or Write To A Page

I've just re-installed my PC with IIS (WinXP w/ service pack2) and now when I try to access or write data to any .asp site locally I get this error.

'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Could not use '(unknown)'; file already in use.

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Read An External Page

I'm no ASP/VBScript guru, but I need to read a page from another domain, extract some information, and format it inside one of our own pages at the office.Just to make one thing clear: I'm not ripping off someone else's page. The external site handles employment ads, and we're supposed to include our own ads from there.

Frames or iframes are out of the question, since we use HTML 4.01 Strict. The markup on the external page is horrible (layout tables, presentational markup, etc.). I want to read the external page into a string, and then extract the actual ad information and format that on our page. This would be very easy in PHP, using fopen(), and I assume there is something similar for ASP/VBScript.

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How To Read/write To Csv From Web Page

I have a csv file that has 2 columns - Name and Team. I want to display both of these on a page in seperate dropdown boxes..Ideally I would then like to have an option where the user of the page can click a button to change which team an employee is a part off, in effect overwriting that line of data but not deleting everything else in the file

The code below lets me see each column from the csv file on a page in a separate dropdown box but I don't think I have the logic right to do what I need..I've checked Google and w3schools but I must not be searching for the correct thing as I can't find a way to do this... Code:

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How To Read The Contents Of An HTML Page In ASP

i want to read an HTML page in ASP n i m not able to do so.

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Read In Page On Diff Domain

i have a page that i need to load in an iframe that is on a diff domain (sub domain), i need to get the doc height of the page so that i can adjust the iframes height (so there will be no scroll bars).the problem with that is even though its on the same sever, because it is on a subdomain the browser sees it as different and restricts access to it (makes sense).

so, what we can do is have php read in the page with curl and parse it out in the iframe. that looks like <iframe src="reader.php?page=subdomain.pagename.html">but, we cannot use php on this server so i was wondering if there is an asp solution that can do the same thing (vb script). basically, i just need that asp page to grab the page on the sub domain, read it in and then output it.

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FROM Statement Should Read Menu In Page

I have a dB with several tables, in my page the visitor should have to choose which table in the dB should be selected. here is my code:

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Read And Copy Html Page From Another Server

Is it possible to do the following in asp: To read an html page from a server (not mine) every 5 minutes and copy it to my server. The html page just contains a list of numbers.

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Dynamic Page

I am having a page where leave is applied.

- In this page 1 new rows is created dynamically everytime the 'Add
row' button is pressed

- Each row has a begin date text field and beside it a calendar,
enddate texr field and a calendar etc...

- It has a delete button for each row so onecan delete the row is its
not needed.In total there has to be 5 rows and minimum 1 row.

Now the problem is there is a function called 'reorderRows' . Which is
it re-initialises the text boxes (the objects in the row)..there is
some errors I face when this is done. would any of you able to figure
out what causes the error . I am guessing its the calendar
re-initialisation error Code:

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Dynamic ASP Page?

I've noticed when I go to various websites to read online articles, when the
link is clicked, I frequently see a file such as NewsArticle-17229.asp.

The ASP file is totally different for each article.

How is this done?

Is there an ASP file created that is unique for each article?

The # on the end appears to change.

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Dynamic ASP Page

Have an ASP form which is filled out with Maintenance Alert info. Upon completion, the form posts data to a dynamic page to control look/feel. I then use IE's Send Page function. In Outlook Express, the Subject line comes through as the Title of the page (Maintenance Alert - Whatever).

But in Outlook, the filename becomes the subject. Is there anyway to define the subject line through Send Page? And yes, this is a painful way to get a message sent, but due to user limitations and cooperation, this is what I am left with.

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Dynamic Anchors Within ASP Page

I am currently building a page that initially displays a list of categories e.g.

Category 1
Category 2

Clicking on a category should cause a list of the items in the category to be shown e.g. clicking Category 1 should lead to:

Category 1
Item 1
Item 2 etc.
Category 2

I have implemented this part successfully. I have placed a hyperlink in each Category so that when it is clicked the page is refreshed, with a parameter 'categoryid' used to return the relevant items from the database. Code:

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Making A Dynamic Page

so for this weeks project for class I have to create a dynamic page in asp. As of now im completely lost and failing.I was finally able to setup IIS and get everything going. I made a page in asp saying "Hello World". Now the question is what exactly do I need to do to make a dynmaic page in asp? Im assuming he wants me to create a database in say access and pull it up in asp.

Does anyone have a simple database in access they can post a link to so I can download it and also a link to the asp code to display it properly on a page? I want to take a look at the code and see if looking at it I can gain a better understanding of what to do and how asp can help make dynamic pages.

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Dynamic Page Title

I'm trying to give each page the title of whatever is in my first <h2> header tag. Does anyone know how to do this?

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3 Sections & Dynamic Front Page.

my site (which I am currently redeveloping) has 3 different sections to the site. All which well contain different information.

What I want to know is how can I make the starting page of the site display information which the users is looking for.

eg. if the user always go to one section of the site the main page well show information relevant to that section. (I hope you know what I mean)

So I was thinking about how to do this and this is what I came up with.

Set a cookie for the site and each section has there own number value (eg. 1 to 10)
When the user hits the main page it gets the values of all 3 sections from the cookies and checks which has the most value (eg 3, 5, 10).

Based upon the highest value each section has there own .asp include which is shown to the user.

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Fre Dynamic Convert Of HTML Page To PDF?

Are there any free/open source ASP solutions that will allow you to dynamically convert an HTML page to a PDF?

What I'd like to do is include a "Convert to PDF" button on a .asp page that will convert whatever is there to a PDF.

Is there a free version that works well out there?

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Dynamic Page Location Display

a code snippet that I wish to create/use on 90% of my pages. I want each page to display their location to the user. Obviously I could do this by just hardcoding this in but I would prefer to create a mor dynamic template that automatically displays the relevant info. Examples of what i would like displayed is:

You are here: >> Home Page
You are here: >> Services > Update Personal Details

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Set Dynamic Contents Of A Asp Page In A Variable

I would like to read the dynamic contents of an asp page and set these in a variable.
In php I can do it with the help of include, but include is not exactly the same in asp.
Any clue?

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Submit Dynamic Cell Values To Asp Page

I have an asp page where im creating dynamic rows on an onclick function and textboxes are created in the dynamic rows and when i submit the asp page it goes to another asp page, where i whant the values entered in the textboxes of dynamically created row of the previous asp page. Code:

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Save Dynamic Page To Text File

Can anyone recommend how to do a screen scrape from a dynamic page and save it to a text file?

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Inserting Dynamic Code In .html Page

inserting dynamic page code in .html page? i.e. i would like to insert a code which will display links. where my homepage link extension is .html. if it is .asp it would have been very easy. and also i would have worked fine. but now the problem is the homepage index file extension is .html.

so if i insert the code it is not displaying the links. i tried inserting the code in a separate file and saved as and gave the link from home page <!--#include file=""--> but still the link is not showing and not working.

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Dynamic Drop Downs And Page Variables

i have a website that uses (or needs to use) dynamically driven dropdowns using asp & JS on all pages. it contains 3 different dropdowns that are DB fed and are dependent upon the value of each other. the drop down values are updated using a repost to itself.

they work perfectly on the initial pages where no other variables are involved, but i am having troubles on the pages where more variables are being sent. eg: i have use a lot of error checking, and when i repost, the variables are deleted, and thus the error listings take effect as the variables are now blank. can i refresh the dropdowns without repossting to the samepage without effecting the existing variables on that page? sessions? cookies?

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How To Read An SQL Server Into A ASP Page And Then Change, Add, Delete And Write It Back To SQL Server

I need to read a SQL Server table into a Web Page and within the Web
Page to permit my users to make changes to the records, delete or add
new records and then save the entire contents back to the SQL Server
table back.

The functionality I am looking is almost the same as In the SQL
Enterprise Manager whereby I can choose a table open the table and
then return all rows and I can maintain the same and save it back to
the SQL Server table. I want almost a similar web interface to such a

Even if not a generic functionality as the SQL Enterprise Manager
table maintenance appreciate if somebody can share the code with a
sample how I can do it in ASP pages + T-SQL if need be.

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Dynamic Calendar, Need To Create Dynamic Array....

I code that creates a calendar for each month and then it displays events from that month that are stored in a db. I need to loop through my recordset and display all the events, but I can't quite figure out how to do it. I am thinking I need to do an array. But I am not really sure.... any ideas. Here is where you can view the calendar. Code:

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Dynamic Dynamic Text

Ok, I have a Javascript ASP and in it I have a dynamic repeating table with certain attributes to people. If one of these attributes is old or invalid, i want to change the color of the text (and maybe make it flash, blink, change size, something) so that it's easy to read.

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Read Only DB

I,ve uploaded an MS Access DB to a web host and find that although I have set the DB permissions to Read and Write the actual tranfer changes these permissions and when I try to write to the DB there is an error to the effect that the DB is read only.

I have downloaded the DB I uploaded with full read/write permissions and find that the DB is read only.

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Read From .tsv

Is it possible to use asp to read from a .tsv file?? If so how do you create the connection??

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Read PDF

Is it possible to read PDF File using ASP.

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